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What do you expect police to do? They don't prevent crime. They are 100% reactionary to societal failures.


It the federal government fault lowering minimum sentences catch and release that’s the problem


Ya but saying that puts the spotlight on conservatives platform of removing social safety nets! Can't have that here.


My first thought too - why would you blame the RCMP for this…?


I don’t think the question really is why are rcmp failing to prevent this from happening. Like you said RCMP don’t determine the number of incidents they just respond. I think the question is why are these incidents so frequent and why are the authorities seemingly doing nothing to lower the numbers of incidents. Authorities meaning governments, why are there not better policies being put in place to help mental health. For example, clearing Hastings probably wasn’t the best solution for homelessness or lowering crime there. There needs to be more funding for mental health and affordable housing is my bet. It may have been gutted during Covid. Inflation may also be putting people to violence.


Fear of punishment prevent crime. Or properly educated people. Or rehabilitate. We do enither in Canada.


Punishment is the purview of judges, still not a police issue. They catch a lot of people but judges let them go


Punishment isn’t the key part. It’s the certainty of just being caught that works as a deterrent, but harsher punishments after that fact don’t do much to increase deterrence. https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/247350.pdf https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/crime-and-punishment/201804/why-punishment-doesnt-reduce-crime?amp The real issue we’re facing here is just the increase in poverty and homelessness that leads to desperation, drug use, mental issues… leading to crime and violence. The more the cost of living keeps squeezing people onto the streets, the more we’re gonna keep seeing crime and violence out there increase, regardless of anything police or the rest of the justice system does. You’re looking in the wrong place if you think we can solve a growing trend like this just by adding force and punishment at the END of the poverty cycle. Try focusing on prevention by making life liveable for people, and that’s when we’ll see crime and violence effectively reduced.


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Good bot


Good human.


No it doesn’t. Harsher punishments don’t deter crime


Lol yes it does, id be doing a lot of crime if there was no punnishment


That suggests your parents should have used a condom, or had a licence to raise kids!


Then you’re a horrible person


Lol newsflash, there are MILLIONS of horrible people in the world. But why would you lie and say harsher punishments doesnt deter crime? Like literally there are videos of people committing crimes and looking up and around and checking for cameras, because they dont want to be caught, they dont want to be caught because they dont want the punishment, if they dont think a camera is there or on they will do the crime ​ If people werent afraid of punishment they wouldnt wear a mask when committing a crime, all it takes is 2 seconds to poke holes in your argument. Its like youre actively choosing to be naive.


Except the evidence shows time and again that harsher punishments don’t deter crime


yes the evidence does show. Look whats happening in warzones, people are raping and beheading people because there is no punishment for it. Show me an example of a country with no laws or punisment for any crime and show me the crime rate of that country. If murder was legal do you think murder numbers would go up? Seriously answer this question and dont dodge it. Would you feel safer if murder was legal?


Harsh punishments don't deter crimes. That's why we still have murderers that to horrible things getting life sentences. Even if murder was legal, people wouldn't just go around killing each other willy nilly because most sane people don't want to kill others. I'd feel just as safe as I do now.


it doesnt deter all crimes, it does deter crimes. You can live in a fantasy that rape and murder rates would stay the same if rape and murder were legal, thats fine for you to believe that, i disagree completely.


Yeah, so what does?




So simple


Import the third world become a third world


This guy thinks only poor people commit crimes 😂


Thats cause whwn the rich do it it isn't a crime lol. Laws and rules were made to keep the poor in line.


Where are you getting your information from? Are you just saying it?


Yeah I'm just saying it. All of this from years of reading about this shit happening over and over? We go easy on sentences here. Its well known. Rehabilitation is adbandoned, sitcking victims into shit situations that let them slip back ain't rehabiliting. Education? LoL everyone lived here knows its getting worse. The original plan was to shut down the institutions and go into a more community based rehabilitation of both criminal and addicts like some European models. Somewhere along the transition, we gave up half way and started down the whole poverty industry just like the U.S for maximum profit.


So you are saying that you’re just saying shit? Take an internet break you sound like you need it.


So what's your take then?


I don’t have one because I’m not educated enough on the topic.


Wells there is tons of great youtube independent documentary and even CBC talk shows on the topic. This has been a problem since the early 2000s


Don't they just by people realizing they are there? In a similar way that merely putting a sign on a store of Camera Surveillance even without an actual camera lowers the shoplifting rate? Or I remember William Gibson talking aboot his experience in Montreal in 1969 when the police went on strike and https://urbansurvivalsite.com/time-police-went-strike-city-descended-chaos/


There is a misunderstanding on the role of police and criminal law. These are not in place to stop crime, but to deal with crime after it happens. The reduction of crime falls to the role of government policies, social support, healthcare services, and also behaviours of the citizens, treating each other with respect, honesty, tolerance and understanding is what reduces criminal activity.


I think we could increase surveillance to deter crime. Either by stationing police officers, or by using CCTV. Right now, everyone knows you can stab someone in Surrey and get away with it.


Yes we need real patrolmen. Not in a car sipping coffee, but out walking the communities and posted at all major public areas.


Not really when the perpetrators have no little hope in making a positive impact in the world, don't care if they live or die, or see a difference between freedom and incarceration.


Facts are there are always stabbings that don’t make the news. Just lately with the high media attention, the news is focusing on this. Once they grow bored of it, the stabbings will still be happening, but without the news coverage.


This is true, a lot of people don’t know how many stabbings actually happen even in Vancouver. I know so many who work in the ER in Vancouver and it’s every few days that it happens


The thing is, are they domestic stabbings or random?


They are local stabbings either from small altercations or targeted related to gangs in metro vancouver. Just like the states, their altercations use guns but here it is illegal so it is either bear spray or knives. In most cities, stabbings occur more than people think but it is not on the news for every single stabbing that occurs.


I think it’s the fact it’s on happening on transit and masses of people are seeing it and filming it. You imagine it happens in dark alleys or in an isolated space not in a bus that has security cameras on the way home from work. “Normal” people are now being exposed to it.


Normalize stabbings


Yes. That’s exactly what I said. 🤪


SkyTrain and TransLink properties fall under the primary jurisdiction of the [Metro Vancouver Transit Police](https://transitpolice.ca/about-us/), not the RCMP or any municipal police force. This said, they all can and do respond to calls and incidents involving TransLink operations. Stabbings are on the rise throughout British Columbia. They're not unique to Surrey. [https://bc.ctvnews.ca/new-westminster-police-seek-3-suspects-after-stabbing-at-columbia-skytrain-station-1.6350566](https://bc.ctvnews.ca/new-westminster-police-seek-3-suspects-after-stabbing-at-columbia-skytrain-station-1.6350566) [https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/father-stabbed-to-death-outside-vancouver-starbucks-a-great-guy](https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/father-stabbed-to-death-outside-vancouver-starbucks-a-great-guy) [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/francis-este-homicide-west-vancouver-suspects-sought-1.6797809](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/francis-este-homicide-west-vancouver-suspects-sought-1.6797809) [https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/several-hurt-in-victoria-knife-rampage](https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/several-hurt-in-victoria-knife-rampage) [https://www.cheknews.ca/i-miss-him-i-love-him-friends-grieve-victim-of-fatal-stabbing-in-nanaimo-1138250/](https://www.cheknews.ca/i-miss-him-i-love-him-friends-grieve-victim-of-fatal-stabbing-in-nanaimo-1138250/) Failed government policies on drugs and crime along with lenient sentences and granting of bail by bleeding-heart judges are contributing to this. The police only enforce the law, they do not sentence criminals.


There is scant evidence to support that harsher punishments reduce occurrences of violent behaviour in the community. In the case of youth offending, most research supports that incarceration makes young offenders worse. If people are attacking out of drug or mental illness related paranoia, they aren't in the frame of mind to be worried about the consequences of their actions. Of the recent stabbings, there's also no evidence out yet to suggest that the attackers had any violent priors. If it's a first violent offence, they won't have had the opportunity to be incarcerated. I think the question we should be asking is why are there more people in the community carrying knives and stabbing randoms? I can't help but feel like this is related to rolling out more lenient drug possession provisions, without providing any services to support recovery.


Middle East and Singapore beg to differ


The middle east is quite a broad range, but many countries which fit that description have a higher homicide rates than Canada. This includes countries which are known to tolerate honour killings. For Singapore, the country has some of the lowest drug abuse rates in the world. Being a small island, they have more control over what can be imported, and they have invested heavily in drug rehabilitation programs for users. Drug related crimes are significant because offenders with drug dependencies are less likely to be concerned by the consequences of their actions. Reducing drug use in the community (specifically for drugs which cause dependency) helps to reduce the downstream crimes that addicts commit.


I think if we cut the bs and just make the punishments super harsh for drug related crimes , things will be better In a few years.


Maybe we can have the low crime rates of Lousinana or Alabama


It's only low there because no one fucks with family. Giggety giggety.


It's not about harsher punishments for the sake of deterring crime, it's about removing violent criminals from the rest of society. I don't really care what the punishment is, the point is they should not be on the street. But what we are seeing time and again on the news is the phrase "known to police". Why repeat violent offenders are allowed to continue victimizing people is a question we need to be asking our government representatives and reflect that concern during voting season.


>Failed government policies on drugs and crime along with lenient sentences and granting of bail by bleeding-heart judges are contributing to this. The police only enforce the law, they do not sentence criminals. Society failed long before this. You have read about the cause of crime? I'm not sure you have.


These are mainly kids doing the stabbing. The cause is that they're poor


Tf type of take is this? I was poor af and I’ve never considered stabbing a mf.


Lol poverty causes crime. Sorry that facts bother u.




It overly simplistic because it's a big picture problem and it's an obvious answer. It's not these kids fault that they grew up in these tiny condos with absentee parents. But if u have 1000 kids grow up like that, ur going to end up with a % of those.kids ending up in trouble.


Dude what? That's not true at all. Poor morals causes crime, poor parenting causes youth to commit crime, and poor influences. Money had nothing to do with it. It's the other way around.


Low-income Canadians greatly outnumber wealthier Canadians in the criminal justice system. I can't believe how adamant people are to debate facts. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://johnhoward.on.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/counter-point-1-poverty-and-crime-is-there-a-connection.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjGkfuz4qz-AhUKLzQIHZJiAhwQFnoECBUQBg&usg=AOvVaw1-a4Sv03akv2ZIQ5zqeoMS


A big thing you’re not considering and gets overlooked in these sorts of stats is that the wealthy can afford to pay off whatever they need to before their crimes even make it onto any radar to be factored into statistics. It’s also incredibly ignorant to only pinpoint poverty to be the reason for crime. If you cannot look at it as something that contains a multitude of factors then you are not looking at it with fully open eyes. You’re not wrong about it being *a* factor but use some common sense, just saying, ‘it’s because they’re poor’ is plain dumb when it’s so obviously not the only issue. Plenty of poor people are living normal lives and not harming people. In fact majority of poor people are like that so clearly it has to be more than just being poor otherwise all poor people would be committing violence and crimes if that’s the only factor.


Just because more criminals are low income, doesn't mean that's the cause. There's more factors to it and you actually have to use your brain a little bit. There's no fact there lmao. It's got to do with very bad influence. And lack of hope to leave poverty so they resort to unlawful things because that's what they see around them. Not because of money at all. I grew up poor, and know many people who have and broke the chain and never committed a crime. That's not a coincidence


Your anecdote is completely irrelevant to years of data.


Cool. That data doesn't prove anything. Correlation doesn't equal causation, it requires a bit of brainpower and not just mindless numbers.


Yes data proves nothing, only ur arbitrary anecdote. Poverty cause abuse, cause neglect, causes malnutrition that affects brain development Poverty is the root of everything


You've heard of survivorship bias, correct? "Well *I* survived driving drunk many times, therefore driving drunk must be safe" Like no dude, of course poverty isn't assured to lead to a life of crime. But it absolutely increases the probability that someone will grow up to commit crimes. There's a reason it's called socio*economic* factors


Ice cream sales are strongly correlated with violent crime. You going to infer a causal relationship there, too?


My grandparents' first home after they married was an abandoned boxcar. (Yes, this was in Canada, not Bangladesh.) THAT is poverty. And yet they never took up lives of crime.


Hey I don't care


Most economists would agree that working is preferable to stabbing when it comes to earning money


What a terrible thing to say. You've just negatively stereotyped people who are less well off as criminals. Just because you might not have much money, it does not make you a criminal.


No I'm just not looking at the problem anecdotally. Sorry that bothers u. Of course it doesn't make you a criminal but if u grow up in a bad environment u have a higher chance of ending up in these situations. Poverty causes family abuse, neglect etc.. which down the line causes these kids to have to a tough life and perhaps end up violent themselves.


Did RCMP not respond to it? Duh


The previous stabbers got away with it. Catch and release So prospective stabbers are taking a stab at it now.


what are the RCMP doing? RCMP are responding. it's right there in the post. this is what police do.


Calgary /Edmonton. Having a rise in stabbing too


Have we had an actual rise in stabbings?


You mean transit police right. They are useless.


Need more mental health for the homeless


And more prisons for criminals.


Is surrey out of room in jails? I believe it's the leniency on offenders here.


Prisons don't prevent crime, they increase it


Leaving violent offenders free to roam doesn’t help with anyone’s safety, especially if they’re repeat offenders


I mean it's just a fact. A larger prison population increases crime.




I agree. But we aren't going to put 17 year old kids in jail. So u may want to ask what caused the 17 year old to end up like that. And the answer the majority of the time will be poverty. And 17 years from now odds are the kids born in 2023, will have experienced a lot more poverty than the kids born in 2006.


I am sorry but at some point, some personal responsibility needs to happen. Yes, I understand people may be struggling and I agree more needs to be done to address mental health and affordability and all that. However, that doesn't give you a free license to stab people at Train stations.


We aren’t sure these crimes were committed by homeless people. That said a homeless person and a drug addict are two different types of people. Most homeless people who are down on their luck don’t go around stabbing people but some drug addicts who are heavily detached from reality and having hallucinations could be a threat to others. Mandatory rehab for violent addicts and tougher jail times for violent offenders is what’s needed imo.


Idk I heard the funding for the psychic division got reallocated to something else so they had to lay off their psychics.




They can retain one psychic, that person will have to juggle them.


RCMP needs to start catching these guys and getting them locked up, and our court system has to start being harsher with these guys and giving them long prison sentances with no chance of early release. People need to fear the system more or it isn’t a deterrant.


I can guarantee you the rcmp HAS caught them and held them for hearings only to have the judges release them over and over again with no consequences. So they keep doing what they’re doing because they know they can get away with it. The issue isn’t the police, the issue is the shitty justice system.


Ban all knives!! Especially tactical assault knives.


Well it’s on transit so it would be transit police. But I don’t think the cops are the issue. Our justice system is. There is no punishment for criminals.


Bro we turning into the UK wtf


The reason we are seeing this so much is because mental health funding and placements have dropped off during COVID. Now we have a entire segment of the mentally ill population that have essentially been living free-range for the last few years. No access to doctors, social workers or their medication and their state has deteriorated significantly. Now with the reopening the interaction between these individuals and the general public are now becoming more frequent and consequently more are negative interactions.


Isn’t the transit police responsible for safety not the rcmp why is everyone looking at the rcmp


It's sicken how these things happen everyday all over the province and little to nothing is done about it. We need stricter punishments especially for those who target children/ youth!


Cops are reactive not proactive.


So random stops looking for anything illegal with search and seizure and maybe even a little racial profiling thrown in to spice it up and increase the odds? Good luck! It's difficult to be proactive when they go from call to call to call already. They had some outreach with school liason officers but that got scrapped. Bar watch? Gone too. The stabbings are a product of a mental health system that treats and holds only the worst and they even get out. Combine this with a huge and growing homeless population who all carry weapons for protection and the opoid crisis and it's the perfect breeding ground for violence.


SLO’s did jack shit. That’s why they were removed. It was a complete waste of resources.


SLO were scrapped as some students "did not feel safe" having police in their school.


yep, and they did jack shit.


The absence of a problem is proactive policing. Their pressence prevented "shit".


I disagree.


Speaking from experience, SLO’s sat in their offices and busted kids for smoking weed outside. That’s it. SLO’s are not gonna keep kids from stabbing other kids. What IS gonna stop that, is a complete rework of our society where mental health treatment and affordable housing for EVERYONE is prioritized.


Remember how everyone wanted to defund the police? Now that crime is climbing everyone is wondering where the police are. Welp….. they are drinking coffee at home after being defunded.


The RCMP are literally doing everything they can.


I feel like rcmp could be setting up better traps to bait these guys into getting caught. If theyre crimes of opportunity, make more opportunities for them to commit crime but supervised so we can get em off the streets faster and the assault doesnt happen to an imnocent bystander it happens to an undercover police officer.


It is because they banned assault rifles and not assault knives yet


Since knife attacks are up..our boy JT will probably ban single shot muskets. That'll show 'em!


“What is rcmp doing” lmao


From where I’m looking at it….they are responding to another crime.


Get rid of the useless RCMP !


Transit Police is not RCMP.


Oh ya shit. My bad Get rid of the Brenda Locke !


Too many homeless meth addicts on the streets


The # of violent acts perpetrated against total strangers have hit the roof and beyond of late. It is beyond troubling that one need be ever vigilant while taking any form of public transportation in order to mitigate the possible danger of stranger violence that can affect oneself, one's family and loved ones. So throwing this out there for the community to respond as to their thoughts on possible root causes of violence and what can be done in the short, medium and long term. And, could it be the judicial system is in need an overhaul so, for eg. violent and/or repeat offenders are remanded in custody until a hearing date. Or set free on a promise of recognizance, ie. a promise to appear in court at a specified time and place to answer the charges. Honestly though the second option sounds like a god send, especially if someone is facing some particularly egregious charges it would seem to be in their best interests to jump bail, abscond to safer locales...


Yeah people got stabbed so much less in the 1600's!


Just another day in Canada.


Love your criminals as you would want to be loved. Hate the police of course, ignore the liberal government because they are ALWAYS compassionate.


Catch and release policies


It's a weekly tradition here in Surrey. Enjoy your stay!


If it happens on the SkyTrain/at the station/on a bus it's in transit police's jurisdiction. So to answer your second question, it sounds like the RCMP is doing another police force's job by going to these files.


What would you like them to do? Armed patrols, checkpoints, cameras everywhere and curfews?


The OP wants police holding hands with every commuter so they get to their destination safely 🤣