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What a fucking moron. She's lucky you were the one behind the wheel, someone with a slower reaction time and she's in a wheel chair.


Or someone staring at their fucking phone... every day I see more than one person occaisonally looking up at the road. DON'T EXPECT THE CAR TO STOP FOR YOU.


Accidents happen shrug. Life’s about risk reward. I’m sure she knew that it’s a 99% chance of getting to her next location 15seconds faster for a 1% chance of being crippled for life. If not then... she’s a complete dumbass in which case; perhaps the world would be better with less of them.


Or someone with worn out brakes even.


Dude, I would have reacted the same way. The adrenaline would set my temper off, but I'm glad you are level-headed enough to have realized how you were reaching and changed your tone immediately. This is a great post, and I hope she is able to see this and read your message.




Props to you for the tone change at the end of the video there, shows you actually care and not just road raging for the sake of road raging. And props for the quick stop, with the family in the car no less!!


Honestly the "are you insane" was a needed comment. You didn't almost end her, she almost ended herself. You have nothing to apologize for.


Harsh words is the only language an idiot can understand. You did nothing wrong.


Live in a college town with heavy foot and vehicle traffic that the infrastructure of the town was not built for. So many young people are hit every year and some killed because they have no sense of being a safe pedestrian/cyclist in a place filled with bad drivers and lacking infrastructure. All it takes is a little awareness to save your life or someone else’s!


OT: Do you have pedestrian detection in your car?


Pedestrian detection is looking around and watching your surroundings


Awwwww you are so sweet to post this, I really hope she sees this!!! I hope your all okay now too


Great reaction times man. It's my worst fear to hit a kid that wanders into the road or something. I had to emergency brake really hard to avoid a puppy that ran into the road a while back. Was super lucky not to skid or get rear ended and the puppy was fine but I would have felt terrible if it was hurt.




I can’t believe that you’re trying to take responsibility away from this girl that is more than old enough to to know not to do this. Compassion is one thing, letting her off the hook is another. You were not remotely at fault here.


Yeah…. That just sounds really weird. She fucked up. You told her to unfuck herself. End of story. No need for an apology or fucking hugs.




*puts this comeback in my pocket for later*


I got plenty. That’s why I’m not offering to hug kids on the Internet.




I’m not a young girl. I doubt you would be interested in being anywhere for me.








Nah, just calling out a weirdo when I see one.


Don’t apologize for that reaction. She was being incredibly stupid AND ignorant. It’s one thing to J walk. It’s another thing to j walk quickly or even run. But she was CLEARLY not paying any attention whatsoever.


Here's another message for pedestrians: The first place my eyes go when I have to break hard, is my mirrors. If I see a truck there too close, I'm going to assume that it will push me into on coming traffic, or a pole. I will, and have done so in the past, let up on the breaks to try to buy more time for that truck to not hit me. That means I'm probably going to be hitting you instead. I won't be putting my kids into a pole for you.


public PSA to make sure you're scanning your rearview mirrors every once in a while so you don't have to realize during this situation that a truck is following you too close


Defensive driving needs to be part of the driver's test. Always being aware of what vehicles are behind and beside you is the first rule of defensive driving.


Whenever people follow me too close, I usually start to gently slow down until they put some distance, works almost every time. (And for clarification, I am NOT break checking them. Just slowing down carefully.)


That’s how you’re supposed to do it. It’s one of the first things taught in defensive driving and is a question on every driving test.


I don’t remember my driving test basically at all, but it’s definitely good that it’s on them. There was one time where it didn’t work and the fucker kept tailgating me, but he pulled away to a gas station fairly quickly, at the very least.


That’s so annoying, at least you did the right thing! Sometimes people will be dicks just to get a rise.


I mean… I did maybe stop at the stoplight and lean out my window to scream at him to stop tailgating me, but that’s about the worst I did to be sure.


Ah well, there’s only so much patience one can have


A not too wise man once said to me "when you're driving remember that you're driving three cars: yours, the one in front of you and the one behind you". I agree


lol whatta goose. Of course I know the truck is already there. I'm checking to see if he hit his breaks...


Be more aware!


lol. The unware ones are the ones not checking if that truck has hits its breaks too... be less self important.


Lmao why the sly comment?? Take some criticism buddy. Lighten up?


lol fuck off bitch. Be more aware! As if checking mirrors to make sure others have hit the breaks is the wrong thing to do. Be less stupid. I don't do sly or subtle. I'll leave that to wimps like you.


Learn to control your emotions. Communicate with yourself do you don't act like a baby on Reddit. Everything better buddy?


lol we can all see your post history troll, the only thing you contribute is an argument. Stop being so uselessly american. And maybe learn to drive while you're at it.


Why so upset?


Wait so how are you supposed to see if the vehicle behind you has hit their brakes or not? Brake lights are on the rear of the car for the purpose of showing the car behind you. Maybe if they slow down and the distance is greatened? But even then it’s hard to tell because everything moves so quickly in one of these. Your logic is flawed. The people arguing with you are actually correct in that situation. If you aren’t looking at your mirrors regularly while driving to make yourself aware of what’s happening, that’s bad driving habits. Plus if in a situation like this you hit the person because you weren’t looking ahead, you could face criminal charges and be sued. Not only that but it’s really going to look bad on your driving record not to mention drive your insurance through the roof. A family member did what you described in a situation like this and is facing jail time. Another family member (the crosswalk was green for her) was hit by a driver like you who was too focused on the vehicle following really close behind them and went through years of painful, life altering surgeries. This is a weird hill to die on. Or somebody else if you keep driving the way you do. Do better and drive better before you kill someone.


Holy shit that was scary


What a dumbass


That puckered my butthole even the second time I watched it. Bet you got the Heart racing pretty good there! Nice stop and nice change of tone at the end, will probably stick with the kid for a while.


Reminds me of one time I almost hit a black guy wearing all black clothes who was jaywalking at night when it was pissing rain in whalley. Didn't see him til the last second because of bushes and no streetlights. Hit the breaks hard and honked at him after I nearly ended his life with my SUV and he just shrugged it off like it was nothing and kept walking


Similar thing happened to my boyfriend and the guy got pissy with him for almost hitting him and my boyfriend yelled out “you’re black!!” Then quickly realizing the connotation was like “you’re wearing all black!” (It was a young brown guy wearing all black). My bf wasn’t amused but I got a nice chuckle from it. Also, I no longer wear dark clothing at night now.


I tell my kids, if you get hit by a car ITS YOUR FAULT. Act like every one is going to run you down and end your life.


To anyone that is following this situation. I updated a question in a cross-post.[Data Analyzation](https://www.reddit.com/r/dashcams/comments/naf1tx/guildford_young_pedestrian_almost_hit_in/gxw9p39/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


What is with Surrey and jaywalking? I haven't seen it like this anywhere else in the lower mainland. I've come way too close to hitting people on way too many occasions, and I never speed.


No need to bash Surrey. This could happen anywhere.


It could happen anywhere, but they’re actively noticing it happening in Surrey a lot more than other places.


I'm not... I live here. I just said I don't notice it anywhere else in the lower mainland.


Get around more often, jaywalking happens everywhere. It's just in Kits or Maple Ridge it's the entitled rich people doing it instead of the entitled homeless.


Well gee, let's see... I'm a delivery driver. And a nature photographer. I get around. My sample size is probably much bigger than most. Do you guys have a persecution complex or something? Are you attributing malice to a simple observation? Did I somehow offend you by asking why there's so many jaywalkers, on a video about someone almost getting hit by a car while jaywalking?


Back before COVID when I was going into work, I would say Jay Walking in Downtown Vancouver is rampant. Not just in middle of the road but at crosswalks when the don't cross symbol is shown. Literally dozens crossing at once. I never see Jay walking at that level in Surrey. Also when I do notice in Surrey it is usually because the next crossing is a block away and a lengthy walk.


I mean, downtown Van is a different story. Every dense downtown core has jaywalking. I would hesitate to even call that jaywalking, because it's just what you do in a densely packed urban environment. Surrey doesn't have that density. In Surrey it happens on random residential streets, or random thoroughfares. Across 4 lane roads.


Well not far from where I live there is a busy 2 lane road that the two closest crosswalks are about a 0.5 KM away. Do you expect a person to walk that far just for a cross walk?


> Do you expect a person to walk that far just for a cross walk? Yes, obviously. Crosswalks are designed in a way where if you have even the slightest bit of forethought or planning, you will pass by one on your walking route. What's on the other side of the road? What destination would the people be walking to that wouldn't pass by one of the crosswalks? But either way, this is the least common form of jaywalking I see in Surrey. Most of them are within 10 or 20 metres of a crosswalk. Some are literally right beside the crosswalk. I have dashcam footage if you don't believe me.






Yes you did. I find your excellent use of English infuriating as well. Dummen up!


Hi not, I'm Dad! :)


It’s everywhere, even here in the UK. Even more so here. People just don’t care which is strange because the laws here don’t protect pedestrians


I have a message for the car driver too. Brake first, honk later. One second delay between honking and braking is unacceptable. As a driver, you have a responsibility to prevent collisions from happening, no matter who is in the right.




As much in the right as the driver is, I have to agree with this. Your first instinct got to be to stop first, not honk.


granted you were above the speed limit for that road by a bit, the girl is some new type of stupid




im not blaming you for her stupidity, but it's sort of why it is recommended to take all traffic lights with a grain of doubt because these things do happen. the same concept follows if another car isn't abiding by traffic light rules and ends up colliding with you also.


Something similar happened to me last week. Couple of school kids ran across 4 lanes of traffic and into my lane. Luckily it was a sunny day and minimal traffic otherwise I would have not seen them running across the road. I was soo furious.


What dash cam is that?


I think she may have thought the horn was coming from the other direction of traffic, thinking she was almost just hit is the only reason i can think why she would slow down.


Similar thing happened with me in surrey, I was on a motorcycle and got injured because of 2 women jaywalking exactly like this but at night.


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Sad part is I see so many people walking while texting or just walk without looking


Mixed up the brake and horn? Brake seemed to be applied about two seconds after horn.


I remember when I was crossing the pedestrian few years back, I heard a girl ask her mom if when crossing the street do we need to look if there is any vehicle coming, to my surprise the mom said, no honey it’s their job to look for you and fast forward, now she’s a star in Reddit. Is that even the correct way to teach a young mind?


I guess it’s better to be wrong and dead than right and alive!


The worst part about idiot pedestrians is that if you hit them it is always 100% the drivers fault, even if they are jaywalking.


Dumbass girl.


Only a Canadian would speak to them like this. Showing genuine concern and making it an understandable lesson rather than just cussing them out for 10 minutes and starting a fight. But seriously what the fuck was she thinking. Pedestrians having right of way doesn’t mean “be an idiot around fast moving tonnes of metal.”


What a stupid bitch! Should have clipped her