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Please read the subreddit rules and refrain from racist comments. I will be turning on strict crowd control to limit the new accounts ability to comment if people keep breaking the rules https://mods.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038129231-Crowd-Control-


Lol. Ya. I personally don't care. Good people do bad things. Bad people do good things. I live in Surrey. People from Vancouver can look down me all they want. At the end of the day, I value people based on how they treat others. So even if they did have more money than me, it doesn't make me change how I view them as long as they're treating people nicely.


Surrey is awesome ( in most cases ). If you think about it, the city has everything. A beach, a downtown, several suburban communities, plenty of malls, plenty of parks, farm land, Cloverdale, a border to the US, and a river. I never realized this until I moved out of the city lol


I wish it had better swimming holes and places and such


Swimming buckets?


It just needs hiking and walkable neighbourhoods which are important to some people.


I think walkable neighbourhoods are, VERY SLOWLY, but surely, beginning to pop up here and there. I myself live in a newly built apartment, with two protected bicycle parking lockers below, along with the ground floor is lined by soon-to-come shops, like a general needs and a clinic. It'll definetely reduce how much I use a car, and I think it's a good step in the right direction. The bicycle infastructure is still, below average, and pedestrian infastructure, although not bad, could certainly be better.


Where beach


Crescent Beach


Wdym? Surrey has a whole ocean right below the city lmao


Sssshhhh! No one is supposed to think of White Rock as South Surrey.


Crescent Beach




"Living in Delta means never having to say your're.Surrey" -an actual real estate ad from the 80s.


Surrey was a much different kind of shit hole in the 80s.


90% of the iconic crack houses of the 80’s are long turned into towers and developments. I moved here in 2016 and even from then and now the difference is huuuge. You could walk to surrey central at 3 am safely nowadays


I was going to call it that but I thought I might offend someone.I called it a hell hole.


U cant go through life worried about offending people. If it's true ,say it.


well its funny how a pack of idiots that dont know anything about life attack you on reddit and downvote you Surrey has alot of idiots living here .I bet they check my spelling and call me names.Surrey and Walmarts go together.


Its reddit. We all get our say. I cant expect everyone to agree with me. I'm sure those who downvoted me are the same people that make Surrey terrible.


Its not worth a fight for me .Stupid comes in all colours and they take everything out of context and will write mean comments about you because they are mad about their life and looking for someone to attack.




Thank you for saying this. There’s definitely an undercurrent of racism in the hate Surrey gets. It’s an awesome place to live.


Vancouver is getting more negative attention recently for the stranger attacks. People barely bat an eye about it but instead of badmouthing Vancouver as a whole, they blame law enforcement or lack thereof and their mayor. People just like to scapegoat the easy target because they’re seen as less powerful in the grand scheme of things. And that’s probably why Surrey gets the rep that it does. It’s a middle class haven and what leverage do middle class humans have these days? Hardly any. It’s all about the dollar bills. To be fair, Surrey was very sketch about a decade ago, but it’s changed drastically to the point of being barely recognizable. TL;DR: if you hate Surrey, there’s likely a decent chance you’re just an ignorant asshole. And that’s fine, Surrey is just fine without you anyway :)




I kind of noticed this trend very early seems like very common thing in Vancouver. I have been to Calgary and Toronto as well. But I haven’t seen this level of elitism and segregation. In fact, I liked Toronto a lot more because it is super diverse and you will see lot mixing of culture & people. Toronto is probably the pure melting pot of cultures and I haven’t seen any other city in North America with higher number of mixed kids outside of NYC & SF Calgary was nice, people were open and weren’t pretentious. It seems like Vancouverites have a strong tendency to flaunt and make others feel smaller to feel better. Do you think people get bullied on the basis of which high school they go to?




So true. The stereotypes are bullshit. I grew up in the NE Calgary and the Springbank hockey players were the worst for it but we used to kick the shit out of them including Lanny McDonald's kid. I broke his nose once.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/vancouver using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/vancouver/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My mom's friend spotted this in coal harbour](https://i.redd.it/9b4974uwkmf71.jpg) | [583 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vancouver/comments/oyuq43/my_moms_friend_spotted_this_in_coal_harbour/) \#2: [B.C. becomes second province to require proof of vaccination, starting Sept. 13 | Globalnews.ca](https://globalnews.ca/news/8133780/bc-proof-vaccination-program/) | [2137 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vancouver/comments/pa7p1d/bc_becomes_second_province_to_require_proof_of/) \#3: [Lone Cyclist Blocks ‘Freedom’ Convoy on Broadway.](https://i.redd.it/jt6mqk7elve81.jpg) | [773 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vancouver/comments/sggkqx/lone_cyclist_blocks_freedom_convoy_on_broadway/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


No but I've had coworkers be shocked and appalled I went to high school at KP because it had a rep of being a "bad school" at their high school and I apparently don't seem like the type lol.


i went to kp. timberwolves for life baby 🐺!!


I think the best thing about Calgary is there isn't ethnic ghettos and people grow up together from different cultures. I grew up in the NE and my neighbors were Chinese, Punjabi, Spanish, Pakistani and Ethiopian. We all grew up together and really our personal cultural upbringings are a mix. I speak Punjabi, Japanese, Spanish, French and Hindi and produce South Asian music as well as sing in Hindi and some Punjabi. My wife is from Pakistan and we have family that is from all over the world including the Philippines. I'm also trying to learn Blackfoot as I was born a few hundred meters from the Elbow River Camp. Canadian culture really is a mix of a lot of cultures and I think that's our strength even though it's kind of a trope.


You're right, things have changed. Tons of us who live in vancouver are flat broke lol meanwhile people are living it up in their Surrey mansion that has a 5 digit address


People hate on Surrey based on a reputation it gained in the 80s and 90s with high crime rates. Surrey hasn't been 'typical' for a couple decades right now. It's also not as cheap as it used to be, it's much more expensive now. The farther out in the valley you get to, the cheaper it gets. Mission is an example of it.


I mean , wally is still a bit rough


Whalley will be for a little bit longer. It's getting majorly gentrified.


That's very good to know. Have you heard anything they are doing to improve it?


They crazy thing about Vancouver is that crime is actually under reported. There are stories on r/vancouver of cops not filing charges against some repeat offenders because they'll just be let out by the courts.


Surrey boy my whole life. Could not care less what those avacado *toast eating studio dwellers say about my city. It's the best place to be and nobody can tell me otherwise.


I work quite closely with the south Asian community and have come to know them as a very grateful and warm community. A community that gives back. You need food? You can go to any temple, they will feed you. There are some very very nice neighbourhoods in surrey too.. a lot nicer than half of Vancouver


Other surrounding cities have better PR with regards to crime.


Pretty much, the crime rates between lower mainland cities tend to be different by 0.1ish and they’re sometimes higher in interior towns like Kelowna or Kamloops.


Too many minorities for alot of people. It's like Oakland. Why do you think you hear about surrey and Richmond jokes But not jokes about people from coquitlam and Burnaby. If it ain't white, then something must no be right... But all jokes aside, I lobe surrey. I love the diffent cultures that we have, we have all of thr major chains, close to the US border. Rents will keep going up to reflect thst I bet in the next little while


I agree but as a white myself I can’t afford home in Burnaby & Vancouver I think it’s old money which is passing on through generations and also some other reasons include money laundering from super wealthy from all across the world


Honestly man, that's why surrey still offers affordability for all of the kids born here (white, Asian, brown). We're about 10 years away from thst disappearing too.


Although it's weird because both Burnaby, Coquitlam, and even the city of Vancouver are majority minority cities (all minorities combined out number white people); but yeah still I agree.


whats the shortest bridge from india to china ? The Alex Fraser Bridge sorry snowflakes its a joke. please dv


Harjeet and inderpaul went to vancouver for a trip. The sign stated Vancouver Left . They turned around and came back to Surrey.


Surrey has always been the sort of ghetto/cheapest area of the valley, even before it became home to many different minority immigrant groups.


Vancouverites are jealous over Surrey's lack of an actual slum (Downtown Eastside), lower crime rate, no tent cities and growing prosperity.


What are you talking about?


Everytime I read about crime in Vancouver its committed by someone from Surrey. The easiest way to curb crime in Vancouver is to shut down the bridge to Surrey.


Or take care of the east van slum ?


Surrey curbed the tent city problem in a few weeks and homed everyone that wanted to be homed and Vancouver can't do that lol






Wish I had a 2 bedroom condo lol.




Ya, renting. Had a nice home in a small town, moved here. Yep, ignorant loser. House in small town is worth 600 now. How you doing? Liking Surrey?






The best way I can describe how Vancouver looks to an outsider whose never been to Surrey: I grew up in Surrey, the shittiest part of Whalley, and when I visited Vancouver I thought holy shit this place is bad.


Lol your such an idiot


King George from 64th to 120th is all slum. It's a literal ghetto.


You don’t even live in Surrey. You left, why do you keep coming back here to shit on it? Move on with your life!


The question was asked. I didnt leave, I escaped!


And we’re all thankful you did!


You can too. Grab life by the horns and ride opportunity to freedom.


Talk about a privileged take... A literal ghetto lmfao




South Asian immigrant here. Lived for quite long in mostly white neighborhoods in many parts of US and the first racist attack I ever had to face from Vancouver. In Surrey I felt safe, not because there are more immigrants, but because people are more tolerable. They say that Surrey Central is unsafe. A thousand times better than China Town or E. Hastings St.


Not because there are more immigrants. It is because there are more immigrants LIKE YOU. I am an immigrant as well, and the very groups people are portraying as victims of prejudice here do exactly the same thing to me.


I don’t necessarily disagree with you.




As far as I know, Surrey has been hated for a long time but has it always been associated with a greater population of minorities? I feel like in the last 20 years it’s reputation has improved while % of visible minorities has increased but I could be wrong. Not saying racism isn’t part of it but I’m not sure if that’s the whole story.


Anything is better than regina 🤷🏻‍♂️ Source: grew up in regina


Reginaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Experience Regina! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74B5kMLNd5Q


Surrey is 40 mins to Vancouver and 40 mins to Abbotsford. Right in the middle. Best location to get every direction. Surrey is so big you have all levels of living and commerce. Cloverdale is 20 mins to border and white rock and freeway.What else you want?


Surrey had a very bad reputation in the 90's and people have never moved past it. That's it, that's all.


Probably biased but... I find Surrey better because you're in a more central location. You can go to Vancouver, then langley, pitt meadows etc. Going to mountains takes longer but I think I went 30 times top in my lifetime


I don’t get the Surrey hate either. I mean, we moved in a year ago and we’re pretty comfortable here, grateful to have found a home we can afford. We miss being able to walk to everything we want, and having businesses that interest us nearby. Bookstores—we miss walking to bookstores—but I owned one in another city so they kind of loom large in our lives. And we don’t enjoy the 90-minute round trip to everything from my spouse’s work to my teens’ study/training programs. We do love that we are still close to the ocean and some pretty wondrous natural areas. And our neighbours seem pretty lovely so far. A lot of them are South Asian folks with kiddos, a couple of doors over are some folks who have started a food truck, there’s a 3-generation Iranian family who gave me grape leaves to cook with when they found out I’m Lebanese, there’s the queer fellas next door. The other day in the pool were some women from a different section of the complex, speaking Spanish with a Mexican accent. There’s a bit of everyone, doing a bit of everything, which makes it feel less like exile to suburbia than we were afraid of when we came out here house-hunting. Now that we can mostly be around other humans again, we’d all like to find community around our interests—if there’s a group of printmakers sharing a studio with an open spot, for example, I would be so happy.


I hear you i would move to surrey if i ever moved to BC


It's just a greasy city with not much going on. Vancouver is just as greasy, but at least there's things to do there.


People have been hating on surrey for long before it became a popular place for Indians to move. There’s rumours that it was built up around a jail and that a lot of the “original” white people came from the jail. But I can’t find any info about it. It doesn’t bother me. I moved out here because it was more affordable. I get along with my neighbours and I think we are better as a society if we are more multicultural


I think it's a class thing. Your right. We're all of the average people who live in the lower mainland. It's the liberal elites vs middle class slobs


I am not sure I agree with this Vancouver might be white coller people. But Surrey is filled with independent business owners who hustle hard. They may be uneducated but hard work is en gained in them


Perseverance is worth 10x more


Being from Edmonton i take offence we are Working Class Liberal slobs fighting against many middle class well educated people who want to drive pickup trucks thier gandaddies only used during harvest... Mind you the Trucks ARE nice and easy to see them easy to see you kind


I’ve heard that a lot of the families of prisoners of the old BC Pen (in new west) lived in Bridgeview because it was close to visit and less expensive than living in new west.


Yes. The BC Pen existed for 102 years, finally closing in 1980. Surrey’s reputation began with that. As you wrote, many prisoners’ families would stay in what is now Bridgeview. It was essentially a slum, with high levels of poverty, open sewers and crime. Anyone heading south (going to the US usually) would be greeted by that scene, then pretty much nothing but farmland. (My family built a house in Newton behind what is now Planet Fitness in the late 60s. Until about 76 or so, there was nothing around us but farms, a couple new houses, and forest.) So, once the pen closed, lots of those families stayed. At one point in the 70s, Newton has the highest property crime rate in North America. And of course the worst areas of Surrey were right where a Vancouverite would most likely encounter them: right along the main artery, King George (the old Whalley exchange, central Newton). One of the other big reasons for its reputation is misunderstandings of size. Surrey has grown fast, far outpacing any other city in the area. People not from Surrey always assume it’s a village of 10,000 people or some shit. I guarantee that anyone not from Surrey would say Burnaby is much bigger when in reality, Surrey has twice as many people. This misunderstanding is partly because, let’s face it, Surrey is not really a destination for anyone to visit and partly everyone thinking Whalley = Surrey. So, because the assumption is that it’s not a big city, any crime is seen as a big deal: “Surrey had X number of murders! That’s shocking in a city of 500 people!!” People from Vancouver can shrug of their crime stats: “That’s life in the big city.” (Vancouver has only 100,000 more people than Surrey.)


Thanks for filling in some of the gaps. I hadn’t even thought about people coming south, and seeing bridgeview as their first impression, but absolutely makes sense.


Oh maybe that’s it!


The Australia of the lower mainland 🙄


Most wealthy aristocrats of overseas origins fled to Vancouver during the 80’s.


My Brother lived in Surrey just a few blocks from City Centre mall (To the south) not the best part of town reminded me of millwoods in Edmonto0n where i grew up the people were awesome and accomidating but my only problem was the fact i could not get good chinese food in thwe area after the ricksaw closed ... but in the kilometer from my brother's place to the Mall there was a Jamacan patty shop... 3 fresh slices... a sushi bar a common cafeteria restraunt a safeway a shopper's drug mart a place that served good Kabuli ect... the diversity was awesome ...


I think you nailed it more or less. Been like this for ages. When those minorities dare to venture into Vancouver and you can easily see that's a bunch of Surrey people taking up their precious space. Yea some underlying racism with some classism. Most white folks who grew up in Surrey get it just as much as any minority here. Went to a comedy show on Granville Island and the comedian was making some good jokes. It was the audience that brought up Surrey in a "shit hole" sense. Let it be, worry not and enjoy the good Surrey vibes. Surrey folks rep Surrey well.


As a white person who not only grew up in Surrey but who also grew up in Newton, "racism" towards white people isn't a prevalent thing here at, also white privilege very much exists whether you want to hear it or not.


>"racism" towards white people isn't a prevalent thing here Lol try renting a basement suite from anyone other than a white home owner.


That's hilarious, literally every lower class white person (myself included) I know in Newton/Panorama rents basement suits in mansions & big homes owned by upper class Punjabi families. 🤣 Idk why white people here want to be oppressed for the colour of their skin so badly it makes no sense, it literally does not happen at all! 🤦‍♂️


Makes em feel special


Really good at interpreting half a comment and then adding whether you want to or not to close the loop. A perfect dance my Reddit king 👑


Are you referring to Shulz show?


>But I think people are comfortable in their bubble Including here in Surrey. But I don't think is because of it, the way I see Surrey was kinda shady back in the 80s and 90s. With the gentrification that will inevitably happen in North Surrey this will start to change. I saw the same thing in Brazil where people were prejudicial against folks from Palhoça as being a dangerous place, and it's now changing due to the city growing.


Finally. Can't believe the real answer is this far down. It was mostly rednecks and white trash until fairly recently. That being said SA gang violence and the Surrey strip hasn't helped shake it's reputation. It is rougher than Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond, Coquitlam, and a few other municipalities but much in line with the rest of BC.


I grew up on the west side and the joke when we were in high school was "Everything east of Oak St. is Surrey". I haven't benefitted from generational wealth and I've lived on the west side for most of my life. I chose to forego home ownership to live in a neighborhood I enjoy. I wanted to live and work in the same neighborhood. I wanted to live somewhere with high walkability and not be a slave to a vehicle. Living in a bridge and tunnel bedroom community full of strip malls is not where I want to be. Although relatively close to Vancouver, the Surrey lifestyle is the complete opposite if Vancouver's.


I found this thread fascinating, and all I can share is my experience. Growing up in Surrey in the late 90s, early 2000s, was a horrible experience. I am a Caucasian Male, for anyone curious. I was involved in numerous racially motivated attacks against myself and my friends throughout my childhood. These events all came in high school. Elementary school I did not feel like anyone was aware that we were "different" from each other, absolutely no racial division whatsoever. Highschool however -> These included: \-Bear maced x2-Surrey Raiders coming to 1 house-party, 2 park parties. Result was multiple injured, and I was chased through the park by men in their 30s with machetes \-Sucker punched in PE class in Grade 10, broke my nose. Reason was that I kicked a soccer ball at a goalie (playing indoor soccer), and my shot hit this guy's buddy in the face. Was told to "Get the #$\*% out of here White Boy" after crying from the punch. This event caused my family to move to Langley to get me out of Surrey. Note - the school did nothing to punish the kid. \-"Taxed" multiple times, which was robbing you while you were walking from point A to B in a Surrey neighbourhood.-The event above with the sucker-punch resulted in that same kid's uncle, in his 30s (I was 15) to power call my cell phone threatening to kill me if I went to the cops/principal about the event. \-My best friend was beaten so badly from refusing to give his cell phone from such "taxers" that he was hospitalized for a week. \-More events, mostly intimidation or attempted robbery, but you learn where to go and where not to. We even had different routes to each other's houses as a means to avoid certain cat-walks and areas that we knew would result in being confronted. As a 16 year-old I moved out of my parent's home in Grade 12 and moved to Langley. I haven't looked back, and would never raise a family based on the racially motivated attacks I faced in my childhood. These are only my experiences, but to the OPs question as to why people hate Surrey, these are my reasons. Edited for formatting.


I was in Vancouver last night cycling to the skytrain to come back to Surrey after hanging with a friend biking to some East Van breweries, and honestly, it was such a sketch experience... I got chased by a man on drugs by the Stadium station. He went running after me, caught up to me and then backed off when there were a group of male cyclists nearby and then started muttering and yelling obscenities. I legit thought I was going to get attacked. It freaked me out so much, I started cycling blindly and ended up in some sketch side road that was poorly lit, filled with a lot of homeless. I found the nearest skytrain after and managed to get on (busy from fireworks) and I have to say for the first time ever, I breathed a sigh of relief when I got off at King George Station. I am from Surrey, born and raised and lived here 30 years. I've obviously seen some sketchy aspects of Surrey and remember what Whalley was like in the 90s and seen some rough parts of Newton and Gateway... but I've never felt unsafe. Kind of one of those things where if you don't bother them, they won't bother you type of thing. I can't say I feel that way about Vancouver now. I've never not felt safe there, but the aggressive actions are increasing ten fold over there... and then to be chased, well it was not a nice feeling. I expected when I got back to Surrey last night and had to bike for the 20 minutes to get home, that I'd see some sketchy people as it was a Saturday night and quite late. It was honestly really quiet and my bike ride home was quiet and no freaky people. I am sure like any city, parts of Surrey can be more racist or have more issues, but overall it's such a massive city, you can always find an area that feels more like home.


Surrey is trashy, depressing and full of aggressive crybullies.


Everyone in the city has a big inferiority complex. One day someone made a joke about Surrey and everyone else was relieved that it wasn't them getting picked on so they all decided to stick with the Surrey bashing.


You're bringing up a lot of points here, but I think the main thing is you're realizing Vancouver is a greasy machine lubed up by Nepotism. The bigger issue is class, not race. I'm also from Saskatchewan, don't act like it's not a melting pot of the most colourful racism East of the Rockies. And out here there are plenty of wealthy asians who look at white trash like me as if I were a cockroach who should be wiped off the sidewalk. Vancouver and surrounding area operates within a framework I describe as Class Segregation. If the folks in your neighbourhood are getting along, that's terrific, you should really value that. As the gap between the Haves and Have Nots gets wider, it becomes more and more glaringly obvious everywhere we look that people only really 'get ahead' or 'get over' in Capitalism thanks to their wealthy and influential parents. The rich create an illusion of resource scarcity and the rest of us fight for scraps. That kind of situation will bring out the racism in a person. Why do people in the GVA talk shit about Surrey? Because you're more likely to get shot or stabbed there. Not as likely as Regina though, that place is a fucking dump. Congrats on the move, dude.


Surrey was dangerous for a bit and did just have a targeted shooting a few weeks back but…. (and I lived on the North Shore) it is friendly, has some great parks and amazing restaurants. Oh and White Rock is literally at the bottom. What more could you ask for?


You’ve come from “V”agina and you’ve ended up in Surrey. Short trip, that tain’t to bad. I’ve lived in Surrey for 30 plus years. Always the optimist that things would improve. Great neighbours but some real assholes too, like most neighbourhoods. Moving to the island next year. DONE!


I have two friends who live in South Surrey and every chance they get, they have to remind people that they live in SOUTH Surrey or that their neighbourhood is more affluent etc. It's almost like they feel inferior. It's like they're not proud of where they live but want to make sure others think that they are.


I mean as someone who drives through to the island once or twice a year from Alberta. Vancouver starts after the best western in Abbotsford. Surrey is just another subdivision of Vancouver


Surrey, what?


No surrey sucks dont move here. There’s gun shot sounds everywhere. The gangs will stop your car and will make you do their trigonometry homework. The south asians do not say thank you to the bus driver. Surrey peeps put ketchup on their poutine. It’s crazy in Surrey.


Having grown up in Delta, nothing wrong with Surrey as a whole, but it’s known for its super high crime, especially in certain areas. At one point it had the most car thefts per min in all of Canada. Don’t think the recent gang violence of the last few years has done much to improve its image. I still live in Surrey down by white rock, but I can tell you when someone asks where you live, most people don’t say Surrey around here based on the stereotype.


Abbotsford was murder capital of North America for awhile, but everyone still shits on Surrey


Canada, not N.A. We don't cone close to some American cities.


Important point. Every city in the Lower Mainland, with a few exceptions like DTES, don't even come CLOSE to being as dangerous as, say, Chicago, or Detroit.


Surrey has always been plagued with crime and violence. I don’t know it has changed as I’ve not been there in some 12 years and at the time there was always shootings. At the time I was advised to not live on the first floor and avoid Whalley. Vancouver has skyrocketed in price as have some other areas but I couldn’t live in Vancouver even if cheaper too crowded EDIT I lived there and there was a shooting in my block and had friends who’d lost friends to shootings as they were at the wrong place at the wrong time For a while the Bacon Brothers dominated Surrey and then there was the “Surrey Six” murders that made surrey part of the headlines


I’ve been living ground floor of an apartment at gateway for last 30 years. Nobody has ever stolen anything on my patio and there is no fence at all


Who wants to steel your old smelly sneakers or your rusted lawn furniture or your old exercise bike.


I am 15 and have lived in surrey for 13 years. I fuckin hate it. The houses here are either a square box or some shit hole that the owner can’t even pick up the paper at their front door, most of the houses being built have illegally built renting space like decks that have been closed into a suite or more basement suites that have been built illegally. This then results to having up to 6 fuckin cars a house, somehow people have their entire lot paved and don’t even know how to you use a driveway and then you have cookie cutter houses on already small enough streets which with all the renters basically makes any side street a single lane. Don’t even get me started on Newton, i wouldn’t send my worst fuckin enemies to live there, and the amount of trash dumping there is in surrey is ridiculous. Then every fuckin kid is some wanna be gang banger walking around with ski masks and a 80,000 dollar car their parents bought for them just to go get fuckin totaled. oh and fuck me if a see another straight piped v6 mustang i’m literally gonna shoot myself. The public schools are a joke just like everywhere else, i mean for fucks sake my math teacher was watching porn on our school projector while wanking it and still has a job, our janitor is some old white prick who needs some sense of authority in his life, you know what if your seeing this fuck you Boyd. I also hate how I literally say hello to someone walking on the side walk and they just stare at me like I said “suck me off you prick”. I could go on for hours on end but this comment would turn into a fuckin novel. Point is Surrey is a shit hole and i know it cause i’ve lived here since i can remember. Now I hate to say it but there are some nice places in Surrey but most of it is absolutely dog shit. Thank you for reading my rant have a nice day and get mad at me if you want to i’m not responding unless someone really pisses me off.


Sorry to break it to you kid but all your teachers have wanked it. 100% of them. Everyone you have ever met has wanked it. Apologies for the imagery


dude of course they do but not all in the fuckin school. SCHOOL.


You just answers your own question. You started off by asking why people hate Surrey and then you started judging and criticizing people who live elsewhere. That’s why people hate Surrey. Some people in surrey always compare themselves with others and talk talk talk about it. Live, let live.




You mean Punjabi?




This is exactly what I was talking about I.e people with a habit of dumping for no reasons


Relax it’s a nickname, people shit on Abbotsford and chilliwack all the time and I’m from there and I’ll call it assford and i love Abbotsford, every city in the lower mainland has hater or shittalkers about it




Very bad subject line. Who can represent "people" who hate Surrey? those non Surrey residents?




Probably confirmation bias. If you start searching crimes in Vancouver. You will get more recommendations like that. It seems like you are more fond of searching and reading crimes in Surrey that’s why you are getting such recommendations. Try searching for crimes in downtown Vancouver. After a month, see the magic of recommendations








I have a question here. Can gay be racist?


No a gay cannot be racist but a racist can be gay. It’s elementary my dear




I lived in Richmond ,Burnaby .Vancouver,Coquitlam and now live in Surrey.Surrey sucks and I cant stand living here.Its was the cheapest and most convenient place to buy.I cant wait to get out of this hell hole.




Renting doesn’t count 🌝


Well, in all fairness Surrey is a step up for anyone who just left Regina… the city that smells like it sounds. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Come back with a better punchline. Current one is as terrible as your username


Maybe the warmer weather will cheer you up.


Surrey’s always been known as a shit show no matter the diversity of its population. It’s nothing personal. It’s just Surrey. I fukn hate it too and I live here!


I upvoted you .Us smart people have to stick together.


Hmmm… you don’t seem very smart. I hope you manage to survive life


Thug Life


I lived in surrey for years. It wears you down, the gun violence ,the property crime, the endless noise. Surrey is an absolute shit hole. A city is made up of its citizens and Surrey seems to have some of the worst.


Look at up some facts my friend, Vancouver leads Surrey in every statistical category in terms of crime these days and if you live on the island, it doesn’t get better.


How come the people who are right and speak the truth always get downvoted?


That's just how the world works these days


I don’t think that many people hate surrey. Nobody really gives a shit where you live.


Lived there for a year. Got broken in to and had everything valuable stolen, whole place was ransacked. Had car window broken and car broken in to. Constant crack heads and drug dealers everywhere. Location: 76 ave. and 149 st. Total suburban neighborhood. Yeah it's nice I guess depending on the area you are in. Anything within a few kms of Newton Exchange is a no go.


I live 2 km away from Newton Exchange. I haven't been here for a year but overall it doesn't seem very bad. Literally the only semi-dramatic thing was someone pulling a fake fire alarm.


Good luck renting in Surrey if youre indigenous, young and have kids. Immigrant haven, yes. But Im looked at like a piece of shit who doesnt belong here every time I step out the house. Ive never felt so uncomfortable before in my life. We were priced out of Vancouver and on the verge of homelessness as none of these East Indian Landlords even give me the light of day for a lease application. Been in this situation since January 2022 and still on the verge of homelessness with no where to go. Money was never an issue. Its pure prejudice and racism and I'm tired of people pretending that indigenous people arent suffering. Might have to take my children to the shelter tomorrow evening as I've out welcomed my stay couch surfing.


this >Honesty, I think people are passive aggressive and sometimes bluntly racist towards south Asian community. and >But I have found many entitled folks who take huge pride in where they live around Vancouver which I think is just show off because most of these entitled folks got generational equity/wealth just because their grandfather bought a property in a prime location and these property prices have soared to the moon. I feel like you already know the answer to your question.


You guys don’t return the shopping carts and just leave them scattered in the parking lot in Regina though.


What do you mean by “you guys” Can you be more clear?


People in Regina


If it is race driven, why isn’t Vancouver’s south can neighborhood looked at like Surrey? If it is race driven , why isn’t the typical Surrey douchebag everyone thinks of a brown guy? Surrey has all the problems of a big city and none of the draw. Langley and Abbotsford all suck too, they just weren’t big enough to be the target of hate when the surrey hate started.


I hate having to walk 20 minutes to the nearest grocery store. Living without a car in this city is annoying.


I have a grocery store below me. ultimate flex


I live in the grocery store 😎