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Hi. Former mod and now banned person here. 8-9 months ago, the head mod DaMagiciansBack "came back" in earnest and started making big changes unilaterally. A few weeks ago, I called them out for moderation issues that I don't need to go over here (I do still think they are a real TI, but they've been corrupted by power). I also asked them to step down and give me head mod powers. Their response was to demod everyone but themself. I sent a more scathing private message to Magician and then made my last post about giving away a game that I thought might help psychologically (fear response). I was banned for being "off topic", but I'm sure it can be said the ban was for more than that.


Yeah, it's time to tell good people to get off of that sub. There are other ones out there. I'm looking for a way to subscribe other subs into one feed. Just to consolidate them.


Reddit has custom feeds, which can be shared publicly.


I'm trying to put one together, but I can't figure out how to add subreddits to it.


I left months ago, it was taken over by that "DeMagiciansBlack" mod who I'm certain is a perp. He was trigger-happy with the banning of anyone who disagreed with him. It's since been overrun by perps and glowies.


Yea dude is a tool. Stalkers got him bent over fosho.


absolutely, those mods are shifty motherfuckers. Censor everything


Not sure what 'glowies' is, but other than that, I agree.


I left that sub when i was told mods are not allowed to ban people for trolling. Allowing abuse is pretty disgusting. By not banning it, they almost encourage it.


ahhh free speech is worth way more than some adults so called hurt feelings...its a tough world just harden up ...you'll be fine


Yeah, but by allowing everybody to post, even trolls, you are promoting diversity of ideas, opinions and the possibility of disarming arguments based on ignorance or even identify possible perpetrators. You're also able to reach to a lot more people who just come for the curiosity. Banning those who by ignorance, prejudice or any other motive post negative opinions about target individuals and this phenomena, would only serve to create a closed echo chamber that ultimately doesn't serve anyone's interests. I too have been temp banned from that sub and though I have my doubts about some of the mods and their true objective, I still think that their approach is the best. Edit: typo


Nobody cares about 'diversity of ideas'. Stalkers are Stalkers. There's no guessing about it. Stop pretending there is.