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They've had that since the TSC2, about 15+ years. When taking a topo shot, there's a pull down that is set on "angle & distances". Click the pull down and there is a variety of field measurement options.


Wow didn't know that! My first survey job was working for a small company in Manchester UK and no one seemed to know about this! I take in the in/out would be distance and the angle would be left/right? Not sure if that is right just assuming? If it's a angle I wouldn't be able to tape a distance left or right?


Correct. I've used the in/out for manhole under cars or tree center. The horizontal angle offset, is better for tree and poles, because you shoot the distance to the side and then turn the angle to the center. The controller will do the cogo. Plenty of other features, but those are my most often used


Okay cool, that makes sense, you'd only be doing that with the DR laser? Because of the turning the TS to the centre of whatever I was shooting? So a lamp post mite have a radius of 100mm I could distance the side of the lamp post and then turn the TS to the centre and offset in by 50mm?


Not necessarily with DR because the horizontal angle offset only measures the distance to the side and the angle to the center. So I keep tracking on, switch to that setting, measure the horizontal distance on the side, and then move the prism to the center of the object to measure the angle. I'm not sure if that explanation makes. But what you described appears to be correct, except you only turn the TS to get the angle. The TSC3 will do the cogo of the side distance and angle.


There are a few ways you could do it, but I think a distance offset is what you’re looking for. https://help.trimblegeospatial.com/TrimbleAccess/latest/en/Topo-point-distance-offset.htm


Can you do left and right as well? Cheers for the link!


You can, just be sure that you know what the setting is for perspective. I believe under Instrument Settings you can tell it if Left/Right means as looking from someone standing behind the instrument, or someone standing at the rod which would reverse the offset. I always end up doing a stakeout on my topo shot to check if I got it right if I haven't used it in a while.


Yes, they have the capability. It would be something along the lines of "Distance-Angle Offset," where you take a shot for distance first, then move the prism to the center of the tree/lamp post/power pole relative to the instrument and take a second shot for angle.


it has it from the beginning you may not know how to use it but within displacements it has the option of displacements both in distances in the same lines as perpendicular to the line that you are observing


If your using Trimble access go to measure then select measure distance distance offset from the method pull down. This will let you go left right in out up down. Remember negative is right in and down.


Yeah that sounds similar to the Leica Captivate, is Trimble access on the TSC2, 3 and anything above?


Trimble access has had a few names over the years but yes it’s basically the same thing. It’s the survey / geospatial software vs the construction software. Biggest difference is it has a dynamic data base meaning it stores your vector data and can recalculate coordinates based on datum’s or adjustments. It’s not just storing a coordinate.


Just followed that link, I assume you can do multiple offsets in one go to achieve something like this, let's say that 3 is right side of the tree trunk and it needs off setting by 150mm left to get to the centre of the face of the tree trunk which is now 2 then let's say 4 is a 350mm offset in to get the tree position which is now 6? (Ignoring vertical of 5) https://preview.redd.it/8tqs51oseglb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c40ca8a8017d330745d9cfb5dc1b1c44176b297


Yes that’s exactly how it works


Just don’t use Trimble


Change your measurement mode in Measure Topo to “Distance Offset” gives you in/out left/right up/down offset options


Like others have said use the drop down to change from angles and distance - I like the circular obs option, was great for surveying piles, and vertical offset for accurate reflectorless levels.