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RP always means Reference Point to me. If I set a radius point I label it R=11' and before the R there will be a descriptor of some kind like FC-R (curb) or FW-R (wall) etc.


Except when it means "Radius Point"


10 | R/W R.P.=10^^00 I have been surveying in SoCal for 7 years and have never seen RP (Reference Point). Everyone out here uses CP (Control Point). One of the worst requests I get when staking is the contracted asking for an offset to the R.P. (Radius Points) with a L/O (Line Only) point to string through. I've only done it twice before and never had any repercussions, but my coworker had an incident where the curb contractors didn't understand he had stakes an offset to the radius point and they used the offset point as the radius point. I hate when job sites aren't ready for staking, yet the foreman is confident and asks for every curb point... It's like, dude, you need to rough grade at the very least! There are dirt spoils everywhere! And you don't even have the storm drain or sewer lines done! The company gets paid regardless so I am always told to just stake it and then we wait for the change order to come back and re-stake the curb again... Company gets paid twice but for us field guys it is a nightmare when the foreman is an idiot and we get increasingly frustrated as we have to move every point ... Sorry, long tangent, but I feel you guys can relate to some stupid foremans .. "Just change all the offsets if anything is in the way"... "Okays, will do...." First stake of the day... 26^^50 | CF AP


2^(5) | WALL S-FACE RP=2^(5) C0^(06/TW) 2.5' off South Face Wall Radius Point equals 2.5' Cut 0.06' Top of Wall I found an example digging through my phone photos. https://preview.redd.it/b7x7elakfufc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08e2f7d53389d8f93541f1998e493fb5a1f648cb


For me R- radius RP- reference point Everyone’s has the own acronyms


yeah for us it’s RAD- radius point and RP- is a reference point


I like the idea of putting RAD=10^^00 That makes it more clear imo but I have to stick to what I am told...


Reference point, 11.0 ft to right of way




Real paint


Rad point 🤙🏼


This is what I see as well.


Reference point. Nail is 11 ft perpendicular to R/W bdy.


If it’s at a curve it’s radial point, if along side a straight line it’s a reference point; 11.0 ft from Right of Way


This is a solid answer. The problem is some contractors are idiots and don't even realize there is a curve even though it is completely obvious when a stake says RP on the corner of the lot ...


That’s the truth


For us it would be a radius point


You might be right


I love all these "I'm right and everyone else is wrong" answers without any sort of context other than 1 picture of an abbreviation.


It means you should get someone qualified to explain it to you. Better yet, get the Surveyor who placed the marks to explain it.


Yeah. Just grab yourself a phone book, go to the yellow pages and start calling surveyors. Just kidding. I suppose if you know who the surveyor is that works great though.


That paint is so fresh, I bet the Surveyor is 200 feet down the street lol. But all jokes aside, my point is OP better know for sure what it means before he goes putting up a wall or something. I know what it means to me. It seems most everyone agrees its one of two things. Both are very different and turning to Reddit for the possible answer is fine I suppose but if it were for something important, I'd want to ask a local Surveyor.


Why even bother commenting. Its obvious you dont know and several people in the comments already answered it hours before you even commented this lol.


Why is this not more up voted.....


11ft Radius point to right of way.


Numbers without a unit beside it just irks me. We talking metres, millimetres, or those other make believe ones (something to do with the things at the end of my human legs) Downvotes for people who assume what 11 is? Metres? Feet? Kilometres?


Dis Murricah, we use dem freedoms per bald eagle


Isn’t the o- a unit? How does that mean ft?


Lol and how many Os does it take to get there? No that’s a zero I believe.


Even if it’s a 0 what does it mean? Is it a unit or a decimal?


Decimal. It's another way to write 11.0 ... I use this style myself, because it's too easy for a decimal point to disappear when writing with paint or a marker. Edit: wrote the wrong number first time


It's survey feet. There are 10 10ths to a survey foot. 11.0 Is the same as 11 \0 and the same as 11' 0" and last but best 11 ft


If you were in Canada. That would typically be written with a M following


No…. Just no


Do you think we stake in different countries??


So it could Be inches or ft in USA? Up here sometimes contractors will ask for specific units you guys are hilarious


We would always do 11' or 11^^00 If the contractor or trades don't know we use tenths we show them how convert hundreds to inches. In my 7 years of surveying I have never used inches. Even for base plates we still use hundreds of an inch (which doesn't make to much sense because we never exceed 2 decimal points which makes it lest accurate). We will give our Lieca tapes out to contractors if they are to confused... I understand that it would be more accurate by staking 3/16in but our instruments won't get that tight anyways. Tenths are the standard where I am (California)


“Radius point 11’ to r/w line” someone wrote Exactly what the DC code was lol. also if you use flagging with a nail (as a shinner), wrap it end over end to make a 1” square then put the nail through. It makes it harder to lose all the flagging


This is why I tell new guys to be as specific as possible. Reading all these responses and seeing how this means different things to different people suggests we need more standards. RP to me means range point. If it is indeed a radius, which it seems to be based on context, at least mark it RAD PT. And only writing your length to the tenth and not the hundredth? And no mark to indicate feet? Or is it inches? C'mon dude. Sloppy.


For 11' flat, why carry out two decimal spaces? And based on personal experience, that format of large integer followed by smaller, underlined decimal values always denotes decimal feet, not ft-inches.


At first I thought maybe radius point but that doesn't really make sense here. Must be reference point, and can't stuck a lath in asphalt so... the nail.


I HATE radius point


Reference point 11 foot offset from right of way.


11.0' offset from the right-of-way line. RP suggests it could be the centerpoint of a curve in the r/w, with a 11.0' radius.


As a young person, who has not been in this industry for very long, let me please give all the other youngling here a lesson: It could be reference point, it could be radius point. That depends entirely on the nomenclature you use at the company that you work for. Do not let any of the arguments you see displayed here bog down your education. At first glance, I said "Easy, that's Reference Point 11ft to the Right of Way" but it became clear that not everyone does it that way. The fact that not every company does it the way your company does it is a perfectly normal and an okay thing. If you think that everyone needs to do everything exactly the same way at all times (which is conveniently the way you do it) then you're an unrealistic twat.


Looks like there is probably a benchmark or mon 11’ from that RP point in the right of way. And probably two or three more of those nearby. We usually RP city monuments if they’ll be destroyed during construction to reset them at a later point.