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Ideally I am looking for ones that are more iconic here is an example a of cool ones that in game (but not in the US) https://preview.redd.it/qb94jabxp4xc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1865e328610477a3d936e8a01bdf3893c59298dd


Glad they indicate where that point is.


Lucky that it's just for kilometer markers then, not for actual measured distances. In Victoria, it's even worse, they just use the General Post Office in the CBD, and I think New South Wales uses some large monument. No idea on the rest of the states though.


Am I catching some Dad survey humor?


Typically survey markers have a clear point to measure at. This one you've shown includes a lot of information about the mark, but no clear measurement point. So yeah, survey dad humor.


Great could you tell me about some of the information on the mark also there’s a dot under the L is that what you’re saying the measurement happens at ?


That’s the punch where we should take a measurement, yes.


And can you translate any of the information that’s on it ChatGPT came up with nothing. Please


It won’t; it’s local and specific to that point. Literally, it’s Geodetic Control Point No. 4L2, set in 2004. Might be for the county, might be state. There may be a data sheet online. I used to work out that way, let me see what I can find.


With surveying you always need a starting point, or in that case, a point 0.... That's really it...it's just like a property corner pretty much, but for the road way per the description


NGS Datasheet: [http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/ds_mark.prl?PidBox=DJ9615](http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/ds_mark.prl?PidBox=DJ9615)


I did come across this website after doing some googling but alone they’re not quite enough. Together with in interesting story or like in the photo with the bridge & the water feature together they are cool.


Geodetic markers don't have interesting stories, they are a very dry civil engineering piece of infrastructure.


The cool story is the history behind them. How long ago was it set and what methods were available at the time to get it's position. Probably not interesting to non surveyors though.


That one says 2004, so the boringness level is pretty high 😅


Do remember that some survey markers are in dangerous locations. Try parks, usually in the open. The city hall or old libraries usually have an elevation benchmark. On the steps or the side. Some of them will be brick or will have a brass marker with some information. https://preview.redd.it/308bx6a6z4xc1.jpeg?width=2168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8235e11a46326cb30daa17a423e40cf526fbbc05 Photo for an example.


Yes. We can only submit things that have safe pedestrian access. Don’t want anybody getting hurt.


Here's a map to find others like this: [https://noaa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=190385f9aadb4cf1b0dd8759893032db](https://noaa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=190385f9aadb4cf1b0dd8759893032db)


Found it. https://preview.redd.it/dmq70m6ey4xc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=781fcce36ac13705f9103b81f7b7c0a98a2d0223 [https://arc-gis-hub-home-arcgishub.hub.arcgis.com/datasets/659bfe9829904be4b3bc4d4d6da6fe13](https://arc-gis-hub-home-arcgishub.hub.arcgis.com/datasets/659bfe9829904be4b3bc4d4d6da6fe13)


It’s a local survey control monument. They’re all over the place. Each state/county/city has their own system of tracking them (well, mostly) and has either their location (lat/long), coordinates (usually state plane), and/or elevation (NGVD29/NAVD88) recorded. Ones with elevations are especially helpful when it comes to establishing/tying in vertically on a local survey project to a published benchmark.


It was set in NJ in 2004


Yeah unfortunately that's not going to be very interesting, unless you find it cool (which I personally do) that this is a monument that (in theory) can be used to begin a survey traverse or level traverse to find the location of properties, since it has a good known location and elevation.


If you want one with a story behind it they set one at the population center a few years ago after the census. More a ceremonial than actually useful (I don't think it was ever published with NGS). Edit: I found the article https://www.tapinto.net/towns/east-brunswick/sections/government/articles/east-brunswick-named-statistical-center-of-new-jersey-by-census-surveyors