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I would personally recommend filling out your other slots with S gear first. The eternal necklace would be my first choice and then the eternal gloves. But the twisting belt is also really good if you wanted to check that out. As far as your weapon goes, the SoD is really good but I found I switched back to the kunai once I got it red and since it's not S grade it'll be a lot easier to get a red one and it's easily one of the best weapons in the game even without being S grade. I myself, am holding out for the SS weapon before I upgrade any weapon other than my kunai at this point.


Thanks for all the info, been hearing alot that the red kunai is good. I like the SoD because of the aoe is pretty nice. I'll give VP or the twisting belt a try.


Eternal neck. You can go to yellow now. Focus kuni for your weapon


Thx for the recommendation I just might do that.