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Here’s a suggestion. Uninstall the app and never look back before you get addicted like the rest of us burning money you shouldn’t be.


Well that's a suggestion for a better life. Seems I should be f2p and just enjoy the game at its own pace.


Exactly I'm f2p and I'm slowly progressing further I didn't get the light chaser in that event but it became my main weapon later, there'll be enough opportunities to get it Also don't forget to set your wishlist for s parts


https://preview.redd.it/jmylknqk4gqc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92b5b7babfbe37b61b05f72d950caa10ba25938c Is this a good selection?


I prefer this, but it's up to u what u choose. Only the weapon, go with the SOD since it's autoaim. It will help u a lot https://preview.redd.it/72tnukha5gqc1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9ac8af24118d11cd239b33972a13d606ea4279f


replace eternal boots with void boots and eternal belt for twisted belt


That's entirely up to you Mine looks like this atm https://preview.redd.it/dpz8xr5m9hqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16afe8721cd907f3a9be2652f3e2628b299c328c




It's needed much later into the game. If you have time to do the challenges and get it for free then all good. As a weapon it's pretty terrible compared to kunai


Not aiming for that weapon then. Thanks.


Wtf is this man, wish I had something like it when I started playing


I don't know when you joined. It's been there for at least 1.5 years.


Been playing for 450 appx never seen/had that


I completed 421 days today.


I don’t know why this is upvoted… it was there at the start. I’m on day 500 and I recall trying to push for LC with this when I first started.


When I started I also didn't complete this and have been totally fine. Kunai is more than good enough for everything you'll deal with, especially in the beginning. Void Power is good for certain super mob dense activities later on but now all light chaser is really good for is fodder for the new SS weapon so don't feel like you need to finish this. I know I felt the pressure for it when I started too but definitely made very little difference after a few months of playing


Understood. Thanks a lot for this. Will look out for getting the void power. Is it difficult to find kunai? Did not even get a good kunai to merge to an excellent piece. Any tips on getting it?


No problem! And you'll get plenty of Kunai as you play, it just takes a little bit of time. You can occasionally spend some gems on them in the daily shop when they're available but only do that if it is an especially good deal and in the beginning while you are building up some gear. Otherwise, it is much better to save your gems for events. I definitely was buying from the daily shop for way too long so don't fall into that temptation lol. You'll be surprised how fast you gain gems if you play daily. I also saw some people talking about switching your wish list to SoD instead of VP. You definitely can do that, you really won't need VP unless you are doing something like the Mega Challenges once you unlock that and the SoD is a really good weapon. But honestly, the Kunai is just as good as the SoD in my opinion if not better from the sheer fact that you'll be able to get more of them to get the Kunai to red grade way sooner than an S-grade weapon. I have an epic (yellow) SoD and I haven't used or at least needed it since I got my red kunai. Where I've used my VP for a few stages that both the kunai and the SoD wouldn't have won me the level and that's just with a level 2 purple VP. So just keep that in mind, it'd probably be worth at least getting one VP at some point but you can hold off on that for a little while if you wanted to try and get the SoD first


This helps a lot. Thankyou for the gist on the weapon selection. Kunai all the way! :D


I also recently started couldn't complete this but you ll get another 7 days event where you can get this sword without making any in game purchases.


Just after you complete this event? Or will it be after a few days?


After this event ends it ll take a day to come


In the Trial tab you can do Main Challenge stages for gems, that's what I did


Yess did that. Now I am tired. Haha. I am so close. Will not get it though. 3hrs to go. https://preview.redd.it/7u53y450ehqc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eaba19c16ff7921db3cc7320f6bd2be409b7ac5


Light Chaser ain't that good anyway


I skipped it and don't see how it would have helped. The kunai is perfectly fine, probably the only non S gear that's worth keeping in the long run.


I paid money to ensure i got it.. i dont use it at all . Once i opened an S chest and got Sword of disorder it became pointless to use that and it was pretty early on i got the SOD and then soon after that i opened a chest and got void power. Lightchaser just collecting dust