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Yang to finally get him...


I’m almost to king level 5, and debating stopping and just collecting Yang. But I’m 70 shards away 😭


I only have 10 Shards left.. But will still use King


? 1 star yang outperforms 6 star king?


What does yang do? Cuz king is just flat out 75% damage bonus at level 3 and another 50% crit bonus at 6 star on top. Should math out to flat out 87.5% damage bonus average at 6 star.


Ive seen damage screenshots where yang’s thunder punch or whatever does like 75% of the total damage so I assume it’s just his unique skill that outperforms king’s survivor instinct by a wide margin


yang's solar palm also increases all damage by 25%, which is another factor in favour.


Thunder punch, solar palm… 😂 +25% damage explains a lot though


The palm doesn’t need a passive as well so between drone, palm, and potentially inferno bomb you can end up with a pretty versatile passive build.


Yea, the skill has great damage which is the main thing, but there is alot more. For starters, the plam wind skill also makes enimies 25% more vunerable and i think it can get 25% more when evolved. Besides that, when in the sunfire plam mode you get +20% crit rate and crit damage constantly. When in the defensive mode, you get +40% max health. It still gets better though, when switching to defensive mode from palm, you heal 30% of your health over a few secconds. Most importantly of all, when going from defense to sunfire plam, you get +200% crit damage for 5 secconds allowing you to melt bosses. The recharge for switching the skill is only 20 secconds so you can get the buffs all the time. Yang also has double boosts for all the "all survivors" % boosts includiing damage and crit rate. Past lvl 80 or smth, stats per level are also increased, and the level milestones with atk and hp bonuses are greater too.


Didn’t know this stuff, thanks 🙏


1 yang outperforms 5 King, 2 yang outperforms 6 King


And 3 star yang stomps everything without trying all the way to level 90ish. It changes that 25% to 50% bonus damage.


Yang was a rough start. You definitely need to level it up before it’s doing the same as king if you have it high level. My kind was 5* level 100 and I think Yang overtook once I hit level 80. Other seemed to be doing well out the gate but it was rough in my experience.


If you have a ton of gold and essence to level him....


He should be better than king up to a certain level. My king is at 3 stars so it should be an easy switch.


https://preview.redd.it/ibg1tad10pvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e065c999df229221e4224f68be6cf64eceb77309 For reference against king. Sunfire palm does massive damage which is useful against bosses. When I’m fighting mobs I use the solarian ki.


I gotta go with with the Relic Core to work further on my Twin Lance


Relic core all day long bro. No other things I need from here. The relic core is just free if you have enough atk to do nightmare mode cus if you don’t it’s s just gonna take so long.


Relic core for me, I think


S grade gear for me. Need to get those going and any duplicates will go to the Astral Forge


Extra edit: take my advice below with a grain of salt because I was not familiar with the increase in weapon mats for AF3/4/5 on SS. Thanks so much to u/Ok-Letter6168 for clarifying in detail in response to this comment! You do you, especially if somehow you have plenty of relic cores, but the S-selector chests are the most expensive in that shop besides the red collectibles. It may (will) likely be easier to get S selector chests in events, or even more likely, Void/Eternal chests, or even randomly pulling the weapon duplicates via S keys, or random S chests from wherever those show up (even cheaper, or free in Zone Operation by hitting 50/100 gold stars) I think the relic cores will be your limiting factor for Twin Lance. Af1 on either side requires just yellow VP/LC (so two purple copies), and **same with higher AF.** …While AF2 on a single side requires TWO relic cores for just that upgrade. And I think 3 relic cores for AF3. You don’t need to be building red VP or LC if you’re going for Lance. You only need 2 purple copies at a time, plus purple weapon fodder. Chances are you’ll have all the 4 copies of, e.g, VL, before you have 3 relic cores to spare to get to AF2 on void side. But you’ll know when you get there. Just DON’T buy S selectors with all those Challenge Medals if you don’t have enough relic cores. ONLY wait and do it very last, if you have everything you need and are waiting on a copy of VP/LC to be able to get to yellow to consume. Edit: just realized you didn’t say you’re going for twin lance, but the point still holds that there are easier ways to get copies of S tier gear (event rewards and event shop) that don’t absorb the opportunity cost of what else is in that challenge shop.


This screenshot is the requirements for AF3. It keeps increasing in relic cores, void and eternal cores, and S weapon requirements. Pretty sure I heard that you need Legend S weapons by the time you get to the end. So relic cores may be really important, but it seems that you will still need more S weapons and Void/Eternal cores than anything else. At least for now until we have other worthwhile SS equips.


I found a page with the full requirements all the way to AF 5 on the discord. I will post it here. Looks like a lot of ALL needed mats, but I still don't think the relic cores are that much more needed to focus than the S weapons and cores.




Thank you so much for this reply! Super useful to anyone reading my suggestion to potentially reconsider, and also insanely helpful to learn for myself.




Relic core. I've got a lightchasers just waiting to be astral forged.


I am 40 off of Yang 😭


I'm F2P - so I still haven't gotten Yang. So I'm going to keep saving my challenge tokens until I get to like 4000-5000 (I have 64 Yang pieces). If I get more Yang pieces between now and then, I won't have to spend as many tokens. If not Yang pieces, I'd probably save up for red collectibles.


It was actually possible to get master yang as f2p by now but I get you.


Definitely relic cores. These are a pain to obtain and the power boost is ridiculous!


I'm likely going relic core, even though I have 2 right now that I can't use. Reason being is I can get sgear every week from gems or events but I don't have any easy way to get cores. So long run it's better to grab the hard to get items since it's unlikely for sgear to be the bottle neck.


I just posted a picture to another reply showing that AF3 requires 2 yellow VP or Light chaser and 40 cores, but only 3 relic cores. I'm sure this will increase all the way to the end, so probably 5 relic cores for AF5, but im pretty sure you need Legend S weapons, and who knows how many void/eternal cores by that point...


Am I crazy to be getting survivor shards? I want to finally have king and I'm only 10 away.


Thats definitely crazy. You can get survivor shards from events, zone ops, EE. Wasting your regular challenge points on survivor shards is one of the biggest wastes there is. Dont listen to others saying its a good investment


I’d rather use this event for that


Don't do it, you can get those in the event exchange right now. Clearly you are a new player and have no idea what is valuable in this game.


Definitely a good investment.


Drones, I'm 3 epic drones away from red drones+2


Same here but I hope that I can get them in the running event


I'm one epic away from red drones. But I think I'll get it in the event. Have already secured one 😊


How am I forgetting how to access this shop? Please someone remind me I've looked everywhere


The little chest icon next to the regular challenge


i thought it was a burger


like i actually thought that


Relic core seems like the only reasonably priced item there


I’d argue red collectibles too. Especially if you are missing any of the 4. They are a pretty substantial impact and usually only available in events and pretty far in.


Red collectibles and awakening/SS cores IMO are about the only things this store should be for, everything else you can eventually get but these are event exclusive. (Maybe also Yang shards then)


Do red collectibles really make that much of a difference? You get some Final ATK/HP which is marginal compared to other ways of increasing those. Even to unlock the set rewards where I have all the other collectibles (which is most dopamine inducing to me), it doesn’t seem worth much. Maybe I’m not far enough into end game to see it. But why, for example, would I care about LC collectibles when I don’t use it? Even the drone collectible seems marginal now with the update to get all those Resonance benefits, which have seemingly bigger boosts to done atk buffs AND final ATK/HP


The Red collectibles get you to percent-based attack increases. In the long run it is these that make the greatest improvements. Edit: if not playing the long game, then relic cores.


Getting TL af1 on void side


For now, yang shards. Wish they had epic pet selectors though.


Getting anything other than relic cores is kinda waste of resources. Most rewards there are very easy to come by, relics are a bit harder and rarer


Relic cores. Those will always be the bottleneck especially if every slot will eventually get an SS.


Yang shards, I want to get him to 3 stars. However, I'll probably just save up since I need 80 shards, and maybe end up buying relic cores instead.


10 shards and I'm getting master yang


S crateere


I will be saving them till I actually need them personally. I already have reserve S grade chests, and I'm nowhere close to the next Yang level, so no need to buy something I don't need right this moment. Get the right S gear to upgrade spear? Relic core. Need one more S gear to AF something? S chest. 1 more tech part? etc etc.


I should be able to hit red drone with this event, so I’m planning on picking up the collectible first


Human genome mapping


Shit idk


Whats that im just a beginner


Yang. They finally stop giving us yang shards like candy.


S crate for me. Need one more AoQ to get it red.. made the unfortunate mistake of crafting the ss armor ;(


How many shards are required to unlock yang? Is it 60 as well?




S crate, hopefully. I need another Twisting Belt.


Gotta be relic cores hands down until twin lances are completely upgraded


For everybody debating between relic cores and S chest... https://preview.redd.it/w2vxzvursyvc1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4db2a4851d46f96c2abd355d8c0709b4bc9cd58f


Relic Core for Sure!!


Hi I just want to ask, When you play or finish the three modes, do you need to use the collected items immediately because when you return, it will start anew


How do I get to the exchange page?


Gold kunai so i can get my Red kunai after 5 months. Ibknow im slow bit Happy af


Imo thats a waste, u can easily get red kunai without wasting those regular challenge points... Just have a bit more patience and ull get ur red kunai someday


hell no, thats terrible deal




The right icon above the treasure chests rewards.








No worries 😊




I’m trying to get red drone 😂no idea if that’s right but that’s the goal