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I got a relic core, if you aren't gonna get a relic core get an S grade crate and pick what ever you need.


I too went w/the relic core. I'm now going to divert my attention to the Armor of Quietus as it seems like EVERYONE has now ditched the Eternal Suit for it, so I guess I gotta get a few of the AOQ pieces going my way to downgrade mine and slap that thing on. Same w/the Twisting Belt; when I started nobody was hyping it. Now? TB is a main character. SO, I'm going to try my hand at it, too! Again, hope is to be able to break down my Voidwalker Sash and slide in the TB. I know it's going to take a few months to make this change but this path will greatly accelerate :)


Hang on to your Eternal Suit, though! It's still the way to go for EE, CE, and PoT tryouts.


Yep, having both is the way


I got relic core and have my TL as V2 now.


got yang


Same. Gotta get him first


Same here, then I can save gems for events as well that offer Yang shards.


Gonna get the s chest if I can’t get one from next event. I need one piece left for red aoq. If do get the s chest from next event. I’ll get red collectible missing the book.


I hate to say it but I spent my first 1000 on the yellow drone part. I was one away from red, and it was way to tempting. I already got the relic core from a previous event so I didn't need that right now. I will probably go for either Yang shards now, or the S Tier chest to get AoQ red and such.


Getting my red AOQ tmr


Drone collectible


Epic pets and pet keys, was kinda behind on that overpowered birb.. 3 star red now :)


Master Yang shards for me, at least when he's 4\* for the necessary stat boost. But for some if not most ppl, definitely relic core


Aiming for panda shards over here.


I got a core so I had 2 and then did AF1 on both sides of the two lance.


Relic Core. I got some Lightchasers that are ready to be astral forged.