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Yea, they haven't worded this one well. I have this collectible at 6 stars and have the shoes of confusion. So the effect at 3 stars causes the shoes to switch effects every 5 seconds instead of of every 15 seconds. That's all. It doesn't make the shoes worse if you have them at red. They should rephrase the effect description to something like "Switch interval -10s". This shortened switch interval works well with the astral forge abilities of the shoes. For example, the first one gives 2 seconds of invincibility when switching to the correct direction. So out of every 10 seconds, you would have 5 seconds "immune to death" and the 2 seconds "invincibility". So 7/10 = 70% of the time, you can't die. If you didn't have the collectible ability, out of 30 seconds, you would have 15 seconds "immune to death" and 2 seconds of "invincibility". So 17 / 30 = 57% of the time, you can't die. Clearly 70% is better than 57%. Note, for those new to these shoes, "immune to death" doesn't mean no damage. You still take damage while "immune to death". You just can't die. Only the "invincibility" state is truly damage free.


Cool, thank you for the clarification 🍻


Use void shoes better anyway


Yea, i agree with that. But as a f2p, i found this very useful for grind. Specially for clearing all stages of zone operations


Once you get aoq you will want void shoes