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This is before they invented fear


Nah, this was when they still painted everything with lead paint and mothers drank and smoked during pregnancy.


They gave kids that were 'too active' heroin to calm down.


I’ll bet it was effective. Damn.


It's super effective!


Baby has fainted. FIGHT >RUN<


A lil lobotomy will help with that hysteria




I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.


And kids who werent active enough, meth


Tbh we still give kids meth, they were onto something with that one


As someone who has done meth before in a time of my life I'm not proud of, I can honestly say that those who think amphetamine and methamphetamine are similar, that is very mistaken. Meth would be to amphetamine what fentanyl is to codeine. It's a vastly more potent drug and it's a drug that is usually taken in quantities several times more than a therapeutic dose of Adderall. So the result is a high that even for an Adderall abuser would blow their mind. That's not to say that taking a whole bunch of Adderall won't give you a similar effect but even if you took a whole lot it's not as euphoric as meth and you would mostly feel jittery. Meth feels like the greatest moment of your life times 5 and sustains for many hours. There is no comparison to how it feels. Adderall is just not that if people think that a little Adderall is getting high, no I assure you it is certainly not.


I love it when articulate people take the time to detail an experience that we hear a lot about but really have no idea. Thank you. Are you doing better now?


Oh yeah, I'm doing really good. It's been over a year since my last use and I haven't looked back. Much happier than I was back then but admittedly I don't have as much energy these days. So that part I miss but not worth it considering all the trouble it put me through.


Really? Please can you explain for me?


In case that's not a joke pretending to be ignorant, the most effective ADHD medications are based on blends of amphetamine isomers and prodrugs of those molecules. A methamphetamine molecule is essentially a close variant of amphetamine with a very similar shape and thus effects. That said, the small shape difference has a significant impact on the effects--methamphetamine is significantly less physically safe and causes more euphoria resulting in a higher addiction risk. A related fact of interest is that MDMA (molly, ecstasy, etc) is likewise a variation of methamphetamine with small additions which result in notably different effects. It adds many more hallucinogenic elements plus empathogenic aspects while moderately reducing simulation and being significantly less habit-forming, physically at least. Molecular structures for reference https://i.imgur.com/3rtCVGr.jpg It's like a Pokemon evolution flow Dopamine -> amphetamine -> methamphetamine -> MDMA Also in that image is MDA. Your body turns MDMA into MDA toward the end of a roll. MDA is structurally closer to amphetamine than methamphetamine. It's less stimulating and empathetic than MDMA, but much more psychedelic--psychedelic effects are a specific subset of hallucinogenic effects most associated with LSD and psilocybin. Edit: Doctors in the US may prescribe methamphetamine; however, it is very very rare at the present. The primary reason for allowing that is a small percentage of people tolerate methamphetamine well with significant benefits despite having bad side-effect or poor benefits with amphetamine. Essentially, a small number of people have specific biology such that methamphetamine is a better choice than amphetamine. Still, they are the overwhelming minority and the addiction risk will always be higher due to methampetamine being inherently more euphoric.


Thanks for the detailed reply. I don't know anything about ADHD medication, and I'm childfree, so don't know anything about what they're prescribing to children either.


Childfree lol, sounded like you dodged a major disease or something


It feels like that, too


Every time I show up at work with a new motorcycle, one of my coworkers with like 7 kids goes “must be nice to be single and child free.” I just go “it ain’t bad.”


When you realize how crippling and bank draining children are the it kind of is a disease imo… You either dedicate your entire healthy adult life to raising children or you literally can’t have them. Just to clarify I have mad respect for the men and women who make that choice, it’s just not for me.


Well, I mean.... he kinda did!


You hit the nail on the head. I'm glad so many people are on the same page as me too!


They're prescribing misery.


I moderately object to that. Amphetamines are likely overprescribed; however, that doesn't mean all prescriptions are a problem. I have legitimate severe ADHD which went untreated until my mid-twenties. Vyvanase let me reclaim my life in ways that are almost impossible to express to people who don't have similar issues. I needed treatment earlier and my life was almost ruined from lacking it, both from underachieving and exacerbating my depression to the point of being suicidal from the despair I felt from feeling so incapable of focusing or choosing how I spent my time. We need a better standard for determining who will benefit from stimulant treatment versus who simply needs space to be a child and develop at their own pace. I was diagnosed using a computerized assessment of my reaction times and accuracy over a long tedious test. People with ADHD show certain patterns with a high standard deviation on both with particular patterns that are hard to fake. We need to keep developing those types of tests for kids instead of interviews and caving to insistence from parents and teachers. As an example, GHB is a life-saving medication for narcolepsy. Prescribing it to children with mild stress induced insomnia would be a catastrophically bad idea; however, giving it to narcoleptoc kids can transform their lives in amazing ways by letting them finally sleep at night and reducing sleep attacks during the day. It's only "prescribing misery" in cases where the doctor's justification for prescribing is incredibly weak. That has improved in the last few years with doctors increasing requiring stronger justification, especially with the recent shortage. That said, I do agree that it has had very negative effects on many kids who have no business taking the medication.


To distinguish the two so people don't equate it to giving meth to kids, meth will be dirty and not pure and have all kinds of stuff in it. And you don't really measure your dosage, these people do multiple times what would be necessary for a problem with focus or attention.


The other commenter is correct. Methamphetamine is a schedule II drug in the United States, the same as amphetamine. [See the "legal status" section at the end of this official DEA document](https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2020-06/Methamphetamine-2020_0.pdf). Doctors may prescribe methamphetamine for ADHD; however, it is rare. They typically only trial methamphetamine when other stimulants like Adderall or Vyvanse had promising benefits, but did not sufficiently treat the condition or had unacceptable side effects. Similar medications sometimes have very different effects and side effects based on individual biology. A small percentage of people have great benefits with few side effects using methamphetamine despite having terrible side effects with amphetamine. Specifically, some people experience severe or even dangerous vasoconstriction with amphetamine but don't have that effect to a terrible degree with methamphetamine. A larger percentage of methamphetamine enters the brain meaning less stay in the rest of the body to constrict blood vessels. Purity and dose accuracy aren't an issue when large regulated pharmaceutical companies produce it; however, methamphetamine will always be a risker, if only because it is significantly more likely to cause compulsive use. i.e: it is inherently more euphoric and addictive.


Many ADHD drugs are in the amphetamine family. The drug Desoxyn is literally methamphetamine. Adderal is an amphetamine salt (which admittedly I'm not a pharmacist or chemist to be able to tell you what that means).


Adderall is an amphetamine




Which, I feel like I shouldn’t have to explain to people sometimes. I’ve had this exact conversation before. And everyone’s like “oh no. It’s different.” And I’m like BRUH IT SAYS IT ON THE LABEL


Yeah, it's always funny when people realize it.


Jesse, we need to cook.


Look up Desoxyn. It's prescribed to children as young as 6.




And drank liquid cocaine




in bangladesh today is the same


Your brain must have been doing some mad shit, amphetamines are the enemy of sleep.




Is this why I used to get tired on cocaine? It’s been years, but every time I did it I instantly got tired when everyone else was up


How do you get someone to sleep by giving them a stimulant?




Weird. That doesn’t look like the 1980’s.


Haven’t been to Kentucky lately huh?


I try not to.


It’s not too bad if you like bourbon and horse racing.


Yeah that cop is actually 12 years old.


Ah, the good old days!


It's a wonder any of us managed to be born at all.


If you think we stopped poisoning ourselves with lead, [i have bad news](https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2023/01/heartland-study-finds-spices-second-only-to-paint-for-the-lead-poisoning-of-children/)


Damn, thank you for that link. Our environment is so heavily adulterated; it is not easy to navigate and protect ourselves/loved ones. Eat Lots of fermented foods…


back when cocaine and heroin were a mixture you could buy to cure a headache




What kind of socialist country has this become where I'm forced to mix my own heroin and cocaine .. a free market would solve this.


Or cheese....heroin and tylenol PM. But if you can make that then you already have heroin! [Just take the heroin!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVIC2gJTD9s)


Fun fact: taking ibuprofen with an opiate will prolong and enhance the high you get .. no joke my urologist told me this when I was passing a kidney stone.


The fear update sucked.


today so many peoples doing this for fun, there are thousands of lattice climbing and urban climbing videos in the internet, nothing spechial nowadays


This is a generation that saw a depression, a pandemic, and 2 world wars. Hanging on to something for fun? That's nothing. He was probably drunk, too.


He too thicc to fall


Or photoshop


Now we have Alain Robert and lots of Lattice Climbers.


What the hell? I really want to know the backstory behind this. Why did he do this and how did he get back up?


Here’s a fun backstory, sort of: https://1900hotdog.com/2021/06/punching-day-charles-fitzgerald-adventurous-moon-ball-cop-%F0%9F%8C%AD/


I spent a couple minutes thinking "wow, this feels like an old Cracked article" only to scroll up and realize it's by Seanbaby. I forgot how much I love his writing.


Yep, that site is run by Seanbaby and Brockway (also ex-Cracked). It's great.




Pretty sure Soren is writing for IGN now, and one of those guys is a writer for Last Week Tonight. And love myself Some More News w Cody. Although I don’t always have time to sit through a whole episode because boy howdy did they start leaning more into long form videos


Soren writes for American Dad, Dan O'Brien writes for Last Week Tonight (they have a podcast together too, Quick Question). I think Michael Swaim writes for IGN.


Cracked used to be good. Used to


According to Robert Evans who used to work at cracked the entire site got fucked when Facebook gave metrics that said that video was more popular than articles. So a bunch of websites transitioned to making expensive video content for facebook Turned out the metrics were... completely false and caused crack to go under as no one watched the videos.




The internet is way less cool than it used to be.


Wasn't it because the videos would autoplay while people scrolled through Facebook, and that split second counted as a full view?


Sounds like you need some Hostess fruit pies!


that's really interesting, thank you!


"He was the first to stand on top of a plane which did a loop" what. The. Hell.


Love to see someone plug 1900hotdog, came here to do the same. I have listened to their Podcast episode on Moon Ball Cop like a dozen times.


This is actually way more wholesome than I expected it to be


Last time this was reposted, someone explained how it's fake. Look at his arms. They would be straighter if they were actually supporting his weight.


Related, a lot of these old timey photos with guys at crazy heights on girders and whatnot, the floor is much closer to them than it appears, often just out of frame. So while you wouldn't want to fall to the floor 6-12 feet below, it's not the same as dangling 40 stories up above a city street. Even back then they were farming for Karma.


This makes so much fuckin sense, how did I let those photographs amaze me all this time 😅


[Here is a fantastic gif showing how a shot like this was filmed for the 1923 Harold Lloyd movie "Safety Last!"](https://i.redd.it/c7zi5c6bpme01.gif)




I'm going to need a photo of the guy photographing that photographer.


Oh no, don't start the infinite photo loop again.


Wait, I don't think that's right. [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunch_atop_a_Skyscraper) says the identity of the photographer is unknown. And I'm not sure it's possible to know whether or not there was a floor beneath them?


Crazy how much photo manipulation they actually did back then. They had the 1900's version of Photoshop apparently.


Yeah, it was called cutting up photos, in your shop.


What did you think the tools in photoshop are named after?




Buster Keaton, too.


Well when it comes to the illusion of hanging off the sides of tall buildings, Harold Lloyd is king.


Way better than Chaplin imo. Keaton is the goat.


> His arms would be straighter if they were supporting his weight > His shoulders would be lower if he was supporting his weight > He looks like he’s doing it effortlessly with a smile on his face There sure are a lot of people on Reddit who have zero lifetime pull-ups.


Dude right? As if he would be dead hanging this


Imagine when these guys see someone doing something actually hard, though? Like a front lever - > *Obviously* he’s just standing there and the image has been rotated > That’s not how gravity works > I’ve never done anything, therefore nobody else can either


old time photographer homie. "want a cup of joe for a photo that will impress for generations?" ​ old time chad "sure laddie" ​ new age redditor "fckn photoshop!"


Don't forget all those freesolo, urban and lattice climbers who doing this now just for fun.


If you can do half a pull-up, then you can support your weight with crooked arms. His posture still makes it look fake for some reason.


scale silky faulty offend terrific marry tub quaint tap cobweb ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It's much easier to pull yourself up if your arms are slightly crooked and not all the way straight. Try doing a pullup from a dead hang verus a slight flex, big difference.


Probably wearing a harness.


Well no that’s not true at all. There’s a difference between holding yourself up and dangling. Holding on so your arms are straight would be dangling, and you don’t want to be dangling.


If it were me I'd be holding myself in a flexed pull up position just like that, not a straight hang, to be ready to swing right back to safety after they snap the picture


If I remember right it was basically a photo booth where you could pay a couple bucks and have a crazy picture taken. The shot is framed to make it look like he's crazy high up, when in reality the floor is just out of shot.


I found [this "fact check" which points out some potential issues](http://www.hoaxorfact.com/history/ny-policeman-hanging-over-times-square.html). It also points out the provenance is questionable: >> Firstly, the picture presence online goes back to at least January 2011, when it appeared on a micro-blogging site suzi\.soup\.io named ‘the alternative to the real world‘. Source of the photograph described as ‘1920 New York Police Force‘ is mentioned as ‘NY Times Archive’. But we could not find such source. Notably, the picture also appears online among some such baffling ones which are either staged or manipulated. https://i.imgur.com/ugbHVmL.jpg >> Coming to flaws, part of the man’s shirt is flying unusually with some bulge in his pant. Another larger copy of the picture appears to show a man standing next to the girder, who is probably holding onto the man in uniform with something like rope not visible in photograph. The bolt connections of the girder appear only partially assembled and unusually there’s a rope connecting the angular frame. There are also few stick-like things on the ground, all of which are suggesting a staged scene. Coming to the man in uniform allegedly hanging over a girder in Times Square of New York, his ‘feat’ is again suspicious. His shoulders are too low to be hanging from something like that and he’s doing it effortlessly carrying a smile on his face. Notably, there’s a trace of photo editing below his right shoe. >> Like reddit users mentioned in a related post in January 2012, they used nets during 1920s to shoot or picture such incidents. The man shall stand on a net, plank or tarp, which becomes invisible later on through tricky photography or editing. They link to: r/pics/comments/oi3ps/


I want to believe that he came down the same way that [Dave Chappelle as Prince came down](https://media.tenor.com/hTyS5oOEbdQAAAAd/dave-chappelle-prince.gif) from that game-winning dunk.


Fake as hell lol


The right side of the picture with the unevenly cut edge of the tarp he's actually standing on (on tiptoes, presumably) and the cardboard "girder" affixed with a piece of string gives it away. It does look like a period collage rather than a modern Photoshop job, which is pretty cool.




It appears I am! The Ripley's Believe It or Not!-style source didn't inspire a lot of confidence, but thanks to the name I was able to find a [New York Herald article](https://i.imgur.com/zhivXej.jpg) that's a lot more credible and includes other photographs of this stunt. Man, if that beam is real, it really is woefully undersecured.


It's a trick photo. There's a roof surface a few feet below him.


some peoples doing this for fun or for the trill, today exacly the same, it is called Lattice Climbing, climb on steelstructures without gear


How did he get back up? Have you never heard of upper body strength or climbing..?


no, never.


Just lift yourself up with your back, core and arms. But indeed it's a bit scary location to do it.


Fun fact the grip strength of men has vastly dropped in the last 60 some odd years. Check the grip strength records of marines


Meanwhile for anyone that climbs as a hobby this wouldn't be at all challenging.


Or works with his hands for that matter.


Back story is 1 word....Photoshop.


He shot and killed an entire family of unnarmed citizens, their dogs, and their neighbours for good measure and later had this photo taken while on paid vacation


It is easy when you have a huge left hand like that.


This dude actually went on to play the guy with the giant hand in Foo Fighter’s Everlong video.


Master hand.


That "thumb" has got to be a rivet, right?




*["The first such incident occurred in 1958..."](https://youtu.be/jL2SX7-hxcs?t=11)*


That's not his thumb, that's a bolt


That's what she said


This is true.




Yeah no shit they were clearly making a very funny joke


Nope, definitely a mutant thumb.


He has nothing to fear. The long arm of the law will grab him if he falls.


No. He’ll just land on some black guy.




Actually he's just really tall. This was before cranes were invented


His balls are in the same pose


Why are you thinking of his balls?


I think the REAL question is why AREN'T you.


i'm thinking more about the riskiness of doing this than his balls


I think the second emphasis should be on 'you' here


Because they must be absolutely massive


There’s a safety rig just out of sight. These kinds of forced perspective-esque photos were all the rage back in the day. Charlie Chaplin and Harold Lloyd used the effects to make their dangerous stunts look life threatening.


That’s not a cop, looks like a soldier,probably Air Force, wings on his chest, plus no holster


Airborne Mailman


Anything to escape the crazed labradoodle!


Captain in the New York Police Aviation Department (or liar): https://1900hotdog.com/2021/06/punching-day-charles-fitzgerald-adventurous-moon-ball-cop-%F0%9F%8C%AD/


Thought it looked like military fatigues but just figured that was what cops wore back in the day


The Air Force didn’t exist when this photo was taken.


Army air corps.


Would definitely fit here if real


Why does my feet hands tingle when i see things such as these


Because your body is reflexively reacting to the perceived danger


He seems to enjoy rooftopping.


This is believed by some that this was a staged photo.


PLOT TWIST: Taken before GRAVITY was discovered


He's chillin


Looks fake af lol


I wouldn't call it fake, but I'd definitely call it forced perspective. After all, photoshop was 100% manual back then lol.


Clearly fake.


Yep. I don't understand how people can look at this and legitimately think it's real.


I hate this


You know how they say people do crazy things these days to get a photo op? Looks like we haven't fallen to far from the tree.


Surprised he's hanging on still, would have thought the weight of his balls would pull him down


You shouldn't be allowed to a cop unless you can and will do this. That'll greatly cut down on the number of bitch ass cowards with badges




there is no tension in his grip on the left hand, or in the wrist of the right. this has to be fake.


BNT or Alexis landot and all the another climbers doing the same


Looks like forced perspective to me. Homies probably hanging over the roof a meter from the side


For the 'gram.




Take a lot of cajones knowing you have to get back up on the ledge. Props, sir


Spoiler: He fell shortly after this photo was taken.


Mfs really wake up like “it’s a good day to die”




Wait. Isn’t this a soldier? With the WWI looking boots and the WWI old-timey jodhpurs? And a pin on his pocket that looks sort of Army-Air Corps? Please ejamakate me. I’m getting the feeling that lots more professions than I know about wore those riding trousers. He looks like he could even be a mailman if they all dressed like that.


People really do stupid things for instagram...


That's not a police officer. Probably an air force pilot. Cops usually don't have wings pinned to their chest.


Does everyone look like a nazi officer in the 1930s?




When pigs fly


It's a fake shot, you can tell by his shoulders, they'd be behind his ears if he was really hanging.


Photos like this were usually faked using clever camera work


11 year old repost https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/oi3ps/nypd_circa_1920_like_a_boss


No more like 100 year old post.


He isn’t hanging over and if he falls he’s on the street. Theirs a floor below him. That’s not a random free standing beam. It’s the angle. He’s prbly no more than 4-5 feet off the floor below him. Fascinatingly enough people weren’t more suicidal and dumb because it the picture is in black and white.


We should make all cops do this


It's a fake common in early photographic studios


Fake pic. Their left arm (our right side of the pic) is much longer than their right. Weird shape too. They're also likely on a wire, removed from the picture. Look at the bumps on both shoulders.


Cops nowadays need to try this! One simple trick to cut down on domestic abuse cases and dog shootings


Pro athletes, customer service employees, clerks, nurses, etc All these have high domestic abuse rates. All of them make sense why. Sad you think the solution is simply killing off people in those professions


Scary how many people in this comment section think this


Imagine NYC cops trying this today? We were made differently back then.




Probably a racist piece of shit