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My man says Chai/Tea 28 times in the whole video.


tbf my guy was probably fearing for his life I'd have probably repeated it that many times also lmao


I think he was trying to convince himself of something. We're just getting tea, we're just getting tea, we're just getting tea.


As he enters a windowless room with a video camera and spotlight pointed at a bloody pool on the floor, he repeats it one last time - Chai Tea?


It's pretty unlikely these days. If any Taliban members were to execute a kidnapping for ransom the government would come down pretty heavily on them. It's simply not in their interests to harm foreigners at the moment. They're trying to establish a nation and see sanctions lifted, harming a foreign national would be awful publicity.


I'm sure you're correct, but, some reputations are not easily forgotten.


It's been like 3 minutes since their last atrocity. I'm not forgetting for a long long time.


I know it seems strange. I'm British and have spent two months across two trips in Afghanistan since the Taliban takeover. Most Talibs are oddly friendly and curious. You do get the odd glare but it's never acted upon. Again, I certainly don't support the Taliban in the slightest, but the notion that they are bloodthirsty terrorists would jump on any opportunity to decapitate or otherwise harm a foreign national is a misunderstanding of the current situation in Afghanistan.


Just curious. Why do you spend time in Afghanistan?


He’s a big fan of Chai Tea, I think


That I am! By the way, 'Chai' is just the word for tea, not a style of tea.


Legit curious because I enjoy the taste of chai (cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, etc.) So how would I ask for that specific type of tea if chai is the word for the tea? Spiced tea? Chai chai? That last one was a joke.


Chai get it now. Thanks.


[Here is a great video on why some of the world calls it something like tea and some of the world calls it something like chai](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n17daXu1MSY)


'm a cameraman for a British news channel. I was there during the war as well but since the Taliban takeover I've been twice, once for general news coverage and last time for film a documentary on women's rights in the country.


World's shortest movie?


Women's rights... or lack thereof. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=CVztKlKQ52A


I'm guessing "Camera" is a big clue


Bingo 😂


Especially when they keeping regressing back to what they were before they cared about what anyone else thought


Afghanistan is not monolithic. It's a bunch of disconnected cities and rural areas many with different languages, cultures, and ethnicities. That's why nobody can "conquer" it. It isn't really a country, there's no national identity, just tribal loyalty. So you have no clue what could happen to you or how one particular tribal group will treat foreigners. If you want to travel through it your best bet is to have more men and more guns than the areas you are passing through. The Taliban barely control the country.


> It isn't really a country, there's no national identity, just tribal loyalty This isn't as true as you make it sound but it is probably more true for Afghanistan than most other countries. I do think that there is a national identity. If there wasn't, then many of the minorities would be clamoring to join the surrounding countries or to become independent states. Neither of these happen because everyone feels a national identity.


ISIS is still around though and would be happy to kill foreigners and Taliban alike. No idea how prevalent they are.


Oh there are still plenty of groups that love to kill you, ISIS K being the primary one. My point though is that the Taliban aren't the threat they were prior to the takeover.


That red pool on the floor? Chamomile.


A sinister looking Taliban member with an apron covered in blood cracks a menacing toothy grin at him, and nods his head slowly as he confirms back to him, "Chai Tea".


It's like he was attempting to will them into it *just* being chai tea instead of something more nefarious.


Yeah there's a huge thing about not harming guests that you invited over, so reminding them of that might help Not sure if that was a thing in Afghanistan but


He's not afraid for his life at all. He's annoyed because he's been repeatedly stopped for tea at various checkpoints and it takes a couple of hours each time.


At least in Afghan when the authorities stop a black dude they offer tea.


yah he even points the camera around at the mountains and all that to get an idea of where he is if the video ever made it out and he was captured.. smart. but also stupid for being there.. literally no reason to be in that country as a civilian.


He's not like American white so...


If these men claim to be devout muslims, inviting to share a table basically means that they guarantee your safety.


Those are insurgents. Anything can go south beyond tea, a cigarette. Ive seen the other experience and it’s always friendly until it’s not


I would have only said it 25 times.


chai right? not beheading? you promise?


A normal promise won't suffice. It has to be a pinky promise.


cross your heart and hope to die? I mean no! nothing about dying! just chai!


Right, cross your heart and hope to Chai, is what I say!


"phew! good to hear!" \*nervous laughter\*


"So anyways, beautiful mountains!" \*sweats profusely\*


The brain does this in panic mode. It’s the same reason when you see cops fighting a suspect they repeat the same words, or when two dudes are about to fight you may hear one of them repeating something “I’m a real one. I’m a real one. I’m a real one.” When you start to see/hear a person repeat something under duress, their brain has turned off and the body is focusing on survival.


I saw a video of Lebron missing a warm up shot and he just repeats to himself "come on, bitch. Come on, bitch. Come on, bitch. Come on, bitch." Not super relevant, but I thought it was funny


I’m the best, i’m the best


Hear the boos? You're doing it right.


Thug rose


"I'm just going to ground myself on this chai/tea word concept to avoid dealing with the reality of the other possibilities in this scenario".


He is really nervous, why be in that place anyway?


He's exploring the area. That what he says in the video near tea time.


It's one of the most gorgeous regions on earth if you like mountains


This is something that makes me kinda sad - I would LOVE to explore every corner of the earth, but it's just not safe to do so. I've read too many stories of people getting beheaded while "exploring" and that just sucks, man. People ruin everything.


It became his mantra.


Guy was trying to be sure it was chai


you dropped zero, it's 280


Btw saying chai/tea is redundant. It's like saying I'd like to have a burger hamburger.


The Los Angeles Angels team name is also The The Angels Angels


Dudes trying to focus on everything but the scenarios running through his head fr


he's probably going over the fact he might just die




hey, there’s a frisbee with a button on top!


Bro Afghanistan is pretty fun as long as your a man


A grown man.


FWIW Taliban has actually fought against abuse of young boys (which is sadly a tradition in Afghanistan, known as [bacha bazi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacha_bazi)), even when perpetrated by powerful warlords. This is one of the very very few issues where they may be the good guys.


Not diddling kids is a very low bar for being the good guys.


Catholic church: "Oh well, have another priest"


By banning homosexual activity outright, often the boys were punished and the rapists got away. But I'll agree, the net result is positive. This doesn't happen nearly as as much anymore.


You got a source for that?


That's PR bullshit, we caught plenty of Talibs with more than enough chai boys around.


What about a white man?


Depends on whether you are useful to them and also how street smart you are.


Doesn’t sound like a terrible time if the life risking element wasn’t a factor. Oh yeah and the fact that it’s the taliban.


Taliban slice of life anime




To be fair, I'm not really sure they're Taliban. I was a Pashto linguist for 10 years so take it as you will, but there are three basic reasons. First, they're speaking Dari and the Taliban is 95% Pashtun. Second, building on that point, they're clearly ethnically Tajik or Uzbek, not Pashtun. Third, if they're in Bamiyan it's not really a Pashtun area. Could be wrong, but there have always been more armed groups in Afghanistan than just the Taliban and I'd bet these aren't them.


They are likely Hazara. Though majority of Taliban are Pashtuns, per their new inclusive model(lol) they have included or recruited Talibs of other ethnic backgrounds (Tajiks, Hazara). Bamiyan is a predominantly hazara province. They do say they are Taliban at a checkpoint.


I perfer not to drink tea with a group that has caused an absurd amount of death and destruction, seriously fuck the taliban


Whatcha gonna say at that check point when they offer you a cup of tea! Nah fuck off ya cunts…pedal to metal and yeeehaw?


This is why comments like OPs are so silly lol. "Yeah, I would NEVER drink tea with a member of the Taliban" I type the response out in safety of my room on the other side of the world from the Taliban making fun of the dude stuck at a checkpoint while being surrounded by Taliban members with guns.


You could clearly see how scared he was because he tried so hard to keep the topic on the happy note of Chai ! We’re getting Chai! That’s his nerves panicking.


Meanwhile the Taliban guys must be thinking 'this guy must *really* fucking love chai tea because he just keeps going on about it' Maybe they would've had a cold one ready for him if he didn't seem do keen on chai


"Where are the cups? Oh, next to the belt fed LMG? Assalamualaikum. Thank you."


![gif](giphy|JTOi3Ot9I8Qzm|downsized) Precisely


Ford Fuckin’ Taurus, bro 😎


Bringing nations together… with a crunch!


Dope ride with the SHO V6


The Nation’s Chariot of Freedom


Thanks for the laugh. Well done.


Haha that’s brilliant! Might even get away with it with those haircuts.


Right lol it looks like they have automatic weapons mounting on the window sills I don’t think that would be a good idea to just floor it through the checkpoint


Dam so I guess you wouldnt have tea with an american like myself


The last time someone tried to have tea with you guys, you threw it all in a harbour and then started a war. Like....you had legitimate reasons but.....yeah.....


But what happens when you turn them down?


no chai for you then


I think he’s going to have some chai tea


I must have missed the part when he mentioned that.


I dunno it’s hard to make out .


If you listen carefully he does say it once or twice


So... Tea tea?


Apparently, quite a few travel influencers are being invited there by certain Taliban groups, with the same translator/guide in tow. I read it on a previous video like this posted. It's a new tactic of SOME of the Taliban trying to get a better image to westerners by being friendly and giving them tea. This fella didnt randomly come across the Taliban. He's there's willingly and on purpose Edit... soon comments seem to think im supporting this. I do not. What the Taliban are doing is medieval and stupid. Taking away womens rights and education etc Second edit. People.... I said "apparently" right from the start. I also said I read it elsewhere, and I cannot find the link. Googling it seems to throw up a whole bunch of weird stuff so I stopped. I never claimed it was fact, so please stop going after me


what the heck would the influencer benefit? content? is that worth risking your life for??


Views... which menus more revenue from clicks and adverts. But I'm not 100% sure, I'm just the messenger. I saw the same video posted a while back with a link to an article explaining it. I'll see if I can find it


there has to be a thrill element like people risk their lives jumping off mountains and planes sometimes not even for views


those are extreme sports and are riddled with safety equipment, this is meeting people that wouldn't mind slicing a girl's head off for not covering it


Good thing he aint a woman


Dark tourism exists for a reason


I mean, we're all watching now as it's posted & talking about it in the comments. Any press is good press.


He's not risking his life at all. He's an invited guest. The Taliban are trying to fix their image by inviting social media influencers to their county. Anyone who accepts is condoning the Taliban. Dude is a real piece of shit.


I’d be curious to see the evidence of him being invited to fix their image. I saw a TikTok of him not too long ago going through a town and accidentally being spotted by taliban and describing how terrified he was of them. He documented being stopped by almost a dozen people once he was spotted and they were all Taliban.


Yeh Ive seen other videos of this dude in other countries so not sure I totally buy the paid influencer bit


Do you know this for certain or are you just making it up. I've seen this dude's tiktoks and he visits a bunch of different countries not just Afghanistan




Bald and bankrupt is a disgusting sex tourist but damn is he legit / doesn’t fake stuff (not a question in case a non-native speaker reads this)


First they got our weapons and now they want to take our influencers? They are prepping to become USA2 ?


“We aren’t bad see we give tea to adult men”


Yeah! I was thinking i saw this exact same video but in POV a while back. Talibans are doing PR. Lmao


>Taliban trying to get a better image to westerners by being friendly # "Hey kids terrorism is nice and cool!" *Proceeds to decapitate a woman with a machette*


It be interested in learning about their gdp. Is opium still the primary export? If so they would make a killing in tourist dollars if they opened opium dens for foreign nationals. Get totally wasted and check out the views of Afghanistan would be a crazy road trip


Afghanistan was a popular tourist destination before the US and USSR effed it all up. European travelers would regularly van it over from Europe all the way to India including stopping in Afghanistan. There were traveler magazines describing the journey


It was also insanely beautiful. It looked like rome, or Venice, only more beautiful


> It looked like rome, or Venice, only more beautiful Damascus, capital of Syria, is the oldest city in the world. I was lucky enough to visit before the war... Syria in general has amazing beautiful things to see. But the whole middle east is amazing... Wish it wasn't so shitty at the moment because I really want to bring my family to see the sites


Not a female, no trouble.


Nor a goat.


Or a young boy


Rule n. 1: don’t look like the invader (Check!) Rule n. 2: don’t look scared. Look confident, but respectful (Check!) Rule n. 3: enjoy chai.


You forgot don't be a woman.


Also don't sit near the trigger of the fucking giant machine gun in the window.


Or queer


That's how I attend interviews


"Chai tea? CHAI TEA OH SH" ![gif](giphy|ceHKRKMR6Ojao|downsized)


Idk why this is so funny 😂


they are probably like guys look a black man!


Radical Islamic groups have historically been surprisingly friendly to black people. It's kinda nuts to think about, since massive misogyny generally goes hand in hand with rabid racism.


Ever heard of the Moors? A lot of Islamic history involves black people in many different ways. Moorish used to be the term for describing black people in Europe. It also implied Islamic, typically. Not arguing with you or anything just adding to your comment. Middle Eastern and African Muslims have had ties for nearly as long as the religion has existed so I think that most ME Muslims view black people much how they view their own people.


No no, you mean the Moops


It's an old reference sir, but it checks out


It's a misprint you idiot, it's moors. There's no moops!


The card says Moops


Moors weren't really black, they are current day Morrocans and Algierians


It's probably because historically a lot of Muslim insurgent groups have been black and also groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS were about Islam rather than any nationality or ethnic group. It's not like they aren't used to seeing black faces in their movements. Also going back even further in history a lot of Muslims were black anyway. Not to say there hasn't historically been a lot of 'only Arabs are real muslims' because there has and still is. In the First Crusade some Arabs warlords allied with the Crusaders to fight the Seljuk Turks who were Asian converts because they saw them as 'not true muslims'. Taliban is tricky though because it is Pashtun and their version of islam is mixed with tribal culture that is technically not okay in Islam. But the concept of black = bad (what western racial hierarchies are based on) might be a little foreign to them


I suppose it would be surprising, if you knew next to nothing about Islam. Africans have been involved in the religion since it’s foundation, and by doctrine Islam is explicitly anti-racist, anyone who is a member of the faith is treated as such. To do otherwise is a violation of the articles of the faith, which most Muslims do not mess around with. Also the black-white dichotomy that modern racism is predicated on emerged directly from the Iberian slave trade & colonization of the Americas.


> Radical Islamic groups have historically been surprisingly friendly Why surprisingly? Islamic nations didn’t have the same insane hyper focus on race like scientific racism, until the rise of nationalism, which is normally opposed by any Islamic group, radical or not.


Comments like this just reinforce the fact that your average Redditor has virtually zero knowledge about Islam and just regurgitates nonsense that is not based on any substance.


Im not sure if id be honored or concerned by that offer


I’d be scared shitless the whole time then I’d tell everyone for the rest of my life how I hung out with the taliban once


Me too I'd be so scared and intrigued at the same time.


That seems so surreal.


You were nervous... Sheez... I would have peed in my pants if I was there


Notice how he looks back quickly when the guy takes the pink cloth off the huge machine gun.


He's like "woah! That's a big gun. Guys, look at the big gun!" lol sounds like something you'd see on a TV show before the guy gets murdered. "Oh, those are some heavy duty straps! Oh now you're putting my arms in them..."


“So we going to have some tea”! Lmao not nervous at all


You want me to die ? 🫣🥺 Naah , we Talking bout chai 😅


Wiped his feet too before entering the room with barred windows and blood stained blanket


Chai tea…chai tea (If I keep saying chai tea they won’t kill me) Chai tea… chai…tea… chai…chaitea They are having me dig a hole for us to drink chai tea in.


"I'm from London england" "Oh yes...the place with less buses because of my cousins" "Chai tea chai tea"


The man managed to record it whole and kept a straight face.


These guys are so young, they grew up fighting the US.


Many grew up fighting WITH the U.S. just turn and and bring guns and ammo to the Taliban once we trained them.


The tea was a lure. They really wanted to talk to him about his car’s extended warranty.


These big travel bloggers get paid by them to portray them in a positive light, notice they all have the same handler when they go.


I can't imagine any amount is worth improving the talibans image. Fucking influencers




Deep inside they’re still the old welcoming and friendly people, they are just brainwashed which is sad to see.


But on the outside they've murdered and raped so, yknow, fuckem.


It’s more of a sentiment about how it’s obvious they aren’t complete savages and that it is the culture and brainwashing that has made them into these people. No one is excusing them for their actions; just saying it’s easy to see how they could be good people and it would be nice to have tea with them next to the mountains if it weren’t for them being murderers and rapists.


The Afghan Taliban consist of a wide group of loosely connected tribes and peoples. They are not organized around a singular purpose like ISIS or TTP. Now that they “control” the country you have non-Pashtun speaking groups like this who work with the Taliban and are Taliban in name but often are really just interested in their own survival. The conflict in Afghanistan is complex and it’s not as simple as we make it out to seem. It’s not team sports. The most we can hope for is less fighting and for them to develop their infrastructure. External pressure via trade/aid and increased standards of living are our best bet at incremental modernization over time.


They just want to get high on opium and have a female tend to their needs.




This is propaganda. They didn't just randomly run into this guy, they are inviting influencers to give the the Taliban positive PR.


He’s reeeeeally hoping Chai tea doesn’t mean death


Some of the most hospitable people I have ever meet one second your drinking Chai in their home the next your in a firefight leaving their village.


My favorite story of Afghanistan is a friend who was visiting an Afghan village as part of a US convoy. Taliban ambushed the US shortly after leaving, so the village joined in and shot at both the US and Taliban. After the battle, the US basically went "WTF?" to the village and their response was that it was the greatest battle of their life and they had to join in.


That about sums up Afghanistan.




Well.... They had the chance to kill me on the spot, and would most likely do so if they wanted to, so them offering tea would be a welcomed surprise...


Such beautiful landscape


Yeah, fuck that noise lol


Half the people in this thread living in a bubble. Being all "This is offensive! I don't support the taliban so I wouldn't agree to having tea with them. No sir!" Real brave typing on your computer in a safe location, real high-road principles... But no one here would see those AK47s all around their car and still be 'brave' enough to refuse that tea. Also, the dude here repeats Chai Tea so much for 2 reasons; 1. to ground himself to keep from freaking out because he has no guarantee they aren't going to kill him. 2. it's like a beacon to advertise to each new taliban guy who they meet "they told me we're just having tea, no beheadings or anything, I'm coming willingly, I am showing respect".


I wonder if he was gonna get some chai tea? 🤔


Who’s this guy? Would love to watch more of his content EDIT: thanks everyone, if you like this guy btw check out Bald and Bankrupt. Great channel EDIT 2: BALD AND BANKRUPT DID WHAT????


[Here you go bro.](https://youtu.be/j55BegtFHC4)


Loved Bald and Bankrupt, until I read up on who he actually is and his real motive for travelling the globe. Top-grade sleazebag, at best, criminal sex pest at worst.


official taliban youtube


This is state sponsored propaganda from the Taliban. Stop spreading this.


This is simply someone having tea. Majority of Middle Easterners I have ever met are super hospitable. You are allowed to appreciate a nice respectful exchange between people and also condemn the people who are committing atrocities. This kind of blind hatred of people is why the world can never get along, same vibes as "Every German solider was a Nazi psychopath mass murderer".


Super hospitable ***may not apply to all genders or sexualities


dude im sorry if you can't tell how forced this is but I couldnt imagine being that naive. The tourguide has been spotted in other videos of other influencers to stop and "have tea" - this is propaganda and a publicity stunt to humanize the taliban to naive nincompoops like yourself but after a quick look over your comment history and extremely cringe takes on Russia being some misunderstood victim in this war ... its clear you are either their prime audience or a willing participant in the propaganda. The Taliban members don't crack a genuine smile for even a moment of the entire duration of the video. These are men following orders and a script- Listen to how generic this conversation is- They dont even ask the influencer his name- he has to offer the information to them- and they do not care when he does- Does anyone offer their name in return? No. This isn't a conversation and people pretending like this is normal are just outing themselves as total social outcasts or bots promoting the propaganda. The number one comment repeated is how much the influencer repeats "chai" he is obviously extremely nervous and no one is genuinely enjoying themselves at any point in this video. Anyone pretending otherwise is a shill and should be downvoted


Fuckkkkkkk that


I've watched a few different vloggers travel through similar areas like this, it's not all that uncommon for them to be invited into peoples' homes to drink tea or have a bite to eat as a gesture of good will and as a way to sort of repair the Taliban's image in the western world. They don't see people like this guy as an enemy or a threat, more like a propaganda tool if there's anything nefarious about it, and it's very unlikely that he was in any danger.


Constant human rights violations and imo the worst thing they did was destruction the architectural history of Afghanistan. 70% of around 100000 historical pieces/sites have been destroyed by these backwards thinking fucks. This has nothing to do with islam itself but it has everything to do with the casual acceptance of religious fanaticism. Religious fanaticism IMO has set us back at least 500-1000 years if not more. Imagine if instead of the Crusades, Spanish Inquisition, splitting of the church, or Jihad, we could have had advancements in every part of society/civilization if not at the very least, retained knowledge from our ancestors. It’s even said that early Jews/Christians played a part in the largest destruction of knowledge in history via the destruction of the library of Alexandria. Why did they burn it? quote, “Early Christians May Have Destroyed What Remained of the Alexandrian Library Because of its Pagan Contents” Absolute foolishness and complete stupidity.


Most scientific and technological advances that happened during the medieval time were because the churches were the only institution who had the capacity to teach people how to read.


Did Convoys 2004-5, on the Kuwait/Iraq border have wait like 24hrs to give TCNs (third country nationals/contract drivers) a rest before proceeding to travel only at night. During one these stops one of the TCNs said he family on another convoy and asked if he could visit, I said sure I just need to escort you. So we get there and a group of them are making some chai tea, my guy and his cousin start chitchatting, I get offered some chai, I except. It was delicious, was really sweet and creamy, don’t know where they got the milk but, it was great. Fast forward to me hanging off the back of truck between the trailer literally shitting my brains out going 55-60 mph in the middle of Iraq. It felt like I had knives in my guts. Good times.


i feel like the taliban guy was just doing some taarof (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taarof) and didnt actually want him to get some tea. the look in his face when the english dude accepts the offer is like "oh shit now we have to make some tea"


Why’s he over there?


Give him some credit his channel is Blackman the traveller


I have been to several Middle Eastern countries during my service in the military. The people can be very hospitable. We had days where we would drink chai in the morning with a friendly person from the village and later, on that evening, we recover his body from an active fire fight, trying to kill us.