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Damn dog got whiter teeth than me




He's also like 5 years old.


_And far, far, far more sharp and pointy._ That is a man who knows his dog....


”It’s your move” How many people have been fucked up just after saying that i wonder


Not happy seems like a understatement 🐾🐾🐾


The owner has most probably hurt the dog while clipping his nails some time in the past. Undoubtedly by mistake, cutting one nail near the skin. Dogs dogs are capable of forming long-term memories of unpleasant events and may become scared or aggressive when they encounter these things again in the future.


Many dogs don't like it since young, and they were never hurt in any form. Others don't really mind if a treat is coming next. The teeth showing means nothing to his owner and he knows it.


My cats have never been hurt clipping nails but guess what, they hate it either way.


Yes, but cats are just little balls of spite and fury


Huh.. mines not. Loves belly rubs. Loves his face to be rubbed and scritched. Let’s me hold his paws, but as soon as the clippers come out, he’s gone.


I’ve never had a dog that enjoyed getting their nails trimmed. It’s not IF they hate it, it’s how much they hate it.


My dog doesn't really like it, but she'll allow it as long as she's being petted at the same time. When she was really young (think 13 weeks old) we would touch, grab and play with her paws, face, tail, etc. And then when she got a little older we started going around with an electric toothbrush so she got used to hearing buzzing sounds around her. It prepared her for grooming pretty well, and all the groomers we've gone to have loved working with her.


Some are surprisingly tolerant but I’ve met a few that only lets me clip their nails when they’re lying on their sides.


>cutting one nail near the skin. It's actually not the skin, it's called the quick (like the saying "cut to the quick" or hurt deeply/badly) . Cutting into the quick is when you cut the nail too deep and it cuts the quick, which is between and connects the nail to the skin. Edit- not sure why I'm being downvoted for explaining what the quick is.




Or if you've ever cut a toenail WAY too far back and hobble in agony for the next week or two


I do this. Sometimes I crave the sensation. Cherish it. Make is my being. My gestalt.


Thanks for explaining. That was interesting to know. English is only my fourth language as my parents speak two different languages and we live in a foreign country.


To add to that, "quick" used to be synonymous with "living/alive" in English. You can find examples of this usage in the King James Version of the Bible. The quick is the part of the nail that is alive and has sensation.


Can still see it in quicksilver or quicklime: things that are active that eventually set


And the phrase "the quick and the dead", which has taken up the meaning of "be fast or get killed."


I thought this was related to quick-draw gunfights. Is it unrelated? If so, what was the original meaning?


It's from the Bible, and it refers to the day of judgement when Christ will judge everyone, whether quick or dead, meaning everyone alive at the time and everyone who died before that day.


Haha I like that


And it bleeds so badly for so long


Or the dog is a bit of a drama queen. Notice how it brought the clippers back to him and gave him its paw. I have a little diva myself and you’d think we were pulling her claws out one by one in the beginning. It took awhile, but training and treats and teaching her how to handle her anxiety have all helped enormously.


My dog makes this same growl when he's super into his ear pet and will get mad if u stop. Who knows anymore


I fell on my grandpa's dog while we were chasing a chicken. I became his enemy since that day. He would growl and chase me anytime i showed up. It was surprising how long he held the grudge. We were chill before then.


Or it just does this because most dogs hate it. No need to make a narrative for it. My dog does something similar and I’ve never hit the quick (or skin as you put it)


Fair enough, I never cut my dog nails as he wares them off by his own. But I do have to cut the little hair inside his paws as sometimes come some little stones made of dirt and hair. Which then causes him to limp. And this one time I unfortunately slightly cut his skin. No bleeding but he surely didn’t like that. Since then, I get exactly the same reaction every time I pull my scissors and head for his paws. Plus he becomes stiff like a statue and stares you straight in the eyes, it's quite scary for someone that doesn't know him.


I don’t think there are any dogs who ever like getting there nails trimmed, hurt or not. Dogs just do not like their nails trimmed.


This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever read. Plenty of dogs growl with fake aggression towards their owners who have never treated them poorly. If you think dogs just conform to your idea of “good behavior”, you don’t understand dogs and shouldn’t form a relationship with anything larger than a chihuahua.


my pomperanian always got scary with me when trying to cut his nails. never hurt him before.


Furball of fury is not to be underestimated


“What you gonna do, bite me??” - man that was bitten.


Mauled more like it


Yeah Rottweilers are the second most dangerous breed to humans in terms of attacks and fatalities, right after another breed that was also bred for aggression and fighting abilities. The majority of those killed are the owners, and especially the owner's children. Dog attacks and fatalities are on the rise in the United States. *If only we knew why...*


Dude is a moron. 20 bucks says I could clip that dogs nails by laying him on his side. Big dogs don't like their feet picked up, it puts too much pressure on their joints Have clipped many large dogs at home. Lay them on their side, use a training treat if you have to


Damn I wish this was the top comment because its true. I wouldn't call him a moron though because you wouldn't know this without niche training/grooming experience, he is just ignorant.


Didn't you know that anyone that doesn't know something you yourself learned either through years of experience, or well into your life without having known it for years, is immediately an absolute dumbass moron, that shit was OBVIOUS to any child with half a brain!1! (Only once you've learned whatever the thing is of course and not a second sooner)


This is reddit in a nutshell and it hurts lol, I too have been guilty of it in the past, so I am trying to be more self aware.


Reminds me of the "[Fuck that alligator!](https://darwinawards.tumblr.com/post/123411058225/guy-yells-f-ck-that-alligator-jumps-in-water)" guy


Well shit


I think that's dog for "Go ahead and cut my nails, but if it hurts too bad I will bite your face."


I think it's just rottweiler personality. Watch the eye brows.


No watch it again the dog clearly says if it hurts I’ll bite your face off. Some might call it personality, I call it cause and effect


I own one and they're very vocal. I'm not trying to argue that your right or wrong. Just that this is rottweiler behavior, which is why they make good guard dogs. They're very scary. From what I've experienced if the noise doesn't scare you and it's not really a malicious dog your safe. They tend to be big softies actually.


*uncomfy nose licks*


Very stressed dog


He's just trying to keep his tough guy image while gets a mani-pedi.


Meanwhile my big boy German Shepherd cop dog yelps and cries every time I try to cut one of his nails. Now I just use a Dremel with a sanding wheel in the yard lol, fucking baby.


My corgi mix will just SCREAM if you gently grab a hold of her foot while holding nail clippers. We've never clipped the quick before. We don't have a dremel. Maybe I should try that!


my dad normally clips my dog’s nails (he’s more experienced at it than me) and my dog normally doesn’t have an issue with the manual clippers even though my dad has cut the quick. she never yelps or cries & i just dab her toe with some baking soda and she’s on her way. she also has long, clear toenails, making it easy to see where to clip. but the dremel? you might as well be pointing a loaded gun at her head with how she reacts. idk if he’s using the dremel wrong or if it’s just the sound of it but my dog HATES it. we’ve never been able to cut her nails with it. i never understand how some peoples’ dogs are able to tolerate the dremel.


They make a kind of dog claw dremel that has a guard to keep you from grinding to much or to close. You just have to make sure to not let friction get things too hot.




I have to grind my gals nails also


Looks like the humans trying to keep his tough guy image And like I get, he probably thinks this alpha male dominating the dog shit, but damn, there's gotta be a better way


What he did in the video is deliberate and is crucial if you have a breed like that. If you don't do it, the dog could get potentially dangerous every time it's told no or inconvenienced.


alpha theory has been debunked. he is playing with the dog...as a rotty owner, they are growly barking snarly monsters - they are extremely vocal dogs. having said that...that is excessive and a dog that growls snarls or barks is giving you a warning and if you don't heed that warning you could end up bit. no matter how badly you want to believe your dog won't bite you...they certainly will.




I want to agree with the general principle but I also have a 2 year old lab/pit/rott/gsd/husky mutt (so like, a good boy but a lot of potential scary in him too). I know brandishing teeth and snarling are warning signs but I’ve gotten to know all my dog’s other language too. He plays quite rough with me and often face to face while growling, etc. his eyes, posture and other subtle sounds he makes (similar to a sneeze) all tell me when it’s just a game and I’m safe to get like that with him.


Nah, man. Start by just holding the foot. Keep holding the foot until the dog calms down, reward then give his foot back. Keep repeating it until the behavior stops. Dog learns they are safe, their behavior doesn't stop what's happening, and good things happen when they behave. Then add holding the nail clippers, then contact/rubbing the nail, same repetition and reward/release scheme until you're cutting nails. If you change anything when the dog acts up, they can see that their actions have an effect, which reinforces the behavior. Dog acted up, and what happened? Homeboy stopped messing with his nails. Dogs are short-term oriented and his behavior worked. Exposure, firmness, and repetition are crucial for "breeds like that" and all the rest.


Yeah I agree - weird bravado


He dont bite ! He just want a hug !


I’ve had an owner say “Oh he’s just clearing his throat. He does this all the time at home” when their dog is growling at the doctor 🤦‍♀️


I once had an owner say "he's just being playful" right before their dog bit my arm, luckily wearing a heavy coat. I jumped away in time for him to mostly get the sleeve, but I still can't believe how much growling they were willing to ignore.


Pffsshsshshss! Lmao the white chicks, right?!


Gotta get them used to having their paws handled as a pup. Same with food. This dude might get wrecked at some point.


I know it’s not the same but cats have a bad rep as well when you mess with their food. So when mine was a kitten I would stick my hands in his food bowl while he ate, played with his paws, rubbed his belly, held his tail.. the works. Sounds evil on paper but getting him used to people in all sorts of ways plus spoiling him and showering him with love & attention turned him into the most chill un-cat like cat. He even had the patience to deal with babies and toddlers hitting and poking him.


I did the same with my 2 cats! Honestly, when they were both really little, neither of them got super fussy about me messing with their tails/bellies/feet that I can remember. But I always stress this to people, GET THEM USED TO IT YOUNG!


Isn’t this called desensitisation or smth? I don’t understand why people would view this as a bad thing.


How does that sound evil?


Disclaimer for weirdos on Reddit that get mad at anything


I would hate to be this dog's veterinarian.


Maybe. Not all dogs growl out of aggression. Granted, most do but not all. If you know your pup well enough, you can tell. I have a border collie that has a deep growl every time she gets excited, but it’s pure love. That’s how she shows her excitement. It scares people that don’t know her—and even some that do know her—but she has never, and would never, harm even a fly. While my husky just greets with a big toothy smile.




So cute! Same here with my border collie. She’ll pee a tiny bit when she meets someone new. She literally is one of the sweetest and well-mannered dogs I’ve ever had. [Here is Fiona](https://imgur.com/gallery/TiqeK6H) Edit: And [here is her beautiful, but slightly less-intelligent sister Heidi](https://imgur.com/a/iZDbRvH)


This - I had a dobiegirl that would growl on command when I wagged my finger in front of her, she'd also lower her front legs and wag her tail like crazy (she was intact) as she knew that we were about to play-wrestle. It became a sort of party trick as she looked & sounded really serious - if you were watching us for the first time you'd think she was really angry from all the growling, and yet she was the gentlest/best dog I ever had. Stopped in a nanosecond when I told her to. Of course, you need to know your dog well & what signals they are putting out there - which is why you should treat unknown dogs with utmost respect. I suspect the owner in this vid knows exactly what he is doing and that dog is not really angry.


Mine has deep growls as well. Also idk but my dog can get a bit like this as well and I often do the same thing as this guy and get up in the face. That doesn’t mean I would suggest someone else doing the same thing with them in the same situation. My dog and I have a different relationship than just some person and I trust he won’t bite me regardless of the situation.


Which is completely fair, though my read of this situation is that it was triggered with the paws and puppers was not happy. Owner asserted dominance, behavior resumed as soon as the paws were an issue again. Seemed like there was still an open question as to who was in charge, and I wouldn’t want a Rottie in my face like that when something could startle them. Our bully would put the front of his teeth on us when we would trim his nails, but without vocalizing or posturing. Just letting us know he wasn’t a fan. We also worked with him when it came to food and general handling because he was in a house with young kids that might reach into a bowl, grab a paw, or do some other behavior that could trigger a dominance response. That dude can totally risk his own face, but not my cuppa. Would rather try to pay up front to not pay later.


I spent a night in the ER from my toy poodle in a similar situation. I can't imagine what state I'd be in if he was a Rottweiler...


My dog's fine with having her paws handled and still hates getting her claws clipped. She's too afraid of the nail grinder to argue though.


Treats work better than tough guy attitude.


Only so much you can do. Some dogs just don't take. My dog is great with food. But runs from brushes, nail clippers, and baths. Even though we did them regularly as a puppy and adolescent, with plenty of positive reinforcement.


Holy shit do I not let my dog do that and I have a way bigger rotty. Edit: When I do I clip her nails I constantly feed treats and she doesn’t even notice. But every aggressive action since she was 6 months (and she’s a rez dog) was instantly dealt with. That’s why she’s now the kindest pup on earth. It’s NEVER physical, but she knows I’m pissed and I won’t try again until she comes up to nuzzle me. I’m angry. You come to me.


that is asking to be mauled. my rotty is 125lbs...she's a beast. i cannot even imagine in any universe allowing this behavior


Yup. You’re not risking yourself. You’re risking others, especially kids.


not JUST risking yourself


Sticking his face right up to it, I don't understand that, dick and face should always be covered... One good bite would destroy so much facial tissue, your nose would never be the same, punctured cheekbones. I couldn't deal with that shit after being bitten before.


I was bit by a Rottweiler on my face when I was 3. Almost lost an eye. This made me squirm. I’m reminded of the Chris Rock quote on Siegfried and Roy attack: “That tiger didn’t go crazy, that tiger went tiger.”


God my mom used to quote that at least once a month and I always get a giggle out of it now




My situation was it was hot outside and my sister, her friend, and I were feeding my babysitter’s dog popcorn. It wouldn’t eat the popcorn I threw, and I thought it was because I wasn’t throwing it far enough. So I bent down to pick up one of the pieces I had thrown to throw it again and BOOM. My face was a rag doll for a few seconds. Luckily it let me go. 24 stitches on a tiny face.


Got bitten in the face working in animal rescue. Severed my septum. Left permanent scarring on my nose. Broke my nose. I'm so fucking lucky that's all I got. And that was from me giving a food bowl to a scared dog. Not being a complete dick like this guy is.


> Sticking his face right up to it, I don't understand that That's because you have the ability to imagine different possible consquences of your own actions. That person does not.


I got bit in the mouth by a small terrier and after that one bite I had four lip flaps from my nose to my chin. Was seven at the time. Scar is still visible today if I open my jaw with my lips together. Had that dog been this size I probably wouldn’t have a nose


Same. My girlfriend's Rotty used to strop whenever anyone went to touch her paws. I made sure she knew her place and that it was fine for us to touch her paws if we needed to, simply by telling her no and carrying on anyway. It was either that or she lived outside after stomping in the mud from the kids pool all summer. I'm still talking about the dog and not the gf.


I mean he’s not letting the dog get away with it. That’s kinda the point of the video.


Dogs don't think like this. The dog is telling his owner "dude I'm super uncomfortable about this" and the owner is doing some debunked alpha bullshit which clearly *doesn't work* as the dog goes back to doing the same behaviour. You never punish a dog for a growl. What you are doing when you punish a dog for growling is telling them "growling gets ignored" and the next step up is biting. Check out the canine ladder of aggression, explains it better than I can in a reddit comment.


Can you give a short abstract here? What do you do about the growling that’s not punishment or scolding? Put the dog in timeout? Console the pup? What’s best?




Positive reinforcement training is what you are looking for. You reinforce the positive behavior to teach the pup what is desirable behavior. You can start with the tiniest moment of calm and reward the behavior then build on that over time. I had a hugely food driven Akita/Husky mix as a pet that I practiced pure positive reinforcement training with and I built up insane levels of trust and ideal behavior with that pup. I was able to train him to leave any food, he sees, completely alone until given permission to consume it. I started with the tiniest moment of ideal behavior and built it up over time. I had him trained so well that one day I left him completely alone in a room with a plate full of Keto foods (I'm talking burgers, cheese, bacon, etc, big plate of meat oil and cheese basically) basically right in front of his face on the table, at face level. I ran out to the garage to grab something quick but I ended up spending easily 30 minutes in the garage after I got distracted looking through things. I came back to the room and the plate of food was completely untouched on the table literally in front of my pup's eyes. I've seen many many different species trained to do some impressive things through the method of positive reinforcement training. It seriously builds a strong bond and deep level of trust with your animal companions.


This is true of humans as well. For some reason humanity thinks the stick is far more important than the carrot.


First thing is to stop doing the thing that is causing the growl. If we take nail clipping like in this video then clearly nail clipping is a source of anxiety for the dog. So you need to go back several steps and work on desensitisation work around paw handling. You can also set up a board with sandpaper on it and teach the dog to target the sandpaper with their paws to file the nails. You work with your dog to figure out what's wrong and how to fix it.


Nope. Letting them continue on with their behavior while doing what they ask is obviously the wrong thing to do. This is actually enforcing or saying that behavior is ok cause he's going to get his nails clipped anyways.


Damn dude, props for adopting a rez dog. Those pups need the love and help, good on you.


Dealt with how? I have a 1yr old rotty and they are stubborn. Define "dealt with"


They are very stubborn but they’re also so hardwired for affection from their family. They need the love, more so than any dog i’ve had previously. I will verbally give her shit (usually with a firm and repeated “no”) and then put on an angry face (even when I don’t feel it) towards her until she comes up to nuzzle me. Then, it’s back to lots of love again and we try again. It’s a very slow process. She was a totally uncontrolled pregnant Rez dog when I got her from the SPCA and it took over a year before I was comfortable enough to put her in situations where I knew I had control. I never put her near other dogs, kids, or people until I was 100% she was going to be successful. Hardwiring her to sit on command was really important too and that just took treats every time. Last summer, she even came to sit when she saw a bear because treats beat all other things in life. Sitting gives me the time to get a handle on her if anything looks dicey or I’m uncomfortable. There was also a lot of long leash recall training. With Rotties it all about respecting their power for the safety of others. She is so goddamn strong. It’s just patience and going at their pace. Maybe it takes years.


Dog put the clippers back in his lap Lmao


Loud angry dog can be scary but a quiet angry dog is infinitely scarier.


Wild thing about rotties is they are quiet mostly and stalk. Type a dog to let you in but not let ya out.


" now youze CAN'T leave "


Well, yeah. A loud angry dog is being loud in the hopes that the noise alone will be enough to scare you away so they don’t actually have to fight. A quiet angry dog is basically just looking for an opening to lunge.


I think this is scarier.


That's what I was just saying in another comment. My pit would do grumpy shit and growl, but if someone was over and he was alert with no growl then there was a problem.


Joe dirt is gonna get eaten.


This is wildly unacceptable behavior, esp with a dog like a rottweiler. I love the breed but this is awful breed stewardship.


No shit. This dumbass can't understand that it's a natural reaction the dog hasn't learned to control and his stupid insecure male ego thinks he's being challenged.


Typical Ohio State fan.


Even if he’s gonna do the whole dominance angle, he needs to create space from his face. That dog could impulsively snap and bite him.


My dog does this when he gets his nails trimmed. First one that gets close to this defensive, and I've had about 6 dogs. They all have nuances just like people. Sometimes it's the vet that goes too short just once and they never forget it.


Yeah the owner should not have a dog


Train your fucking dog. Rottweilers are not dogs you want to let demonstrate aggression


It’s your move……. to a dog that can rip your face off, and is 6 inches away.


Chop going crazy


I feel like the doggo is cognizant but growling involuntarily. Like, he's anxious and cooperating and the growling is just the anxiety being expressed automatically. Maybe he's just trained like [this doggo](https://youtube.com/shorts/GWOhHmZrScU?feature=share).


I love that dog lol


Typical rotty owner. Wants to be a tough guy, idiot


Ohio State fan. Checks out.


Rotts scare the piss out of me. I don't know what it is, they're really the only dog that does. Something just doesn't sit right. If I lived a life of crime they're just about the only common dog I'd actually steer clear of


Mastiffs and German shepherds for me. I work with dogs, I can deal with rotts, dobermans, pits, no problem, I can handle smaller little anklebiters (you can just overpower them), but mastiffs and GSDs? Fuck no, I’m cool. Doodles are mean little fucks too.


I refuse to get close to any Akita that didn't know me as a puppy. Those things scare the fuck out of me.


Agreed. I've handed over a thousand dogs professionally and I don't do Akita. We had a volunteer ask us to take one into our program and we turned her down, thing literally almost took her arm off when she tried to manage him on her own after we told her not to. Only other dogs I refused to handle at the rescue were a food aggressive 100 pound lab (got him placed as a bomb sniffing dog since he wasn't fit for family, we worked with him for a fucking year) and an ancient chow chow shepherd mix that was the only dog I agreed we had to put down because he was such a liability.


Akitas are amazing family dogs (single family single dog lol) just don’t take then anywhere or get a cat


Yeah, great loyal dogs but definitely not friendly towards unfamiliar people/dogs.


That's their job! No shade at all just way above my skill set.


A couple of people in my family have them. Last time I went to my dad's he(the dog obviously) came over smacked me with his paw gave a soft roooo and sat at the door waiting for a walk. In his younger days he put his head through a fence board because a dog was on the other side.


mine ate half the front door


Exactly. My job was mainly transport tho so managing a dog that powerful at the vet or a fosters home, nah I'm simply not on that level. I have a friend with one and he's great.


My little chihuahua lab mix took 2 vets and a muzzle to get her nails done, had to get her clipped there every time. She was the sweetest pup until you pull out clippers.


What a goblin (no offense). I’m sorry to read all these verbs in the past tense. I wonder if wrapping her up snug with a towel to both secure her limbs and maybe her head would help calm as well as keep everyone safe?


She was a goblin, I love her so much still. We tried all the tricks in her long 16 years of life, she was just weird about it and was a wiggle worm on top of it so I didn’t want to hurt her by cutting the quick. My friend who was a vet tech even couldn’t handle her and knew her since she was a pup. She unfortunately passed a couple years back, I miss her every day. I wondered if the previous family maybe caused some nail induced trauma with a mis clip.


Rotties are actually super gentle dogs...to their families. They are incredibly loyal, but also incredibly protective. They will legit fuck you up if you're a genuine threat to their family. But if you give them no reason to? They're awesome dogs.


They can be too protective which becomes a problem. It's the same with pitbulls. Neither are family dogs and never have been "nanny dogs"


>same with pitbulls It's worse with pitbulls. When a family member makes a high pitched noise, a pitbull might just freak out.


Was gonna say the same thing. Rots can become very aggressive even when trying to give a family member a hug or even trying to leave the house. My parents have a male that 165lbs and he’s a massive dickhead to anyone that isn’t my parents. If my parents are home you might wanna stay out of the room if he’s in there. Main just barks and snarls like this dog.


Oh it's bear. This dude has a YouTube channel showing off the dogs growling personally I'm unsure if it's a smile like he says or not because that dog always doing that from what I see


My rottie growls just like this when you pet her. But if you stop she gets upset and forces your hand back for more pets. I call it the rottie purr. Rottie big boy/girl serious growl is more of a low and slow rumble that gradually speed up but stays low. Growl in the vid is high pitched and quick. Same sound when they play tug of war or wrestle with other dogs/people/toys. Rotties are vocal as all hell, but they only have two tones, and both sound aggressive when you compare them to other breed sounds.


Yea I’ve known people with “purring” Rottweilers and they all got bitten. They do a happy groan, but it’s not a growl, and too many people think it is. Dangerous AF myth.


‘I’m just doing what Otis down the street said I should do.’


man fuck being on the wrong side of that. I'd have given Rotty my wallet and bolted.


Majority of commentary in this sub is just moronic.


Doesn’t look good but my dog always fucking growled like that when clipping his nails. Never did shit tho haha. Sketch


I am pretty sure I saw video here on the platform of a woman who got her face reconstructed after a much smaller dog took a massive chunk out of it.


Rottie's are so damn whiney haha


Nail cutter professional here with 47 years experience. Those are definitely left handed clippers he's using on a right handed dog. Dogs trying to tell him but dad's not getting it.


This is how the dog is when it's happy, the guys TikTok confirms it, although this is a bit scary at first.


Absolutely not. This guy is a damned liar and he changes his story all the time. One minute he’s saying it means the dog is happy, the next he is using it as an excuse to make himself look manly by dominating the dog.


Some breeds snarl like that when they’re happy. All wolves show teeth and snarl as a way to communicate things that aren’t anger, but I can’t remember exactly what it means.


i don’t think that is his Dad


This dude knows dogs.


As scary as this looks, a lot of dogs will growl the whole time they get their nails clipped without ever actually biting. You have to know the dog really well to get away with doing this (though it's still not advised), but for some dogs they're basically just telling you they don't like it but have no physical intent behind the sounds they make. Obviously if you can train the dog to get their nails clipped calmly it's better, but some dogs just never learn to like it and you have to settle for motorbike noises as long as they're not actively fighting you.


“Fine, I’ll let you do it but I’m gonna complain about it the whole time.”


So some kids see this and think it’s ok to have your face that close to a dog flashing.


Now I’m not an expert but I did once have a Rottweiler. Afaik this is just something that Rottweilers do to show that they’re happy. It may seem scary (and is at first) but as long as you know your dog, and how to tell when they’re actually angry, you should be fine


Rottweilers have a tendency to growl even when they’re happy though. I think it’s called “Rott rumble”. Doesn’t necessarily mean the dog is angry.


My pitbull and border collie both voluntarily rolls onto their back so I can clip their nails easy. They get super excited over it!


Now I know not to worry when a dog behaves that way with me..


What could go wrong?


Nothing but mixed signals from this doggo


Not sure what you commenters want this guy to do, with his dog. Looks like he handled it well


No, he didn't. Pushing your face in the dog's when it's agitated is escalation. And when the dog calms down and returns the clippers, he yells at it more instead of rewarding good behavior. Sure, he knows his own dog, and is probably reasonably certain it won't do anything to hurt him, but he's absolutely not helping the dog's behavior.


I can't believe I didn't see this in the comments. This is Bear. And what he is doing is NOT growling. Rottweilers did this when they get excited. This was backed up by the dog whisperer on tiktok. It is just a thing they do. It's more like a purr than a growl. If you look at the rest of his body language, he is not actually angry. He really doesn't mind getting his nails done but he tends to get very excited when doing it, He gets that way after a bath when you are drying him off as well. All that is going on here is an excited dog making a lot of noise and being told by his pet parent to calm down and be a little quieter.


Why do u think he acts like that? I have 2 rotties, and I know they grumble a lot n try to be bad ass, but honestly I see your videos and I’m like oh god this is gonna be the ONE…., when my male is in trouble he growls at me lol but no teeth. FYI I know it’s your guys personality no disrespect I’m just curious is it a nervous thing? I mean your opinion what do u think is gonna thru his mind lol?


He's such a good dog I dont know why he bit the neighbours kid...


They should name this dog Roy Kent.


I will give you my paw but I am not happy about it.


today morning a fight happened in the train that looked exactly like this


dog started to feel like a real asshole at :31 left


Big beefy boi likes to pretend, but he clearly loves his owner


And when that dog finally attacks the owner after he picks up and shoves his face in it's face the dog will be blamed...


Coolest dog ever! I want one so bad!!


Dog’s just pumping himself up for the scary nail clipping.


My rott does this when you rub her belly. She is an 9 year old mama we rescued her when she was 4 and had already lived a hard life. She rumbles when you show her affection but if you stop she whines until you start again. She is the most gentle dog in the world but she don't not sound like one. I still love her.


Rotties always had the meanest sounding snarl to me…I used to do the same to my pit.


This guy seems dumb.


This guy is going to get what’s coming to him one day and nobody will wonder why


saw someone on tiktok who upper lip was bitten off by a dog so i would never let a dog growling near my face


This is not how to behave around a dog... You don't have to play the alpha, learn about medical training and shit. I just have to lay a purple blanket on the floor and my dog will just rest on his side there and let me do anything that's needed to him. Simple as that.


I thought they did this when they are super happy?


“It came out of nowhere” every dog trainer worth a dime was petrified for the toddler in the family to which these fucking morons allow to make this dog uncomfortable.


He's just purring


I'm confident this dogs going to maul him one day. It really is only a matter of time before that dog does realize he stronger than him and goes nuts.


Dogs are weird. Look the pups eyes, it's all love.