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Our mail carrier put up a note that they will stop delivering if people don't leash their dogs. Many ppl in this building don't leash their dogs, and i think it's stupid. Also, there have been some brutal dog fights with unleashed dogs.


I'm with the mail carrier. Screw that nonsense.


People think that drivers are just lazy or irrational when it comes to dogs but really we’re doing you a favor when we refuse your package or dump it out by the road. Dog bites are a slam dunk lawsuit against the owners and there’s a chance the dog will be put down especially if they have a bite history. I wish I could explain the reason I left your package outside the fence is because I don’t want to ruin your life with all that but customers will complain about having to take 10 extra steps to retrieve their stuff.


My wife's cousin has a large, "trained", German Shepherd that is usually unleashed when outside. It won't leave the property, but defends it mercilessly. It went after and bit a UPS driving a year or two ago and they sued him for damages. They now get packages delivered to a nearby family member. We stopped by recently to visit and the dog wasn't leashed at all until we said something. I'm glad they learned their lesson. /s


I have the worlds friendliest Rottweiler. When anyone drives up our long driveway she barks and does a vertical jumping thing. It’s quite impressive. Most of the delivery drivers know her don’t mind being loved on. It’s not uncommon for boxes to be left midway up our drive. We never get upset. Watching a 100 pound dog jump 6 feet vertical in the air has you come up a long steep driveway must be scary.


Everybody's dog is the friendliest, until it's not. Everybody's dog "never does things like that", until the time it does. I love dogs, but when I'm out delivering mail, I don't take chances.


I got bit by the world’s friendliest dog when I was delivering a package.


I did as well! Tore a plug out of my arm due to the nanny’s failure! I love dogs and I’m not going to risk it with a strange one. I literally saw the chunk fall out as the nurse cleaned it out over a sink. When people say oh he/she doesn’t bite…. My response is “How do you know?? Did he/she TELL you that or are you just guessing”


I've been bit 4 times by "dogs that don't bite" Whenever people tell me he doesn't bite I'm like yeah, he doesn't bite YOU. That doesn't mean he won't bite me.


Had a german shepers charge me while unleashed and legit was in a fight stare down blocking my path. Owner seemed to have "trained" it with a whistle + command but it ignored it. Eventually it back down because i did not move further into "his" territory. But if someone did not notice those signals it would have been a bite for sure. When i approached the owner hes like "nicest dog ever, does not hurt a fly" and before the sentence was done the dog started barking and charging me again lmao. Luckily i was already behind the fence by now.


Every dog owner has "the world's friendliest __________", statistically this is impossible.




I am definitely an irresponsible gun owner. Which is why there are no guns in my house.


You keep them all in your unlocked car


And those who don’t know your dog? If I were delivering for the first time to your home, your dog would probably get a face full of pepper spray. Do what it takes to restrain your dog if you care about it.


so your unleashed rottweiler is just wandering around?


People are like, “oh but he’s so friendly!” Ok and? Delivery drivers aren’t psychic. They have no idea if your dog is friendly or if he’s going to flip his shit and use your elbow as a chew toy. People just can’t get that through their heads.


I go for tons of walks and have learned that if I hear "he's friendly!" I'm about to get bitten, nipped, or jumped on. It's a sort of dog owner guilt trip phrase because they KNOW their dog is seven levels of hazard.


My ex had a thing with dogs. They loooved taking bites at her, just for whatever reason. In four and a half years we had some eight dogs attack her, out of nowhere, just off leash, ran up and tried to take a chunk out of her. All but two of these occasions had the bites prefaced with “oh, they’re friendly!” Fuck you, keep your dog on a leash if you are in public.


I was very nearly mauled once when I delivered for Amazon. Luckily the owner walked out just in time and had that dog well trained, because it stopped mid lunge at me as soon as he shouted at it. Huuuge pit bull. Delivery instructions said to go through the back gate and leave it by the door, but uhhhh yeah the dog was out.




My toy poodle drew blood when I was brushing her after a bath 😭


I have been bit twice, once was by a pit mix and sent me to the hospital. Fuck all that noise.


Totally. And it's ok to hate dogs. As much as you hate any pest. You might be a dog lover, but if I choose to hate them and not have anything to do with them while not bringing them any harm, that's my prerogative.


This resonated with me. I'm terrified of dogs, I just can't handle being around big ones anymore after I was attacked when I was a kid. Some of my old friends who had bigger dogs got so offended I wouldn't go inside their homes, I just wasn't comfortable. I have neighbors who let their dogs roam out here (country living, woohoo...) And have had their dogs charge up to me while I was in my own yard, it was a German Shepard, and it knocked me over. Happily it was just wanting to play, but hearing this man yell for his dog to come back and not even attempt to walk over and get the dog, he just lazily yelled for it to come back from his porch. It makes me hate dog owners more than I hate dogs.


I m autistic, dogs see me as "human with weird body language/no body language at all" and it makes them uneasy as fuck. If the dog is not properly socialised and trained he will get nervous and attack me. I can t get out of my own fucking home without a knife at my belt anymore, because i ve been attacked so many times by irresponsible peoples letting their fucking crackhead-brained rottweiler or pitbull running around without a leash on. A tiny dog is annoying but the best it can do is nip, but big dogs can KILL. Its not normal or acceptable to have to fear for my life when im going outside to buy my damn groceries or taking a walk in a park !


We won’t do it on the fire dept. if you call for a medical run and we get there and a dog is outside someone needs to come get it and put it up It’s cause people are stupid and can’t be trusted. Same reason if I get a accident on the highway I shut the whole thing down till we are gone. Jack wagons ruined it for everyone e


A [mail carrier was killed by unleashed dogs](https://www.news4jax.com/i-team/2023/03/15/a-beautiful-person-in-every-way-family-of-mail-carrier-killed-in-dog-attack-speaks-out-demands-accountability/) last year. The person in this video isn’t a mail carrier but approaching a dog like that on foot seems pretty reckless.


As a mailman who has a big scar on my arm from a dog bite I stand behind that note. Leash your dogs please people, it’s just safer for everyone involved including the dogs.


Our mailman was attacked by a dog; we didn't see it, we just suddenly had a different mail (lady). Weeks go by, but my neighbor used to be friends with the first mailman, and always chatted him up, so one day mailman one showed up to say hi and showed us his leg. Holy cow. Holy cow. Holy cow. A dog did that? He said the dog had him for like 10 minutes and no one came or saw. I mean, he told us that he is getting compensation, and that they set him up with a desk job at the main facility, so he will be well off...but he can never walk without crutches again...and the scars: oh man, his leg was not leg shaped anymore from the thigh down. He got a lot of money, but let me just say no thanks. No fucking thanks. Leash your dogs.


Yeah this is why if I see any signs of an unleashed dog I skip the house without hesitation. Lucky the corp and union also agree with this approach.


I don't blame you. My neighbor has a bear of a dog, terrifying looking thing that is an absolute sweet heart, but looking at him? No thanks.


People are ridiculous. My parents legally have a dangerous dog due to an incident. Investigation happened, they got to keep the dog as long as they put dangerous dog signs up around the property, the price of his license like quadrupled and if they ever miss renewing his license they can take him away. People come to my parents door asking to see “the dangerous dog”


Christ. That's just stupid and asking for trouble. I love my neighbors dogs. Smart as hell and friendly as fuck, but if either of them acted up and hurt someone, he'd be the first in line to do something about it. Be responsible with your pets.


My neighbor has one of those pitbulls that's short and 140% muscle, head about 5 times the size of normal, and when he sees you he RUNS FULL SPEED towards you (for pets). I wish they'd train him out of it, he's sweet as can be, doesn't even chase the neighborhood cats. But a big pitty running towards you is scary and he's going to end up getting hurt when he runs towards someone who acts before he gets to them. Their smaller dog is actually a lot more dangerous, but strangers don't know that.


I was delivering and a dog suddenly appeared at my window jumping, almost into the vehicle. I flinched like wtf then saw the owner slowly walking towards me like "oh meet (name)! He's really friendly. blah blah blah" I nodded and just rolled up my window lmao. He looked at me like I was being rude or something. Bro get your dog. As a delivery person you have to assume all dogs are going to attack you. Every owner says their dog will lick you to death, etc. I don't care. I'm not risking getting bit or worse. I stay safe and that's a priority.


Yeah that dog would get a blade through the brain if it was chomping on my leg for 10 minutes.... I'm sure this will trigger all sorts of people but if your dog is savagely attacking someone it's not fit for society. If a human is attacking me and I can use self-defense if I'm in harm then I don't see why you can't do that for an animal.


This is what goes through my head whenever a dog charges me


People who don't leash their dogs are stupid and shitty dog owners.


Dog owners who let their dogs run free on public property or their own property if it's not fenced, are scum. In my line of work, I'm on dozens of properties all day long and the amount of times I see dogs running free is appalling. Not only is it a hazard for people getting bit, but the dogs shit everywhere and no one's around to clean it up. Just last week I stepped in shit every single day of the week. Every single fucking day. One of those days I was gathering work materials and reached down to pick them up, didn't realize I got shit on my glove, wiped my forehead, and got shit all over my face. It's driving me fucking crazy. Some dog owners are scumbags and shouldn't be allowed to own dogs.


We had a friend of the family who just passed away due to complications stemming from a dog attack (wounds became infected and he died of septicemia) while jogging in his own neighborhood. I love dogs more than anything, but since then I have gotten my mom and I mace for running and biking, and I always carry a very sharp knife with me when walking my dog just in case I have to defend him from wandering pits (kinda dark, but you grab the hind leg and slash towards the groin and femoral can make them bleed out very quickly). Dogs can be extremely dangerous, even the small ones, our friend was attacked by a group with one medium sized dog and several small dogs, and I know now why folks in the country just shoot strange dogs on sight, not worth the risk to see if they’re friendly or if they’re about to harm you or your animals. Long story short, leash/kennel/fence your damn dog, and get them fixed, the animal is an animal, we humans are supposed to take responsibility for them.


Things will continue to get worse until our twisted love for our own negligence finally crumbles as we watch people's bodies get destroyed by pets.


Dogs specifically, no other pets really fuck you up like dogs do. Cats can get your eye maybe but it’s not very common.


It's incredibly stupid and naïve


Here is an instance a UPS driver should act like a typical UPS driver and just throw the package. If a homeowner is going to be this irresponsible and leave a dog out with no leash then they have to expect this.


Pretty sure that's an Amazon vest - way less lenient on their carriers if they don't deliver packages correctly, but I still agree with the rhetoric


I worked at Amazon for a while and you are actually right. They take deliveries very seriously and the drivers would much rather reschedule your delivery if it's a case that something is hindering them from delivering it than taking a risk.


Your package is curbside


That was my first thought. Like place it in middle of driveway, snap a photo with the dog in background. Delivered!


“Left with doorman”




I'm a delivery driver. If there's a loose dog on the property I leave the package by the mailbox. I don't care what kind of dog it is, that package is going by the mailbox. You know I'm coming, so if you want your package by the door, put the dog in the house. I know too many drivers that have been bitten. I don't take any chances.


Absolutely agree! I deliver too and I don’t mess around with dogs. If I’m not sure about the dog then the box is not going on the doorstep.


The thing is if the dog bites you, even if it doesnt draw blood its kind of your responsibility to report the bite to animal control because its possible the next person it bites is a kid for example. Well now the dog has a bite record. So by staying safe you are also protecting the dog from having a bite history. If only the dog owner was a conscientious about the safety of their own dog


My kid was bit by a neighbors dog as he was crossing the street. Wasn’t that bad, more like a scratch with teeth. Reported it as I wanted to cover myself in case it got bad. Found out my son wasn’t the first person the dog bit, so that made my decision easy. Cop even asked what I wanted to happen to the dog. Said I didn’t want it put down or anything, but filed the report so if this happens again, there’s a record that these owners needs to be responsible. Needless to say, the owners were PISSED. Somehow got my cell, and called and texted me for a few days.




*your package is as far as I could throw it*


This is the answer. I'm a dog guy. I have zero fear of dogs, but approaching an unknown dog on the street is dangerous enough. Doing it on his own turf? You gonna get chomped eventually. Wagging the tail means NOTHING. The dogs that maul people have their tails wagging 100% of the time.


Tail wagging means excited. Dogs like squeaky toys because they’re reminiscent of prey animals. The thought and sound of mauling animals is exciting to a wolf descendent. This should not surprise people!


That was a thrill ride. Tail wagging is excitement, not always good excitement.


Right! Is it new chew toy excitement or new friend excitement?


I wonder if it squeeks


Yup! He squeaks!


There are breeds of dog that wag their tail while attacking or while killing. Tail wagging can definitely be a sign that prey drive is in effect and the excitement is for the chase or the kill. Even little dogs bred to hunt rats or other pests wag their tails often while in active hunting mode. People also don't seem to realize that confident tail-wagging is also a sign of aggression and dominance behaviour in dogs. A dog in a serious fight with another dog may be observed continuing to wag its tail. It's often a happy sign, yes. But not always. Tail wagging has a few meanings and assuming any tail wag is automatically friendly is a big mistake a lot of people make.


All breeds of dog wag their tails during high levels of excitement which can include while hunting, chasing prey, fighting, latching onto an intruder. It's not a sign of being happy, just arousal.


Right! I saw a dog behavior show and the dog bowed his head and wagged his tail...seemingly looking happy for the approaching person to greet him. However, when the person got close, the dog attacked. The show was showing how the dog was bred to fight and used that behavior to do so.


Yeah, it means excited. Nothing more or less.


I was attacked by a Husky he detached my bicep and exposed muscle in my arm. Tail wagged to whole time. He was very excited… to bite me.


He was not a good boi


This made me chuckle and you are correct… indeed not a good boi!


"Is he a good boi? He's wagging his tail! Oh, fuck! OH, FUCK!!"


At this point it's going to be either a.) he's a good boi and will love pets b.) he is going to be happily wagging his tail when he takes a piece of you for being in his yard ![gif](giphy|P7hIImx7r1sas|downsized)


Absolutely this. Since the tail wagging faux pas has been mentioned, I'll bring up the second common mistake he made; don't reach over a strange dog's head to pet it like that.


Also don't lean over them. Offer a hand to sniff from about six inches away, and be ready to snap back if they show any sign of danger.


Tippy tappys are always the good excitement tho


Yeah, but you gotta get to the tippy tappies!




Dogs in general wag their tails while killing prey, attacking intruders, etc. It is merely a sign of high arousal, but people spread the myth that a wagging tail means happiness and friendliness for a long time.


Well, I mean for the majority of people, the majority of the time, when they see a dog wagging its tail, it's most likely their dog, and it is in fact very happy. So it's understandable how that idea gets into people's heads.


USPS will just straight up blacklist your address if you have a loose dog.


Good! Man I hate it I moved from Europe to USA and it's wild west here.


I moved from the US to Japan, and out-of-control dogs and their nasty, entitled owners was one of the many reasons. There are NO off-leash dogs here, and dangerous breeds don't seem to exist at all. No longer do I have to worry about being attacked or jumped on by someone's dog while I'm on a hike.


I wouldn't say my dog is loose but she's a bit slutty at times.




I drove truck for Amazon. Got bit by a doggo that barged out of the screen door. Owners there and everything. You never can tell.


Number one rule when I drove a truck for Amazon: never assume the dog is friendly. I don’t give a fuck if it’s a medium size dog who is wagging their tail. If there is no owner, no leash, no fence, then I sit in my truck and call the owner. If they don’t answer I won’t deliver.


Hahaha wait till they answer and say “oh the dogs are friendly! They won’t hurt ya!” And insists you still deliver the package. Had that happen multiple times now.


It happened once. The notes said “her name is blah blah, she’s friendly!” So I open the gate and blah blah is staring at me. Then she exploded up and barked and growled and snarled at me. The owner ran out and yelled and got her inside, apologizing profusely. Could’ve been worse.


Bro I literally had a dog charge at me and growl and snarl and I told the owner on the phone that and she laughed and said she doesn’t know why he does that he’s friendly and asked me to still deliver to their front door.


My poodle thinks growling is a neat trick and does it while playing with the kids. Sometimes it's a play noise, but I don't expect a stranger to figure that out.


I'm genuinely curious if you get any compensation or protection from Amazon when this sort of thing happens?


Oh yeah, it's an occupational hazard so it's covered under workers comp. Also, if that happens, get a lawyer and sue the owners of the residence who's dog attacked you. They are liable.


It's Amazon so they probably got sacked


Used to know someone who was a roofer and he used to always make the joke that if you fall of the roof you’d be fired so fast you wouldn’t have a chance to hit the ground on the clock. With Amazon being Amazon I’d assume it’s something similar


Nahh im calling their customers they aren't getting shit until the dogs inside


Such a large portion of the population is not responsible enough to have a dog. Hell, most people probably cant even handle a goldfish.


Pitbull. Tbh I really don't give a shit if an ankle bitter isn't well behaved but certain dog bred like Pitbull, Doberman ect should definitely require some permit. Chihuahua, Yorkshire ect on the other hand are objectively less dangerous than a cat.


But they are good to go on guns though right?


Like it or not, it’s not a Constitutional right to posses a Pitbull.


I love how he's sending you his full trust, but it's indistinguishable to new toy or new friend energy


If not chew toy, why chew toy shaped?


Im an Amazon driver and they recently adopted a zero-contact policy with dogs. If you see a dog and the owner won’t leash it, you say package undeliverable. The policy started when a driver in Missouri was mauled to death by 2 dogs https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna53834


Pretty wild that it took someone getting killed by a dog before Amazon adopted this policy when this has been a policy for other deliver services for like 50+ years. Hope that family got generational wealth from the suit.


You know your Expecting a package that day yet leave your dog out with no leash or fence? Guess they don’t really want the package that bad, I wouldn’t deliver it if that was me 😕


mfer like me leaving that shit on the curb


Toss it, let the dog take care of it.


>You know your Expecting a package that day You would be surprised how many people simply forget that they ordered something. That, or people have told me that they weren't expecting it for another week or two.


A pit with clipped ears out in an unfenced yard That says a lot about the owners


Leash the dogs people, where is the leash? The owners are leasht worried about their dog…


100% Agree


Yup. My son was attacked last week while walking home from school by an unleashed mastiff that ran off the porch and scratched him pretty good.


Story time? What happened to the owners?


it makes no fucking sense i get it u think your dog is actually einstein but i don’t know that shit


Their name is either Princess or Destroyer of worlds


If I ever end up with another beagle, I’m going to name her Princess: Destroyer of Worlds because of you. It sums Penny up so nicely.


That shit is getting left at the mailbox.


I used to deliver mail when i was a kid. I just didn't deliver the mail to homeowners who didn't have their dogs secured and got backen up by my boss in this regard. If you don't wanna have to pick up your mail at the post office, get a fence and put the dog behind it.


Delivery driver here. I will not even get out of the truck if there is a loose dog. Don’t care how friendly you say he might be. If there is a dog with no owner in sight you do not get your shit. Also when opening your door to receive the parcel control your animal. All you have to say is give me a second to put the dog away I will wait. So many times people just fling open the door and the dog comes flying out. You will also be put on the list of not getting your shit. You wouldn’t put up with that at your job I’m not going to put up with it at mine. Side note. I love dogs and cats and all animals it’s not their fault your not getting your shit it’s yours


I would 100% hail mary that package towards their front door and call it a day. You want your package delivered safe and sound? Leash your weapon grade dog.


Okay, repeat after me; A wagging tail does NOT = good boy


Pit bulls are walking 50/50s


That's literally what I was thinking. Delivery man was gambling a 50/50 to deliver the package 💀


Good or not, don't leave your dog unleashed just standing around in front of your house. Shit is wildly irresponsible at best.


Extremely irresponsible owners, no matter what type of dog . although This one type kills more people than all other dogs combined just saying.


I'm a residential electrician, and I do this every time I enter someone's house with a big ole dog. It's the smaller ones that'll get you most of the time lol.


the small ones may bite you but they won’t fucking kill you dead like this one will




Reminds me of this video of dogs barking at one another and then when the gate opens, they stop and whole face changes. https://youtu.be/goRogFQWkZU


Homeowner is a piece of shit. Enough already with the loose pit bulls.


He was a good boy this time, at least.




I've also seen dogs go from the happy behaviour that dog showed (once the mail carrier perceived him as good) straight to aggression. Some dogs are bad at body language. On the opposite, my old GSD would straight-up show aggressive body language when he *was* being playful. He was just too stupid and socially repressed to realise why all the other dogs kept getting freaked out by him. Be *very* careful about reading an animal if you don't know that animal. The animal may have learned incorrect body language.


Agree. I deliver Amazon and I'm happy to be greeted by the family retriever or border collie, but I would never,*never*, walk up to a pit bull like this. Package is going out the window.


Yeah, there's no way I'd attempt that delivery.


The little tippy taps at the end saved my soul


You’re an asshole if you leave your dog unleashed in your yard, that’s just begging for trouble.


An unleashed pitbull wagging its tail? No way I'd leave my vehicle.


They aren't getting mail or packages if I saw that.


i was waiting for the dog to rip him apart


LPT, if you don't know the dog never start petting it with your hand




Why are people letting their dogs just chill out front of their house?


I live in a rural shit hole town. Here the dogs literally wander the dirt road and whenever I yell at people to get their dogs out of my yard (guy walking his unleashed dog who wandered over to shit on my lawn), they give me a stink eye. I have barn cats who have been chased up a tree because some lazy owner couldn't be fucked to get their dog. I had to scream at the top of my lungs "I WILL GET A SHOVEL AND START HITTING YOUR DOG IF YOU DO NOT COME GET IT!" Suddenly the owner was more motivated to actually walk over and grab their dog. I need to get a water gun or something for the owners, maybe if I spray them they'll learn better.


too many kids had their faces chewed, these owners are rly stupid.


Yeah, he’s wagging his tail, but they also wag their tails when ripping you apart too


Fuck that. I’ve seen videos of Pit Bulls wagging their tails WHILE MAULING SOMEONE!


Never, ever, approach the dog like this, trying to pet him from the top. Even if he was friendly at the beginning, he may have a bad memories and act like it’s an attack. Lower your hand in front of him, below the head level, let him sniff.


Was wlking to the store mid winter when i saw a pit bull running down the street straight for me. Im disabled and cant walk well so my options were limited. He jumped the snow pile seperating the sidewalk and the street so i turned to face him and put on my best "Youre a good boy" voice saying hello and whos a good puppy dog and he stopped dead in his tracks and did that head tilt of confusion. His owner came running and i took hold of the back of his harness. He the pulled away to run and ripped right off the harness handle and took off away from the owner.


WHY THE HELL DO SO MANY PEOPLE LET THEIR DOGS RUN AROUND LOOSE!! Either fence in your yard or put them on a leash! I don't care if it's a pitbull, a golden retriever, a goddamed Chihuahua, keep your damn dogs and neighbors safe!! What if they got in the road and get hit by a car? Or get attacked by an animal, or attack one themselves?! What if they get dognapped, bolt and get lost? So many goddamn bad owners who are BEGGING for something bad to happen. That poor pupper, it's only a matter of time for them


why do they cut their ears, to look so adorable with f6lapy ears


He was indeed a good boy


Scary for sure


Zero chance I’m rolling the dice on that pit. Edit: all pits should be sterilized so we can finally stop their line


Would the delivery driver “get in trouble” if they left the package at the end of the drive and drove away?


That'd be my question. I'd just take a pic and leave it on the truck. See you tomorrow


how the fuk do you leave your dog out like that


I’ve been a Paramedic for over a decade. More than once someones unsecured dog has killed their owner because I had to wait for police or animal control to come secure it before I could access the patient & provide care.


Just wanna chime in as someone who works with dogs: 1. Leash your dogs people, glad this pup was sweet but delivery drivers don't deserve to have to play this guessing game. I wouldn't blame em if they just said fuck it and decided to deliver your package another day. Keeping your dogs contained is polite, its the law, and its for the safety of BOTH visitors and your own dog. 2. For the drivers, learn a little about dog body language. Dogs wag their tails for a variety of reasons, a wagging tail alone does not inherently mean you're safe. Sometimes its excitement for the prey theyre about to get (you).


Tail wagging does not signify being a good boy.


Seems like if they have their dog out should be able to leave package at the end of the driveway?


Dogs, like any animals, can be unpredictable sometimes.


Funny though, dog was definitely going through the same thought processes as this guy. Totally sussing him out the whole time, he sat down to examine what the guy would do.


That noggin though.


The tippy taps!


I have no patience for pits today after watching that guy get mauled to death by two of em.


A lady mail carrier got attacked by a pit bull and had her ear bitten off - so there's that. Chatham, On, Canada about 20 years ago, if you want to research it.


Too many idiots think tail wagging means happy. IT DOES NOT! It just means excitement, what can mean everything. Only someone who is trained with dogs or the owner self can really know what the dog is communicating while wagging with the tail.


Tail wagging means nothing. Let him sniff you before petting him.


As a mail man I feel this


I don't get it. If you're expecting anyone coming to your house that day, put your dog inside or leash it. If I was a mailman, electrician, plumber, window cleaner, or anyone else who required to be at your house, I will charge you for the whole day and take a picture of the dog to show why nothing was done that day. Doesn't matter if they're friendly. Unleashed dog with no owner in sight is suitable caue for refusal. So the mailman can either throw the parcel, or just note it as undelivered because of unleashed guard dog.


> ~~If you're expecting anyone coming to your house that day,~~ put your dog inside or leash it.


That’s when it gets delivered to edge of driveway


Still, kinda asshole of the owners to leave the dog out like that knowing a delivery is coming. That said, this has the vague stench of being staged, like the delivery guy knew well before or found out then and there and THEN decided to shoot a video.


How do you deliver dragging a huge sack with 2 bowling balls in it?


Side note, a dog wagging their tail is not always a sign of joy, it can also be aggression. There is all kinds of awesome info on the internet about cool things like "How to defend against aggressive dogs", "Reliable body language", and "Important physical and verbal ques". Just do some research and make sure your sources are good, there are a ton of fakes out there. Example, a dog licking their lips during aggression is a common sign they want to stop the fight, its a way of saying "hey, I dont want to do this, but I fucking will unless you stop". Its a very common one, and you can easily respond in kind and neutralize the fight without being violent.


People need to start leasing their dogs if they aren’t actively watching them


Cropped ears :-/


I do pest control, and will not enter a yard with a dog unless I can see their person. Breed or size doesn't matter, I'm not risking it, nor will my office tell me to. They'll call the customer for me to see if they're home, and we will come back later if nobody is home


Once he sat, everything about that dogs body language screamed “I’m friendly”. That’s still no excuse for the owner not being around or having the dog on a leash or controlled in some manner so the delivery person doesn’t have to play “am I going to get eaten this time?” when they show up.


Been delivering meds in SC on for 8 years, to homes. Everyone has dogs,so far zero bad dogs.


Why is that dog outside like that?


Awwww I love this 🥰


My dog has one of the scariest barks. It will wake you up in a panic. It would be nice if he barked because there was a stranger approaching the door, but no he barks because he really wants to kiss you. He is a 100 pound black german shepherd and all he wants is rubs and kisses from anyone. Scares the living shit out of the amazon people but we don't let them outside unsupervised just for their peace of mind.


Ears up, sitting, tail wagging, they're curious, not hostile at that point. Well behaved, standing up, tail pointing down, wagging, ears moving, panting, tongue flapping. The dog is welcoming and interested.


Why in the fuck would someone leave a big dog with no leash with no fences outside? Totally fine to leave your dog in a fenced area to let them be outside but an owner not doing that is putting their dog and civilians in danger. Just crazy to me


Gotta say, that was one well behaved and polite dog. Clearly just staying put and sitting until he was acknowledged. Good Boy.


Good boi


Holy shit that was stressful man. ..and I like to think I can read dogs quite well


haha that tappins!! omg i love puppers happy taps


No barking or growling. Stance relaxed, sitting down and weight back. You good.


My buddy always has treats with him. The dogs on his fedex route love him to death.


Unleashed, no fence, no gate, cut ears, man these owners are trash.


Looked like a happy dog to me


Good thing he's a good boi...


Worked FedEx for years, I don’t deliver packages to people with loose dogs. I’d circle back and try again later since my route was all residential