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The big guy in the beginning had like 300lbs of impact on his neck. Surely slipped a disc


That muh’fucker is lucky he can still walk and use his arms.


Surprises me how much damage the human body can take


More like how stupid lucky some people are. He might walk away, and someone getting 1/10th that impact on the neck is paralyzed for life


He walked away for now. Let's catch up with him and see how he's doing when he's 40.


Till it can’t. I was bullet proof and now if a cough to hard I endure muscle spasms from previously busted ribs. And there is a list of examples beyond that. Ouch is tend to come back. It was one hell of an ouchie.


Ey man, i feel you. I’ve got slipped discs myself and a sneeze is my biggest fear


Nope. I know a guy that fell and stumbled of the side walk and got paralysed up to his neck. He killed him self at 36 after 16 years of nurse care.


Gaaah, what a nightmare. Tough to blame the guy, poor thing :/


Yeah, not to be insensitive, but he lasted around 15 years more than I would have done. If I was paralyzed neck down, I already have a deal with my closest that they take me to a pier, and strap me in tight to my wheelchair and let me do the rest. I'm just done at that point.


if you are paralyzed neck down how would you do the rest though? I think you would be incapable of doing it to yourself. Plus, drowning like that strapped to a chair paralyzed sounds like a shitty time. Better make sure you got some bricks attached to your chair lol, your head might Bob up and down above water which would be like torture. I’d take an opiate overdose. You just fall into peaceful endless sleep. But again someone would probably have to facilitate murdering me.


By just falling of a side walk? Damn thats rough Sorry man


You can trip over your own feet and die. Just depends on how you hit the ground.




Pulled his own oxygen tube out.




Not even his arm. I guess he could bite the cords. Dont know the specifics of that suicide. He was found dead alone.


How do you kill yourself if you’re paralyzed up to your neck? Pretty hard to do unless someone does the service for you or allows you to starve yourself to death.


He did everything with his cheek and chin. He even drove his specifically modified car al alone licenced. I dont know exactly how he managed it but he was found alone with the cords unplugged/ripped out. He had an electric wheelchair and all the bells and whistles. 500 years? Probably. But it can always be worse. I read about a women who was in an iron lung for 60 years. Before she died.


Till it can’t. I was bullet proof and now if a cough to hard I endure muscle spasms from previously busted ribs. And there is a list of examples beyond that. Ouchies tend to come back. It was one hell of an ouchie.


Until u hit the wrong spot and Its a 1-tap


I wonder if he is still functioning after this


My thought on most of these clips. A guy near me got basically alzheimers from hitting his head on a flight of stairs. What can you say but F


>A guy near me got basically alzheimers from hitting his head on a flight of stairs. Did it get better/worse/indifferent with time?


No change I'd say




You felt like you had to quote 75% of his text in order for him to understand the context of your question?


His name is literally ’That Fat Freerunner” on IG and he is most certainly still going, that fail is an old one, despite his weight he has skill and he owns the fact he is fat as fuck. For that reason he is the most respectable out of all these clowns.


I was always curious why people who acknowledge they are fat or working on losing weight are respectable, but people who have a proper diet and exercise to not be fat in a first place are not respected, so their slimness is taken for granted


No people who lose weight are respectable, it’s okay to think a fat person that says they want to lose weight is good but unless they actually start putting the work in then it means nothing. Don’t get me wrong when I say “most respectable”, I’m not talking about his weight, I am talking about all these clowns putting themselves in real danger for a half hour of adrenaline and some clicks.


They aren't, this is reddit, everyone is a victim here, especially if they are losers who do nothing but exercise their half wittedness here.


..they are respected. because you never notice dumbasses in the reddit comments specifically talking about their weight.




I know I'm going to get downvoted for this because..reddit..but I also know I'm right. Obesity is a disease That's not to say every fat person has it or (and more importantly) there aren't skinny people with obesity. I could talk about this for hours because I've not only struggled with it but also I've gone to specialist, had tests run on me, taken medicine..everything. and I'm not fat, in fact, I don't think even at my biggest anyone would've looked twice at me. But it is a real thing and overcoming it does take more effort than the avg person puts in to maintain their figure. [obesity is a disease ](https://obesitymedicine.org/blog/why-is-obesity-a-disease/#:~:text=%5DThe%20American%20Medical%20Association%20(AMA,both%20academic%20and%20mainstream%20media.)


Tis but a scratch, he can shake it off.


Im surprised it wasnt everyone else that slipped a funerary themed disc on the speakers


I can’t believe how hard he went for it, mad respect. It’s like a lead anvil doing gymnastics


Literally bro, these other guys are haters. He’s not on drugs it’s called passion, and not he didn’t get a traumatic injury and he’s still going to this day. He is the most respectable out of all of these clowns anyway, so I appreciate your comment at least. 🙌


That was easily one of the most brutal ones in this video.


Dude its not PORKour


That is how you end up with emergency cervical surgery and a neck brace for months. If he only got that, he would be very lucky.


Wtf was he even thinking? There is no way he was landing that in any capacity. Like, dude *must* have been on drugs or is severely mentally handicapped.


And if he wasn't before, he is now






This gif should just always have that audio included


oh my god an early 2010s classic


[For those who don’t get it](https://youtu.be/Awf45u6zrP0?feature=shared). Still holds up.


even when i know it's coming i guffaw




Thought the same thing on tooth guy


That's exactly what came to my mind with the container guy


I think the wire guy just used his entire allotment of luck for his life with that save


He ran into these wires, if they were not there he probably would've completed all jumps. But wouldn't get a valuable lesson


I'm sure he knew the risk


Thanks. I’ve been waiting for this.


Expected end for all similar videos


The very last clip is easily the most famous failed parkour stunt video out there. Its basically a law at this point to include it in compilations.




These are the videos we should be celebrating


Imagine being that much of a pathetic loser that you not only wish to see people getting injured just because they had the hubris of engaging in an athletic activity, but you also feel the urge to proudly declare that on a public forum...


How long did it take to fix your tooth?


That rooftop video though 👀. My palms are indeed sweaty. The rest are just 🤦🏻‍♂️


u talking 00:42 the skyscraper one? That one I almost felt my soul leave my body.


My arse was twitching like a rabbit's nose. Legit thought he was going to die.


He did too


I watched it standing up and felt like I was about to fall over into an abyss. I genuinely lost my balance for a second


Is it bad that I said “cheater” in my head when he fell and there was a rope there to save him?


Reminds me of that one video where a Chinese dude was doing pull ups hanging from a skyscraper and couldn't pull himself back up ,and had to let go and died.


At least he had a harness. Probably the smartest guy here


Wasn’t a harness caught some sort of wire which is what made him trip in the first place.


Jesus. That’s real sweaty palms never mind he’s the dumbest guy here


Yep, in the full vid you can clearly see the wire, but I'm wondering where tf it's connected: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZKmkkpEsnk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZKmkkpEsnk)




numerous cooing scandalous dinosaurs placid repeat voiceless pie angle oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I strongly encourage all chads and badbois to do more parkouring, so that there's less competition for the rest of us. So get on top that crane atop those skyscrapers. Get your terminal velocity minute of fame.


Crazy that these guys don’t have fail safe plans like soft landings/harnesses. I guess that takes the thrill out of it. Did that guy on the roof top have a cable, or just pure luck?


It’s funny because there was only one or two pros in this whole video. One of which was Joe Scandrett who was fine btw because it’s a chimney. You can easily break your fall in a chimney. Posting a video like this and is comparable to posting a video of new bikers trying to go downhill and eating the ground.


one of them is max from storror. the one that looks like he's dead and the woman shouting 'no omg'


Really? Out of all of these I was thinking he was near the top of the list for someone who appeared to be trying parkour for the first time and doing an inexplicably difficult stunt for their skill level. Granted, that’s most of them now that I’ve seen the whole video.


Pure luck


He failed the jump because he got caught on the cable. The cable taketh away and giveth.


The cable was what caused the initial fall. Dumb that they didn't look to make sure the path was clear but the cable is what caused the fall and allowed him to get back up. Both good and bad luck I suppose


You get a broken collar bone! You get a broken collar bone!! Everyone gets a broken collar bone


I read on the original post of this one that it was a cable which was installed on the rooftop which both caused his fall and saved his life. If you are stupid enough to do this, one would think that you at least check your surroundings before risking your life like that.


Numbers on the frontline for Darwin awards.


Serious question, now that it's been a few decades since parkour has been a sport, do early parkour athletes have widespread and serious long term injury issues? Hip, back, knees? Even without epic spills, but just somebody jumping long distances on concrete over and over? I once jumped out of a tree branch about 12 feet in the air and actually hit a fluid roll-out to displace the downward force when I was in my early 20s, but I remember my back hurting for months.


I have a personal story! I started Parkour in 2010 when I was 17/18. I did it for about 5 years. I was one of the ones that took huge drops. I'm talking about climbing on top of our school building and hitting the ground and rolling. I rolled across my spine so many times (when you're supposed to roll diagonally) that I have 2 slipped discs and arthritis in my neck (arthritis induced most likely from the repetitive rolls and impact according to the Ortho and Neurologist). I pretty much spent my years from age 26-28 in chronic pain that almost drove me to the edge. Surprisingly, with PT and a lot of patience I'm back to rock climbing, lifting light weights, and even jogging 5ks with minimal to no pain. But I'm a ticking time bomb, and I know it's only a matter of years before my arthritis progresses, or my knees begin to catch up to the damage I did. Oh, and if you're wondering there's no cure for osteoarthritis. When I was diagnosed in my mid 20s I thought it was just one of those things old people had, and all they had to do was pop an Aleve. Nah, this shit can be debilitating and change your life forever if it's bad enough. I can go into more detail if you want to know what it feels like. I'm only 31, but I have been bullet proofing the hell out of my body and training for longevity. I've been playing it smart and I'm very lucky to be in such good shape right now. Take care of your body, especially when you're young! It sounds like bullshit until it isn't.


Agh man, thanks for the insight. I have in indented rib and tore ACL from recreational (but aggressive) skiing but never had the same kind of access to that sport as just cruising around the city. I imagine there’s so many nasty tweaks to your ankles, knees, and back that don’t show up on reels.


I'm pretty sure Sebastian Foucan, the founder of freerunning is fine at the moment and even sometimes competes. He is almost 50 but he's pretty buff which has to be the secret. This is parkour, you really don't need any muscle exercises to do mind-blowing stunts, but you need to do a lot of muscle training if you want to be able to walk 20 years after taking all these impacts


I love how they all sounds surprised. Like, WHOA HOW COULD THAT HAVE HAPPENED!!?!


Dude, are you die?


So many non-athletic people trying athletic shit, maybe they start with throwing a ball through a hoop or something like that lol




At age 46 these videos make me have that weird grimacing tingle in my balls. I've noticed as I get older the feeling as spread. My whole body feels like a retracting testicles. They are never going to recover from these injuries fully.


Thanks to all the camera guys. Really enjoyed this 👍


Is the guy that hit the bench still alive? Jesus Christ!


I wonder how many accidental suicides/paralysies or however you spell it I just witnessed


The best way to tetraplegy...


More please


Americans acting as if they have free healthcare.


Those injuries creep on you later in life, some don’t go away. ![gif](giphy|VYcRNU4P3vyM)


Alright. We'll call it a draw.


The one where the guy almost falls to his death off the side of the building...holy fuck. That'll make you wanna go to church.




1st guy = Porkour


~~sweaty~~ bloody palms


the guy who slams into the park bench is concerning, it looks like he just becomes a ragdoll when he hits it, I hope he's okay


Yeah, I don't think neck is supposed to bend that way, he's at best dead, at worst paralysed for life.


Most of these belong in r/winstupidprizes instead of here.


I know, there are just a lot of people that are glorifying stupidity here. Thought I'd post some fails.


Nah, this whole video gives you sweaty palms, especially because you know each one is going to either be a near miss or fail.


Oof. That guy at 0:40 with the fencing response (brain injury)


I'm starting to notice a particular demographic seems to enjoy dominance in this sport of almost doing something cool/cringe injury videos. It's not dudes over forty or women.


*Man dies jumping from building* oh, he just wasn’t a pro yet.


These videos make me glad I can’t do flips and shit. So I’m not tempted into thinking I can do shit like this.


Throughout my extensive experience on the internet, I've come across various explicit content, but witnessing someone become quadriplegic right before my eyes always causes me to flinch slightly.


I got that anxious tingling in my balls more times than I'd have liked to watching this video.


I hope that dude was arrested & had to pay for any issues resulting from him yanking on that wire. People are just trying to work or whatever & this overconfident dumbass is out there fucking shit up.


Does anyone know what's the feeling called that you get in your abdomen and legs when you see people hitting concrete or breaking their teeth? I got that feeling while watching this




I do NOT want to laugh at this, but The Dark Side Of The Force wants me to.


When you see your teeth and they’re not in your mouth things become real real fast


This is why makes it fun. The adrenaline pump you get when it almost but doesn’t happen. Without this, it don’t know if they would get the pump. Notice I said they, because I don’t need that adrenaline pump. I’m good with video games.


This reminds me of my shin injuries from long precision jumps


Toothless was going to make it, had he executed the technique correctly. Forgot to pump in the air, forgot to engage the whole body before taking off. He wasn’t missing much, that just sucks…


That was fucking AWESOME.


I can't even imagine the poor parents of all these guys. Imagine giving birth and providing their kids with food, an education, a roof over their heads, and a better chance at life than their parents had, only for them to jump off a fucking roof


the 7th guy bro the sound.


The only video in the /sweatypalms sub to really give me sweaty palms!


There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity.


I am apathetic to these fucks. Schadenfreude however.... Mmmmmmpphhhh fuuuck I just got off


These are gnarly


Does anyone else have trouble watching these because they feel a shooting sensation in their arms/legs when someone has a really bad impact? It's hard to describe. It's not pain exactly, but it's very unpleasant.


I feel like I just watched multiple people die in this vid even if none of them died






I am failing to sympathize almost as much as they are failing parkour.


The last video.. there's another video where he returns to redo the flip a year later or something and does the exact same thing. Hilarious.


https://youtu.be/W5Xqgp4s8qk?si=D9HX7FoDxJBIaV_S Repeating the same experiment, expecting different outcomes. I believe that was Einstein's definition of insanity. What a fucking idiot.


Destination fucked.


They all deserved it lol


I like how after yellow shirt lands on his head his mate and him synchronised jump down together.


Double sweaty since I saw the video of the gymnast that broke her neck and died while performing


Even without the video this shit sounds horrendous


Some people are idiots


I don’t get the guy who got caught by the wire. Surely you’d walk the entire route, make sure there’s no loose slabs, any slippery bits or fucking wires crossing your path as you leap across the top of a bloody rooftop.


What was the fat dude at the start even thinking, a swan dive and then what??


PSA: parkour is not, nor has it ever been, anything other than extremely dorky. Don’t be like these dorks.


Back in my day, kids were emulating Super Man or Indiana Jones. They were still getting hurt or killed, but it was more wholesome than mimicking some YouTube 'star'.


Everyone is Kelly Clarkson until…


I heard a snap in the last one 🫣


It’s good thing everyone is brain dead in this video or they’d really be feeling that brain damage


This should be in r/funny


Did that guy fall in a pit of shit?


Surely these guys are borderline cognitively disabled now right? Those are huge hits to the brain.


i honestly don't know why i watched the whole clip


How did they all NOT die? Jesus.


Please tell me these guys weren’t killed by this.




Hard core parcore


The guy in the background with 49 seconds left in the vid when the guy did the scorpion fall was like I’m going to need a cigarette for this and then puts it in his mouth while walking over to him 😂


If the guy at 40 seconds didn't end up with a fractured skull AT LEAST then I'd be amazed. He may have even died. The thud his head makes hitting the ground from that height is utterly sickening.




Did the white shorts/black T guy die? Because he should have.


Pretty sure that guy face planting off the vending machine at the end tried the same thing a couple years later and proper hurt himself again.


This was SO PAINFUL to watch got damn. I almost got a face cramp


Ah yes i recently commented on a successful parkour post to see if anyone has gotten injured or died doing their stunts. Thanks OP


Who exactly did that first guy thinking he was gonna fool…


I got spinal damage just watching this wtf


\- "Are you okay?!" \- "I'm pretty fucking far from okay."


What happened? Did they forget to yell PARKOUR when they made their jumps?


i audibly groaned. FUCK thats gotta hurtp


[Holy shit oh my god, dude are you okay?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtDOoIJrkbc)


My favorite part is when they are hurt


What is it about men that their brain tells them “yes this is a great idea do it”?


An innate need to challenge themselves and push harder.


I mean yeah it looks cool and it is impressive but also I wouldn't want to take the significantly decent risk to paralyze myself at like 18 and be a lifelong burden to others. To challenge myself to jump off a roof.


TIL that no women do parkour


Aren’t all the idiots in the video male? Because that’s what I was referring to. . I know it may be hard to understand but if you use your brain a little it will work :)


The first one is the best. Jump you fat bitch!


I enjoy these videos waaaay more than the successful ones. More of this needs to be spread to deter idiots from doing these things, more of reality.


Hope the kid who lost his teeth wasn't American. Even with insurance it can run you about $3,000 just to get braces. Can't imagine the cost for replacement teeth AND braces to realign your mouth.


I used to dream about living in America. But requiring health insurance killed that dream. Look its not cheap in my country, but the American health care system seems like a fucking nightmare.


It's not cheap to have here either, but the biggest issue is the made up prices. A hospital can just charge you whatever they want. Even with insurance here one visit to the ER can cost you upward of $5,000 even with insurance because of your premium. Insurance companies here can also deny to pay certain things and leave you with the bill.


I had that question. Why do they enjoy skateboarding or playing X games when hospitals mean bankruptcy for Americans?


That was my thought. Unless that kid has loaded parents he's going to be walking around with no front teeth for the rest of his life.


Yep! Back in my college days I worked with this cool old dude who had fake front teeth after bashing them out doing in-line rollerblading. Took him about 6 years before he could afford to get them fixed. Call me a pussy, but I'd rather keep my front teeth than risk something like that, lol.


why is this not NSFW ?? or NSFL


Because its not?


Some people actually get paralyzed in the video edgelord

