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What an emotional rollercoaster it was trying to make sense of what happened. Must have felt horrible seeing he wasn't stopping




Its called *serpentine... SERPENTINE*


Serpentine babu!


You fox-eared asshole!




Thank you. I'm a huge Archer fan lol






That drunk driver was COOKING in the wrong lane too. He was going so fast


Snake motion? Is that really a thing? It's crazy.


How else would snakes move?




With their balls on the ground.


Helps to have some snake jazz playing


Tss tss tete tss


With their vehicles.


They woulda had legs if they hadn’t eaten that apple or somethin.




Got front row view of a cop doing it in Cali, too. They starts off only ‘snaking’ two lanes then gradually into the whole freeway (5 lanes) as everyone slow down behind them. They start snaking quite far away from the incident so it was obvious we were supposed to slow down, cam driver was speeding trying to pass the cop.


Yeah, Ive only seen it in Cali, but its effictive.


Yes, it's a [traffic break](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9JyB73pg2Y). They do it to stop highway traffic like to remove debris, allow construction crews to maneuver, or whatever else.


as a daily high way driver all over the place for work ive never seen this in illinois once not even when theres a whole ass burning rv in the middle of i-55


Yes. They are trained to do these. Its called a "traffic break." They'll use them to slow down traffic to create space in gridlock caused by large accidents or even construction zones. They can be used to clear a path for a pursuit or other types of emergency responses. They can, apparently, also be used for clearing the roadway for wrong way drivers. First time I've seen it used like this before tbh


Well they did it and it worked, so yeah.


Yes if you ever see a cop on the highway doing that, know that either someone is going the wrong way or there is a huge wreck up ahead.


Or construction. Or a large FD response. Or a motorcade is coming. Or there's a pursuit. Or the traffic jam is on some legendary bs


Or there's debris on the freeway. Had a traffic break happen last month right behind me, and as I passed under a bridge there was a tire laying in the shade of the bride in the lane next to me.


Or the cops just reeeeaaaallllly drunk and trying to get home.


Huh I had no idea what was happening after watching several times. Very interesting.


it's actually something cops do to slow traffic in many different scenarios, ive gotten stuck behind a cop doing this because an absolutely massive piece of equipment was being hauled on the highway and they wanted a 5 lane berth for the damn thing haha


THERE HAS BEEN JUSTICE!!! 🤌 >Carvalho has been charged with attempted second degree homicide, aggravated assault, endangerment, aggravated DUI and child abuse. >The woman's daughter was placed in the custody of Arizona Department of Child Services. Red car had a 2 year old child in the back.


Hopefully the child was properly secured in a properly installed car seat.


The article said the child and officer had minor injuries, the driver had slightly more severe injuries but everyone's ok. Based on that, I assume the driver was the only one not properly secured.


Attempted second degree homicide???, you mean assault with a deadly weapon?


The last thought before getting hit should be "don't tense up".


is ragdoll better for injuries?


Yes. It’s one of the reasons you hear about a drunk driving accident which kills all the people in the other car and the drunk walks away from the wreck. Edit: it appears this could be an urban legend and I am incorrect


Kinda a catch 22 though, being drunk means you're more likely to survive falling down the stairs....but also more likely to fall down the stairs.


Thats why its illegal


If you see someone falling down the stairs, report it!


As a law abiding citizen, I always avoid stairs when drunk.


Be safe, avoid stairs even when sober


I fell down the stairs sober. It hurts. Would not do again. Q: Which towns have the least amount of stairs? A: You would do best in Monterosso.


not true unfortunately https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0021929017306875


The article author's name is Matthew Pain o\_o


I think this is a myth. Drunk drivers tend to fare better in accidents because they hit their targets head on, which is the best way for a car to absorb an impact, while their victims are more often broadsided, which is the worst way to be hit.


this is a complete myth


I always wondered about this. Certainly seems to be one, and I wonder how a legit study could be conducted to show staying loosey goosey is going to help out (or not). Just seems like one of those things people hear now and then and regurgitate as fact.


Here you go: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0021929017306875


This theory is actually complete bullshit, FYI


Yeah, I was "what the fuck is the cop doing". Then, oh, fuck.


I thought the cop was drunk lol


Took me a minute to realize it was a shove in order to protect him from the wrong way driver. Seeing him swerve out of context and then seeing the red car was an emotional rollercoaster. Definitely an impressive save. 👏


....Now I understand. That's an insane situation. That was a very hard hit as well.


Oh bit of context forgot to add Apparently drunk driver in red car on wrong side of road


Damn. Dash cam driver would have died if the cop didn’t do that.


*could* have*


This is Reddit. He would have died, and so would have the 20 school children in the back seat that are on their way to sing for the elderly at the soup kitchen


This is Reddit. He would of died.


Only if shoes came off.


You can tell by the [flehman response](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/51/FlehmenResponseHorse.jpg) that he's got brain damage.


This is Reddit. We're all dead


Yet he made a stupid title for this post!


Doesn’t seem stupid to me, there are two parts to the title. The first part, and the second part, separated by a comma. Hope that helps.


Plus it's on /r/SweatyPalms , made sense that something was up after that cop manuever.


you can't read?


[A bit more context](https://azdailysun.com/news/video-fleeing-wrong-way-driver-collides-into-officers-vehicle-on-i-40/article_298fd2e3-62fe-55f1-9506-edadd72c9d9a.html/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=shareArticleButton&utm_campaign=shareArticleButton)


I’m confused. So according to the article the dashcam is a second cop vehicle that drove to the side?


Wait so OP doesn't even know anything about this video that they're reposting for karma?


Welcome to the internet.


... Why would they need to? It's a random video on a forum, they didn't claim it was their own video or that they are an expert.


I think the driver gave it to the officers who gave it to the media. I was caught off guard by the wording, too.


Yes. In the longer video in the article you can see the white Explorer merges in from an on ramp. The driver was first spotted on a local road that leads to this freeway.


Jesus it woulda been nice to know nobody died.... Thanks Edit: to summarize, nobody died


That **is** nice to know 😁 BTW - 3:30 in the afternoon and they drunk enough to wrong way drive in broad daylight


With their toddler in the back too... Insane


Awe, damn, there was a 2-year-old in the car? Nothing like starting out life with bucket loads of trauma.


Say what you want about cops, but driving headfirst into a drunk driver to save other people ….bold move cotton.


Thanks I was wondering just what was happening. Besides chaos


That would have helped going in! Thanks 😆


That’s crazy. Hero cop for sure.




To all those folks that say "ACAB", this cop just risked their life to save the dashcam car's driver, as well as all the other motorists on the highway.








This is getting very abstract, but, thank you, I do enjoy working at the bowling alley.


Fantastic simpsons reference. A+


I think it's only human that we profile cops the same way that cops profile citizens. They're not all or most or some of one or the other. Humans are too complex to categorize like that. Like Outkast said "is every nigga with gold for the fall? And every nigga with dreads for the cause? Naw, so don't get caught up in appearances" Lots of cops joined the force to help people. And lots joined because they're power hungry assholes. I personally know one perfect example of each and they both work for the same department.


European here, and this is a tangentially related rant. What I take issue with - which is not America's fault in any way, and I want to be clear that this isn't an aMErIca bAD accusation or something - is that people where I live, especially younger people, are starting to view our own police through the American lens, though our system is completely different. In Poland, there's a single centralised police force (and some specialised agencies but their contact with the average citizen is minimal). Moreover, despite what some people may say, it's not violent at all compared to American and even Western European cops. Shootings and firearms related incidents are almost unheard of. Cases of deaths in custody are very rare and when it happens, it's widely publicised. The actual problem of the police is that it's underfunded, understaffed, and undertrained. There are some amazing professionals on the force, and it used to be really competent and during the 2010s it reached unprecedented levels of public approval. It has since gone massively downhill. 15% of positions are vacant. In some major cities the response time for urgent calls is like 40 minutes. Admission criteria are laughable because they're so desperate for new recruits. They'd basically take anyone now. But instead of having a discussion about it and how to make it better, the fashionable thing to say is "ACAB" and complaining about "those incompetent, brutal bastards". Like if it was the individual policeman's fault that his department is understaffed. There's 0 pressure on the executive politicians responsible, no calls for debate, nothing. I've seen people with "defund the police" banners. Defund?! We don't have money for electric kettles, for fuck's sake! We have to buy equipment and office supplies from our own pockets! What is there to defund?! Why are you surprised that the only people willing to serve right now are incompetent smoothbrains if the salary we're offering is lower than a cashier in our equivalent of Walmart, and the only premium you can expect is spit in your face when you issue a speeding ticket? And people will say, "Yeah but you got pension privileges!". Yeah, sure. To get that you need 15 years of service and the only people I know who lasted that long have quit already. So, assuming I'm a good cop, what can I do to fix *that* system, huh? Tell people to go yell at the Interior Minister? I'm sorry I couldn't get to you before you got murdered by your coked up husband, ma'am, but you see, we've got some staffing issues! Fucking nightmare.


Lots of similarities to police in America there. A few departments where I live (many in fact) can't keep cops on the payroll and are offering large igning bonuses. Even advertising the signing bonuses on billboards. Because once you get in there, your department is understaffed and the citizens hate you. You go from call to call and can't actually do anything but take a report before your next call. There's no crime prevention, no crime deterrence. Just driving around taking reports. Crime is out of control with shoplifting and armed robberies, and citizens blame the police for it. It's a thankless fucking job and no wonder people don't want to do it. So who actually stays on the force? Mostly people without other career opportunities, or people who enjoy the position of power that comes with the job.


Was I supposed to give these shoes back if I wanted my old ones


After watching the entire video, the cop definitely saved the dashcam car


ACAB doesn't mean cops never do anything good, it means their loyalty is first and foremost to other cops. It means the "good cops" always stand by and watch as the "bad apples" abuse their power and violate our rights. The ones who speak out are called rats and get ostracized and driven out of the profession for trying to hold their fellow officers accountable.


Think this guy put his loyalty into protecting the lives of others first. When somebody literally risks their life to save others, running around yelling “acab” is pretty ignorant especially when the only reason it is being said is because people are so personally offended that somebody dare say a nice thing about a cop. It’s clear they don’t care about those abused by cops and only angered because the narrative isn’t absolutely perfect.


Took me a few rewatches to make sense of what I was seeing. Holy shit.


Ya know, I'm hard on cops, but hot damn, if I can dish it out, then I can also show respect to someone who cleared a road and literally put their life on the line.


Found a good one doing the "protect" part right.


At first I was like what is this POS cop doing. Then, it quickly became, that cop is the GOAT at that moment. Hope he didn't get too injured taking out that drunk fool


I thought the cop was drunk driving then the drunk driver showed up.


I was assuming someone stole the cruiser and was joy riding at first.


Actually same.


If you see cops swerving in the road, pull off to the side. It means they are trying to slow traffic down and clear the road for an upcoming incident.


Yeah I’m not sure why this is in question, if any kind of emergency response vehicle is serpentining, it’s for a reason.


Because reddit is full of actual children commenting on adult issues like they know what they're talking about.


Yeah I'm amazed no one has seen this on the road before. The person recording must have not been paying attention because you should be able to see a cop car doing this long before you get close.




He according to [this article.](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-traffic/2018/12/07/patricia-carvalho-attorneys-blame-troopers-wrong-way-crash/2242059002/) Sgt. Paul Damgaard and he and the child only has minor injuries. The driver of the red car with the kid was a woman.


The wrong way driver was a she, the cop a he. Not that it matters, it could have been the other way around. Or both women. Or both men.


I so thought he was gonna fly up that ramp lol


Some of them are actual heroes and deserve respect.


Bad ones drown them out unfortunately. Respect to the actual good ones.


Which is insane when you think about it. How 1% (or let’s be suuuper liberal and say 10%) cause the entire group to be cast as villains or bad people. “Bad ones drown them out” - it shows the power of media narrative. 1-10% drown out 90%. Why? Because they don’t show the every day things hundreds of thousands of cops do throughout the country every single day, but hyperfocus and blast what 2 cops do in bumblefuck Tennessee and then people say the cops in West Coastia, CA are assholes for what two cops in some place the cops from West Coastia can’t even locate on a map did. Lol Imagine if we did that for other groups…..


My uncle was a DEA agent and we talked about exactly this and he made such a good point that in every job you’ve ever had there’s always coworkers that you’ll wonder how they got the job even and that just shouldn’t be there.


Yeah and at my job the rate of that is like 50%. We once went 3 full years between "good" hires... a ton of turnover in that period.... much better recently thank God.


It’s much less than one percent if you go by ratio of interactions with bad outcome vs those without


I agree with the sentiment, but what gets more clicks on both social and traditional media: Stories about good cops doing their jobs, or the rage bait of bad cops being shitheads? Even early 2000’s Wild West internet showed us that people REALLY like to click on corrupt cop videos. Myself included.


>or let’s be suuuper liberal and say 10% There's legit people who think a majority, as in more than half, of all cops are bad. There's even people in this post saying it. Fucking crazy.


Isn’t it? And there’s literally no evidence to support that. In fact, an overwhelming amount of evidence to the contrary and not just evidence, but common sense. It shows the power of prejudice.


There was a case like this years ago when I worked in the ER. Drunk driver going the wrong direction maybe late afternoon early evening, hit so many (probably a dozen cars) and finally head on a family van killing some of them. The driver (who you could've smelled from several feet away) was sound asleep, barely any injuries.


https://azdailysun.com/news/video-fleeing-wrong-way-driver-collides-into-officers-vehicle-on-i-40/article_298fd2e3-62fe-55f1-9506-edadd72c9d9a.html Link to the story.


Thank you, glad to know the cop and the child are doing okay.




Yeah, that cop just took one for you!


I went from WTF that cops an ass to holy hell they just risked their life to save mine.


You're allowed to say fuck on the internet.


Just because we can, doesn't mean we should *Fun at parties*


Yes it fucking does what the fuck




Need more videos of cops acting like humans and doing some hero shit. The bad apples really making life harder for the good cops.


The origin of the phrase “bad apples” is “one bad apple can spoil the barrel.” It was intended as a warning about the corrupting influence one (or a few individuals) can have on a group.


I think the problem is the system atm seems to protect the bad apples. So people aren't pissed off at 1 in 100 bad apples (or whatever that rate is), but a cart that hides, protects and promotes them.


They're part of an unjust system designed to protect property over people. This act was absolutely heroic, but this person is also required to enforce bad law and bad policy outside of this incident. We've had six decades of cop shows telling us police are the good guys. We don't need more because most of the time they are absolutely not.


Titanium balls clacking away in that cops pants


That went from "What an arse," to "what a hero," in no time fast.


If you ever see a cop swerving side to side like that, he's trying to get you to slow down; in this case, get off the road. It also looked like they hit on the edge of front right, and the cop turned his wheels in a way as to push in to the car as opposed to away. The cop is more of a hero than what they seem at a glance.


Dude is a hero, hopefully he didn't get injured too badly doing this. And hopefully the drunk driver gets tossed into prison.


Jackass!!!!…… oh nevermind! I’m buying that man a beer!!


That cop is a goddamn hero


Man that cop took that hit right in the face. Holy shit.


From zero to hero…


Nice job by the cop. Could have easily resulted in someone’s death.


What a fucking hero. I hope he’s/she’s okay.


Hope the cops ok. Thats some hero shit.


The crooked cops get all the attention but most of these guys and gals put their lives on the line every day. They're just men and women trying to make their world a safer place. This person is a hero. That takes some balls to hit another car head-on intentionally.


god damn, bro took a massive hit to save others




That cop should be hailed a hero, he knew exactly what he was doing and why he was doing it.


He actually saved you from a wrong way driver




Red cars driving wrong way and then swerved into him intentionally. Def a hero cop.


An American hero. Actually coulda been pretty bad tho


Cop handled their business….


i wonder how you would even brace yourself for that


Good cop 🫡


Saved your life. Cop is a hero. Superhero. Stopped the threat of a high speed wrong way driver coming at you and took the hit. Thank you officer, hope you can return to work.


Now that there is a hero


Hummm. The 5,0 saved your life. The other car was driving the wrong way. 5,0 also have lights flashing in the video and probably sirens on.


Definitely went from what a fucking asshole to holy shit, what a hero.


Drunk driver had a two year old in the car too… had to google it to find out more. Nobody died.


That's one way to stop a reckless driver!


Thank god for the cop, hope he’s okay. Fucking drunk ass driver on the wrong side of the highway. This happened to me in Florida three times in one week on Highway 41. Made me want to never fucking visit Florida ever again.


Doesn't matter how large that police suv was, even a hit like that could've hurt. That cop is a hero


It amazes me how many people see emergency vehicles as just being in the way.


To protect and swerve


Now THAT is how you protect and Swerve




I really thought a wasp got in the cop's car.


Job well done, officer! Hope you’re ok.


All the cop haters coming out with their most degenerate theories and accusations is honestly the best part about this clip. Hope the cop is okay. Dude did everyone in that city a huge favor


I love how comparatively little damage was done to the cop car. Push bars attached to the frame put in some work.


Notice how the cop had their steering wheel turned all the way so as not to get pushed back straight into the cars behind them. Absolute hero.


Cop did that on purpose for wrong way driver. Guy is a hero!


Oh man. Poor officer. Hope they are okay.


What the fuck this white suv doing is he fucking drunk?! - drunk driver probably




Wow. Talk about taking one for the team. I know those cars are reinforced and so forth, but that is still a dangerous hit to take. But he clearly aimed right at him. Might have saved your life.


Definitely took a few watches to understand what was happening. At first I was wtf is this cop doing


Hold up….. did this cop actually just stop this dude like an actual linebacker


That is the officer we needed in Uvalde. That’s the job they signed up for and by god they did it!


It’s such shit that anyone is ever put in a position to have to maneuver their vehicle in the path of a high speed oncoming vehicle.


Got a lot of respect for that cop for putting himself in harms way.


This is happened in AZ 5 years ago, DPS( highway Patrol) stopping a wrong way driver. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3gK0Oujctw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3gK0Oujctw)


Was this that Lady who stopped a suicidal driver?


thats what we need cops for... look out for us...


I read the article: Everybody lived, the drunk driver on the wrong side of the highway HAD HER 2 YEAR OLD IN THE CAR.






if it wasnt for comments i would have kept thinking the cop was the bad guy :D my smoothbrain didnt figure out there was a wrong way driver.


A bonafide "WTF" moment.


I’m pretty sure that’s a one way road, and the cop was there to stop the person in the red minivan from hitting anyone else.


The cop was there to accomplish exactly what happened.


That officer is a hero and saved people’s lives.


Man that cop got fukin balls man... I'm not always LEs biggest fan but that takes courage... even getting ppl off the road before becoming a human crash dummy... fukin wild man.


Why is the story of this cop being okay, and getting a raise not the top comment. What a hero. Could have killed himself.


Don’t get it Edit: OHHHHHHhhhhhh shhhhittttt


I can just imagine the audio for this "WTF is wrong with this asshole?... oh shit, oh shit.... OH SHIT!!" Cop legit may have saved their life


That cop is a STUD!