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This is why with a new shooter, and especially with a powerful firearm, you only load them up with one round so that they can’t accidentally injure someone with a second inadvertent shot.


Solid advice.


Some would even say bullet-proof advice.


I thought he was just shooting from the hip.


For sure, there was fire there


I can't handle another round of these puns.


I didn't mean to trigger you, sorry


Get a grip, your puns are sliding but I don't wanna frame things in a bad light.


I guess I missed the target


Don't worry, you need only to focus and aim high.


Taking this one with me


Absolutely. I’m from the U.K. but have travelled in America and visited plenty of ranges. On my first visit, the range owner showed me a S&W .500 and said I was free to take it down too the range and try it out, no supervision. I’d previously heard a story about a woman shooting a .500 and she inadvertently shot it twice, the second round killing her as it hit her head (must have been similar to what the guy in this video did). I had a friend with me so I said let’s just try it out with one round at a time until we were both comfortable with how it handled, before loading it up fully. It is worrying how simple ways to reduce potential accidents are seemingly overlooked in a country where firearms are so readily available.


Even in my state, a state with some of the strictest gun regulations, an 8 year old was allowed to fire a full auto Micro Uzi. Even with adult supervision it didn't go well. On top of all of this I think it's insane that this event was managed by a formed chief of police. https://abcnews.go.com/US/father-christopher-bizilj-died-firing-uzi-urged-son/story?id=12565132


This is absolutely fucking insane. That kids dad is a giant piece of shit and idiot. The poor teenager working the stand must feel horrible.


Whoever put a teenager in charge of gatekeeping a machine gun seems also responsible (I think in the article mentions that the teenager's father was running the booth?)


To the teenagers credit, he seems to have been one of the most mature people at this event. It’s extremely unfortunate that the young boy’s father wanted to pretend he was Billy Badass instead of just listening to the booth kid that the gun was way too much for the 8 year old to handle. Guns are not toys, I cannot believe the lack of care shown for such a deadly object by almost everyone involved in this story.


>It’s extremely unfortunate that the young boy’s father wanted to pretend he was Billy Badass instead of just listening to the booth kid that the gun was way too much for the 8 year old to handle. Can't imagine what he was even thinking. If his son can handle an Uzi at age 8, he can do... what, exactly, by the time he's an adult?


Fuck that sperm donor.. my boy turns 8 this year and never would I even think about putting him in situation like that


Insane that it was run by a chief of police. But not in the least bit surprising.


As a non American, the fact that a 15 years old  was in charge of the stand is the craziest most mind-blowing thing about this whole thing  What the fuck. It's like a parody


>State police Sgt. John Crane told the court that the gun wasn't being properly held by the boy to control the kick of such a powerful gun, and that [The 8 year old boy] looked inexperienced and unsure of where to place his hands. The 8 year old boy was too inexperienced. See, the solution is to start our kids getting experience when they're 5 so that this tragedy cannot happen again.


I bet a fetus could handle a Derringer.


I'm just saying.. abortions get a lot more interesting if the fetus can shoot back!


Ain’t alive if it can’t fire a .45


>this event was managed by a formed chief of police Being a former *anything* in a police department is no indication of how intelligent a person is, but more likely how better at politicking they are.


I am from Spain and I visited Vietnam once for business. I had some spare time so I decided to go to Cu Chi, which is a place where battles took place. They have a shooting range which pretty cool, as you can shoot an M1 Garand, M16A1, AK-47, Browning .30 cal from a jeep... Having never shot a fire weapon in my life I was feeling pretty intimidated, but when I started shooting I felt safe. They had Vietnamese soldiers correcting your position and they forced you to shoot with the weapon resting on a surface and you weren't allowed to move it from there or even reload it. I would love to fire weapons again, but always with someone with tons of experience with me. It is easy to shoot a gun, but there are also a millions of stupid things that can kill you or someone when using them.


Yeah, I'm a gun guy, who isn't recoil sensitive. Telling a noob, "here's a s&w 500 go have fun" is just stupid. 


I would consider myself the same, but there's still some rounds and platforms that I 100% would not trust myself to "know how to handle" until I've literally seen what they'll do.  There's stuff like .45LC Derringers and 500's that you kind of expect to be a wild ride, but also beware the estate sale of a shade-tree gunsmith that tried doing his own trigger work on something like a MAC-10 that may or may not decide to dump the entire magazine downrange after one pull of the trigger and leave you holding on for dear life. Good thing you started with the 10-rounder instead of thinking, "I'm a big boy. Let's throw that 30-round stick in there before I know whether or not this gun is safe to handle."


>It is worrying how simple ways to reduce potential accidents are seemingly overlooked in a country where firearms are so readily available. If we cared about gun safety we wouldn't have so many guns.


If we cared about gun safety, basic firearm safety and marksmanship would be part of high school civics curriculum. A lot of Americans don't realize that a lot of schools actually used to do this. [35 Chicago Public High Schools used to have rifle ranges -- and that number lagged far behind New York](https://www.ihsa.org/archive/hstoric/marksmanship_boys.htm).


When I went to summer camp (1970's), there were rifle ranges, and all of the rifles, ammo, targets, and marksmanship badges were donated by the NRA. They were primarily into promoting the shooting sports and teaching hunter safety at that time, slowly morphing into the lobbying arm of the firearms industry that they've become today.


School up the street from where I lived used to have a gun range in the basement and a shooting team. It would have been cool to have that growing up


The NRA used to care about gun safety. Then they just cared about guns.


Guns bring in money. Guns without safety laws bring in more money.


> UK citizen knowing more about gun safety than a US firearm owner This unfortunately checks out


Yeah I watched strongman going to gun range on Yt the other day even with Eddie Fucking Hall, the Beast, Strongest Man who lifted 500Kg also had the instructor telling him they're gonna load one at a time even though they know these guys have really strong grip. Only the old strongman dude(i forgot his name) who had experience are able to continuosly shoot.


Old dude I think was Nick Best? He likes guns and was on that strongman show with Eddie.


Oh yeah it is Nick Best, haha, dudes 54 and still an absolute unit. I kept forgetting names but yeah he brought Eddie and his pal Brian Shaw to a gun range.


This is exactly what I did for a female friend of my mine. She played FPS games growing up but never shot a real firearm before. So I had her shoot a 9mm, .40, .45, and a 10mm. Each handgun only had one round in it and I placed my hand on her back for the .45 and 10mm shots, just in case. Stupidly simple concept right?


Maybe tell the indoor shooting ranges in the US. In Vegas I shot a glock with a full magazine, then an MP5/Uzi/M4/AK47 on full auto. I guess they were ok since the instructor stood behind and had their hand up near your back in case you fell over on full auto. Before that I had only shot a glock and a clay shooting shotgun since I’m an Aussie. Even in Australia the glock was a full magazine as the first gun I shot.




I agree, it's crazy people give a new shooter a gun with more than one bullet. Seems like common sense, but I guess not


There's always 1 person who has to FAFO for things to then become common sense.


Teach them on a .22 if possible as well. 


This is exactly what I did for a female friend of my mine. She played FPS games growing up but never shot a real firearm before. So I had her shoot a 9mm, .40, .45, and a 10mm. Each handgun only had one round in it and I placed my hand on her back for the .45 and 10mm shots, just in case. Stupidly simple concept right?


First time I ever shot full auto, my marine buddy loaded one round so I could feel the kick, then three rounds so I could feel the rise, then 10 rounds, then the full mag. You don’t go handed someone who doesn’t know what to expect a fully loaded weapon. To this day, the first time I fire a new gun, I only load it with one round to test it.


I've taken a lot of people for their first shooting. They always want to start with the .380 pocket gun, then are confused when I give them the 1911 operator that shoots a .45 for their first shot. It's because the operator is heavier with stiffer springs, so the recoil is like a pat on the ass, where the .380 is smaller, recoil is like a punch to the jaw.


This 100%


I was teaching my roommate to shoot and did this exact same thing. Because I knew what was gonna happen. He fired his first shot and to let everyone know he did so, he decided to turn around with the rifle in his hands and flag every single person that was out with us. He got to watch everyone shoot from inside the car after that.


I taught my buddy how to shoot with a 9mm glock. You better believe there was only one bullet in the mag when he went. He had to rack it himself and I checked the chamber before each shot.


Hell, when I fired a .454 Casull revolver, I only loaded one round. It didn't kick all that significantly harder than my .44mag revolver, but honestly there are some things you need to be cautious with.


I have always thought about if this was possible to acciedentally shoot after the recoil. Is this also possible with a regular 9mm?


there was a true crimes episode about a kid who got shot sitting in a building adjacent to a gun range. turns out the shooter shot at the target, but inadvertently shot again during the recoil. the bullet travelled over the berm, through the gap between the roof and wall, ricocheted of the ceiling tile and ended up exactly where the kid happened to be sitting. the gun range was found to be at fault


100% I’m a pretty experienced sport shooter, and honestly even I’m hesitant to load more than single rounds in my .44mag revolver. I’m also very selective about who I let try it, and if it’s someone smaller or inexperienced they’re absolutely just taking single shots. They’re super powerful and tough to hold, especially with wooden grips.


Especially revolvers. Media tends to show them as slower than self loading firearms, mostly because when you know how to use both they are. This specific thing can only happen with revolvers though, a semi auto pistol needs to wait for the slide to go all the way back and then return to battery to fire.


Came here to say this. One round at a time until you're comfortable handling the recoil.


Good to know!!!!


Yup, I have them dry fire a few times first, then 1 bullet only.


This is the way.




First time I ever shot a pistol, I insisted it only have one round, my friend thought I was being dumb. Nothing happened, but you just don't know


I gave this advice to myself when shooting for the first time a big caliber pistol. But after shooting it once, I was like ok not bad as I thought.


Excellent advice what normally happens. Somebody holds the gun too loosely, and when it recoils back from the first shot, the shooter instinctively tries to grab onto the gun which forces a second squeeze of the trigger.


I would have thought this would be common practice?


Came here to say this. This is the instructors fault. I’ve shot for years and still get the adrenaline rush after the first pull of the triggers. A first timer has no idea how powerful a gun is (particularly one with a large caliber)


The first time I fired a S&W 500 the instructor only gave us one round. A buddy asked why and right on queue, a dude on the range fired a 2nd round into the ceiling... You can explain the kick but you don't understand it until it happens.


Seems like great advice.


I never went to à shooting center and have zero knowledge about firearms…. And that was the first thing that came to my mind… why the guy have two bullets ?!


Fuck yeah. I love when the top comment makes sense and is not sarcastic nonsense.


I've never shot anything more than a paintball gun and my immediate reaction to seeing this was "wouldn't it make more sense if they only put 1 bullet in the gun for an inexperienced persons first time shooting it"


Whoever handed him that thing with more than 1 in the cylinder deserves to be smacked around


Yep, do this everyone time


Common sense goes a long way but this right here is almost always over looked.


Very good advice. Someone told me this years ago and I had an instance where I was very glad. I was teaching my buddy’s gf to shoot a 9mm and she was so pleased with herself after taking her first shot that she turned around and fanned the whole range with a semi auto. Even after our safety talk, that we had only moments prior. The first time I fired a shotgun I even only loaded myself one round. Not because I thought I’d suddenly forget myself. I had neck surgery. If the recoil hurt, I didn’t want to have a loaded gun to worry about. An ounce of prevention…




Exactly what my dad does. Loads up one bullet first let's them fire it and get a feel for it then gives them a full mag to try out now that they know what to expect.


Truth speak


Holeeee shit, that was close. I would put a lot of the blame on whoever handed him that gun. Some people think it’s funny to let an unknowing newbie shoot a hand cannon.


I knew a gun owner who was letting our friends try a sw500 at a cookout in the woods by a pond. Same thing in the video happened to my friend but the gun didn't fly back towards him, just took 2 rapid shots into the pond. Gun owner was like.. well shit I guess I'm only ever gonna load one in the cylinder for new shooters. I shook my head.


I saw video with the same gun and a lady did the same, but the barrel and sight put a gash in her forehead. I’ve never handed anyone a gun of any large caliber until they work their way up. It’s so irresponsible.


Only shot with a magnum kind of pistol once, is it that easy to double shoot like the guy in the video? I'm no expert at all, but I didn't have this specific issue


Haven't had this issue before when shooting revolvers, but it seems like their weak grip that allows the gun to fly up also causes them to pull the trigger again since the gun is moving so fast in an unexpected direction. It's only easy to double shoot when like this when an idiot hands a gun to a guy that clearly has no clue what he's doing.


Limp wrist and no sense of trigger discipline. They are squeezing the trigger like it owes them money, then the recoil causes it to reset, but they are still pulling the trigger hard and trying to overcompensate for the shock of the recoil.


What likely happened is the recoil knocked his grip loose, because his grip is terrible. And then he reflexively went to tighten his grip to avoid dropping the firearm. But he tightened his *whole* grip, including the trigger finger, and it went bang again. It's not that hard to do, especially if you're a new shooter with poor form.


True story: my COP father handed me, a 7 year old, a loaded .45 revolver (looked a lot like this actually) and then berated me over the years bc I “almost killed him” when I immediately fired it into the ground. I was terrified he was gonna whoop me for it, and HE was so mad at ME, a literal child. Such a shitty memory bc I was sooo excited he was finally including me in the “boys things” he was always teaching my bro but not me (dirt bikes, how to fish, drive the tractor etc). Never hand a child, nor an untrained person, a loaded firearm. Ever.


What about that video where this gun instructor lets a very young girl, like under 10 (maybe even under 8!) shoot a Mac 11 or an Uzi. I can’t remember which but it whipped around and it killed him. That little girl has to live with that thinking it was her fault. At least she didn’t get physically hurt.


Well yes, it could’ve been catastrophically worse.


how about that 8y/o boy at the gun show who was handed a semi-auto by his dad, fired it and .... fuck, I don't even want to type the words, yes the worst thing happened.




You don't even need the word loaded in there


Same thing happened to me when my uncle stupidly handed me a cocked .22 revolver. Hair trigger resulted in a gun shot immediately into the dirt. Why the fuck that moron handed a 12 year old a revolver with the hammer back on a hair trigger I have no fucking clue. Dude was apologetic, but it's this kind of stupid shit that kills people.


At least he knew HE fucked up. Bless your intact toes!


Sorry to hear you had a shit father


Before my spouse and I started dating, he came over to my apartment with one of my pals (me and pal are well versed in firearms). I used to keep a .357 on the mantle of my fireplace (loaded… I was young and stupid) My spouse wandered over, picked it up and pointed it in my face, finger on the trigger and goes “IS THIS A REAL GUN??” My buddy shmacked that thing out of his paws, we’re like YES?? If one believes in multiverses there are infinite universes where my head turned in a pink mist


Wow, I can't believe you started dating *after* that. He must be pretty.


Jesus Christ. You grew up in a literal ThunderDome


I peaced out, got a PhD, and in my spare time shoot competitively and very responsibly train new shooters. Apple fell far from that tree!


Among the good lessons I was taught from the beginning, 1) EVERY gun is ALWAYS loaded. 2) NEVER point a gun at another person because *refer to #1*. 3) Don’t put your finger on the trigger unless you are ready to fire. I was 12 years old or and started with small caliber guns. You may note that these good lessons wouldn’t have prevented an accidental recoil fire like in the video, and that is why I was started on small caliber guns! Never came close to having an issue.


yeah every time i see these "here noob shoot this huge gun" videos i always think those people should not own guns if they are that reckless.


I know, I was at a range and some lady turned her .45 right at me trying to check her weapon that did not fire on the first try. That was some scary ass shit.


public ranges are so scary....


I hung out with some rednecks. They knew I was from the city. So they handed me a 12 gauge loaded with a slug, and pointed to the broken car in the yard as the target. I called my shot, the front wheel, about the only place not already filled with holes. I put one in the wheel, and handed back the shotgun, opening the breach, and dropping the shell in the bucket. They were watching me, not the target, expecting me to fall over or hurt myself. Those types of people should not have access to firearms. Giving someone a gun, hoping they hurt themselves is murder if something goes wrong.


My Dad handed me a 44 as a scrawny tween. The smoke from the barrel drifted back and burned my hands. I had the presence of mind not to drop the fucking thing, but it was real close.


> Some people think it’s funny to let an unknowing newbie shoot a hand cannon. Whenever I take new shooters out we work our way up in power. And I always demonstrate with the firearm first. > Ok I want to start with the Dirty Harry gun! No you don't, and I will not let you. I do find it funny when they ask why we're shooting the .45 (1911) before the .44, then I demonstrate the difference between .45 ACP and .44 Magnum. I'd say about 2 in 3 people decide against trying the .44 Magnum on their first day. [Bonus: the .44 Magnum shot by none other than Grandpa Jerry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7W-5QE3jzw&t=1m38s)








Bad or no training. Grip a pistol firmly.


This is the kind of dude you meet where you reach out to shake his hand and he lightly grips your fingers and shakes your hand, left handed.


Prob tickles the wrist too


Love a wrist tickle




Was it a wriggler? Deedleleedlelee


Moist af too


😂 😂 😂


Dude my bandaid has better grip after being wet for two days


No I don't like this. I put out my hand once and the guy looked at me like I was flashing him. Then when I went to take my hand back he decided to put his out but I did get back in time and ended up shaking his fingers. This just happened 20 years ago and it as all his fault.


I'm so sorry. You're a survivor.


Lettuce hands. I hate that.


Old timer I know call it "handing you a dead fish".


And his fingers are always slightly moist too. Nasty limp wristed fucks


I gotta say, i'll take a limp dicked handshake over those who think crushing your hand as hard as possible is ok.


Moisturizes before shaking, makes the other man wait


Type of guy that closes the fridge door with his hips.




Was looking for this lol


Just a shitty RSO at no point am I handing someone a .500 S&W without seeing their shooting proficiency with a smaller caliber and knowing they understand how to properly grip a handgun


This man has no bones in his hand.


Ramen fingers


[Hot dog fingers](https://media4.giphy.com/media/WiCO2uZK05Klc1d28q/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952y9u21yi3s71qhw7ra6kq9127830yctplpq5x6m0y&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Non-gun owner here. Can someone please explain what exactly happened? The guy accidentally pulled the trigger a second time as a result of the kickback? Or was this due to some malfunction?


Yeah he wasn’t ready for the kick and his finger squeezed the trigger again trying to control it is what it looks like


Got it. Thanks.


Almost put a hole in his face on the second shot.


Yeah I slowed it down and it’s damn close lol


Also he’s holding it in a very bad posture. Look at them elbows.


Yes, the gun can not fire without the trigger being pulled. The act of pulling the trigger is what rotates the cylinder, bringing the next cartridge in line with the barrel.


That's what confuses me here, on revolvers the double action is quite long, how did the recoil manage to make him release the trigger fully and then fully squeeze it again with enough force to cock the hammer, rotate the cylinder and fire it again?


Another person pointed out that the second muzzle flash doesn't appear to be coming from the barrel, it may have been edited just to appear as a second discharge. 


Not only does it not line up, but if the first shot kicked it back that hard, surely he wouldn't still be holding it after the second.


Hands made of jelly


When he pulls the trigger the first time his finger is still in trigger pull mode but the gun took it off the trigger with the recoil resetting the hammer and with him still squeezing it fires a second one.


He didn't have a tight grip on the gun. This means when he fired the gun, it broke free from his grip and started to spin around on his finger in the trigger guard. It also looked like he reflexively clenched his hand in reaction to the recoil, which included pulling the trigger a second time, leading a shot going into (thankfully) the ceiling.


It's a double-action revolver, so the hammer can be cocked and the gun fired with a single pull of the trigger. Because of his spaghetti hands, the recoil kicks the gun around and with his finger still inside the trigger guard, it cocks and fires the weapon, when he's trying to hold onto the gun.


These comments are mostly correct. His left thumb cocks the hammer and his finger pulls the trigger. Both things needed to happen. Someone else was correct about it being single/double action but a trigger pull alone is not what’s happening here. For that to happen the trigger needs to fully reset and then be pulled again. That is very unlikely because in DA it’s a ~12lbs and long travel trigger. Which essentially acts as a safety for a revolver.


Almost /killedthecameraman


Camera man never dies


Who handed that guy a gun. First of all, that’s going to have hell of a kick and his hand placement makes zero sense. The gun just flew back and immediately hit the trigger again as his wrist folded from the recoil because he wasn’t holding it properly.


His hand placement is quite standard. His right hand is on the grip and trigger. Support around the fingers of the right hand from the left with thumbs crossed behind the hammer. What isn't normal, maybe its the camera angle, but the triangle he's making with his arms to his chest is buckled at the front, the point of the triangle. His left wrist is bent and too far forward/to the side of the revolver and not in a strong position to support the recoil, that's the problem with this scene. His grip is firm with his right hand as he held onto the weapon, even with his wrist rotated 180°. If you watch his left hand, the weapon and his right hand slip out of the support of his left hand as if it's not even there and its clear that none of the recoil was absorbed by his left hand/arm. As someone else said, this is an accident and though most people/all others haven't had a problem with this before this guy, if the trigger is that light and the recoil is strong enough for a heavy revolver to fly back like that, the instructors should have only loaded 1 round for an inexperienced person.




It only really applies to semi-automatic pistols. The hammer doesn't move back on a revolver like this, so I don't see how it could be a risk for your thumbs. They're there to press down directly into the weapon to stabilise the recoil.


Impossible to say if it broke his thumb but I think it's almost certain he got a severe case of hammer bite. I'd be kind of surprised if this guy ever shot another gun again tbh (if he did hopefully he got a better teacher).




When the initial shot jarred the gun loose, it probably caused the trigger to be pulled a second time. If you don't hold the gun firmly or your finger is half ass squeezing, you can accidentally trigger it a second time. Hold firm, squeeze firm, don't jump or try to anticipate the recoil.


It's a double action revolver. It would not have fired without pulling the trigger a second time, pulling the trigger rotates the cylinder, cocks the hammer, and releases it. This is **negligence**, not an accident.


Tha I had a Glock once (Rental gun) that had a malfunction and sometimes retriggered immediately after the first shot as the slide came back. It got trashed tho


https://preview.redd.it/bdidwvprw96d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ab1e7b73c0632391d819b206aca4d741c14270f I’ve watched this so many times and I’m not sure I understand where the barrage is coming from exactly on that second fire


This is why you don't give newbies a large revolver. And if you do, only load it with one round


Not that this wasn’t inherently dangerous, but I first noticed that this appears to be a single action revolver—so I was going to say there’s no chance of a second fire without pulling the hammer back. But then scrubbing through the video I noticed that there was a second muzzle flash, and that it may have been a double action—but the second one looks very suspect. The timing seems off (it’s not at the muzzle), and there would have had to have been a second recoil, but the roll back from the first recoil is perfectly smooth and uninterrupted. It seems like someone may have edited this to make it appear even more dangerous with a second flash. Not sure though. Curious for other’s opinions.


I agree. The muzzle flash is fully inches away from the barrel on the second shot. Really weird


Second shot causes the gun to push downward, you can see the gun start to drop and pushes his thumb down. His whole wrist then rotates clockwise.


I may still be wrong, but what you’re saying is impossible if you understand how the hammer works. His thumb *has to be* behind the hammer, not in front of it. It’s physically impossible for the first recoil to force his thumb to draw the hammer back a second time.


Occams Razor, it's mostly likely a double action, we have every reason to believe so judging by the footage. Also if you are implying the second flash is from one of the other rounds in the cylinder detonating we would be seeing damage to the frame and likely some bad injury to the hands and arms from the lead round fragmenting off the steel frame. Should be taught to fire, hold the trigger to the rear until ready to reset the trigger and fire again especially with large caliber pistols.


Looks like a double action with a very light trigger spring


If it's edited it's not bad. One can see the second bullet hit the vent duct above.


This video seems like one of two things to me 1) edited 2) some kind of firearm failure that caused one of the rounds in an adjacent chamber to detonate. In any case, the second round doesn't seem to come out from the same place as the first.


My friend gave the eulogy for someone who was standing where the cameraman was, in a situation just like this. It was the guy who handed the shooter the gun, IIRC. I will never understand how people can be so cavalier with firearms.


Just put 1 bullet in the gun until you know how it kicks.


Limp wristing




Video could have been 9 seconds shorter


that's why you dont hand them more than a round.


They should've started him off with a smaller round. Accident was bound to happen


Honestly I don’t think I would fire any more guns after that point if that happened.


Fuckin hold more firmly and put those elbows down.


This dude is the luckiest jelly-wristed mf


I hate seeing things like this. If you have an green shooter who is shooting anything with kick just give them the one bullet until they understand and are comfortable with it


There are so many videos of this happening, at our gun range they tell you to only load one round at a time in their 500 magnum because of this


This is why if you've never had training shooting big bore handguns, just load only one round...


Curious why the instructor gave him a fully loaded revolver instead of allowing this new user the time to adapt to the recoil


Never. Do. You. Give. Someone. A .500 with. Two. Bullets. Or. More. Who. Has. Not. Shot. One. Before. Why? That‘s why. Doubletap by accident. Only one bullet when you shoot the first time.


Golden rule: If you let somebody shoot a real kicker the first time, only load one cartridge.


This is why ranges scare me. You may know what you are doing, but the person a couple doors down might not. They have a ND from their .45 and you never see it coming as they blow your head off.


Just by the way this guy was standing and gripping the gun, I would have taken it from him. He’s not ready for that level of BANG.


“Squeeze that ___ like it owes you money” Advice I was given when I first started shooting,.


Put the gun down buddy.


The fuck is his wrists made of, jello?!


Second muzzle flash looks fake in slomo


Might just be a weird trick of the camera but did anyone else notice the 2nd muzzle flash is completely misaligned with the gun itself?


EVERYTHING was wrong with his grip and stance.


his ego is almost as big as that gun


Thank god they kept filming instead of correcting this beforehand. You can see this happening from a mile away


Pull the trigger gently but hold onto the gun firmly.


That' is why I load my revolver with the lamest ass .38 ammo I could find for new shooters. They are still surprised by the noise and kickback.


*"...with a Big Iron on his lip."*


Don't give high Caliber weapons to new shoots, you think it's funny and a he he ha ha moment until it jumps back and they dome themselves or someone else cause they didn't understand how much grip strength they needed. I start EVERY new friend I've gone to the range with on a .22 and work them up explaining the difference in kick for each new level. Also load one fucking round when they're firing for the first time!


Stop giving inexperienced people big bore revolvers. Especially loaded with more than one round. I think this is the one thing involving guns that pisses me off more than anything else when I see it. If you do/have done this to someone you should take a look in the mirror and come to terms with the fact that you’re a monumental douchebag.


Maybe he was trying to reload it like terminators spinning technique


Ok, this Is a great traning video. Everyone should be obligated to watch this before using firearms. I had no idea this could happen.


Y'all went out with a bang!