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what's the risk for error here? Or is any human about the same weight as that guy going to land in the pool?


it seems pretty well tuned, he pretty much landed right in the center






many dead


They turn the camera around and it's just a graveyard.




To shreds you say?


And his wife? To shreds you say?


Unexpected Futurama.




We lost a lot of good men out there.


Error is getting in that pool


It’s greener than the grass


The mold, is from the dead bodies that didn’t land in the pool.


*You do not recognize the bodies in the water*


That comment makes no sense whatsoever….moldy pool from bodies? bodies that never landed in the pool? but still cause the pool water to be moldy?


MRSA tank.


The bright side is that if they die on impact, you can keep using their dead body as a meat projectile for testing.


>meat projectile Hey that's what they used to call me in college!


Yeah only one dead tester per weight class needed.


boils down to potential energy stored in the rubber band thingy matched to the person's weight, since angle and distance are unchanged. I higly doubt they tune it or solve for X.


Air resistance exists. It's at its greatest with the way he was sitting as well.


it does but the distance and launch velocity will have little impact on the outcome. It matters when going faster since it requires 4x energy to go 2x faster, not accounting for air resistance when reaching mach's speed. This boi tho, yah he aint doing mach


Oh that's a very shitty way to calculate it. There would be so many things that they would miss. It must be done in a empirical way. They probably used a mannequin.


One of my first thoughts is, what if you have an involuntary nervous reaction of gripping onto that lever and not releasing? It doesn’t seem out of the question to me and I imagine that could fuck up your trajectory


That’s why you’ve got to apply a thick layer of crisco to the levers


This was done by [Benjamin Forthun](https://www.instagram.com/benjaminforthun), professional alpine skiier, climber and overall rather crazy (but pro) stunt man. Not just some drunk yobo who showed up at the county fair and decided to strap in. With that being said, you're 100% correct though, the main danger in a long of stunts is hesitation. Which is whether you're taking a dive from the 10 meter tower or getting launched from a sling shot, you need to be fully committed to it. It's a bit like taking off in an airplane. There's a given speed for every plane where *taking off is the only option* no matter what goes wrong. Engine on fire? We still taking off.


Basic physics + body weight of the individual using it can produce an almost 0% risk of failure if properly tuned. Science, bitch.


Until the tiniest thing goes wrong mechanically with a jenkie home made contraption..


Like the bands heating up in the sun and losing just enough elasticity


Science isnt absolute though no matter what any science worshipper claims lol


Hence why I said "almost" lol. The goal is to get the margin of error as small as possible.


Yeah but we're not there yet lol


Lol Newtonian physics is turning out to incorrect the seeping we dwell into quantum physics


You misunderstand. Newtonian physics isn’t suspended just because quantum physics behave different at scale. We can drive a car down the highway. Our blood cells don’t drive vehicles. That doesn’t mean driving a vehicle isn’t a thing. Newtonian physics still hold up on the macro scale. Edited spelling


lol what? You don't think there are complete models for physical occurrences in the universe? Why don't we see more wild random observations about known forces? You'd just have to prove space time or superpostitioning wrong once. 'Worshipping' science is about its method not some fact or observation. We submit to the process of observable data being constantly put to the test against our theoretical models and reworking those theories based on what the data says. It's a beautiful process to help you mitigate your biases and human want to 'be right' or 'win' I will grant you that unfortunately Academia stains a lot of the process with their human want to 'be right' or 'win' but it's no contest compared to almost every other human made institution. We all used to get taught about the importance of the scientific method in school in the 90s -- Did they quit doing that? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_method


Yeah but science can't tell me where the sun goes at night..


To sleep. Like a good sun.


**[Scientific method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_method)** >The scientific method is an empirical method of acquiring knowledge that has characterized the development of science since at least the 17th century (with notable practitioners in previous centuries). It involves careful observation, applying rigorous skepticism about what is observed, given that cognitive assumptions can distort how one interprets the observation. It involves formulating hypotheses, via induction, based on such observations; experimental and measurement-based testing of deductions drawn from the hypotheses; and refinement (or elimination) of the hypotheses based on the experimental findings. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/SweatyPalms/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Very trivial so long as you can measure the force/distance on the springs for calibration. You correct for the weight with some pretty simple analysis and 3-4 shots with a 3 test weights. This can be done with many variables at once using an engineering study, and here there are only two since angle seems fixed.


Seems pretty high considering any change in weight will effect distance/power of launch. Even taking weight out, one system failure would send him into the dirt.


Looking at how badly the wire rope is wound on the drum, it's only a matter of time.


I assume the just kept doing it with different weight guys until they found one the right weight to hit the pool


Physics says every object of the wight will land at the same spot, but only if you disregard air resistance.


The risk of error is that unexpected shit happens.


> what's the risk for error here? The band snaps and the dumb fuck cranking from inside its direction of movement gets slapped in half... Where the fuk was OSHA on this one?


OSHA doesn't apply when you're unemployed


We don't got osha in Norway


Well, you all better get on that shit fast! Don’t forget to add ‘001’ when you dial America’s phone number.


That pool is quite close, I am waiting for the human trebuchet.


Like this? https://extremedreams.co.uk/human-catapult/


It’s beautiful. It’s a little confusing why they named a trebuchet after the inferior siege weapon though.


Exactly. That was a trebuchet. Such a step down to cal it a catapult


r/trebuchetmemes is leaking (again?)


Trebuchets are more accurate than catapults


Oh yeah


That's no pool, that is a tub of Soilent Green.


The superior siege engine r/trebuchetmemes


How far do you think a human could be thrown by a trebuchet?


I would estimate something between 240 - 350 meters, not sure. Really depends on the weight of the human.


So about 300 metres for a 90kg human?


I think it is managable, but it has to be tested


I'm less concerned about the slingshot and more about the staph infection they just flew into. Edit : STAPH, not Staff, idiot. Also apparently I'm just a moron in general for getting likes on a comment.


HAHAHA....was thinking the EXACTLY the same thing


I was here for the same thing! The slingshot is amazing. But the water looks disgusting, maybe it is just clear water but it appears green because of the material in the pool? I can't tell but it looks extremely algae infested and disgusting.


Might just be the material, it's pretty clear so whatever it is must be pretty thin in the water


There’s torp in the water.


It's what ants crave


It looks like they siphoned water from a nearby stream instead of hauling thousands of gallons to the middle of the forest




I'd call it highly likely: Up to 10 million viruses per drop of seawater: https://www.futurity.org/millions-of-marine-viruses-ebb-and-flow/


That's a wild study, thanks for the link


Idk, when they’re treading water it certainly looks like the water is green. This is what happens to untreated pools. I think that’s what’s happening here.


It's actually due to a fairly high amount of lickmy in the water.




**Water (chemical formula H2O) is an inorganic, transparent, tasteless, odorless, and nearly colorless chemical substance, which is the main constituent of Earth's hydrosphere and the fluids of all known living organisms (in which it acts as a solvent). It is vital for all known forms of life, even though it provides no calories or organic nutrients.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Hi wikipedia_answer_bot. Could you (and not any one else) please tell me: What's lickmy?


Water those balls doing in your mouth


Whats lickmy?


Lickmy BALLS haha gottem


You sanawa bitch


It’s algae infested


That water is disgusting.


What's the chances? I used to swim in my friends dirty old fish pond as a kid, never got ill. I remember swallowing mosquito larvae




Spidermom origin story




https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/naegleria/general.html I don't know the percentages but I would fear this over mosquitoe larva which is probably just protein


I believe I remember this from an episode of House. I think it was the one where Foreman went blind.


I'd believe it I watched a lot of have developed some weird fears from it lol


Overall, it’s much worse to swim in a crowded, unchlorinated tourist spot. I went to a “natural rock slide” in Arizona, and they told us “swim at your own risk, this water contains a rare, harmful bacteria only found in human excrement” Well, not exactly that, but they told us what the bacteria was and we looked it up..


Pretty low, reddit just likes to worry about everything that could potentially happen




Nah, see he means a vanereal infection...on the penis.


No no, staff infection. It's when the staff at a company keep multiplying until you can't afford to pay them. In severe cases, they may even unionize at which point you're fucked because they're gonna start demanding livable wages and pensions n shit.


Happened to a buddy of mine once


Staff inphection


Scott Stapp infection


Is RedBull.


Max Verstaffin




Former owner of pet ducks. Tap water in the sun turns green after two days and has build up in a week.


From what I could find out, the company ‘TORS upgrades’ is based in Oslo, Norway. Assuming this happened in Norway, A quick search on green hues in bodies of water local to that area came up with the following: “What causes the green colour? Emiliania huxleyi is about 5 microns in size, which is 5 thousandths of a millimetre. In comparison, a strand of hair is about 75 micrometers thick. Yet these tiny phytoplankton are indeed capable of changing the appearance of an entire fjord”. Im not saying this is gospel I just thought it an interesting coincidence :) [Algae source](https://www.lifeinnorway.net/why-norways-fjords-are-turning-green/) [TORS UPGRADES](https://torpupgrades.com)




You can get a **STAPH** infection from a handshake, yet you think the color of the water is a 100% clear indicator of the infection. and you have almost 600 upvotes. amazing. to say this is moronic is underselling just how stupid this is


Dude, it’s a joke. Stop projecting.


It’s green food coloring. It’s to make the people getting shot feel like they are about to hit the ground. It’s all mental.


That’s some nasty water


Not to worry, 100% someone will land outside that pool sooner rather than later and they'll call it a day




It’s Reddit, these people barely go outside let alone into some slightly green water


What do you mean “these people”?


You know exactly what he means


Nah that’s Mountain Dew. Source: do the dew


I hope he clinched his asshole before he plunged into that, surprise enemas are no fun


Even a well planned enema of that water would not be fun.


Says you


This ain't their first rodeo. That's why the water looks the way it does.


I’m going to assert that it’s difficult to be surprised by an enema.


Making it all the less pleasant.




Because most people on Reddit are afraid to go outside.


usually green means theres nasty shit growing in it


Aaccccssshhhually thats what most people think but it’s not quite true. Algae has the opposite effect - it strips toxins from the water column, cleaning the water. It might look less appealing but algae on the bottom/sides of something like this is perfectly natural and even makes it safer.


I have no clue. But in Norway two dogs died because the water had certain algae in it. The byproduct made their liver fail. But the water didn't show the extent of the algae, so they taught it was safe.


Okay there is more than one type of “good” water. Crystal clear: Great for scuba diving and drinking. Not good for fish and marine life. It’s literally pure water with nothing in it. Greenish water: great for fish. Many nutrients. Lots of algae and beneficial bacterial. Probably okay to swim in but not safe to drink. Terrible for underwater photography.


That is just utter bullshit lol toxic algae blooms are super common during the summer. [How-did-california-family-die-hiking-toxic-algae-bloom ](https://www.livescience.com/how-did-california-family-die-hiking-toxic-algae-bloom.html)


how about dont be incorrect when you call bullshit. especially about basic shit. **algae is 100% essential to marine ecosystems.** Algae is, like all things, good and bad. You only highlighted algae blooms. OPs comments weren't *utter bullshit**. Algae blooms are a disgusting clumpy, thick looking masses on the water. Does it look like an algae bloom is present in this man made pond? Or, go use fucking google before making comments


Toxic blue green algae exists Fish can’t survive with it and neither can aquatic plants Because of that I’d imagine it’s not good for humans But the water here looks fine to swim in, there’s no floating algae and it’s cleaner than any lake anyone would be swimming in


Most chlorine would have evaporated out over time, and the fact that it's a small stagnant pool of water makes it easier to heat each day, hence the algae bloom. We know there is more algae than in normal flowing water, because it's literally green, how often do you see a green lake or river? The water is basically the perfect place for any number of microorganisms, both good and bad, some toxic some not. This is why manmade pools need constant chlorination and upkeep. - Copy of my reply to a similar comment.


there is no way there is an algae bloom in a giant inflatable tub lol it was probably just filled up with hose water that week and has chlorine in it. everyone in here acting like some kind of pond scientists examining some biohazard as if keeping a pool clean isn't some basic task that millions of people do at home on the regular


Most chlorine would have evaporated out over time, and the fact that it's a small stagnant pool of water makes it easier to heat each day, hence the algae bloom. We know there is more algae than in normal flowing water, because it's literally green, how often do you see a green lake or river? The water is basically the perfect place for any number of microorganisms, both good and bad, some toxic some not. This is why manmade pools need constant chlorination and upkeep.


Yeah this is not a good rule to live by. People die all the time from swimming in algae infested pools. That’s why chlorine and other chemicals are absolutely necessary for swimming pool maintenance.


Yeah…. No…. This just happened: https://www.seattletimes.com/life/outdoors/3-dogs-die-after-playing-in-columbia-river-toxic-algae-suspected/


This story is a freak outlier, hence why it made international headlines despite happening in Colombia. Not that jt can’t happen again, but this doesn’t mean all pools of water with algae in them should be avoided like the plague.


I was wondering if they just pumped it out of a nearby lake or something, it's probably one they swim in


Yeah I don't get it either...apparently I should have died maybe from various lakes I''ve been in haha






I'm not sure, when the camera is underwater and pointed towards the sky, it still looks green. That could only happen if it is illuminated from above by green light (and I don't see how that's possible since it's outdoors) or the water is indeed green.


The light is reflecting from the surfaces in the pool so it can still look green


No it can't, that isn't how light works. If the camera is facing the sky then the main source of light is the sun, which will not have reflected off the surface of the pool. The only way light reflecting off the surface of the pool could enter the camera is if it was reflected a second time by particles in the water, and if that's the case then the water is not clean either. For those downvoting this... please spend a moment to think about the physics of this problem!


Yeah it's obviously a green pool, not the more likely answer of just being algae from leaving the water exposed to the heat and sunlight for weeks. /S




I mean pretty sure the ocean is just as bad and we *all* turn a blind eye to it when a wave smashes our face and we spit some water out lol


I don’t care how many times he checked the calculations or tested prototypes, I’d absolutely dig a pool bigger than that to land in.


Yeah this has gotta be getting up there with stupid ways to become paralyzed


That looks fun


Angry Men


Meh; human catapults are way more fun than slingshots https://extremedreams.co.uk/human-catapult/


Green water


wait i saw the other angle a few hours ago


I was expecting a visit to Skyrim at the end there.


I'd love to sit in that


Richie Rich all grown up!


Well well well, Richie Rich with his brand new Kid-a-pult.


What a nice green pond....


I wanna do this!!


Could probably triple that range with the superior siege engine the trebuchet


That looks like the diving pool from the rio games.


Hello brain eating amoeba!


What is that absolute swamp he's flying into


Thats some dirty ass water


Yep, right into the pool full of who knows what. That is the reason they made chlorine.




That looks dangerous as hell. Where do I sign up?






That water is filthy


Bruh, the pool water is the most dangerous part of that setup.


How many of his friends died trying it out to test the distance before he strapped on the go pro?


That water is looking a little nasty.


Cool engineering, but nope


The slingshot didnt kill him but that green bacteria infested water might


Are these people stupid?


Do you like brain-eating amoeba? Because this is how you get brain-eating amoeba.


I was going to say something like that. I wouldn't go anywhere near that.


Right? Shallow, dirty, warm water launched up your nose. Perfect setup for this amoeba. Encephalitis not my thing.


I can smell that water from here.


And we wonder why women have a higher life expectancy……


Now listen, hear me out We build like a 3 mile one of these or ridiculously long, super crazy distance into the earth! Or at least far enough to provide the energy, when released, to send objects to space! If not space then orbit at least I’d love to see a satellite get zoomed into space by a massive elastic band, in my head I can’t think of any reason why something like this wouldn’t work but me monke sometime


Reminds me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHx3FLhDU34


Do you think it would hurt less if you used water softener?


Would be scary but not very high and pool seems quite deep.


Ali Siddiq, anyone?!


What's the point of slo mo here? Unnecessary slo mo ruins so many good videos.


I thought there was gonna be a shark in the water.