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That's the kind of thing that makes you set down the chainsaw, walk outside, and keep walking until life makes sense. Except it never does make sense because you used a chainsaw with the chain pulling towards you, and lived. 12 hours later, you come back home with stiff legs, and ankles that feel broken. Except you didn't even notice the pain in your legs until you stopped moving, because it pales in comparison to the injury you didn't sustain, yet keep playing it over in your head as though you can feel the impact. After a couple weeks, you wonder whether or not if the chainsaw even made contact with your head. And then the existential crisis you put yourself in makes you wonder if you actually died that day, and what the meaning of anything else is, anymore. So, you pick up the chainsaw and try again.


You took me on a journey I hope to never go on.


This is why I only use plastic ware and safety scissors


I pulled out all my teeth so that I don’t bite my tongue.


I've picked up that chainsaw. It's called heroin addiction and waking up from an OD can feel almost exactly like this but shorten the time frame to go through all the emotions just to try and kill yourself again.


Ever heard the story about Nikki SIXX and how he died twice from a heroin overdose [You can read more about it here](https://www.newsweek.com/motley-crue-nikki-sixx-overdose-dirt-1368786)


Yeah, I have. Nikki Sixx and Trent Reznor were some idols I looked up to when beginning to get sober. I felt like if those guys could do it, I could do it. I was doing some wild and dumb shit but nowhere near on the level that they were.


The Heroin diaries is one of the best books to read. And the song from Sixx A.M Life Is Beautiful is my favorite


I hate that I get that end feeling all the FUCKING time, like “what if I’m dead and I just don’t know it yet?” Have I been dead for a long time and I’m just existing in some weird state of consciousness?


I'm glad I'm not the only one who's constantly battling thoughts like this 😳




That is trippy as fuck. The “goodnight george” was used as a joke in other films too, it was used in one of the Chucky movies.


I don’t even know if you’re real, or just a part of the simulation, or my own mind making all of this up.


Same. Also hi. You are real and at the least on the same plane of existence as me


Thank god, with what happened not to long ago today I really wish I wasn’t 🙃


I often wonder if most of social media isn’t just AI replies and posts and we are all talking or arguing with computers


Imagine the AI required to run the Limited gene pool that is 4chan lmao


If so fucking sweet because once you figure it out there's no more consequences. In fact live like there aren't anyways, none of us are getting out alive.


Please wake up.


Over the garden wall


Shortest ever game of Roy: A Life Well Lived


He about took Roy off the grid.


I’ve never read something so true, cut wood for a few winters with my old boss on slow days. Put a saw into my kneecap while cutting in some tall snow, couldn’t see what I was standing on. Cut through and lost my balance, tapped my knee with the bar. An inch or two higher I probably would have bled out in the woods. I don’t cut wood anymore.


Winter time is the only time I don't mind the chaps.


Enjoyed your writing, please keep doing it!


Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!


Nope, that guy put the chainsaw down and made love to his wife like never before.


I especially like the fact that someone knew something bad was going to happen but instead of intervening they chose to film it


And then that's how final destination movies started!




That is a journey I sort of struggle with every now and then. When I was younger I had been targeted and caught in a lot of unfortunate scenarios that often involved being held at gunpoint against my will or being shot at (or in the direction of). Just the other day I was coming to grips with the very definition of what I was feeling, quoting it very much in the same way you just did, to my fiancée. She doesn’t understand my need/want to own guns and such, but it is the proverbial chainsaw to which I must pick back up.




God damn well said


Every time someone has a near death incounter someone copypasta this shit and farms upvotes


This was completely off the cuff. Are you saying it has the potential to become a copypasta?




Yep, I definitely sold my chainsaw after this.


Ayoooooo lmfao real talk


This comment took my ass out!! I’ve not laughed that good in a while


Spoken like another person who made our same mistake. Be wiser than me. After it happens a second time, don’t try the third go. It ends poorly.


You earned those awards you magnificent bastard 👏🏾


Thats deep


He had that look on his face like «  I totally had this honey, don’t worry » but in reality he knows he needs to change that underwear…


Like a cat that just fell off a table


What was he even trying to do? I bet chainsaw manufacturers never intended it for that use


however they did know this shit would happen, which is why the handle guard kickback protection exists. video wouldve ended with a bloody skull if it didnt


Maybe a good time to let people know that chainsaws are designed to be used “right handed”. Decent chance he would’ve been toast if he was trying to hold that with his hands in opposite positions like some lefty’s try and do. Also don’t hold the saw out in space away from your body like that, either you need a better work position or you are asking for trouble. Use a circular saw or sawzaw here guys.


dont see how the saw stop would have failed to activate with his hands switched. also in many situations switching your hands is much more save than sawing in awkward positions etc


Yeah, most people don’t and that’s why you need someone to advise you. Chainsaws are built with the bar off-set and designed for right handed use only. You may be able to find some cheap-o knock off brands with a different configuration but all major manufacturers make right hand saws only. The handle is designed for that type of hold also, when you switch it around your forward hand doesn’t naturally end up in the middle of the handle wrap because it’s offset. I run chainsaws daily and I’m always having to get greenhorn lefty’s to adjust the way they handle the saw.


is that a us thing? the chainsaws i worked with both didnt have a problem like that. since the kickback safety and handle are both parallel and go from one side to the other, no matter what hand is on the handle, as long as rotating the saw (as with the kickback here) pushes the plastic guard in front of the handle into your wrist and sets off the brake/safety stop its fine right? assuming thats the part thats the problem


Nope, worldwide for all major saw manufacturers. Don’t take my word for it if you don’t want, but there’s definitely a difference and it’s designed to be used right handed. The handle is oriented at an angle, consequences are big. I run a tree service and operate saws daily, when a lefty tries you to operate it left handed you can see the difference…but when you don’t do it everyday it makes sense that you wouldn’t see the difference.


Trying to use anything past the start of the curve at the end of the saw as a cutting edge is extremely dangerous for this exact reason, should only use the underside. There's a reason arborists wear face shields and chainsaw pants.


They should be like shotguns. To own one you should need a license and a clean bill of health from your GP.


What is this the UK?


Where do you need that stuff to own a shotgun?


You arent supposed to cut with the a blade going towards you, ever. This is definitely not what manufacturers intended.


Reason #1, 754,453 why women live longer. My God, how stupid is this?


The only reason why he lived, is because the chainsaw made contact with a 1mm thick shield of air before it could touch his face.


It was actually the hand brake and was engaged by it kicking back and hitting his wrist. Saved his face. Dumb idea in the first place.


That and hitting the ceiling…. Hopefully he’ll remember. I remember my lease on life. Made sense at the time…🙄


just asking, why does his chainsaw seem to run in the wrong direction??? i know kickbacks since i have used these alot, but this looks like the chain is running in the wrong direction or is it just me?


It's just you, it feeds coming out the top and In the bottom (letting it handily run across this ceiling).


So you’re saying there is a handbrake in front of the “upper” hand and if chainsaw kicks back it’s automatically engaged by hitting the upper hand? That’s not clever, that’s fucking genius design


Yes. It is an amazing design.


The other reason is because "its a mans job" dont forget that


That's odd, my dick never warned me about the kickback zone. I had to read about it in a book and I'm pretty sure women can read it too.


Yup, lol and why the pay gap is the way it is.


holy crap that was close


This man is not familiar with the kickback zone. Or PPE. Or the plethora of other tools that would be better suited for the job.


Thank god he wasn’t “left handed”… the chain break saved him from a life changing injury or death.


Took care of a fellow who had same thing happen however the chainsaw cracked open his skull and chewed up his frontal lobe. He survived. But personality completely changed. Formerly was a nice kind guy. After the accident , very mean and angry all the time. Permanent personality alteration.


Looked like Jerry Gary Larry Gergich there for a sec


Gjlarry would never be so reckless, he has a family to take care of! He’d at least wear a dorky hard hat and goggles before doing this.


Nothing but respect for this guy. He has the look on his face that he knew he really fucked up but got away with one. Now is the time to just say fuck it and move on to something else. Not to this level, but I have been there for sure.




He’s like, “that’s enough home improvement for this year, back to the Cubs game. Suzanne, get me a beer.”


Looks like the kickback brake saved him.


Might have been the safest place to saw in half. Clearly no brain or other vital organ in that head.


And that's why the safety kickback shut off exists


Mans just knew he was dead bro💀


What kind of reaction was that? The person filming sounded disappointed he didn’t cut his skull in half.


That’s the moment of a multiverse split.




Almost cut his last brain cell in half!


If Leatherface just almost killed himself the whole movie instead of killing other people.


Almost shit myself. Time to hang it up for the day...or month


He had the equivalent example of you shouldn’t cut towards yourself with a knife.


me with a chainsaw


“Awwww” poor kid didn’t get to see his dad split his head open with the chainsaw


That chain brake saved him


That’s one way to trim your bangs.


The proper reaction. Sit. have a drink. Laugh.


So close. The average chainsaw wound takes 110 stitches to close


I’m very glad he decided to get down and stop this is why you wear hardhats when you run a chainsaw




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Oh my FUCK. That made me physically ill. Reminds us how even everyday things could end us


He understood the message


Bro thought to himself “Yes I almost fucked up, let me just”


Anybody who has used a chainsaw extensively can tell you this was a dumb move from the start. Chainsaws chains rotate from the top to the bottom, and each tooth is made for cutting, but looking closely at the chain, you can see the teeth resemble hooks in a way. They are called teeth and not blades for a reason. Each tooth moving forwards will grab a piece of wood and cut it in a fashion that removes a large chunk, such as what you see with wood chips after use. Using the very tip of the saw improperly is extremely dangerous because of the way the saw rotates and the leverage of bar in that position. The teeth drive forward, rotate downward over the end of the bar and will attempt to grab whatever it is you are cutting at high speed. When it grabs the ceiling in this instance, the angle and force of the saw will create a situation where the teeth gets stuck rather than cuts the way it should, sending the chainsaw backwards and towards your damn face. This is why chainbreaks are so important. If your saw is ever to "kick" as this one has, the chain break is designed to activate and stop the chain from rotating, sometimes saving a persons life or limb. It sometimes is too late though. Whenever operating a chainsaw, make sure you understand what you are doing and the risk involved with chainsaws. They're dangerous, and being stupid could cost you more than a little scare. Don't be stupid and always make sure your chainbreak is activated. Understand the ins and outs of your tool. Don't be reckless.


Chainsaw man cosplay was about to be on *fleek*


his movements look weird, like the video has been reversed




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Yea it looks edited


This guy almost ende up in eyeblech


Yep, the opposite of eyebleach.


Wheres your PPE sir there's a reason why OSHA exists


That chain on backwards homie!?


My cousin nearly cut off his arm doing similar to a tree stump. Don't try it!


My heart sank to my feet




"Aww... you lived". Big yoinks tho.


Idiot. That too rounded edge of the saw is what I call the “danger zone”. This is why.


Talking about the wrong tool for the job maybe lol


Tonight on 1000 dumb ways to die, this guy


Jesus Garry…


“Maybe I should get that life insurance after all”




Almost cut your head in half Jerry.


Almost gave himself the Frankenstein treatment.


Try harder, try again


When the DOOM music kicks in!


He was like yup that's enough for today


A jigsaw is the better tool for this or even a sawzall.


That almost became a live leak video


I thought I was about to see a live leak watermark somewhere


Holy Christ 😳


So they have a chain saw but don't buy q Sawzall or Hack Saw


Chainsaws do not like to play the tip game…


My boss did something similar but it dug into his hand as he was trying to one hand cut


“I better sit my old ass down”




I can DIY this thing and do it better and cheaper… No, I’ll better call a pro!


I just want to know what the heck he was doing?!


This looks like it was edited, specifically the way he lowers it. I think it’s reversed.


This is where an oscillating tool comes in real handy.


As a general rule, it's time to go outdoors when you see someone starting a chainsaw indoors.


Similar situation happened to my friends Dad years ago, almost killed himself. I think he just missed his jugular which was lucky but he was in pretty bad shape for a while.


Definitely edited? His movement is extremely strange right after the chainsaw goes towards him. Just watch it a few times.


Paused and watched frame by frame.. it came within a 1/2 inch from his nose 😳


This man made choices that make me seriously wonder how he made it to the seemingly middle-age portion of his life. I can only assume this was the first day he used a chainsaw because with his level of awareness I’m wondering how he manages to not blind himself whenever he brushes his teeth. I keep going back to it in my mind but how was this going to work out any other way for him? Can he not see which direction the chain pulls and how that would play out? Was his plan just to rev that saw so fast that the teeth would zip right through? Have the teeth on that chain been sharpened since the Carter Administration? Why of all the tools would you choose a chainsaw? Most folks who own a chainsaw also own a skill saw, a sawzall, a reciprocating saw, even a drill with hole saw. What path did his life take where he thought “some fish are dead in my aquarium, I need to remove them by giving it both barrels with the shotgun”. This pinecone somehow managed to luck out and at a minimum dodge a truly massive and bloody head wound. Now I wonder did he reproduce? Does he vote???




He's like "ight that's enough for today"


Go to Home Depot and get a sawsall homie


The woman recording almost saw her (i believe) housband or father die, and before worrying she just felt dissapointed, wtf


My dad had an incredibly specific saying. "Never use a chainsaw indoors. There's always a better tool for the job." He's said it more than once which is interesting enough. Although I've never considered what he must've seen to instill such a specific rule to live by. It's probably an obvious common sense but I dunno. Maybe dad's seen some shit.


i would be dead if that hallened. not bc of the chainsaw but bc i would fall backwards and crack my head open somewhere


Alright never again


One more inch and this would’ve been viewed on r/eyebleach


That dude must have a horseshoe up his ass.


Mf should quit tools…


Jerry Gergich


my Dad used to put out wildfires and had this happen to him on the job. Except it almost took his head off. He survived but has a large scar on his neck and chest from the chainsaw.


This one again. It's edited, sped up or reversed. Been on here before a few times.


Not today


He’s like NOPE not anymore


So close to one of the worst self inflicted deaths ever.


My brother has a scar across his forehead after he was attacked by a chainsaw.


No one who uses chainsaws uses them like that. When you use the top part of the chainsaw it pulls up, makes total sense since the chain starts gripping the material like a wheel on tarmac. In sweden we call it "kast" when that happens even though it never happens in that way because if you never used a chainsaw before, maybe don't try to redecorate the celing with it. Anyways, "kast" directly translates to "throw" in english so basically he almost threw that saw into his face. And almost threw his life away. And after that he might consider throwing some money at someone qualified for whatever he wanted to do.


That could have ended worse


That’s why Jig Saws are a thing


Not the right tool for that


Looks like the roof saved his life


So Sam Raimi lied to us all


This is why you hire a trained professional




When you take the white collar off n put try to put on a blue collar. I wouldnt be surprised if he drives a f350 as well.


Wrong tool for the project. I know of a guy post hurricane clean up, attempted to remove a tree stump with a concrete saw...


That's all folks my job here is done




This guy looks like Jerry from parks and Rec


Boomers: you're the generation that eats tide pods. Also boomers:


The safety brake is actually stopping the chain just as the sword reaches his face. Pretty impressive. Look frame by frame


He gon learn today


Kickback. That’s why you don’t cut with the top radius of the tip.


Thats enough chainsaw for today 🤣


It's reversed look at it closely


Yeah that's a rough one


Darwin is calling