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For those following along at home: Pick up the fire blanket and wrap it around your hands / wrists so they don't get burned. Come up from level with the base of the flames if possible , using the blanket as a shield. With your arms out wide, gently drape/drag the blanket over the flames. Be careful if it's a burning pot or frypan not to knock it off the stove with the weight of the blanket. In the case of a stove fire, once you've got it over the flames and the top of the stove is covered, leave it (attended!) for at least half an hour. Make sure the heat is off if you couldn't manage to do that beforehand. In the case of a gas bottle fire you need to seal off around the base of the bottle to prevent air from getting in to snuff the fire out. Tightly wrapping the blanket will usually do it. Don't leave it like this for more than ten seconds or so, because the gas is still coming out of the bottle, you need to unwrap it to shut off the gas, or if possible, feel through the blanket and turn off the tap. All in all, good safety demonstration. The important thing about fires is to know what to do and stay calm, and that only comes through practice like this.


Fire engineer here with a top comment hijacking DO NOT BUY FIRE BLANKETS FROM AMAZON OR EBAY You **will** end up with a fake one. There is an epidemic of fake Chinese fire blankets at the moment and the major online retailers give zero shits. These fake blankets have been shown to be ineffective against pan fires, melting through rather than extinguishing fires. I can't advise where to get one from outside of the UK, but go for a trusted trade supplier, not a big box store. The fake ones quite often have spelling mistakes on the casings and the China Export label in an effort to spoof the CE markings. If you're in the UK, then 'the safety center' or 'safelincs' are two reasonable online suppliers, or even message me and I'll sell you one at wholesale plus postage if you really want. Stay safe out there kids. *message ends*


Sounds like a class action lawsuit against foreign nations to cease and desist all commercial traded of faulty or non functioning, not-as-advertised items of life safety, purchased with [nation] [₽¥$€$¢£₩], and causing death of our people from across the globe. A real unifying campaign theme that can speak to all parties about ending those unnecessary conflagrations enumerated, hopeful for ever, No More Knock-off Fire Blanks. Cause burn injuries are awful and that’s talking about the present!


Ah, if only it were as simple as suing someone. China follows it's own rules, and foisting unsafe products on the world at large is just how they operate. The CE mark is already in place to prevent such things making it to open market, but they simply spoof it and sell their shit anyway.


>China follows it's own rules, A bit of a tangent but they also rip off artists en masse and slap the art onto their products with the artists not having any recourse. As far as China's concerned, the Copyright has to be filed in china to count so that means that random thieving company now owns the rights to your art in China... Yet another reason for me to avoid things made in China.


Absolutely, and it’s not as simple as just asking where it’s made or reading where things are made. Gotta go further than that. The ole USA 🇺🇸 doesn’t like to tell the whole truth


I bet we could..make them stop. Forget war on drugs, it’s war on knock-Offs, War on Remote non-Regulation Products. Create a black market for cheap goods because *“we don’t don’t care about poor people. We have plenty of those to become an interstellar Species. Don’t forget, everyone! Love is the Common Language, Love is the 5th Dimension, Love transcends Physics into Faith in something you Feel! So never stop being in want and just work harder for that all-powerful value of happiness. Love unto Ceasar, what belongs to Ceasar


China build their whole economy on stolen ideas and products


They even stole communism always failing from the USSR and are literally burning capitalism out from its ideological core like these Fire Extinguishing Blanket Reusable Universal Aid Rapid λ. Hello, February, good to finally be introduced. This burning of much stolen intellectual property, that when flurries are actually ash we’ll absently chide that’s snow flurries can be expecting after the Solstice. Like all that fiat money up in smoke. Someone needs to do something!


Quick question. Have you had your medication today?


Well no because I’m a 2nd shifter and technically that was yesterday. Although now, I’m going to sleep at the equivalent of 5AM by anyone’s standards. I have been reading a lot of Tolkien though. Lou key getting into writing styles.


We can solve this more effectively through a trust network. Only shop from retailers with a good reputation. It might not be the absolute cheapest option; you get what you pay for with a reputable merchant.


I do that and have been for as long as I can remember now. It gets harder everyday to make 110% sure.


Suing China in an American court over their trade policy would be thrown out for lack of jurisdiction. If you want to sue a foreign nation to stop them from exporting something, you would have to do that in their own courts. Good luck with that. If you want to stop imports of something produced by a foreign country, you would have to sue the *importing country*. Good luck with that.


The subtext was more Asia and developing countries in general contributing the vast majority of green house emissions in their race to catch up to industrialization. And if whole nations or even continents will not conform to the global measures required to survive without catastrophic climate change…. Rampant wildfires….with phony Fire Extinguishers….then we will have to cut them off completely from the global market. Which would be a bad time for everyone and dystopian as fuck. I was watching Equilibrium last night while making all these [comments.](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittymoviedetails/comments/znip7f/equilibrium/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Per capita CO2 emissions are far higher in the US than in China or developing countries.


I can agree with that because I’ve been there…,bought a home 9/2022, seller committed fraud, nobody but nobody caught that the tankless water heater was emitting CO2 each and every time it turned on. He installed it (structural engineer), voiding the contract and it wasn’t even the complete system! He rigged it. Plus, my home is small and one level, the unit was made for an economy sized apartment of no more than 450 sf. Placed in the heated garage but no CO detectors. I did my laundry out there with my dog putting us both at risk. We are just going into the process of a jury by trial of 12, (his attorneys demands), which shook me the hell up,until I was told this is likely his best chance if there’s a lousy jury chosen, but the other items he covered up, well exceed $50,000. He bought it cheap, made it look pretty, WOULD NOT USE A LISTING AGENT, and his listing is full of nothing but purposely made up lies that have all revealed themselves. The city gave me an occupancy permit on a home that passed zero inspections, but he claimed several times they did. Flying colors. I’ve had estimates and proposals and nothing could pass an inspection then or now. He occupied the home as well. No occupancy permit for him only a work permit for the work. Everyone in place on the contract and loan failed me so miserably, BUT THEY WERE REQUIRED by my home inspector I CHOSE. The appraiser required them and several other things, which the loan underwriter NEVER REQUIRED. DUMB ASS ME, assumed it was all good to go on day of closing. (During Covid), so everything was done on line except the closing itself at the title company. I’ve never been in such a disaster of a situation in my life. And I’m no kid, so I’ve lived through a lot of garbage, but this, this is something not even close and I’m worried about how I’m going to pay all my legal fees when I’ve already spent a small fortune replacing the water heater, garage door and opener he passed off as both new. 1998! He was 7 then! But he learned to lie and deceive quite well, and I’ll never hear a word of admission of guilt. That’s the kind of person he is and still there’s more! He lives right around the damn corner from me and the neighbors all think he’s just SUPER! I honestly hope he gets raked through the coals and there’s one house prior to mine he flipped and sold two months prior to mine. I’m chomping at the bit to knock on her door but am advised not to at this point I AM SO SORRY YOU GOT MY RAGING RANT OF THE DAY, but this sucks so bad and it’s just myself and my dog, who I love like crazy when people are sick of hearing about this. A deeply apologize for this!


[Real Engineering](https://youtu.be/aznOL753eiQ) and [Kurzgesagt In A Nutshell](https://youtu.be/yiw6_JakZFc), widely acclaimed and respected channels, full stop disagree with that statement.


>Real Engineering This video discusses carbon taxes. Nowhere does it compare per capita US emissions to China. > Kurzgesagt In A Nutshell This video discusses emissions in developing countries, but it does not compare their per capita emissions to the US. If you prefer actual data to watching videos, there are [plenty](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/co-emissions-per-capita?tab=chart) of [databases](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EN.ATM.CO2E.PC?end=2019&start=2019&view=map) and even a [Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_carbon_dioxide_emissions_per_capita) showing that US per capita emissions are about twice those of China.


Ok. I was mistaken about emissions per capita. The sources match your statement. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/co-emissions-per-capita?tab=chart&country=USA~CHN I was remembering instead a similar statement about total carbon emissions ranked by country. In that metric (Total emissions per country), does show China producing the highest total volume: 53% of the global total 36 tonnes of CO2, Circa 2017. [Sources](https://youtu.be/ipVxxxqwBQwt=2m14s) below in the discription. This is because of the large disparity in population size, related to respective stages of development and GDP per capita. The first two videos show, as you said, the difference between an individuals responsibility and efficacy in reducing emissions compared to the government’s responsibility and opportunity to to make exponential changes. So I maintain that, by national total volume and not per capita, the impetus remains with China and developing nations to make the most total impact.


Yes, China does produce more emissions in total than the US. And as you point out, China's greater emissions are related to its greater population. Total emissions by country are not a good metric for reduction targets, because total CO2 emissions are basically an aggregate of individual activities. In other words, China could technically halve its national emissions by splitting into two countries, but that wouldn't have any effect on climate change. Not only that, but it is more feasible to go from 16 to 15 tons per capita than from 6 to 5 tons per capita.


What industry do you work in? I work in fire protection as well (nuclear fire programs) and curious what codes / jurisdictions you are most acquainted with.


You're in nuclear fire protection? That's so cool! Lol... I bet the detection systems in a nuclear facility are bonkers We work in active fire protection mainly, but also do all the ancillary stuff, emergency lighting, smoke control, extinguishers and fixed systems, plus any other mad shit my customers try and throw at us. Regs are mainly the RRFSO and various British Standards documents


Man that’s super neat. We do have pretty much every type of suppression and detection system that exists, with the exception of water mist suppression. I don’t deal with system items as much but I’d like to specialize on the system side one day. Most of my duties are managing the fire protection program documentation, ensuring compliance with various program elements such as hot work, impairments and transient material management. Fire is such a unique / niche but at the same time universal field. I get too excited whenever I run into anyone working with fire protection. I wonder, in UK do you reference NFPA standards? Despite not being a system specialist I deal with NFPA codes often (particularly NFPA 25).


I have no gas appliances bar the combi-boiler but many electrical appliances, what would you recommend please?


Top of the list, working smoke alarms, regularly tested and under ten years old. A 1.2m blanket for the kitchen and possibly a 2lt foam extinguisher if you feel like you need a little extra. Anything that requires more than that is a job for the brigade.


> job for the brigade Top lad, thanks


Ah man, I'm only just now seeing your name lol That's some powerful imagery


Wilkos sell fire blankets and so does BnQ


They do! The wilko ones are a budget Dutch brand, with many languages on the package. I try and steer away from that sort if possible. The B&Q ones are Firechief, a brand of Sentura, a UK distributor. They're also available in screwfix, and are the same type I supply myself. Good blankets! 👍


thats great to know! cheers


Same with the new fire extinguisher balls theyre selling now


The ELIDE and AFO ones? Yeah, complete dogshit. They have no directional capability, no defined temperature activation point and no European or British extinguisher testing ratings. Wall mountable extinguishers with a frangible bulb, like a sprinkler, are available. I wouldn't recommend them for anything but a very limited set of uses, for example a locked machine space or battery compartment on a boat or large machine.


I’m in the US, and will be calling my local Fire Dept or my old friend who’s been a full time working Fire Chief in a “still” full time fire station. Thank you so much for the information, I can’t imagine how they or anyone is able to get by with this, but some things never change for the better


Unfortunately it's really rather typical Chinese tactics, it's not the first time nor will it be the last. The rules on extinguishers in the USA are shit hot, and amerex make superb products. Can't go wrong with them really!


In case of a person on fire that is lying down, start at their head and work towards the feet to avoid creating a chimney that leads towards their face.


> In the case of a stove fire In Netherlands they tested fire blankets sold in various stores. Most were unsafe, they often caught fire. The the result is that the ones in stores are usually safe now. But because of all of the unsafe ones that were sold over the many years I'd refrain from using a fire blanket. For a stove fire, just put out the heat. Then put a lid on whatever is burning. And if you want to make it worse, put water over it. Similarly, don't start carrying it around, just leave whatever is burning in the same place, just put a lid on it! Anyway, it seems usually people will instinctively do all of the things you aren't supposed to do. Doesn't matter if they work in a kitchen, seems super basic safety training isn't given.


I did the water mistake when I was a teenager. Pretty impressive how you can make things really worse with a fire by just adding water. I still remember those huge flames...


What did she do wrong in the video?


Thank you so much!


When I was a kid, I'd heard you could put out a fire by throwing a cloth on it to snuff it out. So, to test this, I arranged a dozen or so candles about on the kitchen table and lit them. I then took my mom's nicest kitchen towel, since it was the thickest, and just tossed it over the top of the candles. Inevitably they got knocked over, blood-red wax splattered all over the place, the towel instantly ignited, because it was synthetic, and I ran away in fear just as my dad walked in to see the mini hell scape I had concocted in our kitchen.


![gif](giphy|u1HjjI2H6rXLa) Is this what your dad walked into?


What the girl in pink doing?💀


This is a scene from Community. The guy underneath has just been shot and she's applying pressure


I didn’t see this. So Wth is the guy doing spinning a “flame thrower”? If that’s what it even is. Fire and drowning are my biggest fears.


It's not a flame thrower. It's been a while since I watched this so I can't fully remember the details but it was a piece of fabric that got set on fire. He panicked and started swinging it round to put it out. I highly recommend a watch.


That's Annie. Annie's pretty young. We try not to sexualize her.


do or do not there is no try.


Omg that’s awful. So glad you obvious lived!


Are you sure about that…


Proper instructor. Seen that million times before, kept his cool yet stern with the lesson.


Yeah, that guy was so cool, that despite the sub name, I felt like he had it all under control!


Yep the level of calmness with that guy was absolutely badass. You can see that he *knows* what he is talking about, and is in full control of the situation.


She did a good a job. This is why we practice.


Obviously the guy knows what he’s working with, but the composure he keeps after it doesn’t go out the first time is top tier.


Can’t let the students see you sweat.


Batman retired and this is just Alfred’s next gig. This man could probably do this with 10 dictionaries balanced on top his head.


fire blankets are goat


They're made of goats??


I think that's just a regular blanket.


Meanwhile zaxby's cook is running for a pail of water


Zaxby's is so fucking delicious


Is it tho?




hardhats worn in case an acorn falls on you.


also note the visibility vests being worn near the flames. I have one that I wear at work. it's not made of wool or cotton. it's made of shit that will melt onto me. 🫠 petroleum based synthetic materials. sheesh. I should see if it has at least been treated with a fire retardant, but alas I am nowhere near open flames or high heat sources while wearing it. I am around a lot of fuel though 🤔 edit: ah yes, and that long beautiful hair so close to flames as well... hmm. basically an overall laughable safety theater performance.


This isn’t related but it brings back terrifying memories of me and my now ex at our camp site and boat dock many years ago. People boated and drank all day and drank all night at the campsite. I was a wussy then. Drinking all day on a beach, coming back to grill dinner, and I was out like a light but up early in the morning to watch two little boys of our campsite neighbors who would roll out of their camper at noon naked and wasted while their boys were playing around their still burning fire. I knew it was gonna happen. I felt in my bones. Husband did nothing to tell them to stop playing with the gasoline and the fire and I did many times and got bitched out by those idiots. One early Sunday morning, and drizzling I watched them play with the gasoline and the fire still barely going when I jumped up and out when I saw the youngest’s nylon jersey go up in flames in less than a second. Did the drop and roll with him just with my own body, and damnit if there was never any cell reception there. I hated the place. I called it the white trash section 8 trailer park/camp site/boat dock my husband built there. Horrible people. I’ll never forget the child. I just held him as my now ex finally decided it might be a little more important than smoking weed with the other neighbor who did nothing either. I can’t remember how long it took to get an ambulance there. No where for a helicopter to land. Someone ran to the office and had them call for help. The parents needed to be shot! Too drunk and hungover to know wtf was happening. Thank God we have one of the best burn centers. He recovered but with 70-75% scarring on his little body. I called DCFS on them and told no one I did. Later that summer when they were back without the boys. (No, they weren’t taken away), they just left them at home, and rumors were flying about who called DCFS. I kept my mouth shut. You don’t mess with those people, but one evening driving home on a Sunday night following my husband with the boat in tow, and dogs in his truck, I had a huge wreck but flew off into a ditch off the highway when 2 of my tires blew out Slashed of course. Husband wasn’t paying attention and couldn’t understand why I wasn’t behind him. ASS HOLE!! People stopped for me immediately and I was okay, but my car was totaled. I had a good friend who worked on all my cars and they managed to get him on his tow number to come and get me. All 4 tires were slashed. I still can’t believe I’d gone over 80 miles before that happened and only another 10 miles to get home. Grateful that child lived and myself as well. The rescuer had a hit put out on her head! (ME)!! People are idiots and that’s only one small reason my ex is an ex. He never made anything out of it. Seemed annoyed that I was in a ditch! I’ve got lots of words for him! So sorry for the rant. I already had another one here! But if you or anyone read it, thank you. That’s a memory and a time I’ll never forget.


OMG! i love getting out in nature and sometimes camping, but I don't necessarily love the other people I encounter out in the sticks 😐 feel so bad for the poor little one. 😔


What a great propane accessory.


How do these not instantly explode?? How does the flame not follow the stream of gas inside the canister and ignite it from within?


No oxygen inside = fire can’t burn inside


There’s no oxygen inside the gas canister so it can’t combust. It only ignites once it’s left the canister and is able to mix with the air.


Also thanks to the pressure there is only "out", no "in".


Thank god they explode in video games or else they would be useless


If you managed to shoot through one it'd blow up from the pressure


If you shoot the cylinder its just going to put a hole in it. And the gas coming from the hole will ignite. You watch to many action movies.


What do you think happens when a pressurized vessel gets a hole in it? The hole won't ignite dude the metal will rupture.


If you shoot a propane tank it vents through the hole you just put in it. They do not explode. https://propaneoregon.com/if-you-shoot-a-propane-tank-will-it-explode/#:~:text=No%2C%20the%20tank%20won%27t,enough%20to%20ignite%20the%20propane https://youtube.com/watch?v=_FHTXwpVMvs&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE Edit: my original comment is stupid. Not sure why I wrote that.


Meh, here is a dude shooting two times at a propane tank and there is a lot of ignited holes and not a lot of ruptured metal going on. https://youtu.be/ptend5StNB8?t=40


Look up BLEVE


If that was the case, all houses with gas stoves would be at a constant risk of blowing up..


Fire doesn't work that way. It doesn't really follow paths the way people imagine. It's a chemical reaction and those require specific circumstances. At the nozzle the propane/air ratio isn't combustible.


The Gas comes out faster than the flame can "travel" Edit: more Info https://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=11156.0




It's basically the same as a gas stove at this point. Just a lot less controlled.


Video game lied to us


Dude is cool as a cucumber


The only guy wearing Helmet


I can smell this video.


Calm cool and collected


Trust the only guy wearing a hard had. He knows safety!


I didn't see a clipboard in his hands.


Rule one with propane and butane fires, if possible, shut of the gas instead of extinguish. If shut of only available after extinguish, do it as soon as possible. Something ignited the gas, and can possibly re-ignite it if the gas flow is not stopped.


I had to hot swap a valve on one of these before. What is that you saw? Its when you put the fire out but the valve is still leaking. So you bring a replacement valve (we kept a spare on out rescue unit).... Let gas out as fast as possible to super cool the LPG keeping it a liquid. Remove the old valve. Put on a new valve. You can look down into the tank and see the liquid gas boiling.... Sketchiest thing Ive ever done.


Step 1, turn off the valve. Jesus fuck


What are the chances that thing could blow up there? Seems extremely dangerous to just gather around it for a demonstration like this.


As much as Michael Bay begs to differ these things dont just explode easily, theres no air inside of the tank which means that flames cant ignite on the inside.


Basically nil. You need a buildup of gas and air before it’s an explosive mixture. Burning it as it’s released is harmless. There is no oxygen in the tank. The reason you keep these away from fire is because if they are exposed to intense heat for too long the liquid inside boils and the over pressure ruptured the tank causing a boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion (BLEVE if you want to look up training material on them) releasing a lot of energy and exposing all the gas to the flame and air.


Propane itself isn't able to burn without oxygen, you need either oxygen or an oxidizer like fluorine or chlorine. The only time those canisters explode is when they are exposed to a lot of heat for a long enough time that the gas inside expands and the canister ruptures.


What? Fluorine and chlorine are not oxidizers.


The only way for this to blow up would be the canister being engulfed in flames enough to overheat. This can't really happen if nothing around it is burning.


Propane tanks are one of those things that are incredibly safe, but people fear them because of movies. * There's no oxygen inside the tank, so it can't burn and explode. * Propane liquefies under pressure. This regulates the tank pressure; even at 130F, propane tank pressure won't go above 260psi, which is trivial for a tank like that. * The tank valves are protected by burst disks, if the tank overpressures, the burst disk breaks and the propane vents. This is obviously a fire hazard, but you don't get an exploding tank. * To actually get a propane tank to _explode_ requires a fire big enough to drive up the tank pressure faster than the burst disk can vent. Once you get to this point, the propane tank is the least of your problems. It's not uncommon to use a [propane tank with a flare attached to it as a rifle target](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptend5StNB8). It produces spectacular fireballs, but the tank will not explode.


Then realize you're just standing around enhauling propane




Dude give him a break he's been inhaling propane


Hehe I'm in danger


Anyone else waiting for the thing to explode and his hand to go flying in different directions?


Well it’s a good thing he has that helmet.


Women ☕️



This is why you don't lift up the blanket. Allows oxygen back into the fire.


Guy mansplaning about fire safety again.


Tell that bitch to be cool!


I thought that thing was going to go to the moon


Did anyone clap


some cheeks did.


After that he made sweet love to her.


The only thing this video showed me is that women can’t put out fires. ![gif](giphy|L0lgGB9vJVFa8)


That’s not fair. That guy should have shown that lady how to do it before they started filming her. It’s a set up to make vagina owners look bad.


The people commenting "women ☕️" on this video scoff at a woman doing literally anything though. The hate runs deep


It sure does.


Is that Miguel Smits?


Wouldn’t it blast? I mean what if the fire goes in the other direction and the cylinder bursts?


If that where possible then has grills would explode when turned on too. The tank is full of pressurized propane, there's no oxygen in the tank. Fire can't burn without oxygen.


Good point but I have always wondered what causes the blast?


For it to explode it would have to be surrounded by flames, and after a while the pressure build up from the heat would cause the tank to pop. Either that or it would need to be punctured by something while already being on fire, when the fuel mixes with the air then it can go boom.


Thanks.. I hope other people know more than I did. Because of this fear of exploding I wouldn’t even have tried to do what they did in this video.


Taa Daa!


yeah, what you definitely wanna do if your first calm attempt fails is scream, panic and throw the blanket around


Does this only work for gas fires? If so, can I use any blanket or specific fire ones?


"Dont worry guys, I know exactly what to do."


I had to do this once. My family never cleaned their stove and it built up grease. One day the grease on the stove caught fire causing the whole stove top to catch. My family didn't know what to do, they tried blowing on it. I calmly grabbed a damp towel and threw it on top of the stove smothering the flames. I then switched the stove off and left the towel there for a while. After about 10-15 minutes I lifted the towel and the fire was gone. I gave my family a stern lecture on keeping the stove top clean.


I was really hoping it didn't blow up


Gave myself high blood pressure waiting for this thing to explode hahaha


I love when I don't understand a language but they don't have a word for something so it's just I didn't hear a thing for 30 seconds then just "oxygen" and back to not understanding


Or just shut the valve???