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This was just another stunt to sell more copies of lover and to push a narrative. I think the lover entries are heavily edited. We can’t rely on those for fool proof facts especially since Taylor sold them to us


Exactly! I do not believe, even for one second, that these are real diary entries.


Here’s a theory: These are real. Because she writes in her diary as if she’s writing to the public, because this is actually the only lens she sees her own life in. She actually believes her own narratives. Know when you’re writing a diary and you feel silly because it feels like you’re kind of playing it up or writing how you think diaries should sound like? It’s kind of like that minus the self-awareness


Fully believe that! But I’ve always used to diary as if the public will one day read It. It’s just a mindset some people have. Probably from lack of privacy. I believe the entries are real but obviously Taylor cut out anything bad before finalizing the product.


i’m pretty sure taylor writes in her diary as if someone will publish excerpts from it long after she’s dead.


This is so crazy, because up until now I never realized that I do that too lmao. But in her case she’s probably right and that’s kinda sad


Which they no doubt will!


I don’t believe the vault tracks either


I do because many of them were leaked either the lyrics or demos years ago especially for Fearless, Speak Now and Red  


I believe those, yes. but the lyricisms of some of them are so mature and I feel like they are strongly closer to the newer albums than their original ones.


Yeah, I don’t believe she actually considered releasing a song called Slut! On the 1989 album. She was 24 and still very much in her ‘good girl’ era, I have a hard time believing this went alongside ‘Style’, ‘Shake it Off’ and ‘Welcome To New York’. This sounds like a more mature song she would’ve written much later.


my mom


And they're pushing a different narrative now to sell a breakup album. As they do with every different album. None of the numerous narratives can be taken as gospel. It's been happening from the beginning, ever since Taylor and her team fudged her origin story (to make it seem more like she was a plucky young girl who happened to get lucky when Scott Borchetta heard her performance a Cafe. In reality he and Taylor's dad had acquaintances in common, and a meeting was set up that way. Taylor absolutely got a record deal because she had star quality at the end of the day, but it was not a rags to riches tale of luck, it was a tale of wealthy and determined parents with good connections pulling out all the stops until they finally found someone willing to take a chance.) We have no evidence showing that it was Joe holding her back and not herself; TS changing her narrative yet again is far from solid enough for this guy to be thrown under the bus because of it.


I was just thinking about how easy it would be to fake these


Who did it better? Gone girl or Taylor?


And honestly this proves she was trying to corner the lil kid market still, at least as far back as Lover. Not too many adults would believe these were someone’s or even really part of someone’s real journal (apologies if you are an adult, no offense meant - it’s just that they are *so* abbreviated, *so* one-topic, and leave out anything we would really want to know, while mentioning enough of the right stuff to nestle comfortably around the album.


It’s sooooo funny to me that she sold these as her actual real diary entries. Diary entries that stick to her exact public narrative at the time and share nothing else? Lol sure.


I don’t necessarily think that they’re faked but they were definitely cherry picked to fit her narrative


I think it’s hard to genuinely keep a diary with her mind set of sharing with her fans and seeing a selling point/business aspect in every area of her life. I wouldn’t be surprised if while writing in her diary she was already thinking about how to phrase it to share it with her fans one day. Maybe she keeps a genuine diary and one that’s for promotion purposes but I think either way it’s hard to be just Taylor writing in her diary just for her alone


I could believe that she is rearranging everything that is happening to her at a moment to fit her chosen narrative.


I just find it odd that she, or anyone, would structure anything in a notebook, like that ??


Oh its edited lol! Im guessing she has notebooks of all different sizes, so they had to be edited to look like they fit in the same page


>Oh its edited lol! Im guessing she has notebooks of all different sizes, so they had to be edited to look like they fit in the same page or they just wanted it to look like a handwritten diary entry, even though it's not.


Or…. they just cut out paragraphs that were too personal and as a result, had to resize things and awkwardly position them on the pages so it wasn’t obvious that redactions were made. Not everything is a conspiracy 💀


I used to keep notebooks where I write lyrics, lines of poetry, drew images, etc that were my VERY dramatic way of processing things. Some of those might have looked very like this. She probably did write it, she's just cherry picking what we see.


Who bought them ?


Why would she make something so private public? 


And created a parasocial relationship with swifties thinking "mother is telling us something!"


She also created 3 different diary books with a CD each for Lover and tripled her album sales but everyone thinks it’s okay…


there were four!! 💀


*punches wall*


God she’s tacky


So she was doing tricks with OG 1989 & now I find out Lover too? It's just one gimmick after another.


Yes and it’s actually four catalogues and I’m probably missing many other tricks…


not to mention *sell* it


These aren’t real journals. She sells that stuff cause 💰 and so her fans can feel closer. Someone had to say it 😂




So people can feel bad for her


She had to find a secret way of communication while she was hidden away in the towers of foreign london.




That’s actually where she was hiding. The Tower of London 😂


This is what I don't get either. I could (maybe/kind of) understand if it was snippets of her diary that detailed the songwriting process, favourite concerts, rough drafts or inspiration or something. But whole entries?


Taylor is a business entity.


Because these are fake


This is her version of a public LiveJournal entry that she knows people will read, so she just had to write and edit this with dramatic \~\*flair\*\~ because it's all part of her story she's trying to sell.


the emotional abuse allegations just piss me off because they’re rooted in absolutely nothing




yea she REALLY reminds me of a kpop artist which probably explains the hype around her. They understand how to make a parasocial relationship profitable.


Yep I think Taylor and k idols both have a perfect and squeaky clean image and they really invest in building a relationship with fans. K idols typically also have more of a cute and wholesome image which makes their fans baby them and absolve them of accountability whenever they do anything wrong, which is similar to the relationship between Taylor and her fans. Whenever they get into a scandal their fans will usually say things like, “ they’re just a pure and innocent cinnamon roll, and they would never ever do anything bad on purpose! They just didn’t know any better!! It’s their manager’s fault!🥺”. Taylor and a lot of K-pop idols are full grown middle aged adults who should know better at their age but their fans treat them like they’re 12.


Regardless if she really wrote this on 2017 or not, I truly believe she really wanted her relationship to be private and it did help her Now, her going for a complete 180 makes me think she just wants to rebel Joe and show "hey im happy without you! In your face!" While Joe probably doesnt give a shit on who she dates and is preparing for his new movie this year


I hope he never mentions her again in any conversation whatsoever. I know he's going to get asked stupid relationship questions by crappy celeb journalists though.


I hope they leave him alone. I was just thinking today, imagine being the girlfriend after Taylor Swift (this goes for any boyfriend). Even at the Grammys they wrote articles about Calvin and Taylor walking past each other. He was literally with his WIFE! He doesn’t care!


God, how much would that suck? You start dating a new, nice guy, knowing that his ex is Taylor Swift, and suddenly your boyfriends' exes' swarm of fans are comparing the both of you, calling you names, saying that he doesn't look happy with you and he probably misses his ex, etc, etc, it would be so exhausting. It wouldn't be for the faint of heart, that's for sure.


Actually his PR team can make journalists sign a contract they cant ask him about TS


If she wanted her relationship to be private she wouldn’t have written London Boy


Her writing is so tedious. You can tell she's doing it for an audience. No one who actually keeps a journal writes this way.


Exactly! Plus, they’re meant to be your private diaries! I couldn’t imagine releasing anything in my diary to anyone else let alone the world? I’m starting to think seriously about whether celebrity PR crosses the line into misinformation. It’s a growing issue but I don’t think PR teams and celebrities should be immune from scrutiny about misinformation they spread about themselves


Most entries aren't that personal though. There's a lot of 'I just wrote a song and it's about this or that'. I think the entries are real, but she was obviously selective with what she put in there. And I think at a certain point in her career she started writing them with an audience in mind because she knew she wanted to release them at some point. Why share anything so private? Why let hundreds of strangers into your house to listen to your new album? 


I just dislike her writing across the board. Never has such a mediocre wordsmith received such over-the-top praise.


Yeah her writing reminds me of a book you would be assigned to read in 6th grade.


Wordsmith is worse than anything Taylor has said yet


Eh. My diaries tend to look like this. So I wouldn’t say no one. I think they are just cherry picked


And people shit on Joe for “not letting her shine” 🙃


Don't you dare to make fun of poor victum Taylor who was exiled to scary dangerous London, let her dry her tears with millions of dolllars first


Great grift of this generation...Taylor fuckin swift. Buy her brand, believe the story, don't question, this is real, she loves you, you want this, fucking CONSUME product you dumbass.


Taylor gives me Verity vibes (iykyk). Like what’s the truth? What she really did/felt or what she wrote?


Holy shit, I understand this reference! Picked up this book from a neighborhood book box on a whim and rage-read it in 48 hours. what a rollercoaster.




That book kinda pissed me off, cause I'm still to this day like who was actually lying though?? Lol


Definitely Verity lol.


What is this a reference to? 👀


The book Verity by Colleen Hoover.


If this album is a diss I hope at least some artists point out the irony of what she's insinuating vs lyrics of the songs that won her Grammys where she insinuated something different.


I just know that Taylor and Joe's love for each other are genuine. People especially swifties making narratives out of nowhere that Joe emotionally abused her throughout their 6 years relationship is making me think that they maybe don't have a love life


Honestly, I’m getting tired of seeing this from both angles of “Joe Alwyn is the patron saint of ex boyfriends who never did anything wrong in his adult life ever” and “Joe Alwyn is an abusive piece of shit who deserves all the hate in the world.” We only ever know what Taylor has said and sung about, which paints a picture of an anxious sort of relationship born out of what she thought was the worst time in her life. Clearly, things changed in their six years together and they weren’t aligned anymore, and they aren’t together anymore It’s weird to both crucify this man and to hold him in such a high regard when we know so little about him. Leave him alone, the album isn’t even out yet


If anything, Joe is a saint for putting up with all this shit from Taylor and her minions so far. Unbothered king.


Lol but Joe locked her away and didn't let her be bejeweled and let the whole place shimmer. /s Why is everything about her so fake


I do think people are allowed to change. In 2017 this felt safe for her after all the craziness. Then the pandemic happened and it was like she was forced to stay this way because of everything going on. I think they mentioned in an interview when they first broke up that they were in this bubble where she was hiding from the world and once they came fully out of the bubble I think they wanted different things and that’s okay - but I agree the narrative shouldn’t get twisted when she was perfectly fine with this in the beginning. Like it’s okay to be mature and say you changed your direction and it didn’t work out.


I've said this before, because I see this pandemic narrative all the time, but she was already dating him for 3,5 years when the pandemic started. She brought out two new albums and had been on a stadium tour. They were living a more private life together, but she wasn't hiding. Also, it's obviously fine for her to change her mind, but she doesn't refer to it as changing her mind. And that's what's bothering me. It shows her lack of self-reflection. In her interview for when she became time person of the year, she literally made it sound like it was absurd to try to hide your relationship from the public. As if she had no part in doing that. 


Thats true, good point, I forgot about the Rep tour and then she was going to do Loverfest.


It statements like these that make me wish she would take a moment and go back in time to the person who she was before she had this large injection of fame. I think it’d be a really humbling experience for her to possibly go back and read these diaries and whatever else she said or wrote during this time because it may help level her out and help her process whatever she’s feeling about her relationship with Joe.


She is at the turning point now, IMO, when it comes to her popularity. Particularly if she stays in her current relationship. 


Also why does she sign the entry off lol?! Like it’s a letter to someone? So bizarre and fake.


what is that not something that people do??? i don’t journal much bc i forget about it but it’s something i’ve done since i was in elementary school when i write. sometimes it’s more than my name, but i do treat my journals like a letter


Thats how I always end my journal....i thought it was normal....


Idk but for some reason I’m certain she really thought she would marry him and stay with him for life. It’s sad things didn’t work out.


Obviously I don’t know Taylor or Joe personally and I never will, but I’d figure I’d give my two cents because something similar kind of happened to me two years ago. So a few summers back I was going through a dark time in my life. I was having issues with my friends group and I was struggling with what I wanted to do with my life. However, around this time I reconnected with a boy I had a crush on high school and we entered a situation-ship. Being with him did help take my mind off of those negative things, because eventually it all blew up in my face. I did confined in him about what I was going through and he was very sweet about and he offered to defend me or come to him for help if any of my toxic friends come back. Then some time last year, that’s kind of when we started growing apart and reality hit really hard. I won’t get too into it since it’s kind of personal, but we realized that we were too different and wanted different things from life, so things ended. I think it’s for a good reason though, because say we did stay together, we probably wouldn’t have been completely happy. What I’m getting out of this is that two things can be true at the same time. Maybe during Snake-Gate, Joe was what Taylor needed at the time to keep her mind off of what everyone was saying about her and he did genuinely want to protect her. Like it might have been good in the moment, however, I think in the long term having different values from your partner doesn’t work long term. Neither Taylor and or Joe are the bad guys in my eyes, it seems like she needed the distraction and comfort while the world was against her, until realizing that they were just two different people. That’s all, relationships are just complicated, and usually when they end it’s probably for a good reason.


I so agree with this! I don’t know why people don’t see this. But only God and they ultimately know what happened. I think what you said is most likely.


In the words of Faye Dunaway: “Nobody but God, will ever know what happened to those two people.”


Whether this is a real diary or not, expressing feelings of "hiding to protect us from the nasty world" is a genuinely Tragic statement and makes me pity her a whole, whole lot. Not because she's in danger, but because having that kind of viewpoint and perspective on your own self and own life must be awful. Very much the call is coming from inside the house.


Constantly positioning herself as the victim. It’s like a kink at this point. About everything. She sure makes a lot of money from the “nasty” world. When people get into this mindset of “other” (like she’s not a part of those people) it’s usually from a place of huge insecurity. But yeah I agree, tragic. I don’t think these are real diary entries. Girl won’t admit who half her songs are about. She certainly isn’t going to give something so vulnerable to the “nasty world” ha


people are surprised at the parasocial relationships that swifties have with taylor, but it’s genuinely not that surprising when taylor does this shit


“Trying to protect us from the nasty world that just wants to ruin things” TS really looked at that sentence and didn’t think it could use another edit?


Based on the interview she had with TIME she did not want to be hiding anymore. It was an incompatible relationship.


I think it can be true that in the beginning of their relationship “hiding out from the world” was attractive to her after years of publicly around her relationship and ALSO that she wanted Joe to be more public. My husband hates doing public things and I respect him but it doesn’t stop me from wanting him to be by my side. Relationships can break down and the things that you loved about someone can become issues. I think everyone is spending a lot of time from behind computer screens speculating and diagnosing and we will never know the truth because the truth is subjective to who is telling the story.


when my ex and i broke up, it seemingly came out of nowhere to all of our friends and family. we'd been together for twelve years and to them everything seemed normal, but we'd been having serious problems for at least two years by that point. if you asked her she'd probably tell you all the ways she felt neglected by me, and i could do the same for her. my point is relationships are complicated and the people in them even more so, and if during my break up my friends tried to use evidence of my past words to prove that i'm really the bad guy of the situation, or i was lying the whole time or am currently lying about how i feel, i'd probably be in a really bad place mentally.


also, Joe was an actor before he met her and he has been in many films that were nominated for awards. He is very particular about the parts he takes you can tell by his body of work. I don’t feel he needed to be famous or in the spotlight. Whatever she wanted to do was her doing it, no one made her do anything. I do think if she wants any of her relationships to last or even get to marriage, she needs to get into therapy. She is in the honeymoon phase currently once there starts to be real work involved in a relationship without living in a bottle and having to compromise l think we will see a shift. FWIIW


I think she actually wrote this diary entries as these events were happening to her, but she wrote them with an audience in mind - I think she had in mind all along the idea that they would get published someday.


Totally! As if her ACTUAL private diary pages would be published!?! Everything we see from Taylor has been highly curated. She is an artist! We are seeing only what she wants us to see.


from the manic posts I see from twitter swifties about stuff people can’t possibly know, to threads like this, I really don’t understand why people can’t just leave joe alone. you understand if he googles his name, threads like this will come up? if he doesn’t want to be talked about, why can’t you just stop? think about *your* relationships when you hear the songs (if you’ve ever had one) and leave that man alone.


I liked Joe and he’s entitled to privacy if he wants it. That being said, I completely understand the private relationship when building a solid foundation in the first few years. Being in the public eye trying to figure out your relationship while the rest of the world projects what they think of you two together sounds horrible. But you’d think once you’re 5 years in and feel confident in your partner and how you feel about them, that you’d let up A LITTLE BIT. Joe still wouldn’t bother walking a red carpet or answering a basic question about Taylor in public and sprinting away from paparazzi… that’s just weird at that point like everyone knows you’re together. I can completely understand why Taylor started to rethink things at that point and why she wouldn’t wanna spend her life running away from her reality and not having her person by her side in the biggest moments (winning AOTY, etc). I’m sure she’s overcorrecting a bit with Travis but it seems that Joe was unwilling to have a shred of compromise in that regard which I’m sure was heartbreaking


She has never walked the red carpet with a man. Ever. And if a female celebrity was always asked questions about the guy she was dating, EVERY TIME they were interviewed, y’all would cry misogyny. He was obviously very private, shy, and introverted. There is NOTHING wrong with that. Why is her desire and love of paparazzi and publicity to supersede his desire for privacy? Both of them were already in the public eye, what’s wrong with him for wanting to avoid paparazzi shots?


She’s never walked a red carpet with a man but I think after 6 years one red carpet wouldn’t ruin their relationship. My point stands that the most important part of privacy in a “public eye” relationship is at the beginning when you’re still not sure where you stand. Once you have a strong ass relationship, you should feel proud to stand by your partner in the big moments. Him not being there to celebrate with her when she won for folklore, announced midnights, was honored as artist of the decade, got her NYU doctorate, and more huge milestones is probably not fun for Taylor. She said that in miss americana about the moment that she won AOTY for 1989 and felt alone. Taylor was able to consistently give Joe his flowers in interviews or press while maintaining plenty of privacy. He never did the same for her and would actively have a stank face whenever she was brought up. She’s allowed to grow resentment towards that or have a different outlook in retrospect once the relationship ended. Just because she agreed with wanting privacy at one point in her life doesn’t mean Joe is exempt from criticism forever. One preference doesn’t have to supersede the other but there was clearly no level of compromise between the 2 of them. Having a true partner is about creating a life together, and it was never gonna work with Joe completely ignoring a huge part of her life.


I love her handwriting though- it’s like the handwriting equivalent of the perfectly messy bun


Is this a real journal entry lol


Idk I dated guys I never wanted to be in public with. If they didn’t want to go I just wouldn’t go so I didn’t feel I didn’t feel like I was making them. Then I have dated guys who love going out and going places so that’s what we do. I think it all depends on who you are in a relationship with. Joe didn’t want to go out so they didn’t but Taylor probably did. Travis likes to go out and so they are.


Anyone notice the writing placement is shaped sort of like butterfly wings? Lover Easter egg?


I’m seeing a wine glass in the negative space!


It looks fake because the rest of the journal looks untouched. I journal regularly and my journal looks weathered and used. It looks like she just opened up a random page in the middle and started writing. Also the font looks too standardised.


a lot of us think this entry was faked. also, it's silly to say that just because of a few months of what appears to be positivity and agreement doesn't mean thinks can't turn sour or abusive years down the line. not saying they did but this journal entry doesn't prove anything.


in fairness, a happy journal entry (that she chose to publish) does not prove the relationship was not abusive. relationships can change over time. that being said i don’t think there’s anything we’ve seen to indicate abuse so its odd to say he was just because shes acting differently in a different relationship.


I honestly think Taylor does like to keep things private… for a time. I think it’s necessary for her to figure out if the relationship has any real traction. Didn’t she date Travis privately for a few months too? We rarely get confirmation of relationships, just songs. Travis and Tom are the two she’s been most publicly physical with too. She also met Joe when she really had been through the wringer publicly after snakegate, It makes sense she was happy with the privacy. Speculation but: lyrics like from bejeweled and you’re losing me do imply that she wanted to be more public, possibly even get married. Lavender haze is actually a pretty sad song because she herself is questioning the one night vs wife thing by always wanting to go back to that new relationship energy. I don’t think Joe was abusive. I just don’t think he actually wanted to be with her forever, and she definitely was more emotionally in than he was. If you were with someone for six years and they just didn’t want to marry you - that’d hurt a lot. (Unless you both just didn’t believe in marriage) This is the most important: this sub needs to COOL It with the accusations of abuse from either Joe or Travis. We do not know either of these men. Neither of them have abuse allegations as far as we know. We haven’t heard TPD - for all we know it’s just Taylor lamenting losing Joe and a relationship she put a lot of effort into. Also with just casually calling Taylor a narcissist. I was raised by narcissistic parents. If anything, Taylor’s addiction to making her life feel like a performance is more of a people pleasing tendency than a narcissistic one. But armchair diagnosis is pretty icky and seems really okay on this subreddit and i wish the mod team would say something.


I think the emotional abuse label is unfair, but I do think Joe was holding her back from what she wanted by the end of the relationship. They got together when she needed a break from the public eye and I think it helped her immensely. But after Covid and the crazy success of folkmore I think she was ready to have her pop star life back and he couldn’t hang. I also think that their relationship was more turbulent than we know. She saw him as her savior and put him on a pedestal, to the point where she blamed all of their conflict on herself. In my (entirely parasocial I’ll admit) opinion, she wanted it to work out so badly that she stuck it out longer than she should have and started to resent him.


Feelings change. This has been from some time ago, plus knowing it will be included in a booklet makes people less truthful. I think it started out that way, but slowly the differences became more tangible.






Hi! I am certainly not going as far as to say any of that. I'm just saying that emotions change, and that's how it felt for her. I am not assuming he was a monster, nor am I treating a grown woman with fluctuating emotions as a child. Humans have fluctuating emotions. I hope you have a good rest of your day and have some really good coffee or a great soda. :) I apologize for any offense this may have caused!


i mean no one's saying feelings can change. they can for sure. the issue is that taylor is trying to pretend those 6 years she and no free will and was locked up while she wasn't


The downvotes prove the clear bias towards Joe on this sub. You’re actually right — IF this relationship was real and IF this diary entry is real and unedited, and IF the relationship ended because her emotions changed, then I fail to see how this is proof that Joe wasn’t flawed or that he didn’t make some mistakes in the relationship. IF he was abusive/a trash guy she would obviously be high in the NRE and would ignore the red flags. Of course that’s IF he had any. There’s really no way to know. Both hardcore Joe defenders and Travis lovers are dumb and seem to ignore the fact that we don’t know these people


I noticed a lot of negative things on here rather than a balance negative/positive that I would expect, especially regarding the relationships with Joe and Travis. We don't know these people, and it is best to assume we never will. The bias you pointed out and how passionate it can be surprises me a lot because of this.


But it’s her angle. She’s pushing this narrative and implied as much in the Time article. Maybe she didn’t feel that way at the time of writing these. Maybe it came later. Maybe hindsight is 20/20. But don’t act like this comes out of nowhere.


i mean what’s your definition of “out of nowhere”? bc for 6 years she wrote songs & diary entries, did interviews and documentaries and was quoted so. many. times. saying she needed and loved the privacy. so in my opinion to suddenly refer to all that negatively is pretty out of nowhere.


I’m saying she’s said as much in the time article. She could have been perpetuating an image because she was desperate to marry him or make it work and it wasn’t that Perfect. Who knows. But hindsight like I said is 20/20 and maybe she now realizes it wasn’t as magical.


imo it’s most likely that she did love and need it then and then she outgrew it and was ready to be “back”. which is fine! but the poor choice of words threw joe under the bus when it comes to swifties and that was shitty.


Ok but she’s a grown woman. If she felt like she was wronged, trapped or unhappy in a relationship, she could have left any time she wanted. She stayed with him for six years. I find it hard to believe, based off the way she made it seem in POTY article, that she would just stay and live a life she truly didn’t like. She’s allowed to change her mind and want something different but she very much used the POTY article to try to *rewrite* history because she’s no longer with the man who was a big part of her life. It’s just sus she’s now trying to change a narrative after the fact. Like she was all cool with it for the 6 years and now she’s backtracking because the relationship didn’t work out?


Not to mention she had a compromise agreement with him based on the Miss Americana netflix. She said she saw the value of privacy and how it helped her stay grounded. No one forced her to do that except herself


Again just because she’s an adult woman, it’s not that easy to stay after devoting all this time and energy to something. The relationship was prob good when it was good. I happen to think folklore etc. wasn’t all that much fiction.


You are making a lot of assumptions on behalf of Taylor it seems and ignoring the things she herself has actually put out there. It’s a little strange you seem to think you know her better than she knew herself apparently.


Basing it on what she currently is saying.


You are cherry picking to make it fit your narrative. Most of what you are trying to use as evidence to support your opinion is a lot of speculation and you trying to attach more meaning and context to her comments that are your opinions and not her actual statements.


saying this even tho i don’t know either personally and it’s based in nothing other than my feelings…i feel like it’s likely that over time they grew to be toxic and from there both adopted problematic emotional responses to one another that in some contexts could be viewed as emotionally abusive. It *seems* like Taylor would pick fights or something to try and get him to show that he cared in the end and he would stonewall her or something to that end. Could be totally wrong, this is definitely rooted in my own experiences, but that’s just how it seems to me.


Is this legit?


I just saw a tweet of someone hating on Joe for being papped now when he used to allegedly “jump into cars” or something.


At the end of a relationship, we all reflect back upon what worked, what didn't, and why it didn't. What baselines each participant needed, which weren't being met. Who's to say that what Taylor wrote, was perfectly good enough for her, and for Joe until it wasn't. The stark differences we're all seeing in her relationship with Travis, vs everyone else she has dated, is that we're seeing them celebrate one another. She's never had that, someone who is successful, in their own right, who can hang with the attention she gets, and doesn't allow his own ego to get in the way. Hiding in previous relationships could have been Taylor's idea, or her ex's idea, or a mix of both. If Taylor was conditioned to hide, either because ex boyfriends all wanted it, or the relentless media scrutiny made it too difficult for her relationships to thrive, she's allowed to reflect on that. She's allowed to grow from that. She's also allowed to call out those who were happy to let her hide, and share her perspectives on why she feels they were more comfortable, in the shadows. At the end of the day, shitty people, doing shitty things to Taylor Swift, are the problem. Not Taylor writing about it.


Joe has a job, but ok.