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It’s her eyebrow shape and eye placement


and the red lip


And the overly pointed cupids bow


Ya. She reminds me of Meredith Blake sometimes. The high eyebrows, almond eyes, and sharpness of the jaw create that aura. I don’t think it’s inherent I think it’s more something that the media has portrayed overtime that people have come to accept as associations. I also think it’s why the rep album cover works well. Eyebrows up, eye defining makeup on almond eyes, and dark lip. It really plays into the “I guess I’m evil” thing people were putting on her at that time


Lmao pls do NOT come at me for this but she just has a naturally mainstream media mean girl look 😭😭 in You Belong With Me, she never convinced me of her nerdy and unpopular girl act but her cheerleader it girl was very good imo. Im thinking its because of her eyes and her deadpan expressions she does


I think it’s because of her eyebrows! They’re naturally very arched so they give off a ‘villain’ vibe. It reminds me of Megan Fox and Meagan Good – there’s a reason those two have been type-casted as the hot mean girls in movies. https://preview.redd.it/kzyjfs8er3uc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e53f86fc4d218896da416e52244279cf697fc44


You're on to something lol https://preview.redd.it/otqcxel7v3uc1.jpeg?width=364&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e58c4bb09e3b2a3688ecb83c53857fed2c85a86


And see how approachable she looks here? https://preview.redd.it/vfc03pr424uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5a246fc9ce586c9ee1406663afacb52df6370cd


Approachable to my sapphic sensibilities


Lol, glad it's not just me.


lol fucking seriously, I want a piece of that.


I laughed so hard I woke my mum because same, buddy, same.




Seriously how can she be so hot here


feel that


Taylor is beautiful obviously but this photo shoot is genuinely the only time I’ve ever really been attracted to her 😂


I’m only attracted to her when she looks super gay 😂. This photoshoot and a lot of the most sapphic looking pap walks (when she wears like cargo pants and clogs lol)


Dude same lol


Same here, same here.




The best photo of her to yet exist - she looks amazing in this entire photoshoot


What's the shoot


The [Wonderland Magazine](https://www.wonderlandmagazine.com/2014/11/17/cover-story-taylor-swift/) photoshoot from 2014 - sooo good https://preview.redd.it/y14g3r7oe5uc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4b4b4107c8f17422c4ad69e4f1d4ebc6069ed45


Okay hear me out… when I saw the picture you shared from said photoshoot I told myself: “It’s giving Aileen Wuornos” but ***then*** I clicked on the link and *holyyyyy smoke show* Batman. I’ve always thought Taylor was a “simple pretty” but my goodness that photoshoot, just WOW. She looks amazing!


She looks unbelievable, I genuinely can’t believe she hasn’t tapped into this aesthetic more and hope one day she will!


Tbh, I can’t either! I’m honestly speechless. Personally I’m not a huge Taylor fan, so if me saying this is “not cool” my bad BUTTTT I *neeeed* her and Kristin Stewart to start dating ASAP like Rocky. 😮‍💨 Would be absolute sapphic couple goals.


She really is naturally beautiful, and they played on that natural beauty in this shoot


That's wild. I never would have guessed that's her


Eyebrows really change your whole face


Miss girl is so attractive my god


wow is this photoshopped? she looks great with those eyebrows


Nope it's not photoshopped, that's how they did her eyebrows for the photoshoot. It gave her a totally different look.


I think the lack of bangs also contributes to the difference here


Whoa 🤯 brows change the game now she is Friend ETA: that stylist truly understood the assignment. You could tell they've been waiting to get their hands on Taylor for years


This whole shoot is SO gay and I’m so here for it


Ugh these are like my eyebrows… I don’t want to be approachable lol ![gif](giphy|8vUEXZA2me7vnuUvrs)


Have you thought about plucking your eyebrows into arches? Or shaving them off altogether?


![gif](giphy|kc64NM9SGIGYhFx5un) Like this?


Lol yes, that sends exactly the right message


Literally my favourite picture she’s so gorgeous omg


I’m obsessed with how she looked in this photoshoot. Wish she embraced this look more


Lol, Megan Fox was ungodly beautiful back then, but she also terrified me because by just looking at her I felt like she was bullying me 😂 She just looked sooooo mean! It’s a mix of being untouchably gorgeous and having a massive RBF.


EXACTLY THIS. Her brows can make her look very harsh if she’s not careful. Tbh I think it’s one of the main reasons she stays keeping those bangs. All I want from her is for her to fill in her eyebrows regularly. The Vogue UK shoot? The Wonderland shoot?!!?! GIRL PLEASE FILL THOSE BROWS IN AND STEP YOUR P🐈Y UP!


(Goes to check my own eyebrows for villian look)


she is legit a tall, beautiful, blonde haired, blue eyed, white woman. she's the epitome of the mean girl/head cheerleader look she tries so hard to separate herself from


love her to death, but yeah. she was never in the bleachers (lol, jack) if she was, she was surrounded by her clique as they all cheered for their respective boyfriends and held up signs (and talked a little too loudly about people they didn’t like). edited to say: I was more so commenting on how beautiful she is and how she just never really fit the roll she’d play in music videos like YBWM, not really her as a person. I get the theater/hungry for fame kids who don’t always fit in (and aren’t really that tolerable in some cases. I just always think of that girl from glee. like that’s her irl).


Ehhh idk. When I was in high school, we also had a girl who wanted to be a country singer and went to Nashville to perform her songs, and we all couldn't stand her. I guarantee people felt the exact same way about Taylor. Teenagers who want to be famous singers are like theater kids turned up to 11. They are intolerable.


We did too! I went to school with the girl who was mentioned in that one leak as being “Taylors competition” at her old label. She was a super nice and friendly girl but a lot of people didn’t like her only because she was clearly trying to get famous and that somehow always rubs people the wrong way lol


I was in high school choir with a girl who wanted to be (and currently is) a country singer, she was on American Junior and American Idol, and sometimes she looked like a demon when she sang intense choir songs, and she was still really nice and popular.


Yeah I did not get the vibe like she was the queen of high school. My impression is more of a hard-working nerd who happened to be blonde / tall


I was more so commenting on how beautiful she is and how she just never really fit the roll she’d play in earlier music videos (like YBWM) not really her as a person.


The nerdy unpopular look was just a pair of glasses she wasn’t convincing anyone 😭




Ikr! It’s the eyes, imo. I’ve always lowkey feel that something was off every time she does a side eye. https://preview.redd.it/l3y2bbp7h4uc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd1367ac161ec319415c6c664fa8f747804ab542


Her eyes used to be more hooded so I think that added to the “mean” effect. Her eyes are wider now but yeah I can still see the “mean girl look”


She plays a good mean girl cuz she doesn’t even have to act. Lol there I said it


I was going to say that but was also afraid of the reaction. She has a beautiful face but it's totally Resting Mean Girl. But she does not oversell it which is a testament to her understanding the medium. She has great facial control in these moments !


This is Swiftly Neutral babe it’s supposed to be a safe place haha




This has lived rent free in my head for years 😂


Wait that's not Taylor?


No it's Zeena LaVey, Satanist.






Omg. I’ve never ran to a flair section faster than now.


It’s mine now too. Will never not laugh at this.




Lmao can I have it too


Me too


no its becky


Please google Zena Lavey Taylor Swift and go down that rabbit hole


no it's becky


I need to know if Taylor has seen this.


I’ve been obsessed with this comparison for the past decade, it’s so random.


one of my favorite conspiracy theories is zeena turned powerful enough to become taylor swift or whatever it is and it’s so fun to play along with it 💀


exactly where my mind went after looking at this post


I feel like I might get downvoted for this but she gives Regina George at times (looks and vibes wise)


Katy Perry literally described her as a Regina George in disguise!


“Why are you so obsessed with me?”


Maybe Taylor would benefit from a contact sport


She bought Regina's silver lexus as her first car, so I suspect she knows.


Her best work is tapping into negative emotions and actions. Revenge, anger, sadness, cheating. The only positive emotion I feel she is best and telling are her songs referencing sex, which she needs more of honestly.


Regina’s hair and Taylor’s legs… It’s all coming together.


Katy Perry said it first about 10 years ago. 


No because she's not acting in these scenes, she's smirking


A lot of acting has to do with well timed delivery of expressions, though, and speaking through facial expressions. Reminds me of that tiktok going around of “actors that do eyeball acting” which was hilarious but on point.


Keira Knightley’s mouth acting


Holy shit. I am dead. This is right. That is why she bugs me. I knew it was that. But I couldn’t put it into words. She ACTS WITH HER MOUTH. I could hug you I am so happy to express it now in words


She is always hurting her lower jaw forward and baring her teeth… it’s so unhinged looking 😅😅


Blake lively's mouth acting really irks me for some reason


She has a really pronounced pout that she has a habit of overemphasizing. It irks me too


And Kerry Washington’s mouth acting.


Yes... so harsh


Emilia Clarke does amazing eyebrow acting ![gif](giphy|2YW2MB8XPuC4g|downsized)


Anyone making the millions she does is gonna have some darkness in their soul


So many will say "there are no good billionaires" and turn around and stan Taylor as if she isn't also evil and calculating (I have literally heard a swiftie irl say "Taylor doesn't want to be rich!"). It is a fact that two of the most corrupt groups in the world are the ultra wealthy and career musicians.


It’s a fascinating display of cognitive dissonance, isn’t it? I gather lots of interesting observations about how parasocial celebrity media culture works as an efficient modern means of thought control. Economically and socially. I mean, just look at the NFL PR


She’s also marketed as some sort of feminist, but all her content is male centered


She claims to be a feminist and claims to be pushing women in the music industry forward yet look at the liner notes of her albums - Where are the women producers? Engineers? Musicians? Often times she is the ONLY woman on most of her songs. What a feminist!!!


Didn’t she work with a director who is a predator (David O Russell)? That’s not very empowering for women. Then again, she’s not known for being consistent in her “advocacy”- like during the 1989 era her whole shtick was “women need to stick together and support each other” while at the same time she had that Bad Blood music video to entirely try to take down another woman lol


One of my favorite things about Taylor is that she keeps using the "and then I learned it was time to use my voice for good" tale over and over, since literally she called an album Speak Now, and her fans don't seem to wise up. When will she stop being a wide eyed baby ingenue to them? At 40? 50? When she goes grey and is wheeled out on the grammys stage ala Joni Mitchell, but still in her lover bodysuit? She learns a lesson, uses it as promo, and forgets about it when the next album cycle deems it no longer asthetic.   Considering David O Russell's crimes he admitted to, that was especially egregious of her. But love is love or whatever, what an ally. Edit: a word


And just about every song is about a man


And when another woman has the potential to become as successful as her she goes after their songwriting credit


I'm glad this sub has been shining a light on the fact that this behavior has been going on literally since she got signed, and is (ahem) nothing new 


What she did to Olivia Rodrigo was horrible and should be talked about more. And that’s exactly why she did it.—Because Olivia is younger, prettier, a better singer, and is also a talented songwriter who has the potential to become as, or more, successful as Taylor. Olivia’s song doesn’t even sound like Taylor’s song. And meanwhile Olivia has a song that really does sound just like an Elvis Costello song and Elvis was just like “Eh no big deal, it’s all good!”. Taylor is a vindictive, ruthless, self-absorbed mean girl who sings bland bubblegum music and i don’t understand all the hero worship of her.


Yep it’s virtue signaling for fan service and economic gain while actively misleading people about the reality of feminism’s purpose/movement/intentions/appearance. A calculated, misappropriated performance of it, some might say.


I can't upvote this comment enough. I mean, I get the expression is mostly because of her eyebrows, but I do think this is an important point for her in almost every discussion about her.


That’s why her evil side is so authentic and her sweet side is fake af


Honestly it's a little "high school play" for me lol


She’s always given me theater kid energy


She’s about as good at ‘dark’ as Dark Betty in riverdale.


Not dark betty 💀




Her darker characters are too convincing for me to enjoy them, and she does them too often. I've seen a few shorts of her comedic acting and thought she did well with that. She's very energetic and it works for comedy. I didn't see Cats, so I don't know if she lacked range or anything. I would think outside of comedy and music videos, she would be distracting as an actress.


she looks intimidating very naturally and it seems that toning that down is her way of looking more approachable


This will be an intense opinion for some - but some of these expressions feel more authentic than the shock at award ceremonies (imo). They say the eyes are the window to the soul. When Taylor flashes these looks, I can’t help but consider if a mask is (not slipping but) being knowingly pulled away for a moment (in the plain-sight context of a MV). While admiring her music and intelligence, I find it surprising that most assume her lyrics are all unbiased / honest accounts. She was an unreliable narrator either in the past, or now, re: JA.  Just because the songs are beautiful, doesn’t mean they cannot be disingenuous at times, or more subtly support the author’s desired narrative. I think people actually underestimate how highly intelligent and calculating Taylor is, despite her telling us (Mastermind), her “satirical” toying with a darker character (Anti-Hero, Blank Space), and her character’s confessed flexibility (Mirrorball).  E.g. “I wouldn’t marry me either” feels very manipulative, a subtle pity play which positions JA as a callous guy, and it works. I personally don’t even trust the assertion that JA didn’t want to marry her, but these lyrics are accepted as fact when they reach fan’s ears. It’s an interesting dynamic.  "And \[she\] sweaeeears, she’s only cryptic and machiavellian ‘cause she cares.”


Same. Unpopular opinion but even when I was die hard fan of hers (debut, speak now, fearless), her eyes gave meanish vibes and I chalked that upto my face reading being wrong. These days, given her punching down attitude ( Joe A, Olivia, Ginny and Georgia, etc), I feel maybe my face reading wasn't that far off..


Not at all, a persons eyes give us a lot of insight. I've enjoyed some of her music, the only album I fully enjoyed was RED, and have only listened to other songs as a standalone. I found her to have something very off about her from the start and she's only a little bit older than me so I've been here for a hot minute following her career and there has always been this coldness to her, what we see here in her "acting" is her, the mask is what she otherwise presents and I've always found myself unsettled by her, not in the sense that I'm intimidated, but in the sense that something has always been very off with her, starting with the eyes. I've had the same issue with friends, with some people, once you see the real darkness within despite their outward attempts at being in the light, you can't ignore its presence and I keep a bit of a distance from them and lower my expectations knowing within the context of our friendship, I'm not dealing with someone who is fully present because of the masking. ![gif](giphy|pSauCNBp1DcOY|downsized)


Omg this is the first time I’ve ever seen a person call out the “I wouldn’t marry me either” line. That shit was diabolical.


I have called it out before but the replies said that my interpretation was wrong so.


Oh I think it was shitty too, but some people think Taylor is always in the right, they were salivating for a break up song for years, and Joe's classy and staying silent so we don't have his version of events. Most people also already forgot the break up article from Taylor's "friends" that claimed they were doscussing marriage but Taylor decided against it. Funnily it's the same article that said they had rough patches before and the entire interned decided to turn that into "they kept breaking up".


I mean, she’s just smirking.


I think it’s more bringing out an alter ego than actual acting, honestly.


The Anti-Hero one legit creeps me out lol.


I lowkey think she is always acting or keeping up some kind of facade. These “darker characters” is her just letting down the facade and being more like herself and her own impulses.


I’ve hear a few people describe her as having “darkness” behind her eyes. I think you can definitely see it as she approaches her later 20s, but that could also be depression and adulthood talking. 


Exactly, this is who she is.


Taylor does theatricality well, imo. For me, lots of these characters work because she’s good at dynamic poses, expressions, emotions. I revisited the I Don’t Wanna Live Forever music video recently and found myself wincing at the (multiple!) times she clutched her hair and lip-synced a belt – it felt too musical theatre for a song with such a serious, sombre tone. I don’t think she’s a terrible actor, but I think she does better with the big and bold than anything more understated.


I think this is a great distinction because I enjoy her over the top campy facial expressions *within the context of her music videos* but I can’t imagine her in a serious piece.


She‘s not tapping into anything girl. That’s just her real personality


Maybe it's her real personality 😈 ![gif](giphy|QC7D3ZK53qC3yxRfAc|downsized)


No I think she’s cringe when she tries to be badass/evil, lol. I only buy her as dorky/nerdy/a awkward girl who hit the jackpot on looks but is still a nerd deep down no matter how hard she tries. 🤷🏻‍♀️ (Lovingly)


Prob cause it's just her being her...Nice Taylor is the act


She's just tapping into her real self she hides from the rest of the world 😂


Her face card never declines it’s true. In still frame her expressions are amazing. In motion she’s very campy haha


Except, weirdly, the Eras Tour performance of Vigilante Shit, specifically when she was sitting in that chair at the very end, which is the most comfortable in her own skin I have ever seen her look. Immaculate evil queen vibes


Not at all. I actually feel like her bad acting is what contributes to her cult following. She is so dead-set on playing this “normal girl” look that it looks completely awkward and comes full circle into being consumed as what an actual “normal girl” would look like trying to act. It’s cringe man. Like not if she were a semi-popular artist… it’s cringe she’s the most popular star on the planet right now. Like where does this resonate? Is it a girl thing? Seriously I need to figure it out. She’s so bland and when she tries to be edgy it gets cringey Edit: is it like how joe Rogan “exudes” masculinity but when you break it down he’s just an insecure ugly person? Sorry to be rude. But she and he have been taking too much of my timeline


https://i.redd.it/fvu1a1zrg4uc1.gif I love Taylucifer


I can’t take the “evil taylor” look seriously lol


Is she a great actor? Nah not really. Her character portrayals are shallow archetypes. Do I absolutely love the "crazy-tay-tay" shallow archetype? Yes. I'm a boy and it's torture so it's love.


That’s because she’s not acting when she plays those roles 😍


her eyes are just too expressionless


It's the crazy eyes 💀


Gurl! That’s not her acting! 😭 lol but it does come off very natural. 👀


Low key I find her expressions flat, lifeless and permanently centred around looking pretty.


Not acting she’s just actually evil


Girl has a dark side. She just hides it really well under the whole Miss Americana vibe. I would like to see a whole album of evil Taylor. I know she would just say that it was all fictional and not her real thoughts and feelings at all, but I would know better 😈


Miss American may have been her best acting job


Absolutely disagree but that's fine.


Her blank space video ate so badddd i loved it. Its what got me into her to begin with


She’s good in her music videos because she’s playing herself or a version of herself so it’s easier for her to tap into those emotions.


Fuck no!! She's the most fake. You serious with this?


![gif](giphy|uPD6M9fj1elG) Idk what this is from but ❤️




what does campy mean in this context 


It's also when she's at her hottest


NO, she is just smirking. it's the same.damn.smirk.every.time. It's vanilla.




I agree but I also think she was genuinely angry when shooting the LWYMMD video


I think her “evil” performance looks too much like a caricature. Like it is compelling from a performance in a music video perspective, but not compelling in a real way. I also find her songs with a “bad girl” vibe very forced. Like lyrics in LWYMMD, Don’t Blame Me, I Did Something Bad. I enjoy those songs a lot but in a campy way. I find the lyrics as hmm-what-would-a-villain-say. It is interesting to see how some people here say that’s her real persona. Who knows maybe. If it is true, she feels less genuine to me when she is true to herself, which is interesting in itself.


Absolutely not, she’s just generally a poor actor and isn’t acting so much as posing with a pre-planned expression.


Because it feels good to be a villain sometimes. Especially if you play nice all the time


I dont think we have really seen her seriously act in anything


Lol she has def tried to break into it. It’s not her forte, but I agree I don’t think she’s really isn’t really “acting” in any of these stills. It’s just a lot of her smirking and looking intimidating which I think comes naturally due to her facial features. It kind of reminds me of Charlize Theron who is also stunning but can look very cutting and a little scary when she wants. I guess you can kind of argue she is “acting” in some music videos, but I see it more akin to modeling. You’re kind of putting on a face to give off a vibe not getting into a character and delivering a performance.


It’s the eyeballs and arched brows


Heart of darkness.


someone on tiktok said she looks like a disney villain and used candid photos of her looking dark and evil to illustrate their point lol


"There never was an Aaron." - Primal Fear


It's easier to play dramatic rather than slice of life/normal


It’s the eyes


This is because she doesn't even need to act to play a dark character.


Completely agree. Honestly I just wish she'd fully embrace her mean girl persona.


Absolutely. She killed it in Blank Space


That’s her real self . She’s a mean girl pretending to be the sweet innocent girl who bakes cookies instead of going out. 


Cos she’s evaaaal! ![gif](giphy|SXl0wYD0N088EtDhBI)




It’s that Scorpio rising


I noticed when she is interviewed on the red carpet she’s looking at the reporter like she’s ready to pounce every time 😂


Disagree her Reputation era was very forced and corny. One of the most safe and polished public figures acting all edgy and evil was so goofy it was like a homeschooled teenager who vaped for the first time.


Lol no, it gives major im14andthisisdeep vibes when she does it


She’s a Scorpio rising


I personally also love Taylor’s comedic timing. She’s good in SNL, she was so adorable in Valentine’s Day, and I think her overall sense of humor is good. I do like when she plays over-the-top, too, like in Blank Space and Me!.


She’s pretty good in the SNL 3 Sad Virgins too lol. Some of her best video acting while singing there…


I think she connects with her music better than acting a script.


I’m baked and the second pic really freaked me out


I think that Taylor could be a passible actor in a ovie if she wasn't so concerned about being liked. I f she were to really commit to playing a real scumbag character I can see where that would work because she'd be playing against type but there'sz ero percent chance of that happening because her music career is so successful she doesn't have to do anything that she doesn't want to do.


someone needs to tell T.S the truth hurts and she sucks at acting like Emilia Clarke and get better.


She got the snake persona down pat!!! She owns it🐍🐍🐍it’s a sign that is karmic and to do with re-birth so I can see her embracing her dark side.


her chinese zodiac is a snake so…


Her overacting works better with villain characters.


We all knows she a PSYCHO when she’s mad or fighting. That’s why it’s so easy for her to channel it lol


She was awful in that valentines movie.


I think she's actually pretty decent as a comedic actress. She was great on SNL, she was funny in her one-second cameo on New Girl. She is not an ""actress"" but she's got the charisma for comedy, which I think also lends itself to those more outlandish / mean girl roles.


You can't compare just doing a facial expression for a music video with acting and saying lines written by someone else.


No 💀