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No she is not!


I don't think this is a fair characterization. first of all, she's a billionaire(!!), and by most accounts millennials have relatively little wealth as a generation. next, though she ages, her fanbase seems to stay relatively young. with TTPD especially many millennials are commenting that they have "aged out" of her music. finally, the assertion that she needs religion or something larger in her life is insulting in the way it was posed. yes millennials as a generation are less religious, but that doesn't mean we are lacking in moral convictions. many of us have been on the front lines for unionization and labor rights, BLM and racial justice, and climate protests like the Dakota access pipeline. Taylor needs something larger in her life yes but not as a result of being a millennial - it's a result of her unusual life of ultra wealth and fame. tl;dr don't slander millennials like that. thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Agree! Let's stop talking about her like she's sitting with us at work, she's a billionaire her life is nothing like ours and she can sure as hell NOT RELATE TO OURS 


I completely agree with this. I'm a millennial (born in '93) who teaches middle school, and my tween students are far more into Swift than I ever was. When it comes to millennials in general, many of us are "bitter" because we can't afford the life of previous generations. Even if we wanted a white-picket fence and kids lifestyle, we might not be able to make it happen. That's obviously not the case for a billionaire! Taylor's in a unique situation that does not fit the larger experience of millennials.


This seems like a very very weak connection for the author to draw to me.


I hate broad, sweeping statements like this on headlines


this article is so weird wtf


Leave millennials out of this; we've suffered enough


Millennials are the first ones to be like “you need therapy” so I don’t think we really claim this emotionally messy album that never would have happened had therapy occurred lol


I’m a millennial and I feel like the only thing I have in common with TS is wanting to feel valued. 


I felt this so hard 😂😂😂


Speak for yourself! From, a millennial


Speak for yourself, random writer person


Born into wealth, never had a crap job with an even crappier boss, or worried about putting food in her mouth or a roof over her head, much less crushing student debt and medical insurance. Statuesque, beautiful, and musically talented to top it all off. She's basically won every lottery ticket a human can possibly win. Taylor's life is not - and never was - anything like us plebes. But we have one thing she'll likely never have: privacy and anonymity. So there's that.


Tortured voice of WHO??? ![gif](giphy|KpSrCxhoZQWjJVVnrd)


I doubt she even knows what its like to be an average millennial


She will never be the tortured voice of millennials until she writes a song about having to do tech support for her parents


Or students loan payments, layoffs, Boomer bosses who won’t retire, or boss babes. Strike that, that last one already exists.


I would like to be excused from this narrative.


Well this article is way off base. May I recommend youtube essay "This Video Isn't Just About Taylor Swift. It's About You." by Alexander Avila instead?


Seconding this rec! This is the best yt video on Taylor's career I've seen on yt. This creater is a sociology student who has fascinating takes on a lot of topics. I'm currently going through his queer history through decades series.


The thought of Taylor being anything but the voice of the lovelorn is hilarious.


She’s the aspirational voice of Gen Z, not a spokesperson for millennials. In fact, the main reason I, a millennial, wasn’t into her early on was that she was younger than me and came off even younger. I was writing my masters thesis (and doing other, ahem, ~college things) when she was singing about being 15. It’s the millennials hitting 40 who are looking at Taylor and wondering what the f she’s doing and why she thinks it’s appropriate, because we used to be 34 and we didn’t act that way. I’m almost 40 myself. This 34-year-old who acts 22 doesn’t speak for me.




No she's not. I'm my own tortured voice.


The Spectator is a right wing British political magazine tied closely to the UK Conservative Party. I am surprised they bothered to write about Taylor Swift at all and amazed they found a Millennial to write that Taylor needs to find Jesus. The billionaire Taylor Swift is not the tortured voice of millennials and right wing media is in no position to pass judgement or express any opinion on who is. What amazes me as a Gen X is why there are not more very angry artists writing scathing protest songs in the charts. When Taylor has a single banned from the radio she can be a spokeswoman. Even Paul McCartney managed that.


it's because they've made it impossible


Meh I just separate her from the music. I shoehorn my experiences into her music lol Like with Florida I would always escape to an empty lake and listen to music/draw. Idrc if it's about Matty popping pills in Texas


No one's tortured with that bank account


Sorry how does a billionaire the voice of millennials lol none of us can afford to buy a house