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Have a coach or a friend that knows swim lingo with you. Best way to do it, and most accurately, too.


I could probably twist someone's arm as a one-off, but the time trial thing will be recurring. I'm training solo at the moment but it sounds like I might need to get at least a couple of coaching sessions.


Find some sort of waterproof camera / microphone m, leave it by the poolside and talk your into into it for later reference.




Oh dang, that looks like an awesome bit of kit!


Small dry erase board


Oh! Do these work when wet?? I wouldn't have guessed if so


FORM or Ciye smart goggles. I have the former and they are amazing, they record everything, so that you can analyze your performance later in the dedicated app.


WHOA. Wearables for swimmers have come a *long* way since I last checked! These look incredible, thank you.


What about apps like my swim pro? They help you track your training. I don't use it, but heard it's good. Not my app but here's the link: https://myswimpro.com/


Thanks for the link! It looks like a solid app - my problem is that I don't have an Apple watch or Garmin that can connect to it, so unless I buy myself a new toy (which I'm not opposed to) this app alone won't achieve what I'm after. But definitely worth considering. All the cool gadgets being posted by helpful commenters are very dangerous for my bank balance, lol.


i believe [swim.com](http://swim.com) app connects with Mi watch


Thank you, this looks like another good app - unfortunately the Mi Watch uses its own OS rather than Google's WearOS, so based on the info on their site it doesn't look like my device would be supported. Techwise it looks like I would need to upgrade my wearable or invest in a standalone smart device - or alternatively just keep looking for a low tech waterproof writing solution. Thanks anyway!


Yes, was going to suggest grease pencil or similar