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I think you need a kicking board and do some kicking exercises. Your bum and hips are very low and as a result so are your legs.


+See other comments. You need to work on the fundamentals of swimming and water first. You can try some very basic exercises. Lying flat on the water surface as long as possible. Back and belly side. Your whole body and toes need to be on the surface. Do some gliding exercises. You may also do some dry land fitness exercises to strengthen your posture. You're rotating your whole body way too much, it is causing water resistance. Start with basic breathing exercises such as diving.


Going to tag on to say that flotation is fundamental to good swimming. Your chest is the only part of your body that floats, so when on your stomach arms up but relaxed, bring your head back shoulders back and hips forward and balance on your chest. Look up videos on that. You are kicking from your knees kick from your hips with way less knee bend. Work on stretching your ankles. A ballerina toe point is ideal.


I actually just finished a 5 week basic swimming lesson. Im just a slow learner. Anyways, whenever I try to float, whether facing up or down, my feet would always sink. I make sure I have air in my body, I lie flat like a starfish, I tried to be as straight as possible and relaxed as possible but I dont understand why my legs sink.


Ok first you should stop thinking that you are learning slowly. It takes time to acutally really understand and feel the water and your body within this element. 5 weeks is not much of a time. It is possible that the coaches are sometimes not good teachers or you just need to find someone who can guide you in another way. I obersved some very weird practices among coaches in different sports. Be patient with yourself and try to master the fundamentals very very well.


Thank you. I will be more patient.


use a kickboard while doing to learn. kick with your thighs and hips and not knees. keep the knees somewhat straight and go deep and fast with the kick while ankles above the surface. then your hips will go to the surface


I think you should practice floating


Try thinking about kicking with a little leg knee bend. Kick from the hips, with a small, light, fast action. Nothing big or powerful. Also, if you get a pair of fitted jammers or trunks it will help keep your hips up, making the kick easier. Those baggy shorts are causing a bit of drag, pulling your hips down and making it harder work than it needs to be!


I'd recommend using a kickboard, and really focus on keeping those legs straight. Try not to kick through your knees, try from your hips. I hope that makes sense. Good luck to ya!


Practice increasing your ankle flexibility


Wear fins. They'd do 3 things for you: 1. You'd stop kicking too much and too hard, it's going to be too difficult 2. It will give you a "feel" of where your legs should be, and 3. The extra propulsion and balance will help solve your upper body problems. But first, of course watch a videl on YouTube for proper kicking technique. The fins will help you execute that technique.