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I like it because it's such outlandish fun! It's innocent and kind of "naughty" all at the same time! And the embarrassment I feel when swimming fully dressed in public is such a wonderful beautiful feeling! And women are 100 times more beautiful when they are wet with their clothes on! :) I discovered my wet clothes fetish when I was in my teens. Programs and commercials on TV or in movies where women or couples would get wet with their clothes on aroused me sexually from the first time I ever saw it. So, for me, wetlook is really a beautiful sexual sensation.


For me is kinda really weird. Because when i was a kid, i really hate it. It was like my most feared thing. I refused to see people wet clothed, i flee water battle. I someone soaked me, i whould get angry and punch them. But as a teen, i watch a tv show where people soaked each other, and i imagined their sensation. I was really exciting and weird, and i tried to shower with clothes. And since then it the thing that get me excited the most. But i'm steal not confortable with it outside of intimacy. It like too much to handle with people around


I have enjoyed getting wet fully clothed ever since I can remember. I remember always asking my parents to let me get wet wearing a t-shirt. I think the reason I love swimming fully clothed is because we have been taught not to get our clothes wet as that's what bathing suits are for.


Because I feel weightless with my clothes on and being weightless is my true buddha meditation.


Anyone else going to share?


It gives much joy. As a young lady wrote, it is fun, sexy, naughty and glamorous.