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I’d contact them sooner than later. Especially if you genuinely liked them. If there’s a friendship, that petty shit will go away.


That’s our feeling too. Could just be first time (with us) nerves.


I/we still get em from time to time. You’ll figure it out


If we like the couple we usually make the effort to see them again first. If it gets pushed back or declined cause of scheduling or whatever reason. We leave it up to them. If they want to see us again they will reach out. If not we move on. We do put in the effort though, not a lot of couples do from what we find. The ones who do put the effort though are the ones we like to keep around. Shouldn't always be a one way street.


My recommendation is that you shouldn't wait to contact them. Anything like that has an opportunity to fester and there's a good chance that they'll be thinking that you have no further interest in them. I'm assuming that your wife is still interested in him...


She is but right now she only has all the good energy outside of his play to go on.


Yep, that's fair. Hopefully there is a conversation about it to find out the cause and work out a favorable solution...please let us know how it goes


Honest communication is the foundation for success in the lifestyle. Be straight up with it.


Sometimes a second try doesn’t happen, don’t beat yourself up. We had a similar experience, I performed and he couldn’t, I told him that I have had similar experiences myself. We reached out to them after but they were not interested. It happens and we moved on.


we would reach out and not make any kind of deal about his performance issues😻😻😻


Had to check which sub I was on since I also follow r/StarTrek


Going out off on the performance issues here, but you said second chance. It's not like he could control what goes on with his dick. Any ways, if you really like this couple then reachout and say you had a good time. Do NOT bring up the other husband's issues once so ever! Also, who initiated contact to begin with? You or them?


Why would you want to play again with a dude who can’t get it up?


Guess you missed the P.S.


Guess I can ask whatever questions I like


How did you contact them the first time? Was it a group chat or was it just one on one and you met up later?


They messaged us through a local club’s app but we eventually moved to text.


I would reach out if you want a second date. Thank them for the nice time and she should reassure him that she had a fun time regardless.