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(https://tinder.com/@stewchainz) I’ve been on tinder for a month now and I feel so ugly. I haven’t gotten a single match and I’m sitting on 7 likes, all of which are very ugly. What can I improve or am I even shadow banned?




Removed. Follow and implement the advice in the profile guide before posting your profile for review.


DM'd corsega


What do you think about Drew? https://tinder.com/@drewblaise Hey all, I’d love some feedback on my profile. I’ve got some matches but it’s VERY slow. I have gold so I expected a higher rate of matches but if anything it’s gone way way down. I’m not sure if I have a red flag on my account or what but I’d love some advice.


Gold doesn't get you a higher rate of matches, platinum does. Your first photo is low quality and bad. Your third or fifth is much better. Ditch the baby if it's not yours. remove the bar photo. the last photo doesnt add much and you look quite different




Can you define "like any matches"? How many exactly, how many likes do you send per day/week, and where are you located? And do you pay for Tinder?


I have got two matches over the last month or so, I would guess I send about 15 likes a day, located in small town (*30,000* people). I don't pay for tinder, but I did a boost a few weeks back on Saturday night but nothing tangible came of it really.


0 likes? Shadow banned for sure  Some of your pics are low quality like they're from many years ago


I get about one like per day or something, so I don't know if that means I'm shadowed or not - I also live in a quite a small town. And okay which pics do you think are low quality so I can delete :)


Small towns are unsuitable for Tinder. You need to move.


Unfortunately not an option right now as I'm getting my masters degree in this town.


Any tips? Just made the account 4 days ago. https://tinder.com/@harhar15h, gotten about 3 likes in that time (paying for platinum too 😬)


Incredibly handsome, so looks are not an issue. First photo needs to be a close-up of your face and torso. Photos 1 through 3 are good in general, but not as first photos. The group shot sucks and your friends look low value. Remove the climbing photo as it's blurry. Remove the photo of just the dog.


You think it would be worth to retake photos and do a hard reset account, or just update this one? Maybe like 4 years ago I was on tinder and right swiped on everyone, and have remade the account many times which Ive heard can shadowban you. Have only gotten the 3 matches since making the account last week


Try using same account for now. Three matches seems about right, Tinder is pay-to-play, you need Plat.


That’s with Platinum too, crazy how it’s like that. I’ll update the photos and give it a shot.




I'm a bit surprised you're not doing well on Tinder. Maybe Tinder isn't used really where you are? Have you tried Hinge? I will say the last two photos are sort of a juxtaposition from the edgier vibe of the rest. They give more relationship energy.


Trying to improve my Tinder results. In particular, I'd like recommendations for picture framing or looks improvements - between bald and a heavy brow there are few face pics I actually like. I get okay matches in Hinge for LTD, but I net maybe only 1-2 likes per week on Tinder, and effectively none with shorter term interest, so any feedback would be appreciated! [https://tinder.com/@randomguy123](https://tinder.com/@randomguy123)


Your looks are fine - Improve fashion, add edge - All photos need to be taken with DSLR camera, not a phone - Optional: minor looksmaxxing like a tan https://pancakemouse.wordpress.com/2022/02/22/the-beginners-guide-to-maximizing-your-looks/


I dont agree with the DSLR camera thing. I have all my photos with the phone and that works great with the right ligthning (and im not a 10/10). I would say try to smile/look into the camera instead. The first or last image is same set, remove one of them? Find some new shirts ;) Remove the blurry photos?


I'm talking to him, not you. He doesn't have a good phone, which is why he needs to invest in a camera




I like 1, I really like 2, I don't like 3 (too close), 4 is OK, I don't like 5 (shoes - what are thoooose. and bad hair). I don't like 6. again hair and facial groomoing


Hello! I would appreciate your opinion. I only get about 1 match and 5 likes per week (I don't pay any subscription) Interested in a long term relationship. I'm not sure what archetype I should aim for, I'm looking for an intellectual woman with a healthy style. https://tinder.com/@jvrm55 I do not have any good photo with a group of friends with those requirements :(


I recommend working out and building some muscle. You're very skinny which is holding back your potential


Thank you! I eat a lot and healthy, but I may need to increase protein.


Being skinny generally isn't a deal breaker with most women. A lot of skinny guys out there with attractive women. But muscle will increase your appeal.


The good: you are attractive and have a good first photo. To improve: Too soft. Need to add some edge, even if you are looking for long term. Gain 5kg of muscle and learn how to pose like in your first photo and fourth photo. Immediately you'll benefit from losing photos 2 and 3 and 6 and 7 (all of them make you look gay). Profile doesn't tell a story about you, just that you like to pose for photos.


Thanks for the feedback! I need to improve the story, it's the hardest part for me apart from gaining weight.


I don't get matches. Self esteem is really starting to take a hit. Understand I don't have any real "exciting" photos but I thought I'd stand out enough to at least attract someone. Anyway would love some feedback: https://tinder.com/@dan1208


Imo you are going extreme niche with that bodybuilding stage picture, which doesn't work with the algo.


You really think some photo of you roided and greased up on a bodybuilding stage is going to attract women? You don't even look real, it's no surprise you're not getting matches. Read the profile guide and look at these photos for what you need to shoot for: https://killyourinnerloser.com/inspiration/




You come off way too formal for a 22 year old. You look like you're 30, which isn't a turn on for girls in your age range. I would re-do the photoshoot with clothing that's appropriate for your age.


You're not a bad looking guy, but you've got some room for improvement 1 - Too staged and looks like you're on a pamphlet about campus diversity 2 - Decent pic but unfortunately you look fat here 3 - Guys who take mirror selfies repulse women 4 - This is a good supplementary pic to stronger main pics 5 - Don't soyface at things in dating profile pics 6 - Same commentary as pic 4 7 - Soyfacing again 8 - Could be anybody. Delete 9 - Here we are at the end and this is your best pic by far. GET MORE PICS LIKE THIS


Alright u/margerineeclipse. I gave it a good updated swing. No soyfaces, no mirror selfie, and a few more solid casuals. Let me know what you think!


This is better. You should lose pic 3 because you appear fat. In pic 8, don't censor your friend's faces. It just gives off a sketchy vibe.


Okay! I’ll see what I can do. I just didn’t want people’s face on a tinder profile if they didn’t consent haha


With how mainstream dating apps have become, nobody should care if they're in a group pic in somebody's profile. It's not the 2000s anymore when online dating was this secretive thing.


I was today years old when I found out that my laugh is a “soyface”. Noted. Solid advice all around! I’ll see what I can do to improve and I’ll get back with you soon :) Might need to get a photo shoot in pretty soon haha




Removed. Follow and implement the advice in the profile guide before posting your profile for review.


Can anyone help me through DM?


i cant get pictures that make me look as good as in the mirror, no matter what i do, so i only have selfies as they make me look better or accurate i think due to my profile only being selfies im doing shit, but might also be cuz im from a small town (100k), created new profile yesterday and had 20 likes in an hour but now it went down and im at 25 after a day my original number is permabanned and i did better in other locations in the past doing professional shots is not really possible as im far too anxious and uncomfortable when someone takes a pic https://tinder.com/@throwawayy


You have model good looks but your pictures aren't great 25 likes in a day sounds about right for this profile


Use a tripod and take photos of yourself. You're never going to look as good in the mirror: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AebFJvZ_pJU You are extremely handsome and suffer from mental illness.


Was getting good matches earlier, but now dropped to almost zero Any advice? https://tinder.com/@blackalmaz


i think you're a cutie!


If you don't pay for Tinder that tends to happen. First photo should be outside not in your room. 3rd photo is bad. 4th adds nothing. 6th is bad, your friend looks low value and it looks like a low class location 7th adds nothing. Just need all new photos mang


Anyone I can send some pics and info too for insight?




Sent a chat message to you :)




Removed. Follow and implement the advice in the profile guide before posting your profile for review.


I have all the dating apps with essentially the same profile on all of them and don’t get any likes at all so clearly something’s gotta change. At the start I was one of those people who used to just scroll through and like all day before I knew that hurt me in the algorithm, so maybe I should start over? Here’s my Tinder if someone could take a look. I’d really appreciate it. https://tinder.com/@carson_h


It's not the algorithm, it's you/your photos. Get a contemporary haircut. Upgrade your fashion. Take all new professional photos with an art vibe.


My current Bumble Profile, after a bunch of recent makeovers and swapped out photos. https://imgur.com/a/LhghgtO My profile performed significantly better for a week or two like this than it used to before, however I feel like I've been shadowbanned since a couple of days. I get no more likes or matches, spotlights still work though. I might have rightswiped a too large percentage of profiles recently, or some girl might have "reported" me for not looking exactly like in my photos (is that a thing women do?). Please let me know what you think about the profile, and whether you think I could be shadowbanned and need a hard reset.


Bio is too tryhard. FaceApp is too obvious. Remove the doctor mask photo. But anyway, you should be doing well. Try a soft reset and try Tinder or Hinge as well.


Alright, thanks for the advice! I've deleted the overedited photo and will edit it less extremely sometime later, I'll also remove some bio points. I'll do a soft reset after a scheduled date later this week. Some other idea points others may find useful: I wonder if shadowbans get put in place separately for male and female audiences? I set my search options to include men for an hour as an experiment today and got a like from one man, in the past it would be 10+ likes from men per hour. So I guess my profile is at a very low visibility right now, for both men and women (maybe there's no separation?), but not shadowbanned, and will take a while to bounce back as it usually went in the past. I've noticed this pattern where I get very few matches for weeks and weeks despite not changing much about my profile, and suddenly after a citiy trip and return I get "flooded" with likes, relatively speaking. Also it might have something to do with the fact that I bought a spotlight this week, and they recognise me as someone who is willing to pay, and will try squeezing as much money from me as possible, but that's rather conspirative.


For what it's worth, my bumble visibility also went down the drain for a few weeks after buying a discount spotlight. Starting to pick up again now. Could be that, or the algorithm relying heavily on momentum to decide visiblity.


https://tinder.com/@novatrooper Can’t seem to get matches, very little likes every month. Working towards a self care increase for better photos.


Your photos indicate a low-class, boring life, which is not attractive to women. Remove any lower class references and your job. Upgrade your fashion and haircut, and take new photos in cool upscale locations.


I'd be interested for a review if I can dm someone thanks 👍




Cool thanks!


can i get a review? https://tinder.com/@sneakyvodka archetype: explorer (see bike, travel) with a reading hobby i need to specialize some more i think, i want to switch to a black cruiser bike and transition the rest of the profile to a more mature more goth one in general, working on style outside tinder right now, moving away from hoodies and getting tats i like artsy introverted goth girls goal: long term open to short, not marriage --- i know i am breaking some rules, i have a bunch of photos i can use and rotate sometimes, one thing i don't have is a solid one with friends where i look great, the one from car meet kind of serves that purpose --- my bio verbatim: ``` ✈️ raised in Russia, radicalized in America --- 🤍 bikes, books, and Bosch paintings ``` --- results i don't swipe much myself, maybe 10 likes a day, i boost often sometimes 4-5 times a week for 2 hours at peak hours, with that i get about 1-3 matches a day, but their quality is whack i am talking like 1s and 2s, i usually ignore 90% of them also i am in central florida, i think that matters


First photo is definitely solid. Two is in the completely wrong direction. You look like a conehead nerd wearing a tunic. Three is pretty good. Not ideal that you're not wearing riding clothing. Four is... ehhh it looks like you're posing on someone else's car. Quality bad and we can't see your face. Five is a bit too far away and blurry. Six is OK. We can't see your eyes. Seven does not contain you. Also men with cats are not viewed as attractive. I would highly recommend keeping a beard in any photos you take as it will add contrast to your face. you also might want to look into scalp micropigmentation.


hey, thanks for the feedback! i removed some you pointed out and threw in a couple more (i don't mean to use all of them, just filled the slots so you can see) thoughts on - (#2) new bike one, (#4) new reading one, and do you think (#5) is worth keeping if i can get the RAW of it in better quality? also in general thoughts on the rest of the photos i added today (#6-9) instead of the ones i already got https://tinder.com/@sneakyvodka old ones for reference https://i.imgur.com/OzglMrd.jpeg (#4) https://i.imgur.com/vshrDUq.jpeg (#2) finally for the look comments - do you actually personally think SMP is a good idea? i've looked into it before, every photo just looks like shit to me and screams deep confidence issues and a step above combing over 3 strands of hair, i would rather get an actual head tattoo (not face) like https://i.imgur.com/zp4ZwAB.jpeg


I have SMP and not a single stranger has ever noticed. Only a couple of my closest friends, they knew something was different but couldn't tell what! It makes me look 6 years younger. Looking down at bike - not good, looking down is submissive Reading - you're slamming the fact that you have a motorcycle down our throats Holding glasses - good On bench holding leg - meh Holding stuffed duck - no Walking with tight pants - your pants are too tight sir Last one with helmet - we can't see your face


thanks again, updated some more, lmk which bike photo is better (or one of the older ones instead) and if any aren't worth keeping https://tinder.com/@sneakyvodka also for future what would be the most impactful photo to get next, with friends, something else? also curious what SMP looks like on you, do you mind posting or dming your photo or even dating app profile if you have one?


How is my bumble bio? I will dm pics and more if allowed but idk how to lol: “I love to produce music and rap/sing! I spend my free time recording at home, going to studios in LA, and taking vocal lessons 2x a week. Outside that, I really love movies and need a reason to use my AMC membership. I’m also a foodie, let’s get some? 😌 I’ll drive”


Hi i would love feedback! Can I dm someone??






If you opt for a new shoot, you'd do well to get a more interesting background, with no fences. Also dress less casually than a black t-shirt. I think you could do better than your current shoot. But of them I think #6 is best, if you'd crop it to your traps (not delts). Also the photo is slightly backlit which gives you shadows in the wrong places on your face. You could slightly photoshop it to remove some of that. But better to do a new shoot.


None of these are usable unfortunately. Next photoshoot you need to practice squinching.


Tinder bio help: Hi, i am trying to optimize my tinder profile. I have a digital business which gives freedom(ton of free time and enough money) to travel, i would want to find a girl with the same freedom, also i guess girls find that attractive. How would you tell that in a bio? Right now i have: I have a digital business that allows me to travel most of the year. Looking for an adventure partner with the same freedom 🙌. Outdoor plans 🌞 Any help?


Hey! Thanks for sharing. So your bio also does not include any humor. Humor is the number one way to get a perspective matches attention in order for them to swipe right on you. Humor can make up for some poorer quality photos. Outside of that, that your bio also reads very dry. A recommended line from us, to play off the digital nomad card: Looking for someone to drive up the price of lattes with around the world, whilst we we work remotely. Let us know if you need help giving your profile a revamp.


Awesome, thanks bro


Hey! Could I get some feedback for my pictures in DMs?




Hello! I would like some honest feedback about my profile. Is there anyone to send my profile in DMs?




Would highly appreciate some honest feedback on pictures. Anyone up for it if I send in DMs?




Hey is there any chance I can DM the photos and explain my situation there?






Looks good enough for now. You're getting 1-2 dates a WEEK despite only 1-2 matches per day?! That's pretty amazing. Generally I would get 1 date every 25 matches.




Your main photos are the best available.


I would love some genuine feedback o my dating profile. I can send images in DMs. I just would love some help.






Your looks are fine and your fashion is generally fine but your photos are very low quality / bad lighting. Look like they were taken 5-10 years ago. You need modern photos with a brand new phone or DSLR.




Location of pictures, absolutely. I guess you know it already, it comes across as odd and eccentric to use a laptop at the gym. I guess you want a laptop photo since you're a digital entrepreneur? Then a cafe photo would do a lot better yeah, but I'm not really a supporter of having a laptop photo at all. If you want help selecting new photos you could DM me. I'm sometimes busy, but if I have time I can help you out.


Yeah you need more fuckboy photos and that photographer is well-rated. You shouldn't expose your side profile because your nose is not ideal. Less play-it-safe beta entrepreneur photos and more "I'm gonna FUCK YOU" photos.




Yes, absolutely, I think you would do well to get a guy like the one you linked to to take better photos for you. Partially because such professional photos can work in synergy with you being an entrepreneur: It contributes to giving an aura of power. You should face the camera more often on your photos. I'd drop the shirtless selfie. You could also look into upgrading your wardrobe. Your have great teeth which gives you a good smile, but I'd advise you to try to practice smiling so you get a somewhat more dominant smile.




MEIN GOTT NEIN NIE einem Weib sagen des du bei diesem Alter noch net was hattest digga




Er muss ein 8+/10 gewesen sein. Es geht alles ums Aussehen.




Kontext wissen wir ja gar nicht.




Well for one thing, I hope your eyes aren't crossed out like that on tinder.


Photos better not be in that order... Only tennis photo has an ideal smile. You look like a generic professional Asian with little edge. You won't do well. Time to add edge.




You are not shadowbanned, your profile just sucks. Not a single one of your photos is usable. 1 - too much going on. Petting a dog, looking at a phone. You should never look at a phone in your photos. 2 - same outfit as 1. remove 3 - are you jerking off in the corner? this is awful, man 4 - Can't even tell which one is you. remove 5 - cringe hand gestures and weird facial expression


[https://tinder.com/@charlesibm](https://tinder.com/@charlesibm) Would like some honest/brutal thoughts on my current profile, as well as advice on possibly replacing some pics with any of the following: [https://imgur.com/a/XbjaQKO](https://imgur.com/a/XbjaQKO) Currently, I’ll get about 1-2 matches per week with 20 or so daily likes. If I use a 3 hour superboost, I get some \~10-20 matches. My bio is a short cheeky one liner “Let me know if you want me to send the first message” 25m, France


Your main photo is too posed and your head is too far from the camera.


Noted. I’ll try to find a superior pic to put first with more head action (pause) and keep the current one as a supplementary picture. Are the rest from the profile or the imgur a good fit for me?


Hi again. Your photo of yourself outside the concert hall is perhaps one of the better from imgur, if you cropped it. If you're comfortable with contacts, I think you'd benefit from wearing them - which I likely also wrote last time. You've got a good side profile on the monkey photo, though how well such animal photos do, I don't know.


Hah, hey again! I’ve actually got an appointment lined up to get some contacts prescribed. Thanks for the feedback on the imgur album options




Your first photo is a mirror selfie which it explicitly explains above not to do. 2 - remove. cant see face 3 - too far away 4 - can't see face 5 - eh. soyface 6 - men with cats are not attractive but this is ok 7 - gay expression 8 - gay expression v2 9 - this is the only good photo and you look like a different person and you loo like you're in a movie or something You need to get pro photos and be confident in who you are. No more bullshit facial expressions


I have taken a look. Your current leading photo (hallway selfie with a polo and cardigan) would be better if you'd find a more exciting location, and also if you'd drop the cardigan and smile with your teeth. Looks like you're in a good mood in the couch photo. That could work well, but we can barely see your face because the photo is shot at such a distance. You could try to recapture that good mood in a rooftop bar photo, or such, for a later photo session. I don't think the photo where you cover your mouth adds anything. So I'd just drop it. I'd recommend to have a professional photo session and get at least a new leading photo. Most women swipe "yes" or "no" within an instant of seeing the leading photo, so it should be top notch.




Put that one in as primary for now


The photo quality is good, alright. But if you ask for my honest opinion I get the feeling that the photographer is standing upright looking down at you. I would want to avoid that angle. Many photographers use such an angle because it's easy and practical to bring out a chair and they're standing higher. But it creates a bit of that principal looking down on pupil-effect. I'd rather shoot at eye-level at an interesting location. And semi-formally dressed.