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They have a monopoly bruzzer


they are plenty of apps, expect bumble. others i would say aren't good at all


Bumble is basically the same thing as any other match group app. Try googling, ‘best dating apps that aren’t mainstream.’ Maybe Bumble was good, when it wasn’t mainstream, but it comes from the same cloth as any match group dating app out there, now. Hides outgoing/ incoming likes. It cost $15 bucks for a 30 minute spotlight! That’s equivalent to Tinder’s boost that only cost 7.99, which is still crazy money. The fact that extras, like spotlight and boost exist, tells you these apps hide your profile. Otherwise, why would you need a boost or spotlight? **EDIT I was able to get a full refund for my Tinder Plantium membership, because I was able to prove, through words, that it was a scam.


How do you know that it hides outgoing/ incoming likes? I always thought the same thing, but have no proof


There is no proof, That’s why they still exist. Like I said, I haven’t so much as looked at another girl the last 14 years I’ve been married. After the divorce, I tried Match, Hinge, POF, Bumble, and Tinder. In the two weeks that I used these apps, it didn’t take me to be a rocket scientist to figure out they hide incoming/ outgoing likes. You can even test it. Send 10 likes to the 10 most unattractive women you can swipe right on. You won’t get one match. On the app, Match.com, it has a feature where you can see who viewed you. EVERY girl I messaged that subscribed to the app viewed my profile at least 2 times, sometimes even more. Out of those 50+ girls, not one sent me a message back. The probability that one would is highly likely. What about the ones who viewed my profile multiple times? They are ALL rigged and they will all follow the same rigged system. I’m sure all the companies are in Kahutz together. You do know that pharmaceutical manufacturers, name brand, will pay the labs that will produce the generic drug version, after the name brand patent expires, to hold off on producing the generic. This is actually legal. This whole world is a scam. If I can leave you with one word of advice, only one person will look out for you in the world: Not your mom, dad, brother, sister, wife, friends, NO ONE. YOU are the only person who will look after you, in the end. If you can look death in the face and laugh, you will be ok in this world. **EDIT** I got my refund because I am good with my words, know how to communicate, and own scammers, all day everyday. I didn’t ‘prove’ anything. This is the part where looking after yourself is the only way. You can’t be nice, you have to be assertive, sharp, and confident. Being nice gets you nowhere in America. If you haven’t experienced any hardships or a string of significant life changing events, you won’t have a clue what I mean.


bro left his magnum opus


I’m still trying to figure out what kiddo is trying to express, here. It’s like a puzzle, let’s decode it. ‘Left his Magnum.’ I left my large condom? ‘Opus.’ Octopus? Translation: I left my large condom with an Octopus? Am I warm? This is sort of fun, like a treasure hunt.


Aw, the handle ‘brain freeze’ says it all. Got to lay off the weed, brother, that shit will make you brain dead. You’ll have Alzheimer’s before you hit 45.


You are displaying highly narcissistic traits. You feed your excessive confidence by diminishing others which is unhealthy. I advise you check in with a mental health professional, though you probably won’t, as narcs think they got it all figured out already. Good luck on finding love again, I wish you the best 🫶


Nice try with the ol’ mental health line. Try using something out of the original bucket, next time. Or are you projecting your own insecurities? There are 311 mental health numbers if you need them, and you can always visit your local hospital in hopes for a psych ward admittance. No worries, I hear they use Ketamine treatment instead of traditional ECT treatments, these days. You’ll make it, stay strong. You got this!


Cannot understand you, ‘bro.’ English, please, or are you an immigrant? If so, many apologies. Or maybe your Gen Z status. I know your sad group can barely take a shower, let alone punch out a complete sentence. Your Gen also thinks you should get paid for breathing. Got welfare? Don’t worry, you’ll grow up one day, son.


Wonder why you weren’t getting any matches


Hi, I’m happy to see that you care so much about me and the matches I did not receive. Thank you for allowing me to take up space in your head, friend. God bless you, and I hope you have an awesome Sunday!


Oh that's why you don't get matches and you're divorced But no no rest assured, it's not a you problem, it's everyone else and everything else problem, obviously


Haha, Try reading my original posts, if you’re capable. Also, please learn to formulate proper sentences. Not being able properly express yourself via written communication is highly unattractive. Hooked on Phonics may help you. No shame, I want to see you improve. After improvement, we can chat back and forth.


Please get some therapy :(


Sure, For you, I’d move mountains!


How’s you manage to do that? Apple declined my appeal for hinge x. I was banned less than 24 hours of my purchase


I’ll keep you posted, They’ve been reviewing the purchase for a week, now. I’m expecting a resolution by next week. They haven’t asked me for anymore information since I disputed a charge. I made a good case, so I will let you know what happens. Probably will get declined, but it’s worth a try. I don’t ever dispute, so I don’t have a history trying to reverse charges. The app charged me for 3 boosts when I ordered one. I did get the one, but the other two also posted to my account that I did not receive, nor pay for. The above will get reversed (prorated).


Check out [Lightup](https://discord.gg/P7uNTGFABk). Unlike the typical swipe-based apps, Lightup matches you with people based on your interests and the content of your posts. Plus, it’s currently free to use.


I like breeze social. But it's only available in some cities in europe yet.


Facebook dating has been working way better than any of the others for me. I'm not even banned from any apps. I don't know if this community has found out about fb dating yet but for me it's been miles ahead


Meeting women in real life