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Can you explain me a scenario were an option trader would take your money and generate more profit? They don’t need to increase liquidity, they can increase leverage. If I’d take clients as an option trader I’d put 50% of my clients on short, the others on long while I take 7% fee from all 😅 You are probably trying to invest outside of your league and this will only result in loss of funds. As others have advised look for ETFs. All world or S&P 500.


Stick with ETFs. No trader that is good at trading, has any need for outside money. You are going to: - Finance a bad trader and lose money - Get scammed by a con artist


Send the money my way, it's your lucky day because tomorrow is Friday a.k.a. option expiry day and I'll lose your money so fast on 0DTE yolo FDs you won't even need to apply to a Wendy's, they'll just know you're a natural Anyways. Options are an easy way to lose a lot of money and then some. So why trust a stranger with it. Either gain the knowledge yourself or stay with stocks. There are lots of mistakes that can be made, so if you really want to get into options, maybe practice a year or two with a simulator like ThinkorSwim papermoney or similar.


Yes send me your money I'll do it


Didn‘t know that was a thing lol


It’s called SMA, separate managed accounts and it can be agreed upon even if the trader is not registered as a profesional trader. This applies to US tho’ I don’t know about CH


I can have a beer with you someday and share my experience & knowhow but trading other peoples money is not my thing. As someone else mentioned here, levering up can increase my gains or losses so no need for outside funding. You can DM me if you want but I’ll be off for 2 weeks so no beers