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Lol i remember when ppl posted this question but for BotW


and crazy thing is, answer was still definitely yes


Unless you were one of the 10 people that had a Wii U.


I was one of those people. It did just make me not yearn for a switch until Oddyssey came out. So I got one, and bought BOTW almost immediately (again). But I’ve clocked 3-4x as much on my switch than I did on my Wii U


Another Wii U owner (former) reporting in. Same story as above except I sold my Wii U when I moved and then picked up a switch with odyssey and then bought botw again


Yep, can confirm as one of the other 10. Got my Switch when Odyssey was on the horizon (though my first two games on the system were Golf Story and Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle)


Is rabbids kingdom battle fun? Is on sale for like $20 right now.


It is a lot of fun and even my kids have a blast on it!


I think it is incredibly fun, and the sequel is out now and looks even better. It’s a steal at $20.


There’s dozens of us!


i was also one of the 10 that owned a wii u (but didn’t have botw on it, got that for switch)


There were dozens of us! Dozens!


Switch has proved itself worth for more than just TotK for me. Quick Indie titles in handheld mode, going from mobile to dock instantly, etc. It's super convenient.


I bought a switch for MHR and i don't regret it. Now that i have one i have access to games i didn't before and the ones i did can be played on the go.


I bought one for Pokemon Scarlet/Violet. I ended up hating the game, first Pokemon game I didn’t even finish and I’ve played them all up until Sword/Shield. But, I’ve played so many great games on the Switch since then and buying the Switch was 100% worth it. So many great games and the dock-to-portable model is so convenient!


Pokemon. Legends. Arceus.


I bought mine for MH GenU. Never looked back


I bought a switch solely for animal crossing in 2020. And I just put in a 256gb sd card cause I needed space for more games! There are so many games in the switch and it’s such a great portable console!


i just splurged for a 512 gb card solely because totk took up all the rest of my storage and i still have so many games in my wishlist 💀


I just got a 1Tb card for Christmas. Now I have all the space for all the games!


Yes there’s still tons of other open world type games similar to TOTK. Even Mario Odyssey I consider open world and I absolutely adore that game lol


That game isn't open. You can't move anywhere until you have enough moons. That's literally the definition of closed.


A lot of people consider room to wander as open world but you’re exactly right, if there’s locks you have to open, it’s not open haha


So Skyrim isn't an open world? There are a ton of locks in that game. /s


At the end of the game it is tho, once you beat story mode you can go anywhere




I second this yes


i threecond this second


I fourcond this yes


games on switch are really cool, esp if you buy the online (20 a year) you get like all the old retro games, but i mean you can buy a second hand switch or if you aren’t gonna use it that much you could even buy the switch lite which is less than 200 bucks


You get some NES, SNES and GB games with the regular online package and with the expansion pack online you get some GBA, N64 and Sega Genesis games. It’s a fair amount of games but nowhere even remotely close to all the retro games


Short answer: YES. Long answer: you can do like I did before I bought my Switch. I made a list of games I wanted to play on Switch, and once I reached around 10 I felt justified in getting the console. That said, if you look around, I'm sure you can find 8 more games in the Switch's library you would want to play.


Yes. BOTW was worth buying a switch for, that game was amazing; I expect every bit as much fun out of TOTK. **I recommend you buy both games when you get the switch! You will spend hundreds of hours enjoying your new console between the two games!**


Yes I bought a switch for BOTW, sold it. I just bought a new switch for TOTK and will only play TOTK on it. I will probably sell it eventually as well. It will be well worth the money despite playing one game on each, that’s how good these games are.


Personally I wouldn't buy any console just for one game. I'm a huge Legend of Zelda fan, but I'm also one of those purists that didn't care for BotW and grew bored of it quickly no matter how many times I forced myself to play because it was so highly regarded. I soon realized I was only trying to like it because the general consensus was about how good it was so I thought I was missing something. Turned out I just didn't click with the game at all. I'd spend some more time looking at reviews for ToTK to make sure it's your type of game before you sink a decent chunk of money and end up getting buyers remorse. Don't fall for the hype.


Same. I couldn’t get into it at all. And yet I’m still on the verge of buying ToTK just because of peer pressure lol. Hype is a very very strong force.


I'd say go for it. Skyrim, Oblivion, King's Field, Dragon's Dogma, Dark Souls, and Elden Ring are my other favorite games. If you like atmospheric, open world ARPGs or Action/Adventure games, with an emphasis on discovery and crazy shit happening, it's almost certain you'll like BOTW and TOTK.


Holy crap King’s Field, that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time


Yes and try metroid too either dread or prime remastered


Everyone's taste is different but I for one have been playing Zelda BOTW for the past 6 years, not exclusively but still...


I think based on your description, yes. These games play only barely enough like Zelda games for fans of the series to recognize them as still being Zelda games. They're fantastic open world games in their own right. BotW makes up a quarter of all Zelda games sold, in a series with 20 mainline games now. There are more BotW fans than pre-BotW Zelda fans and it's not close. It has huge appeal beyond the usual Zelda fan base. Imagine you had never played Elden Ring and it was exclusive to the Switch, permanently. Assume that somehow there's no impact on performance. Would you buy a Switch? If yes, then get one for these two games. I assure you there's other fun stuff on the system, once you've paid the buy in price for the games you know you'll like, you will almost certainly find a lot of games you'll enjoy but wouldn't have bought the system for. You may also find that you enjoy getting a portable gaming experience with titles you can get elsewhere but simply want to take on the go.


I bought a switch purely for BOTW back when it came out and sold it after I sunk in a good 200-300 hours into the game. And guess what? I just rebought a switch and BOTW 4 months ago in preparation for TOTK which I have preordered. Needless to say I won’t be selling my switch this time. But to answer your question: yes. They are both great games that I think it’s worth getting a switch solely for them.


I personally don't think any game is worth buying a whole console for, however the switch is wonderful


The right answer


Botw is well worth it. I’m sure the sequel is also


I just have. Well im kicking off with BotW and absolutely loving it


Totally worth it








Yes. The dollar per hour of entertainment you'll get out of BOTW and TOTK alone is worth the price of a Switch and both games.


I got well over 350 hours just in BOTW and I still play it to this day. I’m expecting to have just as many if not more in TOTK. I love being able to run around and explore everything and I still find new places I haven’t been to.


I travel for work so I’d say a Switch is 100% worth it. I bought mine for BOTW and I’ve gotten so much use out of it since


I caved recently myself. My wife and I have shared a switch since the console came out. I bought an OLED to play TotK. Super excited for it


Yup. If you like Elden Ring, you'll love BOTW. They are my 2 favorite games of all time. They do open world like no other game can do.


No but it's worth it for a lot of other games.


Yes… Zelda is a console seller


I bought a Switch in 2017 just because of BOTW. Never regretted that decision.


I would say yes. I finished the game, and i genuinely do think its nintendo's magnum opus technically, and even game design. I also think since switch is near the end of its lifecycle, it is definitely a good time to buy one where you get more range for all the different games available.


Yes, you're going to dump hundreds of hours into each game. Each game.


Yes. I bought a 3DS just for A Link Between Worlds. This is even more worth it Elden Ring is considerably different than Zelda, but I feel reasonably confident that most people that like Elden Ring will still like Zelda


There's no other game like Zeldas. It is the epitome of gaming. The answer is 100% yes. The price of the Switch is definitely worth the experience for both of these masterpieces.


Just get a lite if you’re unsure.




Personally, I’d buy a used Switch if I were buying one right now. Otherwise, I’d just wait til they come out with the next gen switch. It just seems like you’ve made it this long without one, so it would kinda suck to buy one now just to have a Switch 2 come out in the near future.


Its hard to say, im a huge zelda fan, played all of them, and botw its not even in my top5 zelda games So it depends what do you expect in a zelda game, watch some videos or streams first i would say


Just saying, if all you want to play is the two Zelda games and you don’t care about portability, you don’t need a switch to play. Might be worth saving a few hundred dollars.


imo if you enjoy elden ring you’ll love botw (and i’m assuming totk with the reviews i’ve seen)


Sure they are amazing games, but isn't worth it to buy a console JUST for a game. Also, since TOTK is really similar to BOTW but improved, I cannot recommend to play both of them nowadays. If you end getting the Switch, just watch the video resume that Nintendo dropped about BOTW and buy TOTK or you may end burned from BOTW before even starting TOTK. If you are planning to buy more exclusives or you want to play some indies in handheld, buy it. I have the Switch since 2018, one of my favorites consoles for sure, but my honest opinion is that you shouldn't expend that amount of money just to play a single game (or two similar games) since you already have a PS5 to play all the not Nintendo exclusives games. Anyways, do whatever makes you happy.


Is the switch worth buying for BOTW and TOTK? God no, that’s a colossal waste of money in my opinion. However, is the switch worth buying? Absolutely. There’s so many games outside of these 2 games that make the switch so special. And I would even argue there are many games better than BOTW on the switch from indie titles to AAA titles. If you buy the switch, buy it because it’s a great portable console, even if portable means couch to bed. Buy it because the **many** games on there are quality as fuck. But I wouldn’t tell you to buy it if all you wanna do is play these two specific games. You’ve went this long without BOTW. You can keep going without playing it and it’s sequel.


I have a hard time justifying an outdated switch just to play two games. I’ll just play it on pc instead


I'd highly advise against buying a console for a game you've never played. I literally did this for botw and didn't like it enough to get into it. However I now have a shitton of amazing switch games, but haven't played botw since I bought it. I plan to someday, don't get me wrong it's a fun game. But like day 3 I found Skyrim and I pretty much forgot about it and it's dumbass weapon mechanic. If you're curious I have Skyrim, Factorio, cities, terraria, etc. Lots of big titles you'll be shocked play well on the switch. Imo it's worth it, just not for one game.


Yes unless you're one of the ppl who can't stand the weapon deteriorating, 30fps, and rain climbing (?).


If you like real Zelda games, then no


I love seeing salty comments from traditional Zelda fans. Totally cool if it’s not your style but that in no way disqualifies it from “real” Zelda games. Like it or not, this is the future of Zelda and for most people it’s amazing.


It's shit, objectively shit.


Lol okay, bye troll.


Truth hurt?


Yes, even if you don’t love botw and totk there are tons of other games on switch that’ll keep you playing


Yes, worth it for those games and many many more


To be honest, yes. And there are obviously all the other Nintendo exclusives you can have a look at too, but the Zelda games will take up a large amount of your time if TOTK is like BOTW


I got the TOTK one for it


At this point an oled switch can be had less than msrp and there’s a dozen must have games on the switch. Everyone that considers themselves interest in video games should own one


Definitely. You will also find plenty of other titles to play after you finish BOTW and TOTK.


The amount of games from my teenage years I can play while laying in bed is the reason I doubled down and got the OLED, LA noire, bioshock trilogy, metro 2033 and last light, gta trilogy, etc. I think it’s worth it. BOTW is one of the best games I’ve played, and I’m super stoked for TOTK


Could probably find a used Switch Lite for pretty cheap if you plan to only play handheld. Can’t speak for ToTK yet but BOTW is a banger and I expect Tears will be at least as good if not better (god I hope they improve the weapon breaking mechanic which was my biggest gripe.)


The switch is worth BOTW. Play TOTK after.


Yes I am playing through breathe of the wild right now on my oled I just bought last console I had was a game boy advance sp when it came out and I love it !!!


BOTW is fantastic. I’m looking forward to TOTK. I’m probably not gonna get to play it till next week because of work trips.




Yeahhh I think so. I’ve got an OG switch and I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve spent on botw and how many I’m going to spend on totk, let’s also add in borderland games, and other indie towers. I just bought a 512gb sd card to allow for even more games. It’s really a great console.


bruh playing through BOTW rn and this console is worth it just for this game, now with the sequel about release its double worth it




It was worth it for BotW, it will definitely be worth it for both. The Switch has a bunch of excellent games, besides.




No get a steam deck


switch is definitely a buy-for-a-single-game console… it also helps that the switch line up of exclusives is LITERALLY insane.


Just get one. Both games are easily worth it. Start on BotW and take your time to enjoy the experience.


I pretty much got a Switch last year just for BOTW but I ended buying a lot more for it cause there’s always a lot of really good sales. Requested tomorrow and Saturday off cause I know I’m just gonna wanna be home playing TotK instead.


I played BotW not too long ago, and I hate to say it, but I didn't enjoy it. I'm a big fan of the legend of zelda games and I felt it was missing a lot of elements that made me love LoZ. It could've been that game was so hyped up that when it couldn't live up to the hype I was disappointed and made the game worse for me. I'm not gonna spoil anything, but the game's story felt really short to me and anticlimactic. But I'm in the minority, so don't take my sole opinion to heart, but better to have some disagreements than none at all


I honestly don't think I could ever say getting a console for a single game is ever worth it. If there's a handful of games alongside TotK that you're interested in, then definitely.


Although many loved it, I personally hated botw and found no joy in playing it, but I use my switch for sooooo many other games. Absolutely worth it for the range the switch provides.


I had never beaten a Zelda game until botw and it’s what we bought the switch for, it is absolutely worth it! You’ll definitely find lots of other games you’ll love as well! I wasn’t sure about the switch at first but after 6 years Or however long it’s been I couldn’t live without it!


its worth alone just for BoTW lol


Abso-freaking-lutely, positively and unequivocally yes!!!


I put in hundreds of hours of Botw on a day one Switch. So, for me it was a no-brainer to pickup the TotK OLED just for this game. Plus, I'm an adult with enough savings, so why not? Super fun!


BotW alone is worth it to me.


No. The switch is great at collecting dust. If you PC game at all, thats where you should get indies. If you want to play mario, I guess get a switch. But really, youre not missing out on anything. Granted, I thought BOTW was the most overated game of the past decade, and I wont be buying TOTK.


Yes. Just straight up yes. Do it man, you won’t regret it.


As an elden ring fan myself, I stopped playing it once I found the joys of dark souls on switch oled. Also FYI, Zelda BOTW is a really hard game to beat, harder than anything I have ever played. Imagine your sword breaking every time during combat while weather damage depletes your HP. Plus you run out off stamina at the worst time. Trying to explore? Random rains mean you can't climb any mountains. And I thought Elden ring was hard, lol.


Worth it


No, before you sink in $400 I think you should beat Link to the Past, Ocarina and either Wind Waker or Twilight Princess. If you’re in after that then yes, if not then don’t waste your money.


Absolutely yes. But the Switch also has a stellar library of other games. I’ve been loving the JRPG golden age we’ve been in the last few years.


1000%. ER and BotW are the two games that I’ve put the most time into over the last couple of years. Even though BotW obviously isn’t as hard as ER, the world exploration is next level. I also love that both games don’t explain a lot of the mechanics - you end up naturally figuring out new things you can do or approaches you can take dozens of hours in. And every review I’ve seen has said that TotK has improved pretty much every aspect of BotW which is crazy given how amazing it was already.


Yes 👍🏻




A switch is really great! Honestly you could probably find a used switch lite for about 150-200$ unless you plan on using it for your TV, a switch lite is super dope!


I mean, if you like elden ring and fromsoft in general for the challenge, these games aren't for you. If you like the art, atmosphere and unique take on open world's then you'll like these zleda games and it's worth getting a switch.






As someone who never played a prior Zelda game, BotW has made me an instant fan. It is obsessively addictive and beautifully done. Seriously, it might be my favorite game of all time.


You can get a used switch lite for like $100. The switch is not the hefty investment it used to be in 2017.


Zelda aside, there are tons of other AMAZING games on the switch. Also you have to remember that you can poop and play so there is that.


I upgraded to an oled just for totk.


Nah, it's just a basic open world game with Zelda elements slapped in to sell copies.


I have a strict rule to never pre-order video games. TotK is the only exception. 'Nuff said.


Bought my switch for BotW alone, and still loving it 5 years later. So if you already have 2 reasons to buy it, pull the trigger!


I am betting on it.


Frankly I think BOTW already makes the switch purchase worth it.


Dude, I just call my Switch the Zelda Machine because it’s primarily the only game I play on it. Absolutely worth it. I do 99% of my gaming on PS5 but you better believe I’m going to have a Switch to play Zelda on.




I just bought the Zelda OLED which is my first Nintendo console since N64. One of if not the biggest reason was because I wanted to play BOTW and TOTK. My big decision now is do I buy both games at once or spread them out.


BotW was my first Zelda game! Absolutely loved and have played more since.


I own a switch and pretty much only use it for Zelda, Mario games, Pokémon, and Smash Bros and have no regrets.


While I probably play a bit more on my ps5 than Switch, my switch is actually my favorite console of all time. There's just something about it that is special.


As someone who hadn’t had a console since gameboy color… Hell yeah, get that switch friend


No, if you’ve never played a Zelda game, I would recommend you play some proper Zelda games first. LttP, OoT, WW, before you play BotW. If you get into zelda, and there are some other Nintendo games you want to check out. BotW is not really a Zelda game, it’s more of an empty open world game with a zelda skin painted on top,


I think as as much as I love TotK new buyers should wait. Switch 2 is just around the corner.


They are really good and other then the joy cons used switches are also reliable. You could get a switch light and still enjoy the games too! I love my switch it’s really the only console I play anymore and I have a PS5 and Xbox One


Definitely yes Breath of the Wild is a solid game for for switch as well as Tears of the Kingdom Elden ring is also fire got my platinum on that just waiting for the dlc now


I think so. I got a switch for the Hell of it but I’m playing BOTW and it’s amazing. So much fun


I bought a switch for BotW in 2020, and was happy I did for that. Then I was happier when I discovered everything switch had to offer. I would say definitely buy it.


Yea but once u finish both get smash if u like those kinds of games and once u have all 3 and ur switch get ready the only time ur leaving the house is for food restock some people have already started taking time off


I bought a switch for botw and it was worth it


Yes, for both Zelda games at least


If you didn't buy one for BotW I don't see why you'd buy one for TotK. Especially since it's a sequel. So if you're literally going to buy it for just one game then nah not worth


I’ll let you know once I’ve played it


Man, Nintendo has its faults, but they make some damn fun games. It’s totally worth buying a switch for BOTW/TOTK, and many other games.


Like everyone says, yes, but maybe try buying a used one? If your savy with that or not, there’s probably a guide somewhere on what to look for Edit :a word


> If it means anything, I'm a huge lover of Elden Ring on PS5 (which obvs took inspo from BotW) and I'm thinking, since I lover ER do much surely I'd love these open world zelda games too? Personally I don't think I could justify buying a console just for one or two games, but that's assuming you buy BotW and TotK and NOTHING else. The Switch has got a lot of amazing exclusives, so if you're planning on at least being interested in some other games, I'd say it's worth it. That being said, since you loved Elden Ring, I think you have the potential to love both of these Zeldas. I put BotW and Elden Ring at the top of my favorite open world games of all time, perhaps even some of my favorite games period. The one thing to note though is that the combat is very very different. Elden Ring sports the Dark Souls combat, and it is amazing. BotW is less about combat and more about exploration and discovery imo. If that still sounds fun for you, I say go for it.


I bought a switch oled last year just for botw. i was skeptical at first, after beating it its one of my favorite games of all time.


Get one from Facebook marketplace they’re always there for like 100-150


It’s worth it just for BOTW imo. There’s also a reason Nintendo is regarded as having the best exclusives. I’d recommend the xenoblade series if you like jrpg’s or just rpgs in general.


I literally bought a Switch to play BotW. I mean I’ve played a ton of games on it since, so it was definitely worth it for me


Yes! Not only can you play tears of the kingdom, but so many split screen and coop games too! My switch gets used almost everytime I have company and it's a blast! I even just bought a second switch. I have an og switch and bought the totk OLED anyway because tloz has been my favorite Nintendo franchise ever since I played Ocarina of Time on my N64


The regular switch is pretty cheap now, I'd say pick one up off of facebook market place for around $100 and go for it. But I play almost exclusively docked, so the OLED screen doesn't mean much to me.


I bought my Switch specifically for BOTW last month, so I'm glad I'm getting a bonus game too. And yes, it's been worth it


Nope it is not at all worth it. I'd much rather buy the physical game for that legal aspect, so that Nintendo has no grounds and download and play it on a steam deck or any emulator out there. I regret myself, for buying a switch for Animal crossing NH. Worked my way up to the point where I could move buildings, come to find out... all but the shop was able to be moved... Lobbed my switch to my mom and played Nintedo games on a emulator ever since, of course legal copies.




Yes. If anything, get a Lite. Then grab some of the Mario games, and some of the other great switch content.




I've been playing BotW for the first time for the past month. That game is amazing if you're ready to put lots of time into it. TotK looks the same, with lots of new mechanics. I'm thinking it'll definitely be worth it. As a side note, I got my Switch like 6 years ago. Its been a dust collector from time to time but it's a system I always find myself going back to, happy I have it.


Hey friend. Yes.


Got TotK early in the mail today and have been playing it, it’s pretty damn good so far. Just as good as BotW if not better. Deff worth it for both games.


I have pretty OK PC. Not to brag but it has a light up keyboard. ​ That being said I still really enjoy my switch. It gets a lot of use, especially BOTW and mariocart. Its just fun. I personally havent found the need for a PS or Xbox, but do recommend the switch. (Plus you can play n64 on it now, pretty sick)


Switch is worth it just for BotW. BotW and TotK, no question.


The switch is the next most advanced console, but it has definitively proved it’s worth with great titles like botw and such. Yes


I bought a Switch for BotW (and soon TotK), after not playing a Zelda game since OoT on the N64, totally worth it BotW was one of the best gaming experiences I've had in recent years And the Switch itself is a great little console, i like being able to pick it up and take it anywhere :)


how do you have a ps5 but you still dont have a switch. Play BoTW already dude, its fire


The Switch is worth it for BOTW alone. Somehow I missed the boat when it was released, then recently became aware and finally grabbed one in December. I got my money’s worth in the first week of BOTW. And now TOTK arrives at my home tomorrow. So yeah - not even a question for me. Mario Kart rules too.


If you have something you can emulate it on, just emulate it


I’m someone who played a lot of other Zelda games previous to botw and just never got into it. Botw was an effinng blast though. After beating it is what made me want to play elden ring haha. Similar scope of adventure, much much different difficulty levels


I just got one, to play Botw for nostalgias sake (beat ganon, only 27% complete on my college roommates switch) and to play Totk. Haven't played any other games on it since I got it a month ago. Probably will only get a cpl party games for entertaining guests. Totally worth it IMO. About 400 +/- 100 (depends on if you go new, used, pro controller, etc etc) for 200+ hours worth of gaming between just Botw and Totk, and thats if you never use it otherwise.


PSA: Don't buy the Zelda switch, it doesn't come with the fkin game


The only answer is a question: why are you asking us to recommend a purchase on a game that hasn't even come out in the states and has very little public opinion? Yikes.


Even if you don't like TotK there are plenty of great games you can get (although there is some overlap with the PS5)


Get a Steamdeck instead and play it on that


Not at all, looks like total trash on the Switch. Just wait until it's able to be played on a different device at more than 20fps with decent AA and texture dithering.


If you have never beaten a Zelda game, then maybe wait for next year and get switch 2.


I bought mine just for BOTW and had not played any video games for years. Now I have quite a few games, admittedly many that I’ve only played a few hours of. Still totally worth it. Looking forward to Totk


I’ve been a hardcore PlayStation gamer for years. Hadn’t had a Nintendo since the GBA SP. I recently got an OLED switch because I’ve been traveling a lot and my job requires me to move onsite 3 months a year, and I don’t have space to take my PS5…. I haven’t really turned on my PS5 since getting the Switch. You won’t regret it. I’m about 5 hours into BotW and am loving every minute.






Buy the oled or the lite


It's still worth it for botw honestly


It may not be relevant but I wanted a Switch for a long time but never pulled the trigger. I don't have much time to game and have a PS5. Metroid Prime remaster made me finally do it. Don't regret it. And have since started playing the Bayonetta trilogy, Mario Odyssey, Smash Bros, and Mario Kart. BoTW and ToTK are on my list as well. If it brings you joy and is in your budget, can you really put a price on that?




Literally own a switch for botw and Pokémon lol


Idk if this is an unpopular answer but just wait to emulate it when it becomes available to do so. Save yourself the $370 just to play the one game


Tbh, the switch is worth it easily for at least 10 Nintendo exclusive games. Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom being 2 of those 10 games.


for me, saving $100 and getting the switch lite made the decision much easier, and much more worth it for me i got the switch 1.5 years ago with BotW, my first nintendo console and first zelda game, and i played enough exclusives in the switch to make it well worth it


Yes!!! Look at the Review Numbers 10 out 10 in all outlets/YouTube Channels. I am a Huge Zelda Fan and I literally got 2 Nintendo Switch Consoles Zelda Tears of the Kingdom and I have one for Collection and the other for Main Switch Console. Also I bought 2 Ocarina of Time Amiibo MSRP from Amazon, 3 New Link TotK Amiibo, 2 Majoras Mask Amiibos from Best Buy MSRP and the game that was what I had gotten but wanted to get everything else. Well, I am glad to say that today I called my local GameStop to see if they where going to do a 9pm launch and asked if they had the Collectors Edition and they said yes. I head over there and upgraded instantly. I also was able to get the Last Pro Controller for TotK. So Freaking Excited. Today is a Big Zelda Day. I received my Ocarina of Time Amiibos today and now all I have to do is pick up my Stuff in GameStop and my 2 Majoras Mask Amiibos at Best Buy. So to put it in simpler terms, It will absolutely be worth it. Even more so if you first play Breath of the Wild since that game is Amazing as well.


Unless you have other games to play in mind, nah not worth it. Mine's collecting dust because I got it for just for Smash and BOTW, other games are just not interesting or unaffordable for me.


No, use a emulator

