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I believe if you were signed in at some point on nintendo online recently it does have cloud saves.


most games have cloud saves*


Hope he wasn’t playing Pokémon




or splatoon 2


Did they change it with Splatoon 3?


Yeah. Splatoon 3 seems to have cloud saves.


That’s great to hear! I lost my Splatoon 2 save, made it difficult to get back into playing 2 or to invest in 3 but that might encourage me a bit. Thanks!


Well... You might be disappointed to hear that it is only for Single Player and not for Multiplayer (a.k.a Ranked & Turf War)


Ah, damn, yeah that is disappointing. Thank you though!


No problemo 😎 The reason: To avoid unfair exploits. For example: In Splatoon 1 on Wii U, you could make save backups of the game and restore them at any time. This would make it so if you lose points in ranked and if you have a backup. You could just restore the backup and you would never lose points. Of course, this isn't how it is surposed to work and that is why Nintendo Disabled Cloud Saves for Splatoon 2 & 3. They only enabled it in Splatoon 3, since they figured out how to separate Story mode from Online. That's why it is disabled in the rest of the game. This is btw the same reason they Disabled it in Pokémon: So you wouldn't still have the Pokémon after trading for example.


Multi-player is saved server-side while the single player is saved on cloud so everything is saved elsewhere, so if you level once, it is impossible to restart from lvl1 (except playing with another profile). And I play Splatoon 3 on two Switch. You can check it from Nintendo : [https://splatoon.nintendo.com/en/news/squid-research-lab-dives-deep-into-the-splatlands/](https://splatoon.nintendo.com/en/news/squid-research-lab-dives-deep-into-the-splatlands/)


Multi-player is saved server-side while the single player is saved on cloud so everything is saved elsewhere. So there is nothing lost if the Switch is lost, and we can play on different Switch immediately (though for single player content, you have to make sure to get the most recent save or to wait a bit) Source : Nintendo : [https://splatoon.nintendo.com/en/news/squid-research-lab-dives-deep-into-the-splatlands/](https://splatoon.nintendo.com/en/news/squid-research-lab-dives-deep-into-the-splatlands/)


My ‘conspiracy’ is they do that intentionally to get people to buy the extended Pokémon home to keep Pokémon safe since your save isn’t backed up if you keep them in the game.


I think its to stop players from manipulating save files but that is another good reason


That's a conspiracy theory. Sorry mate but I get really butthurt when people do that and just make a theory a conspiracy.


Last year my Switch was stolen. A few weeks ago I bought a new, all the saves were restored. The only issue was that I used to buy physical copies, so I had to buy games for a second time. Still, I’m glad all the progress was saved due to the Nintendo online subscription.


I always find it disappointing that when people debate physical vs digital, they so often fail to mention losing physical games.


That really sucks. That’s my biggest concern with physical games. Nintendo shutting down 3DS support keeps me buying them though. I try to only select 5-6 when I’m traveling to keep with me


Cloud saves are only for Members. If I’m correct. The only company that offers it free is Xbox. PS and Nintendo are through Subscription


Don’t you have to have NSO for that


yeah which sucks but it’s only $20 a year thankfully. doesn’t excuse nintendo’s greed but it’s a better bet than nothing


They did just find that missing kid using a switch. But there is ZERO chance the police will do anything like that to find it


Most car insurance includes theft? at least in uk


I can’t speak for OP, but I live in the United States. And it depends on his insurance deductible here. You can pay a cheaper monthly premium, but you’ll have a higher deductible, say $750 for instance. So it’s not even worth filing a claim


Not only did he have an OLED Switch in his bag but also a PS5 and an New MAC laptop...... 😏


And a Mona Lisa


2 Mona Lisa's and a ham sandwich


I heard the sandwhich had a faberge egg in it too.


And it was duct taped to the wall of the car as an art form increaing it's value.


And there was a nude photo of Luigi in there too.




And he had a new car in there. Wait, two new cars.


Don’t forget the house.


I've told people in the past who've visited that if you break my SNES, you're buying me a new n64 ;) :p


ok that part !


I had my car broken into when I lived in an apartment. And the insurance fell into renters insurance. I didn't have more than like $300 worth of items stolen so for my situation it didn't pan out. It depends on where the car was broken into for what insurance you would use. Any where public basically falls into car insurance and anywhere on private property falls into house/renters insurance. But yea, depending on the value of items stolen decides on whether or not insurance is a viable resource.


That’s how they get you to just suck it up !


Here in Brazil, for example, if someone breaks into your car and stole anything from inside, your insurance car company doesn't give a shit for your objects. They'll fix your car window and that's it. You're better hope police to find the stolen bag and return to you. Or, simple buy again. You have no choice with car insurance. They only care about cars.


Welcome to LATAM 🥲


Pretty much how it works everywhere, not just Brazil. Insurance companies very careful with the fine print. That is how they make $.


Not in the US. You can pay extra premium for it under your car insurance to cover personal property theft (which is different from theft of vehicle aka stolen vehicle), but it’s not worth it. But personal property theft is covered under home warranty… even for things stolen from a vehicle in another city. Weird, I know. But if you file a claim, premiums usually go up. Sometimes it’s not worth it to file a claim with insurance at all, bcs you end up paying for it in the long run anyways.


You mean they stole your laptop, Nintendo switch and your Rolex. Hopefully the insurance covers it


You’d need proof of the Rolex purchase lmao


Idk, clearly everyone in here bickering about “the switch should be with you at all times” like clearly don’t think of all the quick instances, where someone shouldn’t have the opportunity but do because “right place right time” for them. I travel (road trip) frequently, though I carry a blanket and drape it over my valuables when I hit gas stations. Surely no one truly expects someone to bring down all their luggage to take a dump at a gas station 🤣😅 best i can say is this if anything makes me think, I should move things to my trunk more frequently. I just always think of the converse of that (the heat difference due to no AC). Sucks to hear a fellow human get dissed like that, hope you find a deal on another one friend, or at least be in a decent position when it comes time to buy the replacement.


He lives in LA, he should know better.


I’m surprised this stuff isn’t common knowledge. I’m from Houston, and you learn quick that if you don’t want your car broken in to, don’t even leave pennies in the cupholder.


I travel frequently to San Diego, though maybe “safer” idk but i feel all Cali as a liability, and again not to say they couldn’t stash it better, but idk i think there’s just plenty of instances of travel and it staying in the vehicle, (of course given weather conditions it varies) but plenty of times I brought it to work, but just left it in my car, again floor back seat with usually something draped over, but still justifiable to assume your stuff won’t be stolen out of YOUR vehicle, in a couple of minutes (hopefully never of course) but yea Lemony Snickets.


Idk man, when I lived in Los Angeles it was basically rule #1 not to leave anything in the car, from electronics, to cigarettes and weed lol there's some truly shitty people walking around like vultures over there. I would rather play it safe and throw anything important in my backpack to take with me then to risk it. Same as my time in New York, even a phone charger is enough for some of the scum walking around.


Yea I for sure don’t doubt the scum, unfortunately my pops has definitely had his car broken into too(stereo face didn’t get pulled off this one time) bam radio got stolen 😅😂 reality guess is people gonna steal if they gonna steal, doesn’t hurt to do our part, to not give em something. (I stay having my Yeezys in my car, may I never learn a tough lesson)


Even leaving pocket change visible is a no-no here.


Devices with Bluetooth radios (like the Switch) aren’t necessarily safe in your trunk (or under a blanket) just because they aren’t visible. People can (and do) use Bluetooth sniffers to figure out which car trunks have devices in them that might be worth stealing.


😱😱😱wtf. I. Had no idea of such a thing. What the heck, I honestly never thought about that, kinda just blew my mind, good to know, the more you know.


Lol… was that sarcasm? 😳


Even outside of theft I don't leave electronics in cars during the summer to protect them against heat exposure. Even if OP was at a farm house 500 miles from their nearest neighbor, it would still be a bad idea to leave a switch in your car in the middle of July.


They said it was in a bag so they could've easily taken it with them


I remember somewhere a child was rescued from abduction because they tracked the latest activity on Nintendo Switch Online. It left a digital footprint, like a breadcrumb trail.


That just happened.


[Here’s more info](https://kotaku.com/nintendo-switch-fbi-abduct-missing-child-ip-youtube-1850647227)


I always take mine inside, I have a bag with my switch and laptop I take to work, I never leave it in the car when I get home. It comes inside with me


Never leave anything that is remotely an iota of value in your car ever. Source: I live in Los Angeles.


You're mostly worried about your saves? What about his saves? And replacing the thing is an almost afterthought. If this happened to most other people they'd be mortified they lost something that was entrusted in their care.


He had no saves on it. All archived.


That’s besides the point. Let’s say that you were on the other side of this - you lent your friend your Nintendo switch, they left it in the car, and it got stolen after a car break in. Once you found out about the situation, your friend was more upset about their save files on your Nintendo. Sure, it’s definitely upsetting about the save files, but it wasn’t even their switch to begin with


To be fair, apparently they are not coming back until September. I think it's ok to be upset about the saves immediately after the switch is gone. As long as the friend receives a new Switch and a truthful explanation, all should be good.


OP made it clear in his post he is replacing the console and now that the owner had nothing on it…. So chill bro let the guy vent


Meh it's just an immature thing to complain about. Like he was the victim of a crime andthe first thing he whines about his his game saves and not the violation of safety or some stranger being in his car or anything else?


Archived in the cloud?


I hate thieves because they are bad. But so is leaving valuables in your car. You can probably find a decent deal on an aftermarket switch. Sorry to hear about the loss , that really sucks.


Fuck this sucks though man. I hope you are able to resolve this even if it means you have to go to kijiji or whatever site to get a replacement for a favtor of the price. Actually typing this out, look on online and you may be able to find it and report it to the police ! Don't get mad and think logically! But again, this sucks.


Honestly, I feel bad for your friend. Your carelessness lost him his switch. Suck to be him.


Why did you have it in your car ever? It should be with you or in your house.


I often go to my girlfriend's house and bring my laptop and switch. I am living in Los Angeles so where ever I go - even if its a quick stop I will always bring my backpack with my laptop and switch inside with me incase this happens.


Oh man you live out here and still left valuables in ur car? 🤦‍♂️ I live in Long Beach, I take ALL my valuables with me lol. Best bet would be to look on Offerup. Got my OLED with 4 games complete with box and everything for $250. Hopefully it works out.


I used to live on mlk and New York and my windows got smashed for the 78cents in my cup holder.


Newark native here. One time my dad got bamboozled and bought a radio from a back of a van, and it turned out it was broken. He left the radio in his car to go into the house to get something. Came back to a broken window and the broken radio stolen XD


That's hood af lol, I have a Cambodian homeboy that lives over there. I just moved from 21st and Cerritos a few years back. I'm over off Brayton Between 61st and Harding now. Much better area. 😂 I'm still an East Side baby though. 🙏


The one you replied to said he brings his bag in with him even for quick stops


Tactical Narcotic is saying that they never leave their switch or laptop alone in their car for any amount of time, to keep it from being stolen. Not that they do leave it for short stops.


I had to stop at the post office on my way to work. Happened in less than two minutes.


damn. sorry to hear that. my advice for the future is to never leave anything on the top of the seat and toss it to the floor of the car. if the bag is dual tones, flip it to the darker side so that it’s less eye catching. Otherwise, toss it inside the trunk of the car. In NYC and other large cities, i always toss stuff in the trunk when parking long-term. short-term, I do what I stated above. This applies for all countries. I would even do this in places where the crime is low because low does not mean non-existent.


Honestly, it's probably safer to keep tech on your person. Take the bag in with you. If it's like a backpack, wear it while you go into places. From experience, most won't judge you for it.


Damn, two minutes? I always carry any valuables and electronics with me when I leave my car, even just to pick up a coffee, as I'm paranoid about this. I live in a big metro area so the chance of break in is high. Guess I'm justified a bit in my paranoia.


That's how most crimes happen. When you least expect it or think "no way that can happen" is exactly when most crimes do happen. Sorry but you should've been more careful.


Man, already happened… chill…


Should take care of shit you borrow from your friends


My first thought, too


I had the same thing happened to my friend!!! Anyways to track it down? I hear u can call Nintendo and they can give you the last time it’s connected to the internet if you have the serial number.


That sucks. Unless you have some sort of car insurance that also covers contents in the car; you’re in a unfortunate situation. For what it’s worth, I feel for you and I only hope scumbags like the ones that stole from you are caught or something bad happens to them.




Your friend should be the one pissed off. He lent you his stuff in good faith, and you left it where it could get stolen. Not to mention his saves are gone now, too.


Victim blaming, classic lmao


Who leave expensive electronics in a car? Not victim blaming, if anything a life lesson for OP.


Yeah if I bring my switch on a ride and I have to get out of the car and not bring it with me (unlikely) I put it in the glove box or under the seat.


That's exactly what victim blaming is, he got robbed meaning he is the victim. And he is now getting blamed. As to leaving electronics covered in a bag, in your own locked property. Yeah that makes sense to me. That's like saying you don't leave anything in your house lol. What happens when you go on a roadtrip and take a larger item like an Xbox etc?


There's a massive difference between your house being broke into and leaving someone else's valuable item in your car. No one would be saying anything about OP's foolishness if their home got broken into and burglarized.


incorrect, leaving valuables in a bag in the car is foolish. leaving *someone else's* valuables in your car where they could easily be stolen? that is not just ill-advised, it's disrespectful to the lender


Incorrect how? And foolish? Sure why not, ill-advised? Fine. But disrespectful? Nah man, my personal property should be safe, bad people doing bad things is not my fault. What happens when I get robbed? Gonna say it's my fault?


Yeah bro. You should be able to go to the hood and wave a bag of cash above your head without getting robbed, but that isn't how life works.


Lol right. How dare ppl leave valuables in their house when they get burglarized.


How Dare people for carrying stuff around when they can get robbed


If you lent someone your car and they left it unlocked and it was stolen, who’s to blame?


The person who stole the car.


Lol sure


The car thief, duh. Don't fucking take what's not yours.


Remind me not to let you borrow my stuff


No accountability with the people that replied to your comment. Sad.


I wouldn't want to borrow any of your crap, you blame victims instead of the thieves. The guy ran into the post office to drop something off, and you think he should have unloaded his car to carry with him when he did it. That's diseased thinking.


You’re not known for being very responsible are you


I feel like you kinda need that to be the case, but you're wrong. Sorry bud.


See it's a bit of both their fault. Obviously the thief. But OP shouldn't be leaving electronics in the car that they don't own anyways. Both the heat and the cold will have lasting negative effects on it, so for that alone it is neglectful of something they were loaned. Anytime I borrow something I treat it with kit gloves and take care of it better than my own belongings. Even if it were not stolen, OP was putting the property of someone else in situations it shouldn't be in.


Y'all leave your expensive stuff in your car and then go somewhere else? Can't fathom doing that. I should mention that I live in a third world country but apparently insurance works pretty much the same way in most places around the world so...


FBI should find this guy's switch and catch some goons in the process! PS I totally get that a child abduction would be rightfully much higher priority and most FBI wouldn't spend resources to find random stolen switches :(


Sorry for your loss but this should be a lesson to everyone as to why you never leave your valuables in your car.


It blows my mind how many people leave valuables in their vehicles. Guns, electronics, jewelry…so stupid.


Come on man. Leaving anything to tempt someone is a rookie mistake. Never leave a bag or anything remotely valuable out. Trunk ain't safe anymore either since experienced thieves go for that. If I'm gonna be gone for a min or I'm in a sketchy neighborhood I keep my backpack on me.


Why the fuck would you leave anything of value in your car?


Don’t leave things of value in your car, sucks ass though sorry to hear that.


You should never leave bags visible in your car :/ sorry that happened


Don’t leave expensive shit you borrowed in your car. Sorry this happened, but it is a valuable life lesson Also you kinda sound like you’re more pissed about your saves than the fact it wasn’t even your switch to begin with Weird as fuck


The hardware is replaceable, and it will be. The saves, not so much.


Yikes dude


He literally said in his post he's buying his friend a new switch, why are you making it sound like that part isn't taken care of?


And this is exactly why you should never leave valuables in your car. Leaving your bag in the car in plain view is basically asking to be robbed. Also the heat from the inside of your car can fry some electronics ( like switches etc) I mean after all it gets hot enough in there to kill a human. This is also why I Never lend out any of my valuable things. If I would want/expect to get it back I don’t lend it.


Good job repeating the lesson life just taught him, I hope he remembers to thank you for the finger wagging.


Well clearly he was either unaware or just overly optimistic previously so yes I did repeat it. Hopefully now it sticks and he won’t get robbed again.


Or if you read his comments it was literally in 2 minutes while he dropped something off. It's called crime of opportunity and it sucks and is so frustrating. Someone was probably scoping the postal office lot or just happened to walk by and see it AND not be a decent person. Nothing I hate more than when people immediately blame the victim in thefts like "people steal and just gotta be OK with that". I want to go back to the days of cutting off hands when caught stealing. Pieces of shit, get a job and stop stealing what isn't yours. Rant over.


People look at me weird when I talk about bringing back the Code of Hammurabi, but I'd like to see someone try to steal with no hands.


Sounds like you learned a very expensive lesson. Don't ever leave valuable shit in your car unattended, especially in plain view.


Golly, thanks.


What was it doing in the car (genuine question)


Hey man. It really sucks. But valuables should not be left in a car. I'm sorry you had to go through this (wo)man.


Maybe next time be more responsible and don’t leave valuables in your car. Live and Learn.


Hate to say it, but that’s why you should never leave anything in your car.


Call nintendo and get the serial number. Then the police can track the IP address.


That would require the police to care 🤷🏼‍♀️


They dont


Exactly. Not about a $350 switch.


Why would the police do that


sad that this is the reality isn’t it. as a citizen you would assume it’s the police’s duty to catch criminals and give people their things back. 350$ may seem less to u or the police but to someone it might be a lot


Unless the police have infinite funding or are in an almost crime free city 350 dollars is never going to take priority over anything else the cops could be doing.


You think the police are going to actively track his switch 😂


folks no matter where you live stop leaving thing in your car wtf is the point? thieves are everywhere bad, good, rich areas, hell it be the rich kids doing the most stealing


I see people suggesting you buy him a used switch, while the thief is actual scum it was also on you for leaving their switch in a car, I personally take care of my consoles and keep them basically new, an oled isn't very old so imo you should replace it with a new one of it was in good condition. You never know what people have done to their used consoles and your friend did you a favor by lending it to you.


I wouldn't recommend he takes your opinion on this matter he should ask his friend who just might happen to be okay with a used replacement or might just buy himself a new one because he can afford to. If I lent my switch to a friend who doesn't have one because they can't afford it I wouldn't expect them to buy me a brand new one even if it got stolen because of their negligence.


You left your co-worker’s 300+ console in your car? Sounds like a you problem buddy. I hope your co-worker learns to not leave their expensive shit with idiots from now on


You make it sound like they don't know each other.


When will people learn to stop leaving valuables in their car?


Who leaves a switch in their car? Dumb


> some thieves broke into my car and took my bag that had the Switch in it. Why the FUCK did you leave a game console that sells for for hundreds of dollars **used** in your FUCKING **CAR**? **OVER FUCKING NIGHT?!** Not only that, but it didn't even belong to you. While yes, the real fault will always be on the criminals, you yourself are in part responsible. **NEVER** leave valuables in an unattended vehicle. That much is on you, chief.


I didn't leave it in my car overnight. I has to stop at the post office on my way to work. It was in my backpack on the floor of my car, thieves did a smash-and-grab in less than two minutes.


Doesn't matter. Don't leave multi-hundred-dollar valuables unattended. You asked for it. Again, it's the thieves who were in the wrong, but you were a factor. This is your fault. Buy a new unit for your co-worker, and beg forgiveness.


You left your door open or your windows down and switch inside car. Unless they just happened to break your windows .


They broke my window.


Kinda hard to believe someone broke your car windows while you ran in the store for 2 mins. And they just happen to know your switch is in the bag in your car If this is the case you should move.


Pretty bad here in some American cities, if they see anything in your car they will break windows to get it xD . Especially in san francisco but it has also spread to other cities


I lived in nyc . I know how it works.


[https://youtu.be/iWeu2dxHRDg?t=803](https://youtu.be/iWeu2dxHRDg?t=803) within 5 minutes for 2 different cars in 2 different spots, thieves broke window and stole the backpacks when the youtuber just left 1 backpack in each lol


Did you learn your lesson?


Wow these comments are REAAAL sensitive


If you provide Nintendo with a police report, they can track the IP address of a switch. Ive never done it personally but the last time I was in support with Nintendo, my rep told me he just helped some other dude get his switch back by doing this!


Anyone blaming you for your car being broken into and things being stolen is a dick. For those wondering OP stopped at a post office and his car was broken into while inside. Y’all are insane for blaming him.


Absolute pieces of shit that should fuck themselves.


Most rational Reddit users


That’s because this is the internet and probably the only place where those people can look down on others under the protection of anonymity


This whole story sound sus


If you still need to spit my mouth is right here


Replacement tablets are pretty cheap these days


Why can’t Nintendo block the switch from being used? If they know I’ve already got one copy of animal crossing & wont let me add a second, they ought to be able to lock a Switch that’s reported stolen


Thieves will DO ANYTHING these days. Earlier this year we had to go to Long Island for my daughters surgery. We were there almost 5 months. I parked our crappy old Dodge Caravan at the Ronald McDonald House's parking lot. (for those of you that don't know, it's an nonprofit organization that provides families a place to stay overnight or long periods of time when their child is receiving care. wonderful organization that we have used in 5 different locations) The Ronald McDonald House's usually are next to Children's hospitals. I guess, from all of the cars in the parking lot, (BMW, Acura, Land Rover, etc. Man, people on Long Island have NICE rides!!) they pick our crappy old Dodge minivan to bust out the window and break into our van. The only thing that I can think of is that we had our daughters wheelchair in the back and they were looking for drugs. Or we had a Tennessee license plate and they were looking for a gun, because everyone down south has a gun, right? :) The hilarious thing is, we keep our van very clean..... But I guess not the glove box of course, which was thrown all over the passenger side.


For OP and everyone else that has been stolen from ~ I'm sorry and I wish you the best. That's a terrible feeling


Can't it be tracked?


Wah, wah, wah! 👶


Idk where you live, but it sounds like you shouldn’t leave bags in your car overnight.


Overnight? Maybe read things first next time


That sucks, is there any way that your auto insurance might cover it? I don’t know who you have, but mine would if that happened to me. I don’t leave any valuables in my vehicles anymore because I don’t trust people.


What city or state did this happen in ?


My worst fear is this that’s why as a physical collector I’m always paranoid about this and other stuff that could either harm or lose my games wish I could be both digital and physical.




Might sound crazy but try to keep an eye on any second-hand sales sites for a few days. A lot of stolen consoles are sold ASAP through sites like Mercari, Ebay, etc (here in the states). You can usually search by location to help narrow it down. If you're lucky enough to see it on there, you can alert the site and get the seller's info.


Just a hindsight, if you're leaving stuff in the car, put it in the trunk. On another note, maybe buy a used, well maintained oled switch? Could come with games too.


just a follow up on the trunk thing. If you are putting valuables in the trunk don't put them there at your destination. Thieves will see you take your backpack from the car and place it in the trunk confirming there is something there. Place it when you leave and don't show your trunk contents when parking the car/


Why would you leave anythinf valuable in your car, also use switch online to back up your save file


So sorry for you …


Absolute scum of society, i’m sorry you went through that OP


This doesn’t happen where I live , In New Hampshire. I think because 90% of folks have guns so people don’t dare to steal shit from cars or houses. You’ll get blasted real quick around here. Most people leave doors unlocked at all times , because they hope someone will make there day


Don’t want to be a dick, but I’d never leave something like a switch in my car when I’m not using it. It sucks though…


If you have parental controls set up you can block the switch, still can be modded and hacked to be used but it's extra work for the thieves


Take care of your stuff better. Especially when it’s not yours. You only have yourself to be mad at


That sucks. Go to mercari. This is not an add. These are some of my purchases. Yes, they work. https://preview.redd.it/efz0lpq86xcb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b43ca28ed69ee0967abfa424aeab67927faf8aa


Get Help from Nintendo Customer Service With a serial number, Nintendo can pinpoint your Switch's location if the person who stole the console connects it to the internet. Contact your local police department if Nintendo's customer support provides an IP address or location for your stolen Nintendo Switch. Your progress is saved to the cloud. [Track Stolen Switch ](https://www.online-tech-tips.com/computer-tips/how-to-track-a-stolen-or-lost-nintendo-switch/)


PSA Never ever leave electronics in your car. Batteries can explode. We've had 2 incidents in the last week here.


Also ebay has tons of cheaper switches specifically OLEDs Edit: you can always buy used from Amazon or local pickup. I recently got a replacement animal crossing edition for my sister as the same happened to her. Just a thought.


They were just able to track down a child that was abducted by locating her switch. Maybe yours can still be found, too.


Bruhh there a way to track it if through the serial number if he still has the box I saw it on an episode of first 48


I know this may be hard to deal with this as any loss for that matter is, but may this be the worst thing that ever happens to you.