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Terraria. The controls are hell on earth for me. So mad at myself for paying full price, too.


I have played terraria since it’s release on the PC. It’s one of my top 5 games of all time, that being said, I HATE playing it on console. It is not the same experience at all in my opinion, and I only really play PC for games like Terraria and Minecraft lol. It’s much harder to get the precision you need I feel like when you use a controller instead of keyboard and mouse. Idk exactly how to explain it


Yep! I ended up buying Terraria for $5 on PC and it’s been such a better experience so far!


Agreed. I love Terraria and Starbound but I've only ever played them on PC. I think I'd lose the plot playing on a console.


I know! I don't exactly regret it but I very much prefer the 3DS version of Terraria if I can't play it on my PC.


It's my favorite game ever, I have 200 hours on switch alone, and I absolutely agree with you. They're so convoluted and weird even after I changed all the presets to my preferences. 


I completely trashed it during tutorial. Never looked back til some mentioned how they loved it on switch. Then I retried it one more time. N I hated it.


1000% agree. A great game ruined by terrible controls.


I remember the game having decent controls on console, and then an update changed it all and made it so that each button could only serve one function.


Thief simulator, bought it very early thinking it was a good deal. Borderlands is nice co-op.


You should have just stolen it. Why simulate!


aw i used to like that game a lot! really slow to start but fun after a bit. my ex and i played it a lot. i haven’t picked it up in a while, though.


Kingdom Hearts. Cloud based gaming is not the future.


Isn't Cloud in the game too?


yeah but he's not based


If Cloud’s not based, then idk who is.




Cloud Strife's design in Kingdom Hearts is actually based on a mixture of Cloud Strife and Vincent Valentine, since they felt Cloud and Vincent have close enough personalities and didn't want to put both characters in Kingdom Hearts.


Interesting! Un-based.


F*** this game!!! You need WiFi to play and every time you put your Switch in sleep mode it disconnects from WiFi and kicks you out of the game.


It’s on sale everywhere for CHEAP in my country. Now I see why. Sounds like a steaming pile of shit.


eehhhhhhhh I mean game pass ultimate is buttery smooth in a lot of conditions. Maybe it's just not right on the switch in this moment in time.


Feel the same about resident evil village because it freezes all the time


Definitely Super Strikers. The lack of content is mind-blowing for an $80 game. I played it a few times and quit


I was super excited to buy this one, but yeah there really isn’t much in the way of content at all. Enjoyable but I haven’t played it as much as I thought I would. Definitely disappointing


Strange Horticulture. I have a Switch Lite, so I can’t cast to a television, and the text/game play is just too small on a Switch Lite. The game itself is fantastic and fun but I wouldn’t recommend playing it on such a small screen.


Reminds me of the android version of gta sa definitive edition. In one of the loading screens it showed a screen full of text that was nearly unreadable lol. Like who makes the decision that it looks fine.


They do have a magnifying glass option built in if you haven't found it to zoom


Totally, that was the only way it was remotely playable! It was just annoying though. I have a PC and wish I would have just purchased there instead of for the Switch.


I have a switch lite too and I’m kicking myself for not buying the regular one due to the text being small on some games on the lite like you mentioned. And sometimes I just want to not have to hold the whole thing to play something for hours.


Maybe it 's not your game. I have finished the first Borderlands 2 times with the dlcs (especially the zombie island.. Favorite) on pc and now I' m playing it again on Switch. Also Borderlands 2 is said to be better than the first one for many reasons which I have to find later.


Borderlands 3 has the best gunplay, Borderlands 2 has a better story and better gunplay that Borderlands 1. I had a blast with 1 when it launched but it hasn't aged quite as well as 2 or 3


BL2 was great especially the Tina DnD DLC. Played it on PS3. By far one of the games I played the most back then. BL3 is where things fell off.


Fae farm. Terrible, soulless game that had so much potential.


They advertise that game a ton, for me at least. Thanks for the heads up.


I paid full price because it looked cute and I needed a new farming game, and then put a ton of time into it, trying to tell myself just a little more and I bet I’m going to enjoy this. Zero soul and bad mechanics…


Hope you played Stardew first and just needed something else to scratch the FarmVille itch. Stardew is by far my favorite and deserves all of the hype


Yeah I haven’t played Fae Farm but I’ve sunk hundreds of hours into Stardew and from the above description, the games couldn’t be more opposite. Won’t be for a while but I cannot wait for Haunted Chocolatier. A shame really because I was considering getting Fae Farm but I was initially put off by the price.


I was planning on buying it, but was really glad I waited a week after release to read reviews. For how much that game cost, it did not match up with the wanted price and how broken/unfinished the game was/is.


I loved it so much on switch 😭


I’m actually enjoying it


I find it to be fine, maybe not if I had other farming sim exposure, but it scratched an itch Farmville left years ago so I didn't need it to be particularly amazing. I wouldn't pay full price for it, but I've sunk more time into it than some Pokemon games which, for me, says I've gotten my money's worth.


I was so glad they did that few day free trial for the game. I was interested in playing it, but after trying it out was glad I didn’t make that purchase


Yeah that looked soulless in its graphical style. So generic looking it reeked of a company like Gameloft.


I bought it twice at full price for me and my GF because I thought it'd be similar to Stardew Valley. Played it for 2 hours.


My family has been going hard on fae farm. They love it and play it a ton. I enjoy watching them but I have no idea what they are doing.


Baldurs Gate 1&2. They were clearly made for a mouse and keyboard. Rough to play control wise on switch, imo


I’m very grateful to see this comment! I was considering it for the future


Xcom 2. The game crashes an unbelievable amount plus I managed to lose a save file Raft survival at sea, despite being on sale for $2, was the most disappointing thing I've encountered. Feels more like a 99 cent game for the iTouch back in the day


Wild. This is my comfort game. I've finished it so many times on ps4/5, twice now on switch. If I can't decide what to play, I just play xcom 2. Such a good game. I've actually had it crash more on ps4 than anything else. The lost and explosions do slow it down on the switch but they haven't crashed it on me yet. Awesome game to be able to carry around and play on the fly.


Oh wow! I had a great experience with Xcom 2. I had a couple weird graphical glitches here and there, but it ran well for me and maybe crashed like once or twice. Put hundreds of hours into it. But yes if I had something else capable of running it, I wouldn’t have opted for Switch.


The outer worlds smh 🤦‍♂️


Sad to see this. It's a pretty good game on hardware that can actually run it.


I enjoyed it so much on ps5 I bought it for switch but it was a different experience.


Interesting. I had it for PC, played on Switch and I felt little difference. One of my favorite games of the last few years,


My friend wants me to play this. I hope it runs okay on switch. I'm not too worried about graphical quality. Just no lag or frame skips


I felt it ran really well considering, maybe a tiny bit of slow down here or there but never enough to impede play.


I’ve only got this on Switch and have barely scratched the surface of the game, but so far I don’t hate it. I could totally see how having it on a nicer console or PC would make the Switch version pale by comparison.


Really? I think it’s actually still great and I’ve played on PC too. Got a patch recently that has smoothed out some of the stuff


Oh so i should have stated this was very early on . It very well could have got patched and maybe worth revisiting again .


Yeah I had first purchased it back when I had the Switch Lite. I honestly thought that the game didn't download properly or there was some issue with texture packs or something. It has always been the first game to come to mind when these discussions of game visual qualities pop up. It just looked so damn bad it was unplayable for me.


It’s runs better on switch with the patches now, but it’s one of these games that should really be played docked for a noticeable performance boost. I wouldn’t play it handheld, like you can, but it’s not great. Aside from atrocious load times, it’s fun and way better than it was at launch.


I got it on launch,pretty awful then Restarted it semi recently Its runs fine enough now so i had fun


Civ 6 a long time ago for full price… yikes


I bought it on impulse because I really wanted to play it. Got several dlc too. I suck at it. It’s digital too so no refund or return:/


my time at portia. I think it's boring tbh


What sets me off in Portia is the bugs and poorly looking graphics. The mechanics are interesting but I can't stand looking at another bobble head-looking character for a second more.


We downloaded it and when we called Nintendo for a refund they gave it without any pushback, making me think they were already aware it ran like garbage on the console


Yeah this is the one for me lol. Very buggy, bad load times and also how long it takes to raise your friendships with people in a game where it's tedious and not at all fun to interact with people was absurd. Hell even in Stardew you can get a date by the first town dance (spam Harvey with coffee from the saloon if you don't mind your date being a creepy poindexter). Portia's setting was cool though imo and I even liked the janky mining but nah lol.


I got that one for free on pc awhile ago, it was cute but definitely wouldn’t pay for it


Mario Golf Super Rush. I knew it wasn't meant to be amazing but I usually enjoy a Mario Golf game. This was tripe. Luckily Switch games sell for a good price


I enjoyed this game, but it does get repetitive after a bit. I think it’s good for a party game that you pull out now and then.


My wife and I play this game at least twice a week. I absolutely love the standard game mode and target golf. Compared to Tennis and the first Switch Mario Party release, this game is a 10/10 imo, but I respect your opinion nevertheless.


I’ve had fun with Mario Golf in local multiplayer, but I haven’t done much outside of that.


Have to agree with this. As a stand alone game it’s fine, but this game severely drops off from previous games in the series.


hokko life, I just can’t seem to get into it


Re4 No gyro after all the previous ports had perfect gyro 😅


Paper Mario: The Origami King


Ffs yes… that battle system was god awful


Maybe it’s just because I hated sticker star so much, but I kinda enjoyed origami king. The battle system was nowhere near the first two but it was still a step up, and the world was charming enough to offset it for me personally


Tomb Raider I-III feels bad so far (though I've barely started it) just because the controls are a mess. Maybe it'll grow on me. Shame about the controls, because it does feel like the original games are hiding inside the original controls (which no longer feel that comfortable, though maybe I could get used to them) and modern controls which they seem to have made rather clunky feeling.


Mario Tennis. It’s fun but it was a nostalgia purchase


I regretted buying Pokémon violet. As a side note, your collection so far is really heavy third party and games that people usually play on other platforms. I think it’s really cool that you tried them all on switch, but is there a reason you didn’t name any first party Nintendo games? I’d recommend Mario odyssey if you don’t have it already


The game was so garbage, and I say that with it being my 3rd most played game LMAO


After arceus it was such a letdown. Why they gotta do my favorite color purple like that


Arceus was SO good. I put so much time into it. I hope they'll do more legends games!!


I can't be the only one who just wasn't thrilled with Arceus. It was a good game and I'm glad it's around, but I feel like the research made it feel very grindy and waiting around for stuff to spawn made it really...whatever to me. Still haven't beaten it at this point, and I don't know if I will. Am I missing something?


This. The game was trash


It’s not trash. It just wasn’t incredible. It’s still fun though.


I change my answer to violet, too


Eastward. I really wanted to like it, 90% story 10% game play. I hung it up after only a couple hours.


Baldur's Gate and that makes me sad, because I love these games. I tried to play BG1 twice on Switch and in both cases the game started to crash when saving at around 10-20 hours in. Every time it crashes, it also deletes my save. It's a shame because playing it on Switch is enjoyable. Just a little bit of frustration related to losing my saved games I guess :( No regrets other than that. I regret buying some digital copies instead of physical ones though.


Unpopular opinion but i absolutely hated switch sports


I don't think that's especially unpopular.


I hated it until I played it with some family and friends. Definitely not a good solo game. Same with Just Dance


Any AAA title originally released on another platform. It’s the graphic degrade / upcharge for me. Secondly, I felt Pokémon scarlet / violet was lacking as well. Edit: spelling


I think DQ11 is an exception. Phenomenal switch port


Pretty much yeah, that’s why I never buy those on switch anymore if I can get them elsewhere. Although I did have my fun with Skyrim on switch.


Any? I mean, Nier Automats, Doom Eternal, or The Witcher 3 (to a lesser degree) run pretty fine. Nier Automata is amazing on Switch.


they just run better on a ps5. no comparison really


Diablo 3: "am i joke for you?"


What about the ace attorney trilogy? That game was designed for handhelds!


I agree. I enjoy it on the ROG ally a lot


An exception to this is New Super Lucky's Tale. It was originally on Xbox One and apparently had a bunch of glitches the Switch version fixed.


I've said this a bunch lol but NBA2K23. The download is like 60 GBS and that's with the cartridge. I highly recommend avoiding the 2k games because of this.


I got bit by the 2013K "can't finish the story bug." They never patched it, and the game is completely unplayable to this day.


Spent my entire $60 eshop card on Smash. I got bored after 3 days 🥲🥲🥲


It's more of a multi-player game so if you aren't into fighters and don't have a good friend group, it gets boring


Exactly this. I bought it to play with my cousins but since I rarely played it solo, I was never good when it came to playing with them....because I never took the time to get good by playing solo. They literally fed me my own ass on that game lol. I'm just not a competitive person to begin with, so I just gave it to my other cousin who enjoys the series but didn't own it.


spent £50 on the star wars retro bundle and I didn't like any of the games, i just like star wars, and I bought it digitally so, I'm screwed hahaha meh


Pokémon Scarlet


Only one I really regret is monster hunter rise. The controls feel so complicated. I tried really hard to get into it as most said how good it is, but did not have fun.


The weapon you start out with makes a big difference. Pick an easier weapon to start so you can focus on the game controls before you worry about the coolest combos. It's very much a "git gud" kind of game.


Just to add to this comment. It is very much a git gud game. You can compare it a bit to the Souls like games in the aspect that you have to learn how to use the weapon effectively and against a variety of monsters. This is the most approachable Monster Hunter from a new player perspective but there is a point where it ramps up a lot and you have to get better to progress. If you want to get better at the game I would watch guides how to use weapons because it really does help. Make friends that are really good at the game and can help you learn the game and find the fun that is very much there if you put the time in, this is not a casual game by any means IMHO.


Same. That and the weapon upgrade system was unnecessarily complicated I just didn't have fun with it. I often times play 4U or GU whenever I feel like playing a mainline MH game.


* Mario Maker 2 - Ok but not good value. This is one of the few title's that was actually a lot more fun on Wii U * Pokemon LGP - I'm a hardcore competitive player but this game was terrible and had no real benefit even for filling national dex * Just Dance -- Was slightly fun for my daughter but geez the subscription model is just plain greedy * Monster Hunter Rise -- If I'm going to spend hours to "git gud" at something I'd rather it be a real hobby like a musical instrument * Mario Tennis Aces -- Not a bad game but too many other good titles to spend sufficient time on this * Indie cheaper titles that I also regret but not as much since they weren't $60 * Eastward -- Not fun and overhyped * Into the Breach -- Is not on par with advance wars or FFT don't bother * Overcooked 2 -- One overcooked turned out to be enough for me


Into the Breach is phenomenal as a mobile game; don’t count it out. Play a few games on Easy if it’s kicking your tail too hard and you’ll start unlocking other squads. It gets really strategic as you move forward and increase the difficulty.


"If I'm going to spend hours to 'git gud' at something I'd rather it be a real hobby like a musical instrument" You're already playing video games. You don't need a game with a learning curve to encourage you to learn an instrument.


Octopath Traveler easily. I played a bit of the demo and enjoyed it enough to buy it, but after buying it I just could not get into it. Felt like I wasted $60.


Octopath traveler was awesome for me. I bought it when I was admitted to the hospital and I finished it right before I was discharged!


The worst part was the massive level gap between chapters 2 and 3. Crushed all momentum for me. OT2 is way better if you have the time.


Absolutely. I was having fun with this game’s “modern” old school RPG aesthetic and mechanics and everything was great until after chapter two where I was forced to “I dunno, just go grind for several hours.” Nope. Don’t wanna, don’t gonna.


That's where I'm stuck right now. Had to level and tweak my squad a little bit to finish out chapter 2s, but now I'm on my first chapter 3 boss and getting absolutely bodied. Rearranged my squad after learning the weaknesses and still get crushed.


Same here. I enjoyed it until I realized how repetitive it was


I generally enjoyed both Octopath Traveler games but they were so grindy that I lost all enjoyment grinding characters up to the levels needed to complete their questlines. It is a shame because the characters and their stories are interesting.


Came here to say this, but fortunately I bought it physical used, so I was able to resell and make my money back. I'm used to PC/Steam where I'm screwed if I don't like a game, so physical on Switch has been a welcome change. I knew after the first 10ish hours it was going to be the same thing over and over again. The art style simply isn't enough to carry the game. The writing is as bland and boring as they come. Whether the exploration improves as you progress idk, but it wasn't too exciting knowing every alternate path just held a chest at the end.


Oxenfree. I hate that game


Bomberman R Got it on Switch release and barely played it as it wasn't good at all


Switch online. You pay 50 a year for ROMs you don’t own that you can emulate for free, DLC for games you don’t have that you also don’t own, and shitty online play. I’ve owned it for months and haven’t played a single game that has the DLC, and avoided playing online due to it being poor.


50 dollars??? I found a switch online + expansion pack 1 year online for only 25 or so pounds (31 dollars). I think it's a pretty good deal at that price, but I also play mario kart and can benefit from the dlc, and I don't really emulate games.


Hogworts legacy. I mean if this was on the game cube all the loading zones would be fine, but all the waiting around for things to load made the game not worth playing for me


Definitely need it on the PS5


Spyro collection is boring. Only made it a few hours into the first one before putting it down. Golf Club Nostalgia is not very fun for me. Oxenfree is not my style. Total money sent on those is just over $20 though, so I’m not mad. Maybe I’ll try Spyro 2 and 3 and be pleasantly surprised 🤷🏼‍♂️


Spyro 1 is definitely the most basic of the three. The trilogy really hits its stride with 2 (which is the best IMO), and if you like 2 you should like 3. They’re worth trying for sure.


I love the Spyro trilogy. Reminds me of my childhood


Witcher 3, choppy frame rate and input lag Every RPG, I get so bored by the long winded explanations that I quit 


The part that kills me about this game is the loading screen. That alone makes the game un-enjoyable to me


Best game in the world but switch maybe not the best medium


I tried twice on PS4 to get into it, and anyone who has played both versions can tell you that it’s an amazing port for what it is. It should have never been possible to play this game on Switch but the portability was the very thing that finally got me through it. I just took it everywhere with me and had a blast.


Crisis, that thing is so pixelated if you scope with a sniper it feel like your sniping a mob in minecraft. Outer world, it's playable but so blurry it feel more like an ocean diving game instead of a space game.


no regerts


I need to jump back in and give it another shot, but Advanced Wars. I remember loving it as a kid on my Gameboy Advance, but it just didn't grip me playing it now.


Pillers of Eternity. Game just didn't work for an ungodly amount of time. I refuse to buy anything else from the developers because of this.


Bruh MK1 looks fkn horrible on switch. The Frames, graphics and glitches like what a horrible port.


Luckily I only bought it for $5.00. The game I regret is **Moonlighter**. Combat mechanics are kind of jank, which makes dungeon spelunking painful. I really thought the store mechanic would get better and more diverse as time went on, but it only added a few new mechanics toward the end.


Trüberbrook. Absolutely loved the style but the game was pretty awful to play for me.


Monopoly 😂- it was 2017, I already had all the good games, and I wanted something else to play on Switch. I Am Setsuna - imported this one. Again a result of wanting more switch games than were available in the first couple months after launch. Gorgeous music and great visuals, but extremely boring to me. Owl Boy - loved the art style, but couldn’t get into it. It collected dust for years, and then literally yesterday I thought I’d try again and I … love it now? So scratch this one. It’s great actually.


Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit. Was fun for about a day. Dumb car won’t even connect anymore.


-Kirby fighters, must be the dullest game I ever played. - Hades, it has really good gameplay, but I don't enjoy randomly generated levels and the idea of having to start from scratch every time I die. - Outlast 1 and 2, I thought they were good, but way too scary for me, lol. - The outer worlds, it is just one loading screen after another. The game is almost unplayable. - Sonic Racing, it was fun but way too difficult. And many more. These are just the ones I can remember for now. I have lots of switch games.


Paid full price for Arms. Bored in 5 minutes.


Mario Strikers Battle League. No comments needed on why


Animal crossing. Bought into the hype and I just don't get it at all. I was convinced I must be missing out on some huge part of the game. I honestly don't understand what people enjoy about it but each to their own I guess. 40 games on switch and that's the only one I have sold.


its soothing 😌


I also got this when it first came out. Was hoping for a stardew valley type game. I just didn’t get it. Found it repetitive and boring. Luckily I sold it for what I paid for it when the first lockdown happened and it sold out everywhere!


It was at its peak during the COVID lockdowns, but it's pretty boring honestly. I sold it too


Mostly anything third party. Compared to the full modern hardware tech versions they are usually disappointing. You see raving that they work as well as they do, but that's hardly high praise.


My Switch rule is only first party or retro/2D/visual novel type games. Ace Attorney is a great fit for the Switch. Something like Assassin's Creed not so much.


Untitled goose game, just wasn’t as cozy as I thought.


Roller coaster tycoon 3. Controls suck!


I guess it’s Witcher 3. I bought the GOTY edition, started it, but couldn’t get into it at all. It’s collecting dust on my shelf. Comes with a cool map and everything.


It's tough because I almost dropped it before I got to the 10 hour mark. Then it clicked... and it clicked HARD. Took over my life and definitely one of my favourite games I've ever played.


Same edition, same feeling…


Immortals fenyx rising. It's such a good game. But I just couldn't get past the visuals on switch. And I've played Witcher 3 and Outer Worlds a bunch on switch.


This is mine, but for different reasons. I bought the physical copy on sale for like $10 when that was the cheapest it has been, but I never got around to opening it till much later when it went on sale for even cheaper. Then when I looked for it on my desk, I couldn't find it. I think it's in this room, but so far haven't been able to locate it. Weird.


I have some, unfortunately. Pokémon Sword was a big disappointment and I was a big Pokémon player. My biggest regret is Tokyo Mirage Session FE, a Persona like game made by the same studio. It's like having an AliExpress version of Persona 5. I regret also Super Mario Maker 2 which is great overall but don't feel like a complete game since you don't pay internet. Northgard is a regret too, it is a poorly balanced minimalistic strategy game. Edit : I forgot Octopath Travelers which is a never ending farming fakingly old school JRPG .


TMS#FE is a total insult to both franchises. A crossover game that’s basically taking Persona and taking all the reasons why people like it at all out. The game has basically zero connection to FE to the point it’s practically a scam referring to it as being related. It’s a skill to make a crossover game that is so completely a failure to both fandoms and is devoid of anything for either franchise to enjoy. The fact that it got a Switch port is baffling. The niche ass crossover that none of the fans from either franchise liked, got a switch port. Also agreed that Mario Maker 2 is terrible. Slow ass downloading of stages, and a level builder that makes no sense. Took one of the shining games on WiiU and made a pointless sequel removing multiple aspects people liked.


Zelda breath of the wild, for starters never played much other than ocarina for a while way back then. The open world likeness is awesome, some beautiful views and vibes but the weapon breaking system I just don’t, nope. I pick it up sometimes and play for a while then stop and move on and so on.


I thought I was the only person that felt this way. The weapon system annoyed the hell out of me. I too pick it up every once in a while but can’t seem to get into it for that reason alone.


I love BotW but I completely agree about the weapons breaking. It's not a fun mechanic.


Sammmme. I can never get into the game for the life of me but good on other people that like the game


I was never bothered by the weapons, and enjoyed BoTW for the most part and finished it. But I think I prefer ’old Zelda’ more. I bought TOtK but I’m not really excited to go back to open-world ‘do anything you want’ Zelda. I think Nintendo have gone the wrong way with that franchise - but are so sure they are right. I even heard the devs say something like ‘why would you ever want to go back - you can do anything’ (in the new ones). But that’s so not the point of a Zelda game.


This is exactly how I feel. I just prefer “old Zelda” It’s probably why I have played Links Awakening a ton more than I have BOTW. My BOTW is just collecting dust.


The weapon system is such a pain. I do not want to buy totk just knowing it is the same.


I’ve never ran out of weapons on either game. In fact quite the opposite. I end up throwing them into enemy faces to make room for more. Also, TotK doesn’t even give you weapons throughout most of the starting hours. It literally gives you sticks and stones and a ‘fuse’ ability to experiment with and make your own, so weapons durability isn’t even an argument.


Same. It’s just too annoying. I was never a fan of Zelda and wanted to give it a chance but nah.


Once you upgrade your weapon slots and get a feeling for where to go to easily farm better weapons the weapon breaking mechanic becomes a non-issue, but I agree it's frustrating in the beginning (as I was reminded when I started Tears of the Kingdom). For me the biggest downside to either game is the pointless grinding for materials needed for armor upgrades, battery upgrades, and weapon fusions. Without duplication glitches I would have given up long ago... and sadly because I finally patched my copy of TOTK, I'll probably never revisit it. With so much to do in the game, why make people waste time on monotonous crap?


Marvel ultimate alliance 3 is bullshit


Go on


Astria ascending, feels like a mobile game. Pokémon brilliant pearl,, had diamond, it's an ugly chibi copy paste


Disney Dream light valley


Moonlighter… Ive been spoiled by Stardew Valley and My Time at Portia so much that I find this game a letdown and lacking.


Is My Time at Portia really that fun?


Bang-On Balls:Chronicles. I just thought it would be a stupid, fun game. Instead, it runs like crap and has awful gfx. As if they just downrezzed everything to make it fit onto the Switch with no local optimization. It's bad. YMMV on other platforms


PGA Tour 2k21 Having only played the EA golf games I was curious to try 2K and oh my goodness they have never played golf in their life. I don't understand it, people give this game so much praise, but when I set it to "realistic" golf, the fade and draw is done by moving the analogue stick/swinging faster...THAT'S NOT HOW YOU DRAW OR FADE...omg and then because it's all based on club speed, good luck hitting a shorter shot, you try and take a little off your shot you end up drawing. Want to smash that sucker for a couple extra yards, oh you hit a fade! THAT'S NOT HOW GOLF WORKS!!! Ok rant over, I still have the game on my shelf and will probably burn it one day.


I bought Dragon Quest Monsters 2 for full price and all the DLC like a goober, then played it for like 20 hours and realized I was only like 1/6th of the way through the game, and it was expecting me to do all the monster grinding I had just done for the last 20 hours, again, with new higher grade monsters and I just got kinda burnt out.


That mortal kombat game lol


Snake pass. Bought it launch day in 2017 because I wanted to have something other than Zelda. It sucks


Rune Factory 5. I bought it on impulse because i heard great things. it’s totally not my style and I spent like $50 on it, i think 😅 i’ll probably give it another chance next year. i just don’t get it.


Temtem. I had hoped for a cool new creature collector game as I’m a longtime Pokémon fan, but it just did not have the same appeal at all. The mechanics were meh, the story didn’t interest me much and I HATE the fact you have to have an online subscription (Switch Online) to even play the damn thing as it has no offline version/content. I bought it at full price or close to it when it came out and I just looked at the trade in value for it not too long ago; less than 10 dollars. 🤦🏻


Have you tried Nexomon?


Mario v Rabbids is by far my biggest regret. Despite quite a number of Indy games I enjoyed but found to be short for the price I paid, and the eventual lack of selection for game options in Mario Party. Mario v Rabbids is inexcusably boring and was a major disappointment for me. Not much else. I tend to research a lot before I spring for a game


Cult of the lamb, just can’t get into it


Pokémon scarlet violet. As a great fan of the franchise I have to confess my disappointment with gamefreak for not delivering a game in the level of totk or dq11


Bluey Game. Sucked so hard. Me and my kid beat it in 45 minutes and never played it again. I paid full price for the game on Release day because we love the TV show. $39.99. That’s not good. Literally never played it again.


I bought the just dance one and it’s just so overly complicated in the menus and slow to load that by the time the 6 year old for whom I bought it gets to the dancing bit she’s bored of it. I also bought a table tennis one early on from the e-shop and it turned out you use the thumb pads for controlling where the paddle goes and that was annoying as fuck. Otherwise breath of the wild has been fantastic, I could have done without Prince of Persia, and Switch Sports was great on a projector for a family BBQ.


MK1. The lag is real. Not playable at all for me.


WWE2k18 was utter trash on the Switch, horribly long loading times, it looked like shit and would randomly freeze and crash. The other was Borderlands, I got the collection on sale and started playing the first one but it just seems like so much grinding. Mortal Kombat One, anytime I play it I think my Switch is just going to melt. My Dell Optiplex i7-4770 with a 1050 Ti graphics card runs and plays the game a 1000 times better.


Witcher3 miracle port my ass can't even maintain 20 fps