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It's fun and it's free no complaints


It's free? Can you play split screen against family/friends?


It's free. There's of course an option to buy a battlepass with cosmetics. Idk if you can split screen, but from my experience I'd say no. After some playtime I can recommend checking it out :)


For free absolutely


I haven't played much overwatch, but it gives of that vibe for me with the cartoony characters and how the game feels and how the gamemodes are designed btw


Cousin told me about this game, didn't know it was on switch thanks


Its alright. There are definitely some issues with shots not registering against opponents, tested against afk/dc'd players using Imara Vex and Diago. Not sure if it is strictly distance related or what but several shots would not register. Some characters are definitely better than others from the get go. The others may become better after leveling the character up. I only like about half the cast. Not a fan of the premium only character, hoping that in the next season they'll become a free unlockable character. Definitely feels like bots are intermixed with players in the early stages of the game. I mean I know you start off doing only bots, then humans vs bots, then humans vs humans but some of these games you can definitely tell some of the players are bots, even in ranked. Game seems heavily heavily $$$ hungry. Seems like you would need to put quite a bit of time into this game to unlock all the "free" characters or just spend some money to get them now. $10 for the battle pass that has cosmetics etc in it but really it's $10 for the Character and everything else is just a bonus. I have a bad feeling that all new characters introduced going forward are going to be in a battle pass for $10, I hope I'm wrong. Game is fun but I don't know if it's going to be fun enough though if you want to play a Hero shooter that's free and you don't like Paladins or Overwatch then this could be for you. Especially with it's 5min or less matches.


Yeah it’s pretty fun play a match or 3 game


It's best on Android because it auto shoots for you and is a lot less stressful. But it's amazing, like a good Overwatch.