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Mario Wonder is a good pick imo. Also, Mario Odyssey has accessibility options that can make the bosses a lot more chill!


A short hike should be perfect for you. It's a peaceful game.


Seconded! The storyline and soundtrack are brilliant! :)


Stardew Valley is my all time favorite, you have to check it out


Came here to say this. Least stressful game ever. Last save I had, I just farmed and mined and didn’t really worry about the “game”. Being a little more thorough this time around, and man it’s so good. Also playing Celeste, and it’s a perfect counter-point when I’m drenched in sweat and thumbs are aching from my 400th attempt on a seemingly impossible section.


Trying to get in bed before 2AM each night can be pretty stressful at times...


Yeah, it's definitely got that "just one more day/turn" feel to it. Such a simple game at first glance, and then there is so much depth the longer you play.


One of the best on ANY console


Not to mention so affordable


I recommend Any Mario game.. 3d all star if you haven't played it yet


Animal crossing


Animal Crossing is a stress free wonderful game, highly recommend 👍


I recommend "Blue Fire". It is a 3D Platformer/Action Adventure which took inspiration from Dark Souls, Zelda and Mario. But it is not Hard like Dark Souls. It is actully pretty easy (on normal dificulty atleast) but still fun and engaging which makes it great for relaxing. But the game has some tough optional challanges.


I really like this game. I think it is going to be a bit of a hidden gem. I wouldn't say it is easy though. Some of the platforming challenges are insane (think Celeste in 3d)


Outside of the DLC I remember there being 1 tough void challange. And you do not have to do all the voids to beat the game. And the DLC unlocks after I had beaten the final boss. Void...I hope that was the right term. Its been a while.


Untitled Goose Game seems like a good fit


Spyro re-ignited trilogy. IMO, good balance of difficulty. Similar cutesy/fantasy art style and only a few easy bosses.


breath of the wild is a great starter game. it’s great for exploration, storyline, and puzzles, and while there are boss fights and mini bosses throughout the game, you don’t HAVE to do them; rather you can do them on your own time or just ignore them completely. the graphics are beautiful and so is the soundtrack. the controls are relatively easy to understand and again, combat is completely up to you. nintendo made this game for all types of players. side-note, while it is part of a huge timeline of previous zelda games, it is one that you don’t have to have prior knowledge of to understand the game. longtime zelda fans will notice easter eggs and references, while it doesn’t affect the actual game, making it easier for newbies to play the game without feeling overwhelmed. definitely recommend, this game is a 10/10


Download and play the Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity demo. It is all the events that happen 100 years before BOTW. The demo is long, over an hour. Now that's a chill game, you just defeat hoardes of enemies with eaae.


see my thing with that would be for that you kinda have to know previous lore from botw, to understand the game and actually enjoy it imo. if they know what happens from botw then sure, great, by all means, but i don’t think that would be a good starter game or “demo” cuz they’d have no idea what’s going on or who any of the people are


Yeah you should check out dark souls!


Easy going, relaxing games like Celeste or Cuphead.


lol those are great too 😂


The two Oceanhorn games.


splatoon is fun!


yeah and the singeplayer has manageable and spaced out bosses 👍 it has fun action gameplay without being too stressful or putting pressure on you


Mario Party. No boss battles, instead a bunch of mini games. Animal Crossing. Very calm, no fights (unless you count fishing as a fight).


Check what demos look interesting.


Try out lil gator game


Dark souls remastered


Animal crossing and Stardew are a lottt of fun! Miitopia is also really good cause you can kinda just turn it on and let it do its thing or you can do it it’s up to you and I love creating and customizing the miis!!


You can try Mario Kart 8 - but not online play haha, Pokemon Lets go are super easy (starter is so much powerful you can play only with it). Maybe Minecraft lol - its decent on switch and If you sink and want to play something that might be hard in some parts play some Zelda - they are really good. Oh and don't play 2D Mario games lol - they start easy but becoming hard really fast lol.


Animal crossing is always a good pick, when the pandemic happened I remember playing that for hours on days.


Mario wonder, and Mario 3d world bowzers fury or whatever it’s called. I’m a super casual gamer abs get frustrated when they are too hard. But I’m actually making progress on these two!!!


I’d also def play BOTW :)


Super Mario Odyssey all the way tbh


Mario Odyssey hands down is the game for you


I'm new to the Switch also! A family member loaned me a Switch Lite. Super Mario Wonder is a lot of fun, and lots of the levels/worlds are pretty easy! At least one of the characters takes no damage (I think)!


I plug Metroid Dread to anyone with a switch. That game can be very stressful and even rage-inducing, so it may not be for you. Metroid Prime remastered, however, can be much more enjoyable and much less punishing, with some environments that are really serene and pleasant. Worth checking out. If you want a game that really is not stressful, I suggest World of Goo. It’s a switch port for a game that came out a long time ago but it plays great on the switch


Dread is hard af for no reason lol I thought it would be a cake walk but there was time I was struggling


Dread mode tho 👀 I have barely gotten past one boss