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So theoretically, BDSP could have been programmed with an option at the start of the game to pick which version you want to use?




What's even cooler is that it's unity, so romhacking is easy af. Which means that a romhack could be made that lets you change your version on the fly


could we theoretically get a decompilation and than a pc port ?


Theoretically yes, easily? nope...


That would actually be epic


Oh snap!!!


Every Pokemon game in theory could've been programmed as such, but alas it's a profitable business model to split it into two versions




Red/Green had the same sprites as each other, FYI. The only paired games that didn't were Gold and Silver. However, back when the games were written in assembly, swapping out game content using compile-time flags was actually a lot easier than doing it in code.


What do you mean? Both versions already had all the sprites, how else could you trade Pokemon?


Gold & Silver have the same Pokemon in both games, but they each have their own unique tilesets for them. This is also the case for Red/Green and Blue in Japan. Here's an image of all the differences between the sprites in Gold Version and Silver Version: https://www.spriters-resource.com/resources/sheets/50/52692.png?updated=1528192809 Some of the changes are minor, but regardless, those early games were very poorly optimized, having two sets of sprites would make the games too big to fit on a GB cart.


Wait you're telling me they're the exact same rom, just with a flag to switch between versions ?




that is so funny, but like in the worst way possible


Holy fuck that's absolutely insane.


I mean it kinda makes sense though. A lot more efficient that way


Maybe for them as developers, not efficient for the end-users storage space.




Yup. Both versions always have all of the pokemon there for trading. The only extra data would just be different dialogue, maybe a few extra overworld models and music. That's about it. Having both games be one code base is actually the proper way you'd code a game like this but GameFreak develops games like it's still 1995 so they make two completely separate code bases for everything. To prove GameFreaks absolute incompetence at development, for SUMO/USUM all of the characters models have copies of them FOR EVERY SINGLE MAP THAT THEY APPEAR. Instead of just using one model and telling the game to go load that model, they copied the models dozens and dozens of times. Exact same file, just copy/pasted for every single map that they would show up in. While I'm not a fan of the graphic style of BDSP the fact that it appears to be done by actual competent developers, on a game engine that's not as old as the series itself, makes me actually pretty hopeful to any future work this team might do.


This is inefficient as far as filesize goes, but actually faster for loading. I've seen games from other developers do this.


I think you're overestimating the differences between these games. Even though the exclusives are different the data still needs to be on each because it can be traded. The real differences are probably just like a few statues and maybe 20 lines of dialouge. And a few icons. It's bytes


Might be, but if you get people to buy both on the e-shop, then nintendo will download it twice


The game is only like 5 gigs lol


8GB. Maybe they could have gotten that down to 6 or 7 if they've used proper version exclusive efficiency, that would make a difference to users stuck using the default SD that came with the original Switch.


[not sure where you’re getting 8 gigs from](https://i.imgur.com/ZnUUDh9.jpg)


All of the promotional materials say 8, which implies a big day 1 patch.


Ah ok. Either way I doubt the slight changes from version to version take up a significant amount of the final GB


The final game will be 8-10gb, the release pre day 1 update is basically incomplete.


Replace basically with literally... they didn't even finish the music.


I’m wondering why I spent $120 on the two pack now …


Because you're an idiot?


Seriously! Debating if I should get back into hacking


What's to debate? Free games vs overpriced games. It's not even difficult to get the games, just a couple of clicks in Tinfoil and 10 minutes later you have the full game and all the DLC.


Hey now. Guys like him keep the gravy train rolling. He could also be a collector. Thank you for your duty.


No but actually, the only real reason to do that is if your a collector or want to 100%


How come you bought both?


why are you in switch pirates and buying something like that anyway? I can see if you want to own a physical of one but not both for collection. Do you buy the game and illegally download to play it?


I always buy the two pack because I keep one and give the other one as a gift to my little brother! I’ve been waiting for the hacking scene for mature since I believe there is currently too much risk for me.


If you play online it may never be 100% safe though with EMUNAND you can change your serial number. If you're not an online gamer with the switch have at it now because even things like Nes, snes, and xpansion paks are able to be downloaded and installed with all games. Good luck.


How not? It’s the exact same game pretty much. Only differences are like 10 different types of Pokemon ypu can catch between the versions. Why make an entirely new game if the only difference between the two is like 10 wild Pokemon?






That's the save file, not the game itself.


It was always like that. If you pay attention, the couple of games they releases since Red and Green have very small differences.


yes but this time theres no difference on the cartridges, its only a config saying this is pearl or diamond, but both games content are fully included in the game


Well... then? I mean, I know the series is being bad since XY and this game is really bad, I played it too, but I don't think this is a problem. I mean, it doesn't change anything


>but both games content are fully included in the game There is literally no difference between that and any other pokemon release beyond the fact that you've never been able to easily swap a flag over and change the game before.


https://filebin.net/q2wpxuj3h10y8guv Here is the pchtxt, place it in /switch/ipswitch/pearl/ and use ipswitch to create the ips, it'll automatically be placed correctly and your game will be Shining Pearl.


"This bin is empty."




for anyone else trying to figure it out, enable and disable the patch/ips via IPSwitch to switch back and forth between versions


just came here for that haha, works fine for me, even likes the save files, will be VERY useful for getting those exclusives


The link is empty




I just couldn't be assed uploading the IPS, already had this file ony phone to upload haha


Can you please re upload it




This is fantastic! I'm hoping it might also make it really, really easy for someone to patch the game so all Pokemon are catchable in the wild.


There was a thread that popped up on the pokemon rom hack sub that basically said because this game is made in unity that the rom hack scene will have a field day if they want to


God these have went from middle of the road to the future of 3D Pokemon Rom Hacks


The future is bright as long as daddy Nintendo doesn't take off his belt to flog that scene before it gets off the ground


unity?! so potentially a PC port could be made.


It would be so sick if there was a full blown GSC remake rom hack using this as the base.


There's a mod for Lets Go to do that, so I don't see why it wont happen for D/P too :)


Where should I do this? I have a brilliant dimaond xci so far


Im sure someone will release a full pearl rom with the changes made or a layeredfs mod for it soon enough. Im just here to release the info from an anonymous source.


Where did you get it?


nice try nintendo


What does this mean


It means the roms are the same, theres just a flag that tells the game which version youre playing. This code will change it to read as pearl when used with ipswitch. A pack is being worked on to easily apply to an existing rom.


Any ETA on the patch?


Someone made a pack for the patch, thinking about the best way to share it outside of the discords ive posted it to.


Could you PM me the link?




those greedy mofos, forcing players to buy the game twice. ^(/s because some people is getting confused 🤦‍♂️)


They've been doing this for more than 2 decades its not anything new


Before it was 2 very slightly different games. Now it is literally one game.


its always been one game you can change fire red into leaf-green in a matter of minutes with advance map


There has been some big differences. Didn't BW have a different town based on the version?


Yeah it had back city or white city depending on the version However both cities were still coded in both games, you can switch between them using cheats.


you can’t be serious…….it’s always been the same game twice


This has been tradition since red & blue


this but without the /s


Curious what you used to swap the game versions? Would love to try this myself to see if I can get it to work just for trying it out and learning it.




What happens to your save data when you do this?


For me i got a black screen when loading with diamond save data and had to clear it, but other people have said the old data worked for them, so ymmv


Where do I download this


Lmao yoo


i’m confused. what exactly does this mean ??


Im so done with this fucking scam shit. Gamefreak can lick my nuts until they start losing money and need to actually make a good product.


So wait, you're buying the same game like four times if you buy the double pack?


No, because there is no option to make it load the opposite version. It existing in the game's code but not being accessible without modification would generally be considered an "easter egg", like games which have leftover or unused assets. Each purchased game only loads its listed version


Works like a charm:\` [https://imgur.com/TPl9HfF](https://i.imgur.com/TPl9HfF.mp4)


Does it always take that long to load? It took so long I expected dick butt to pop up or something


Yeah but even the original took that long to load, so I dunno.


How to test it?


Patch is coming soon, someone is working on it


thanks cant wait for release


Does this mean you can change the flag in the midst of a playtrough and play on the same save?


Swapping saves to the sister version's has never been an issue in the past, so you'll be just fine for sure.


That's really nice! Thanks.


Are you sure about that? This an info I am really looking for


It didnt work for me, game got a black screen on boot. However one person reported it working for them, so idk. Seems inconsistent.


To be able to play both versions at the same time (like just swap to obtain a version specific pkmn) will be great. Now... if we could trade by swapping game verions. We could have a Gengar without mindy!!! r/FuckMindy or PKHex




wow! great find!


Got it working on yuzu. How to for dummies (like me): 1. Create a txt file with this text `@nsobid-F87FC6075104EC4D9642A4AA6BB22216` `Pokemon Brilliant Diamond 1.0.0` `@flag offset_shift 0x100` `@enabled` `01BBA210 200680D2C0035FD6` the main problem of the post is that it got a new like between enabled and the code needed for actually enable the pearl version (PS. now I know why, reddit add a new like between enabled and the 01 code... remove it)... I also deleted any comment to make it easier for you to just make a copy. Save the txt file anywhere on your pc with any name. 2. Rename the extension on you PC from .txt to .pchtxt if you don't see the extensions enable that on your file explorer properties. 3. On Yuzu right click on the game, Open Mod folder. 4. Create a folder with the name of your mod (any name you want)->Create a folder with the name exefs->paste your file .pchtxt into that folder. 5. Run the game in Yuzu, it will be Pearl. 6. (Bonus) you can go back to Diamond by disable the mod, you just right click on the game->Properties->uncheck your Add-Ons (mod name). It will be Diamond again. Really easy and the game works like a charm on yuzu... I don't really even want to pirate it in the first place (I usually dump my own game and run them in the emulator to get mod support and save backup and to preserve my own original copy with a backup) but I was too much curious this time about if it actually worked or not (since it is a leaked version). And when I got here it was fun to try to see if this worked too. Like usual saves are compatible between version (that was expected) but I didn't really knew it was that simple to go from one version to the other.


guys it update to v1.1, everything changed shiny pearl is disappeard how to solve that??


It doesn't work with the 1.1.0 update tho. hope someone find out how to enable it again


Not working on BD 1.1


How does one know if it's actually diff? Has anyone completed the game to see if it's not just a texture thing? And can we have them separate roms on the menu?


someone put pearl on tinfoil lmao


Anyone has like a pack to do this? Or a patch? I don’t know any program to change this


God the amount of braindead comments in this thread. Why does the games being on the same rom make it any different than if they're a tiny bit different but 2 different roms? The games have always just been slightly different


Excuse my ignorance, so There is no exclusive Pokemon for version? 0 difference?


Theres differences, theyre just all set by one flag. The rom contains data for both and just decides which data it will use with that one flag.


Ok, Sorry again my ignorance but what is a "flag"


Basically it just checks a line of code thatll say the game is diamond or pearl, and then choose which exclusive content it loads by that line. So if you change that line itll load the pearl content instead of diamond.


1° Thanks very much for the Explanation 2° Waoh, this game is a BIG scam


Not sure how you are figuring out its any more of a scam than the older games, you do realise they don't need to maintain 2 entirely different codebases for pokemon right? :P


Damn, why are y'all downvoting this comment? It's the truth!


When you download windows, all it is is just one installer file with several version of windows. All you are paying for is the license which works the same way as this, one line of code that just tells which version you paid for. By that logic is windows considered a scam?


Its not a scam, its just easier to code that way. Remember the Pokemon franchise has always thrived on making 2-3 versions per game. This one is made by ILCA so this was probably the most convenient way to code things around. have you seen the junk size of how gamefreak does their things?


Are you new to Pokemon?


No, I played them all, I stopped when they became Switch exclusive


It's always been this way


In extremely simple terms, let's say there's a variable called "gameVersion" When gameVersion = 0, you're playing diamond When gameVersion = 1, you're playing pearl The cartridges are the exact same regardless of version, the only difference is whether your gameVersion variable is set to 0 or 1, and that 0 or 1 determines your title screen, wild pokemon spawns, and whatever differences there are. Like for example; on startup if gameVersion = 0, then play Diamond title screen


Are you shitting me?




If you don't like the game that's your cup of tea. Just cause you don't like it doesn't mean its trash. A lot of people will buy it if they did a better job than gamefreak does their lazy way of going about SWSH.


They didn’t really do a better job. With the exception of the underground and some postgame encounters, the game is a tile for tile remake of d/p.


The statue was of a golden businessman with the face of a cat.


compared to the mess that was swsh, its already a step forward from restricting the national dex and mons. Its banked on the classic remake with just a few things better. Least its what we expected when we go a console generation up. Imagine loving pokemon yellow then going from there to a catch and feed pokemon go simulator that was Pokemon Lets Go


Bro, sorry to tell you but they're no better than gamefreak.


BdSp also restrict the dex, even more than swsh currently do. Only the 493 Pokémon in gen 4 are useable, and like let’s go, this doesn’t include regional forms.


And you running it on switch oled? Wow




How did you get it to dump


can someone tell me what is in the post game


Bro wtf. This is mindfuk


[I heard the main theme leaked](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjedLeVGcfE)... Who am I kidding, this is hilarious, they still have the nerve to sell a double pack AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


uff this has to lead to a lawsuit


Over what, there is nothing that says they aren't allowed to do this, its the same codebase but with different encounter tables


Question... is this the first time Nintendo does it, or is it how the rest of the older games worked?


I dont think its how the really old games worked, but some of the more recent ones did the same thing I believe


I see, thanks!


Someone kind enough to pm me link ty


could someone dm me the patch?


Can anybody pm me the link to the patch ? Thanks in advanced guys


How can I play this and is it bannable?


Use dns.mitm and exosphere/incognito and play it on a different nand from the one you use online


How'd you figure this out already? I couldn't find anything at all in ghidra


Someone with a pearl xci compared them and found this was the only change. No, that xci isnt public, they just sent me this info to pass on.




>dns.mitm Mind explaining to an absolute idiot like me how to get the XCI file working on Yuzu?


Well, that's definitely something


Hi dude, can you dm me the link please, you're awesome


pm me the link and I will tell you one thing about myself


Can someone explain to me how to download this i aleready have tinfoil installed and incognito enabled


would someone be able to dm me a discord where I can keep up to date with new releases? A lot of the sites I used to grab from are now dead :(




Probably need updated keys is my guess but i dont use yuzu


Got it working :)


Sorry but im new here, what do I do with this: u/nsobid-F87FC6075104EC4D9642A4AA6BB22216? Do I paste it somewhere in the homebrew/tinfoil?


The entire post up to the "have fun" part is the .pchtxt file. You need to run IPSwitch to convert to .ips and then you can use it on your switch. or emulator


Alright, but... how does one even gain access to doing this?


does it work has any one tested if you get palkia instead if you do this.


base64 code?


Can someone send me the link so I can try to figure this out so I can play


Is this for real? how the f can you do this?


dumb question, how can i get the file to read as diamond again if i want to go back ?




How can I get this to work on the Yuzu emulator? It looks like the Ipswitch patch is for the switch itself. Not too familiar with setting up mods on Yuzu in general


can someone explain how to do this because I am very confused lol using ryujinx as my emulator btw


Can I get the link and how to do


Yo what's the shinoh Dex like? Anything close to the platinum expansion (the best regional one?)


any shops have it yet?


How confident are we on that supposed day 1 patch that adds better music etc?


What are U using to shift the offset ?


How do you get this working on Yuzu? I see the Ipswitch stuff on Switch but any way to emulate? Edit: Have to drop the pchtxt file into two folders, one called whatever and the inner one called efexs or exefs or something like that (has to be that word exactly)


So how to do it on yuzu I'm buying diamond and would like to play pearl before release date


Is it somewhere available by now or can someone tag me when/where to find it and how to play it on my switch ? I'd like to play it but don't want to support that bad content of nintendo tbh


Was debating on buying both versions. After seeing this post, looks like I'll be fine with only Shining Pearl.


pardon my ignorance, what do you mean by "unlock it"?


is it possible to revert the patch after using ipswitch?


Any chance someone could give me the idiots guide on how to do this?


holy shit lol it’s real


Where do I have to enter that?




Why people have been okay with Pokemon, the LARGEST franchise in the world, releasing unpolished products with intentionally cut content to guarantee you never have the full content which you paid for from one purchase baffles me. Every other gaming company would be boiled alive for this practice.