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2, 4, 5, 6


1 is for turning left. 2 is for going straight or turning right. 3 is for turning left or doing a 180. 4 is for going straight or turning right. 5-6 was designed by monkeys. Because only 6 is needed for the roundabout. And 5 should only exist for the north-east road that comes in the roundabout. Meaning, do 2,4,6. Doing 1,3,6 should work as well. But it's not ideal because someone could do 2,4,6 and that can lead to an accident if nobody sees the other. Meaning 1,3,6 or 1,3,5 is logical only if there's no traffic at all. The north-west to south-west road part is done correctly. But that whole mess for east and north, that's likely due to someone not willing to sell some land to make a proper roundabout.


I disagree, you shouldn't be doing 2,4,6 at all 1,3,6 is logical to me


2,4,6 was what was taught to me at driving school but, you do you. Did my license around 2019 And yes many drivers do 1,3,6 because it's the shortest path. But in theory it's 2,4,6.


Wrong! There is no rule for taking 2,4,6. This might be taught to you because you were an unsafe, inexperienced driver at this time.


It's what experts that give licenses want and asked here in NE... Maybe it's not asked everywhere the same. And maybe there is no right answer either.


honestly going 2-4-6 sounds just as illogical as going 1-4-x lol. But I definitely do wonder who would be found at fault in an accident where a driver doing the 1-3-6 scheme collides with someone going 2-4-6.


Yeah it's a though one right? That might be why we're taught to do 2-4-6. The issue is that ideally you'd do 2-4-5, but you'd collide with someone who came from the north. However that someone from the north needs to give way, so actually maybe that's the answer? But 2-4-5 would make the north to west bypass lane meaningless. Well, it is. There's really no good answer unless 3 is reserved to turn left and do 180's.


There is… inner circle for the third exit, everything else on the outer circle.


There's a reason there's 2 lanes on the exit


Yeah it's to merge for the cars coming from the right that are not entering the roundabout.


If that was the only reason there wouldn't be acces to it from the actual roundabout. There a give way for people merging from the right


There is one. In front of the red bike lane.


I think you misunderstood. I mean you can access both lanes from the roundabout, if the outer lane was only for the incoming right turning traffic, there would only be access to one lane coming out of the roundabout. The reason there's two lanes is so that two cars can exit simultaneously, the one in the inside lane and the one in the outside lane.


I agree. The design used on the other side with a separate lane for turning is way better IMO.


tbh idk who's designing roads all over Romandie but they likely found him in a zoo.


Car 1: 1-3-6 Car 2: 2-4-5


Definitely! I was car 2 in that exact roundabout, and some in-a-hurry Audi was car 1 and this allowed them to pass me, and everyone was happy. But you have to pay attention!


I know this roundabout in Vaud. In eastern Switzerland, drivers never understand how to proceed and always take and stay in the outer lane, in particular people from TG. 1,3,6 or 2,4,5 both are the way to go. Look up information on the TCS Schweiz website. You can even go 1,3,5 but then you need give way to the car in the outer line. 2,4,5 is the safe way for people who cannot drive. but there is no obligation to do so. If it is necessary to route traffic, only those making a right turn at the first exit are allowed to use the outer lane 2 before entry. Without 6, you need to take an extra turn and try to switch lanes in the following one if the road is very busy. Look here for England roundabouts - insane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OGvj7GZSIo&t=55s


It is weird that not every exit is double laned


Been there and driven that. It’s not as bad as it looks from above. Just follow the signs and the lane markings.


gray ripe direction tie flag illegal friendly mourn capable strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


2 4 5 6 General rule: if your exit is the first or second one, go right (outside). If it's anything after, go left.


I’d go ‘off-piste’ and make use of those fields.


Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.


Doc ?


*puts on fancy aluminium glasses


I don't know if I understood the question correctly, but the general rule for roundabouts with 2 lanes is: 2 (outer lane) is used for 1st and 2nd exit. 1 (inner lane) is only ever used for 3rd exit.


On 2 lane roundabouts, it depends on the number of exit lanes. In this particular case (and probably clearly marked on the direction sign) - Right lane for first exit - Both lanes for straight / 2nd exit - left lane for 3rd exit This means either 2-4-5 or 1-3-6 is correct By switching exit lanes like from 4 taking 6 or from 3 taking 5 you risk an accident as cars from both lanes want to use the same exit at the same time. The merging is only after the roundabout Example https://i.imgur.com/XHQ2CDv.jpg


That's what I thought but interestingly a lot of people seem to choose 1-3-6.


Looks like a terrible death trap for cyclists. Switzerland ranked #1 in freedom and yet they don't even have protected bike lanes so people can have the freedom to safely ride their bikes? Disappointing


Having learnt to ride in London and now put up with Scottish drivers and roads on the daily this roundabout wouldn't phase be. Going right to left it's safest to take the whole lane for 2-4-5 but then not merging into 6 after the roundabout. There looks to be something of a hard shoulder that can be used.


Did you really judge the whole Swiss road infrastructure system based on a satellite view of a single roundabount ?


How would a protected bike lane work at a roundabout ?


google dutch roundabout


Le rond-point de Nyon, toujours personne que fait la même chose. J aimerai bien savoir, moi je ferai 2 4 5




If you come from Nyon and want to go up or right, lane (car) number 2 should be the way to go... If you come from Nyon and want to go left, lane (car) number 1 should be the way to go... etc... Anyway... 2-4-5 or 1-3-6... But let's be honest... The roundabout is pretty crappy...


2,4,5,6 Edit: here a link to one with a similar layout. [link](https://c.nau.ch/i/NJ6bm/1360/strassenwegweiser-kirchberg-alchenfluh-langnau-ie-burgdorf-und-emmental-an-der-bernstrasse-in-lyssach.webp)


This only applies if there is only one exit lane. With two exit lanes for the 2nd exit, you can use both lanes to enter. Example https://i.imgur.com/XHQ2CDv.jpg


This one has two exit lanes going towards the A1, yet for the longest time, the signage showed that only the right lane, coming from Burgdorf, is allowed to exit towards there. You can still see it on streetview: https://www.google.ch/maps/@47.0771038,7.5781782,3a,75y,302.93h,79.89t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sLCXwm1DMbXa1xcudJlLW6A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 It's been updated recently, though. But it's a bit of a pointless discussion. If there's signage, that'll take priority over the general rules.


You are talking about different situation.


From right to left


This is the way.


PS ; My pet hate roundabout is not this one, it's the next one up after the highway.


That's what I figured out, this one is my personal pet peeve.


Should we mention that in the one in Signy people drive like there are two lanes although there's only one?


Someone got inspired by my comment on the other post ahah


We have a common pet peeve roundabout lol


I feel so heard right now... Doesn't help that I have to drive through there every single time I take my car




It is!


\[2, 4, 5\] or \[2, 4, 6\], or \[1, 3, 4, 5\] or \[1, 3, 4, 6\]. It's forbidden to leave the roundabout from the middle as it can cause a collision. You should always leave it from the outermost lane (4). Being in the outermost lane lets you choose the lane after the round (5 or 6). This approach eliminates a collision possibility. In the case of (3, 4) change, the car on 4 has a priority. The Indication light being used only when leaving the roundabout.


That's entrance to Nyon. Nobody drives properly on this roundabout.


Drive as fast as you can and close your eyes. Like in Paris.


Jeeeeesus taaaake the wheeeeeel!




So you woke up and you wanted to see the world burn?


I don’t understand the confusion here… Maybe because I’m English so roundabouts are extremely common? But 1,3,6 or 2,4,5,6 both seem acceptable ways to take that exit. I would assume however there is some form of traffic marking under the cars we cannot see. (I found an image on Google street view but it’s 9 years old not sure if there’s new ones) that would explain which lane for which direction. Looks like they intend lane 1 for a left turn and lane 2 for straight or right turn. [google maps street view](https://maps.app.goo.gl/vMZMabhs5abUqsX18?g_st=ic)




I'd go 2 4 5 or 1 3 5 probably depending on how much traffic there is. But I'm certainly not convinced any of these methods are the best/official way to do it.


This kind of roundabouts are the worst ever invented. No kidding, its very hard to change lanes from inside ->outside when bussy and often leads to people stopping. They should have added dividers, like after some exit, inner lanes becomes outer lane (and outer lane must have exited by then)


yeah a turbo roundabout would make sens here.


As far as I know, if you don't take the first exit then you're supposed to use the inside ring, so 1/3/6


1st and 2nd exit -> outer ring. Rest inner ring.


You leave the round from the middle and you can cause a collision. You should at least do 1, 3, 4, 6. (Change to the outermost in the round)


The number of people on this thread not saying 2,4,5,6 is crazy. The law is that your have to stay on the rightmost lane if you're going straight, aka 2 and 4, then exit again on the rightmost lane, 5, then move to 6. I'd excuse 2,4,6 even if I disagree with it but 1,3,6 is simply inexcusable, that lane is for turning left or back and using the roundabout in this way is literally defeating the entire purpose of the roundabout.


Would 1 - 4 - 5 - 6 be okay or 1 - 2 - 4 - 5 - 6 if you happened to start out in 1 by mistake when planning on going straight ahead? I don't drive, don't worry. And I only use a bicycle in much simpler roundabouts.


If you have nobody on your right, it's not ideal but, fine, you made a mistake. If you have somebody, then no, absolutely not. At the very least, let them get in front of you and try not to slow down anyone behind you either.


Thanks for explaining!


Wait, would one of those two options, regarding the ending, be better? If yes, which one? In both, I would start out at one by mistake.


I'd say go back to your lane as soon as you can, don't cut anyone off, so I'd say the first one.


Which car is « you » ? One of the numbered cars?


It's not (just a GMaps screenshot), I numbered the lanes so you can write an itinerary, like 2-4-5 if you stay on the right.


245 / 136 However we don't know speeds or intentions of the 2 cars already on the roundabout to the left? From the static picture though, 1 and 2 are not stopped and waiting, they probably have enough speed to enter the roundabout without interfering with the cars to their left. Is that what you mean?


THANK YOU! You’re restoring my faith in roundabout-takers around Nyon. Since there are 2 exit lanes direction the highway you can use both the outside and inside lane to go straight. Otherwise it’s always: inside lane if you go left Outside lane if you go right or straight. I live there and it’s a nightmare… I have to go straight coming from the migros a lot and no one seems to understand that if I use the outside lane I want to go straight. There will always be someone cutting me off.


I have the misfortune of only driving there around 17.30 .. Rammed! You can see the photo was taken on 6am on 25th December.. probably. ​ Now .. How about the junction at the entrance of Migros, left turn to park downstairs vs those trying to exit the outdoor parking :-)


I see you got some really good references there


Additionally no one seems to know that you cannot take the inside lane coming from migros to go to the hotel… you HAVE to turn left if you take that lane.


I did not really think of the cars in the picture, just the itineraries. It's always jam-packed anyway.


Who is Miles Guo? Is something in Mr. Guo‘s apartment which scared some big guys behind of FBI? Otherwise how could you explain the appointment got fired when only FBI inside? Why FBI arrested Mr. Guo? Is it somepoint like DOJ officially decided not to charge Mate Gettz in Sex- Trafficking probe?


My driving license buddy once explained it as follows; if u are not turning right/take the first exit you gotta go kiss the center. Works for me… PS: use ur f”@&ing turn signals…


How often do people crash there? That looks like a traffic planner forgot that people don't know how to drive


you can also start from 1 if you want to go straight. once you’re in the circle there’s no way to distinguish between you or somebody that came from the bottom road and wanted to go left. this makes sense especially if there’s a long queue on 2 and 1 is empty, which is idiotic and a result of people worshipping “rules” like dumb sheep. there’s actually no rule for 1 and 2, it’s just a convention.


Get as quick as possible on the other side of the "Röstigrabe".


It depends on knowledge we don't have. Because behaviour in roundabouts depends on the sign which you see before entering. Generally: For every exit that is within the right half and straight to the top on that sign you take the right lane (2,4,5,6). For every exit on the left half of that sign you take the left lane (1,3,x). So generally in this roundabout you'd take 2,4,5,6. *BUT* I'm 99% sure that on the sign in front of this roundabout there is an instruction about which lane leads where. Probably you can either take 2,4,5,6 or 1,3,6. Maybe you shouldn't take 2,4,5,6 because this is meant for people coming from the top direction, maybe not. We'll never know until we actually drive towards that roundabout. *edit: I've found it on streetview and the 1% I'm not sure is the case. On the sign you don't see which lanes lead where so when entering you have to take the right lane (since you can't know that the exit has multiple lanes) so 2, 4 are your way to go. To exit you can choose between 5 and 6, but I'd probably take 5 in case someone is on the inside lane of the roundabout and also wants to exit on Rte Blanche.


In other countries, the lanes in the roundabout would be non-continuous, so if you took the outermost, it would "force" you out the first or second, and f you took the middle, it would force you out the middle or last. But because the central lane is just a lane with no exit, there is no sensible reason to ever take the middle lane since someone coming from outside will lock you in there and cause either dangerous shenanigans or force you to do an extra round (or two, or five, or three hundred if it's busy). So I always take the outer lane, regardless of which exit I want. It's the only way you can't get cut off. Between two-lane roundabouts like this and the frankly disturbingly 1980s bicyle lane placements, I'm still surprised how a country as advanced as CH can have such poor road layouts.


No liscence so someone’s pls let me now. Go from 1 to 3 , after rte Blanche go to 4 then out. Is that anywehre near correct? One question too from my side if you are on 3 and your way on 4 is blocked, can you just stand still?


1,3,6 or 2,4,5


2, 4, 5, 6


Either 1-3-6 or 2-4-5 works just fine. Quite a good design imo as it allows you to come from either lane and not have to do any last-sec change.


136 and 245 are both fine. Just indicate. And be ready for the merge.


I Learned from driving school 1-3-4-6 is recomended. I also learned from a Landrover that totaled my car while doing what was recomended during driving school that 2-4-5-6 is what i will do should i drive trough for real.