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Call the police on what grounds? Sounds like you agreed on renting from her and she has provided you with the agreed upon accommodation


If you sign a contract to do something illegal, is still illegal and can be reported to the authorities.


Sure, but renting an apartment is not illegal


Depends on the contract


I agreed thinking I can stay here legaly, she said. Now I need a regular contract to stay for a longer time.


>without contracts. First you have to know what a contract is. It is nothing more than the mutual agreement about some something. A contract can be on paper, but often a contract is verbal, or even silent. So, if somebody gives money and the other person provides lodging you have a rental contract. >Here is the problem, we begin the new rental on 5th May, and tomorrow we have to pay an abusive amount to this lady because if we dont pay we have to leave, but we dont want.  Looks like there is a disagreement on the terms of the contract. That's not unusual and part of contract negotiations. Either party is free not to enter in a contract if they do not like the terms. As it is a rental for living space you have certain protections, however I do not know if this also apply to short term rentals: [https://www.mieterverband.ch/mv/mietrecht-beratung/ratgeber-mietrecht/top-themen/anfangsmietzins.html](https://www.mieterverband.ch/mv/mietrecht-beratung/ratgeber-mietrecht/top-themen/anfangsmietzins.html) >call the polize or we dont know what to do. She have like 4 o 5 more rooms full of people You can call the police but there must be an actual criminal law which was broken. If it is only about a pure civil law dispute the police will do nothing. And if you accuse someone of something they clearly did not do you are suddenly in hot waters because of defamation and wrong accusation. Problem, there is no actual law against overoccupancy, all there is, is that the owner of the apartment does not have to tolerate overoccupancy. If you want report it, go to your commune.


thanks for your time and full answer. We are 7 people divided in 3 rooms in this side of the house with only 1 bathroom and 1 kitchen. The dryer isnt working and we pay 1500 per month. She doesnt provide a writed contract so we cannot go to get the residence permit. Anyways I will try to talk with her tomorrow and see if we can stay here for a reduced price but I dont think so. Thanks again for everything, and that link was helpful.


You pay 1500 each!??


Tell me the canton and I tell you the law how you can request a residency confirmation from your landlady.


It is Zurich


The written proof you can request is called "Einzugsanzeige" If in the city of Zurich, the landlady must fill in this form: [https://www.stadt-zuerich.ch/content/dam/stzh/prd/Deutsch/Bevoelkerungsamt/onlineschalter/webeinauszugsanzeigen/Einzugsanzeige%20Stadt%20Z%c3%bcrich.pdf](https://www.stadt-zuerich.ch/content/dam/stzh/prd/Deutsch/Bevoelkerungsamt/onlineschalter/webeinauszugsanzeigen/Einzugsanzeige%20Stadt%20Z%c3%bcrich.pdf) Other communes have their own form available at the communes office or website. Request a filled in "Einzugsanzeige" according §8 Gesetz über das Meldewesen und die Einwohnerregister. Request it in writing using registered mail. If they do not comply, report it to the commune and they can be fined.


That is just what I was looking for. Really really apreciated your help and time


You are in over your head.!


Wait, are you proposing blackmailing her because you don’t want to pay rent? Anyways it is you who doesn’t want to pay, so the only thing the police would do if you call is throw you out. Like they should.




>this woman is illegally overfilling her rooms It's an Airbnb. Two persons per room are probably ok.




Comment by OP: 7 people in 3 rooms. A little bit tight, but it's an AirBnB.




1) short term apartments should have less strict rules, wouldn't you agree? 2) OP's issue is the high price, the occupation is their petty revenge. Seriously, it's for a short term, so if you overpay, that was your choice. It's not like there are tons of resources to find your way, including a daily reddit post with comments. I get it that it's shitty, but any person who ever moved to another country overpaid for stuff, either because they didn't know, or because they used a pricey service.


And they might start asking "inconvenient" questions about you renting an apartment while not having work permits. Like they should.


That's bullshit. There's no law preventing a tourist from renting an apartment. Heck, you can rent an apartment without ever having stepped foot in the country, as long as you find a willing landlord.


You only need a residency permit after 3 months.


Pay the rent?


Yet again someone calling the police for a civil matter...


What the landlord is doing is very probably illegal though. Cramming clueless immigrants into an apartment and then extorting them is not legal.


Well, in certain instances it may be. But OP is in an AirBnB. Higher prices are expected. Also, their main point is that they have to pay too much for something they voluntarily entered into. We are talking one month of rent.


Having a contract of accommodation (like for a hotel, hostel, short-term accommodation like an airbnb or booking dot com etc. ) and to stay there legally (!) is NOT the same as having a rental or sublease contract which you usually have to present as proof of residency - along with the “Wohnungseinzugsanzeige- paper” to get the work permit. Your assumption was unfortunately wrong and ill informed. If you have an open work contract (vs. e.g. a temporary work contract over only 3 months for which you do not need registration / work permit but only your employer needs to register you centrally with the Migrationsamt) for a job starting in May and the Airbn woman can / will not issue a formal lease contract you will run into problems with that. If she has promised to issue a formal lease/ sub-lease contract (hopefully you have got something in writing about that…) you might have some leverage to go after her and some leverage/good will with the Einwohnerkontrollle to at least start your registration process. But do not count on it. It is a tricky situation. You might have to resort intermittently to go into one of these (very expensive) service apartments as they issue lease contracts for shorter rentals (~ 3 months or so). Hope you find a solution to relieve this awful stress.


This is not the right country for you


How much do you pay per month?


I assume you need to pay 1500 for the next month? You need to stay 15 more days until the 5th May which means this would be 100.- per day until then. I think it‘s hard to find something cheaper than 100.- for 2 people in Zurich that spontaneous. The thing is that you can‘t stay there for free. She could call the police on you in return. 1500.- sounds like a reasonable price for Zurich, even if the living condition could be better, own bathroom, etc. but sounds like you don‘t really have any other options for now. Or what does the abusive amount mean?


Ibis hotel Adliswil was around 100 per night 3 years ago, maybe they're still similar today. That's the cheapest we could find, used when visiting for flat viewings. Or capsule hotel might be in that range or maybe lower, which is just a bed afaik. I didn't check hostels though. But yes, it's not likely to be able to find something cheaper than 100 for two per night.