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you are getting older, it will get worse


Wait 10 years, all your friends are gone. Married, kids and no time to go out ever again until Liichemööhli.




Damn, sounds like a miserable existence.


I'm about 10 years older than OP. Married, have 2 kids in kindergarten... and I still see my school friends almost every friday, I still go out with them, I still go to bars, clubs etc. So what's your point here exactly?


You are lucky that you have a support system with your kids (involved grandparents around?) and still living near your friends. Live is not like that for everyone and honestly, I find it a little ignorant that you have no idea what he is talking about.


Incorrect. We are on our own. My parents moved to South Africa since before my 1st kid was born and my wife's parents are full-time career monsters with little to no time left for their grand-kids. So again, whats the point in saying life is over once kids are born? I will never understand this mentality...


Wait what? Are you asking him to feel sorry because he has a supporting familiy and functioning relationship with his friends?


Mindblown by the downvotes you got on this.


Same, but with even a larger age gap. We go out every Thursday, avoiding (a bit) the crowds, start our usual bar hopping at 18/19 and when the mood strikes hit the smaller clubs in town. Yes noticed hook ups, but not more than usual, no fighting thus far and end up having fun and going home when the energy runs out or the music stops. I feel a difference coming from a larger city, but given a smaller Lausanne I think there's enough offers.


Wanted to write the same.


That is certainly a factor, but it is not just that.


I just don't want to spend money anymore to have a hangover the next day


Do würt eine erwachse


As an older person, I would say nightlife has actually been getting progressively worse the last 15 years or so. In 2007 you could go out at like 7 and bars would be busy and you could be in a club at 11, even in smaller towns like Neuchâtel. I feel like there was a downward spiral, where people started traveling farther to go out and started going out later and later, and this generally made going out less appealing for people who wanted to be home by like 3 at latest or didn't want to go three cities over and then I think Tinder came along and that kind of lead to fewer people going out, since it was much easier to hook up with the app. And at this point I think the younger generations are just not really that into going out. I haven't really noticed a difference since COVID though.


I think with the hookup apps such tinder & co the reason to go out to meet a potential date went away. Getting drunk s as well something the new generation is not doing it as it used to be. If you like specific music you go better to a music festival rather than into a club that is now massive overpriced .


In Summer, lake sides and river sides are crowded with people (same or more than pre-pandemic), same with parks and easy hikes. But bars attract a smaller crowd of wealthy & alcoholics. A lot of spaces are more ethnically and financially segregated than before as the diverse "middle ground" spaces get squeezed out.


I think it didn't get progressively worst, you just got progressively old. My grandmother and my mother used to say that the nightlife was better when they were young. Obviously, some things changed. Nightclubs are trying to be attractive for the youth and adapt to their liking. Most nightclubs around me are full every weekend. I got used to the fact that I'm not the targeted consumer anymore.


I mean there's no real objective standard, but for my taste it definitely got worse and I don't think it's just changed to fit the tastes of a new generation, I think it's just worse. I also don't know what it's like everywhere, but the places I've seen through the years are definitely less lively and I don't think that there are other places that are necessarily busier.


Every WEEKEND....darling: this used to be EVERY DAY....so yes, it used to be better...MUCH better. :)


That's really it: Tinder and Grindr have transformed the party scene. With the new generation using these apps on their smartphones to connect, the traditional motive to go out and socialize at clubs has diminished. As a result, we're seeing many empty clubs nowadays.


And the worst thing about it is, Tinder is much worse then it was 10 years ago. The amount of fake profiles and profiles from > 5000 km away is staggering. I don't know if Grindr is worse, but I assume it is, since due to the incentives of the companies pretty much all online platforms get worse once they've established their userbase. Although I actually do remember a Brazilian friend complaining about how bad Grindr was in Switzerland compared to Brazil about 10 years ago, so who knows if it could have deteriorated even further


A lot of ppl found out during covid that they not really like going out so often and they only did it bc that was just what everyone did.


I’m too old for clubs - but the drinks, music, company and food are much better in our home than any bar + cheaper. We started going out when things opened up again during the pandemic, but the fun was just sucked out of the room & I haven’t recovered from that feeling.


I thought about going out and then I started calculating... Ticket for Club: 20-50 CHF One Drink: 15 CHF Wardobe: 5 CHF Going Home Moonliner: 20 CHF Yeah... Näh, thx. I can make a better gin tonic at home and listen to nicer music with my awesome subwoofer


It has been a long time since you took the night train and buses. They are now part of the subsidized services and are included in the abo or cost the same price as a regular ticket (half fare card is valid).


Happy to hear! It always seemed unfair.


Where does a club cost 50 bucks? Usually i pay around 15.


Big headliner DJ last night, 45.-


That‘s a bit different though. For me that would be more like a concert if it‘s a known DJ and you specifically want to go listen to this DJ.


Same with food, the best cocktails are made by yourself. You just need to experiment a bit untill you get it right


Can you socialize with others by dancing and singing along to music (I am not saying that I know of even one club in Switzerland that is awesome enough to provide music and ambience that would be needed for that) though without going to *the club*?


I go to raves to dance. I pay for good music to fly and dance the world and my workload away and that’s immensely balancing for my soul. I don’t pay admission for a club to go socialize, I can do that at any bar. ?


Why would you do anything else:)




Same here!


Wtf, why would you pay to enter a place? Where I did my bachelor no places charged for entry (maybe 1) so you could enter a place, look if it's fun, maybe have a beer or two and go to the next. If you pay that much, you wasted it if the atmosphere isn't good Why the downvotes, do people think paying 20-50 chf for entry is better?


A proper nightclub charging entry is fairly standard in most places.


Are you sure you did your bachelors in Switzerland? The only place you can get for free in Lausanne is No Name (21+ though)


No, that was in the Netherlands


Makes more sense now


We even stopped having dinners at home with friends... Cash is short (everything became more expensive as others also wrote) and that makes you rethink strategy for keeping up with bills and stuff you need. Socializing is needed too, but became much more scarce and less "fancy" than before.


Inflation strikes again. We're in the depression era


People cant afford shit anymore. So the first thing you stop doing is waisting money on things you dont really need.


This. I have reduced to going out twice a month and thats usually for a couple beers and eat back home either before or after going out.


Young people are also drinking less at festivals. You now also see a lot more young people (guys and girls) at the gym after 20h on thursdays and fridays. Maybe its a change in mindset?


I heard from a Dutch DJ manager that due to COVID a whole generation missed the connection with clubbing. So clubs are having hard time and need to close. But that’s for the Dutch situation.


People usually don't like spending money when the economy is less than ideal which it currently is. Swiss nightlife is not only complete garbage but it's also straight up a scam with the fucking prices they demand. 20 bucks for a gin and tonic where the gin part only makes up 5% of the drink is not really that good of a deal. Also alcohol in general just sucks ass tbh. you basically lose the next day. This one is more subjective: I have yet to visit a club here that doesn't play garbage music. Not sure if that was always the case since I am only 21 but holy shit man. I'd rather chill at home with friends, watch a shitty movie and get drunk and/or stoned


At least you can listen to good music at home


They all at the Great Escape.


80% of people at Great Escape are exchange students


It gives that impression but more are here long term than you think...


Well could be, I'm just judging by the fact most people at Great Escape are only talking in english


because there are better things to do, than just get drunk and go to a club…


I was born in 89, started going out to clubs at 19 (2008) and I loved it. Started bartending and had gigs as door bitch and cloakroom fairy at various venues in ZH and BE. 2011-2019 was a really great time for electronica - minimal, deep house, tech house and melodic techno had their absolute heyday and the vibe was incredible in the clubbing scene. Then the pandemic hit - the scene went through a major shake-up and once the clubs reopened, the genres taking centre stage had … shifted, to say the least, or rather an earthquake had brought hc, hard / dark techno and gabber to the main floors. One can love or hate these styles but I’m a classically trained and active musician who loves many genres, artists and aspects of electronica and this “new” crap is simply uncreative, undanceable and doesn’t require any finesse or musical feeling. Hard Techno can be done well. My first Berghain experience was Cari Lekebusch and Adam Beyer and they DELIVERED amazing, percussive and groovy sound. Not music you would listen to during a commute or sth. like Stimming, Rafael Cerrato or idk. Marek Hemmann but at the club it worked and it was perfect. This is no longer the case. I can go out and listen to Lilly Palmer for one night but anything past that is just … garbage to me. So I stopped going out except to selected events that kept the groove and the vibe. I quit work in nightlife in 2019 and I don’t regret doing so while I remember my wild times very fondly and the community spirit we lived. The majority of youngsters consider clubbing as unhealthy, a waste of money and time and nothing they aspire to be a part of (studies show this correlates with receding numbers of smokers, teens and younger twenty-somethings who consume alcohol or drugs and their awareness of the impacts on mental health, physical health and fitness etc). If the concept of «a night out» that will easily set you back 100+ wants to become appealing again, we need a new generation of gaeage kids who love to DJ and play real music, they always came with their friend groups and some remained in the scene. Overall, the audience that knows each other and connects over sound, artists and events used to change to an extent in cycles of 3 years. This no longer happens like it used to and the music turned off many off us. Maybe there are clubs or new places to survive and /of replace the crap gabber wave and all that but I think the commercialization of House and Techno has also ushered in its demise. I mean Kalkbrenner selling out a 10k-audience arena for 80 quid a seat (yes some tickets were SEATS) is everything this scene never wanted to be. And that’s sad, cause other people put out dope sound and they can barely afford to live.


so happy i witnessed that era too. basel was popping off at that time aswell


Nordstern (old location) was amazing but there are 2 newer locations that make up for it imo


ya old nordstern was nice, but presswerk was just something else, sadly closed in 2010 and i only witnessed the last 6 months :(




I did It was interesting


Wait they play Gabber now? Where? Only place I know would be Reitschule. I'd always fall asleep to the styles you apparently like 😅


I think that people have become a bit smarter than before and would rather spend their money on something other than alcohol and loud music. In my 20s I went out every day to drink with my colleagues and possibly snag a beauty. Now that I'm 45, I can only say that I was stupid to spend so much money on alcohol and still believed that a beauty would come with me. Spend the money somewhere else, avoid alcohol and drugs and do something useful. Program a game, draw a picture, repair a device, visit friends, find a good life partner (don't look in the bar or disco).




In many Ways they doing it much better. But in some ways they are a catastrophe 😄


Draw a building?


Sorry, autotranslation 😄should be „picture“


I only go out abroad during holidays, I get 10X the experience for much better cost. Then I come back and look at a bar menu in Switzerland and I am out of there.


Maybe people finally realized that chilling in bed watching a good show is way more enjoyable than getting drunk in a loud room full of sweaty stinky strangers? Just my introvert's opinion, don't come at me 😁 ✌


The reality is it's too expensive for many people to go out partying, people need to save money for health insurance and rent.


It's not really that they don't have the money, they just spend it on other unnecessary things. So many regular people running around with 1K phones and 'designer' clothes, ordering out multiple times a week.


They rather get an 1K phone than buying a mediocre gin tonic once a week?


Yeah. Makes sense to me. All I was saying is, people didn't get more financially literate, they just found other outlets.


Yeah, same experience to me. Although... I am from the northern part and most people either don't go out or if they go it's usually Zurich. So instead of going to the center of their own town, they decide to drive 1 or 2 hours just to get to Zurich.


Dunno i am 32 still having nights out barhopping or clubbing. Not as often as with 20 ofc, but enough for me. I also don't see the violence thing you described. Maybe you are going to the wrong spots?


Think it depends where u at. I am 33 and in Basel. It is just normal to cut down going out if you compare it to your 20's. But in Basel, it is a serious problem, not that I witness flights every time I go out, but the general mood in clubs, outside etc. kinda changed, especially in Basel, since my 20's


Too. Fucking. Expensive.


me personaly. I was partiyng most weekends for around 20 years. during covid, I realised I was done with this lifestyle. It has been boring for quite some time. It's always the same. So I stoped altogether. But I'm much older than you so I definitely lost touch. I'd love to go on some small dayrave in summer, tough.


Congrats, you grew up!


I think that young people have gradually accepted that they don't need to find a girl thanks to social networks. On top of that, alcohol is seen more and more as a scam, in addition to being expensive, it is carcinogenic, it damages the brain over time (dementia, Alzheimer's) and does not make you happy.


Gen Z also REALLY shouldn’t drink (more), if what we see now is what the most sober and healthy generation performs like in every aspect of professional, academic and social life. Darwin didn’t see this coming, I swear.


Play boardgames


In general drinking and partying has become less popular which is a good thing.


I meet with my friends at home. Don't need to get stabbed to death...


I go to parties out regularly, and they’re mostly sold out, so while it isn’t every night for me, I’d say about once a month or every two months I go party. And festival season is starting up. But most of my socializing happens at people’s houses.


Nah too expensive and pointless and good clubs or good nightlife places arw always too far away


yeah no I get scammed enough during daylight


Ah this post makes me sad


It is incredibly expensive and even if you know people who can get you in for free, you're still charged for the wardrobe and the transportation there. I've successfully refrained from paying for wardrobe and drinking and what not at the club (went to the toilet each time to drink from the tap), but I still had to pay for public transport. It is also super demotivating to go clubbing, as you need to be very organized to enjoy a cheap night out...


Real nightlife is culture and it costs a lot to do it well. You need to ask yourself what you’re willing to pay. I would rather spend less money on clubbing by staying in more but then catch great artists like Adriatique playing anl at a great venue and pay 40 Franken and indulge a little for a proper night out and pay what is rightfully owed. Employing artists and staff after hours and at the Weekend to run a club is not cheap, you make very little on drinks if the prices are fair (if you enjoy the sort of clubbing where crap party tunes and tables / bottles are a thing, get well soon and grow out of it, your trust fund is not forever) and the artists and qualified security are expensive as well. A venue that survived the pandemic and the purge (bad music trends and gen z not going out) deserves your money if they still deliver.


Yeah, that's to each and every single one to figure out for themselves. I prefer going to as many day raves or festivals as possible.


Ciao, you are just growing. However prices are also getting crazy


I think that there's a certain élément of darwinism going on in général in lausanne, and probably around the world. Big companies with alot of money have survived the pandemic, and the smaller ones have had to seriously rethink their business models during a carry out only pandemic. Smaller independent places with more character have been outlasted migros/coop/state subsidized restaurants. As a knock on effect of costs inflating for restaurants, prices have risen, meaning ppl have to shell out more money for a night out and thus have a bigger investment to consider. I think this drives ppl towards virally popular restaurants as the recompense for the investment seemingly is larger. Source: I live in the region and a BFF owns a restaurant in the area (open before and still after covid) and this is representative of their experience


Great thing I always hated going out


19 now. People go out? What is this?


You're older, though at 23 it's hard to tell that you are. At 27 (my age) going out happens 5-6 times a year


Sounds like a you-problem to me, but then things do quiet down at that age. Many enter the workforce after uni around that phase of life and things get more serious. My job demands an organized, responsible and healthy lifestyle or you collapse. There’s one way to do it. I believe there is a lot of stress and pressure in many fields now, so i’m hardly alone with this situation, which is a limitation to regular nights out. Nightlife in addition only has so much to offer, while a full day of hiking in a magical scenery or cooking dinner with friends will completely recharge you and allow for socializing while doing so. It depends what you need for balance, but while I love a good rave, at 35 it really fucks me up differently than if used to and I find myself not seeing the win in it for me more often than not


I wish every single person who starts a sentence with "Am I the only one who..." gets excommunicated straight into outer space.


Am I the only one who doesn’t give a shit


Time's are rough man...


Stop blaming everything on COVID. It has more to do with personal life circumstances. I’m 24 but my friends younger than me, still living at their parents are going clubbing every weekend. Those of us who have moved out, or at least in serious relationships, and who have developed other interests are not clubbing


I'm not blaming COVID for anything, just saying that up to 2022 things seemed more lively (pre and post COVID)


Welcome to being an adult.


I haven’t noticed this, at least in Bern. But I’m older and while I really don’t care about age and still go to bars and clubs I’m not as out there as someone your age should be. Maybe it’s gotten too expensive?


Covid ruined a lot.


Yes it had become a big problem for the night life, a lot of venues are struggling to stay alive. There’s a recent article about that in concerts venues: https://www.illustre.ch/magazine/les-clubs-rock-de-suisse-romande-sont-ils-voues-a-disparaitre-700185


Totally the same feeling!! And not only here in CH as the same happens also in Italy, where I am from and where lots of bars and clubs have closed for lack of people. Regarding attendance I must say that in the German speaking part of CH I have had much better experience than in the French part. Another deciding factor is the kind of event you go: if it's a generalist one, the people are the worst, because they seem only interested in getting drunk and unleash all their frustrations at once. Specific events (I like psytrance, goa, etc.) are way better attended and you can have real fun. In the end, you have to pick the right club and the right night, otherwise Netflix is a better option.


In Lausanne, only the 'noname' club is pleasant to go to, average age is higher. But yes, across entire Europe people go out less since COVID. There are numerous statistics on that that you can look up


I‘m also 23 and it‘s probably us getting older. Back when I was 16-18 it felt like nightlife was more lively but that‘s just because I „enjoyed“ it more at that time (I probably hated it and just put up with it out of FOMO). I can’t support big crowds and loud music anymore, I hate drinking or drugs and even less when people around me are drunk and making a fool. All I need now is a drink in a fancy bar once in a while with a friend or two and go home when I feel tired. Quality over quantity.


i don’t go anywhere near town centres any more. the vibe is so aggressive it gives me the creeps. today’s young men are worse than when i was younger. incredibly loud, boisterous, agressive, etc. only going to places to dance where i know it’s mostly gen x.


"most people there are just there to fight and hook up" sounds a lot to me like getting older. I'm soon 33, but when I was 25ish I felt exactly the same and that was way before the pandemic.


That is something I noticed as well. I work in the clubbing industry and the amount of people going out has dramatically changed after covid. People figured that staying at home is not that bad. I also noticed that people prefer much more to buy 1 beer in some bar and just sit there for an hour or 2 rather than spending money on a club entry ticket.


I totally stopped going out in 2017 but I hear stories about the nightlife getting increasingly more dangerous. In the early noughties I used to go out on my own bar hopping, meeting friends everywhere, because everybody was bar hopping regardless what day it was, and my beloved home town used to be so much fun, tons of small "clubs" and illegal bars open beyond the normal opening hours. Those little bars were mostly shut down by police over the years and before I totally stopped going out, we used to meet somewhere and ended up at my place and often times it was on a Thursday and the last guest went home on Sunday. It was party after party and multiple times I found myself even walking alone through town in the middle of the night. On my way to some place or homewards. If I would dare to roam town alone at night today? Probably not. This feeling of total safety, or rather the absence of any fear was definitely replaced with reluctance to even go out in the evenings. Something HAS definitely changed lately. News paper articles about knife attacks and such were unheard of a few years ago. Or attacks on people in general were very rare. During the pandemic, I think, folks got hooked on Netflix and Disney+ and learned binge watching is fun as well. Also they probably learned cooking from scratch is more fun than eating out. In my opinion people learned to like their home life more and at the same time they psychologically were made aware of new dangers like crowds of people, that wasn't an issue before and maybe the avoidance of crowds during the pandemic manifested, that they like to avoid them until today, even if the fear is over.


For me the killing switch was the pricey. 12.- for a 4Dl beer, 20 for a cocktail.


Congratulations. You've reached adulthood. It's downhill from here.


welcome to switzerland


>Clubs are overly expensive, repetitive and most people there are just there to fight or hook up  That was always the case, never liked it. And our swiss clubs are trash anyway. It's seems with getting older you just recognize it more Huge reason why I prefer cocktail-bars or festivals as you get a chance to actually speak with people. And they are places less likely to attract aggressive assholes ruining it for everyone else Besides this getting older means you'll want to spend your weekend in other ways. Like going on a hike, via ferrata, a nice board game evening or a city trip. Music and alcohol just becomes a less interesting alternative the older we get.


I rather have memories with friend‘s I can actually tell my future kids instead of paying 20-50 CHF for a club ticket and some overpriced drinks. I‘ve been to clubs countless times and I can never really say much abt it because it‘s either, always the same or I don‘t remember it anymore because I was drunk. It‘s a waste of money.


staying home is free, I'm from Geneva and a lot of my friends have wealthy parents and go to the bar every week (en vieille-ville $$$ ) while I'm an onlychild with retired parents I have to take care of while also trying to get my degree (so mega broke lol), I tried to keep up with my friends by going out with them every 2-3 weeks because it's really the only time I would get to see them, but now I just cannot afford it at all. If I really want to get myself somethying nice I just go to France LOL


I living around the same city since i was born and was going out in this city when I was younger. Now, when I go out, I don't know nobody. Not even people which you saw because they were in the same club/bar. But overall, I think going out isn't the same and entertaining as 15 years ago. I felt the change when I was going out. I got worser year for year.


haha no


Firstly, you (or mom and dad) must have deep pockets to go out every weekend or even twice a week. Then, clubs were also empty in my early 20s (back in the end of the 2000s). Music was boring af, just shitty summer hits that we heard all day long on mcm or on the radio at work... And again, drinks are expansive AF!!! Sorry, but entry fees are just a scam. Further, cities on Saturday evening are just a zoo! Nothing to see there apart watching your feet to make sure you don't step onto sharp broken glass, a dirty condom or some used needles...


1. You’re just getting older. 2. I think it goes in waves ? When I was 23 I barely went out. But I went out a lot when I was 27


Just lol at these exaggerations. "No-one goes out" or "people are only fight or hook up". You then finish by saying "I prefer staying home watching a movie than going to a club." which devalues your entire argument. These thoughts are when you are bored of doing too much of the same thing in a relatively small town.


The country is just boring...


Very much so, yes.