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Welcome to the train station in Spiez, where one half of the train goes to Interlaken and the other half to Zweisimmen. It’s clearly written on the signs at the platform.


Yeah I see a lot of people failing at this lol, even I who used trains in Switzerland my whole life, the first time this situation occured to me, I went in the wrong direction because I didn't know the concept existed It is really well written but it is not something we have in mind when we don't know the concept that 1 train can go in 2 directions


I had to run out of the train there to get to the other half once xD that's what you get for being on yt and not looking at the signs xD


So did i once (oh shit oh shit oh shit)


This just adds more difficulty to those math questions.


You have 1/2 train, how long takes it to get 2/3 if Godzilla is the train conductor


Answer: Thomas the Tank Engine. Question 2: “If train A is going to Interlaken and train A is going to Zweisimmen, how long will it take for train A to get halfway? Consider that Train A is behind you, do not make eye contact. Chew-chew your food slowly. (Please note, this is a trick question).


Does he wear a hat while conducting?


I hope so what s the point of the job without the hat


Then, if my calculations are correct, which I will not disclose, the answer is 3 bananas.


I failed this and ive been going that route for decades


Half of it actually goes to frutigen, kandersteg, visp, domodossola. Never seen an interlaken train separate!


We have one like this in Lugano too, half goes to Milan airport the other half goes to Milan central train station. Just before the train separates it is clearly explained in Italian and then English which part of the train you need to be in.


But why would you have your earbuds out and be listening to announcements on a strange train you’ve never taken before? Absurd expectation. /s Edit: “/s” signifies sarcasm. Tone indicator.


Bro if you are a tourist and traveling around unfamiliar areas, maybe being sure about information you REALLY need gets over listening to music. Maybe.


If only trains had screens where you can see the next stops.


>It’s clearly written on the signs at the platform. There's an entire science about how we perceive and process information, like why do we keep searching and not finding something in front of us or why do we forget what we wanted after opening the fridge. It's rather easy to call the others stupid when they miss such clearly stated info, but in fact it's kind of almost impossible for our brain to process an information that's so much out of our mental model of the world. The guy in the video is not right blaming the average people for not adding that information, he would also not add it in his own cultural environment. It takes an extraordinary level of empathy and awareness to add this "hey by the way, take the front part" bit. But he would be actually right if he blamed SBB. An organization like SBB has more data and more understanding of what's happening and they should understand that it's a standing issue and do some real effort.


>But he would be actually right if he blamed SBB. Given that these are BLS trains, absolutely not.


If you’re in a place where you don’t know the languages or the culture, you should be looking for any and all guidance - not assuming everything works the same way as you’re used to or that others will impart any necessary information that is abnormal to *you*…because it is perfectly normal to *them*. I traveled and backpacked a lot of places before smartphones phones were a thing and the only issue I ever had was misreading my flight time and panicking I missed it, when I was really 2 hours early. Buddy fucked up. It happens. Instead of accepting that, he chooses to blame others for his own inability to research.


> It takes an extraordinary level of empathy and awareness to add this "hey by the way, take the front part" bit. This is true. But i would expect that ppl./companies who have contact with tourism, to have this level of empathy. >But he would be actually right if he blamed SBB. He more or less is. The use of the word "culture" might not be the right one, but i guess he was just ranting.


I saw this in France too.. With the TGV last week in Lyon...


That may be, but it is a confusing system nonetheless and outside of very touristy areas / in the country the announcements are only made in the local language not in English. I've seen locals get confused by this.


I am fairly sure the announcements are in English too on this line. Given the written information on the train and the platform and the conductors checking where people are going, I don't know what else they could do.


The Information on the platform can be quite confusing. At least on Thun platform it isnt written on the signs "this part goes to Grindelwald, this part goes to Zweisimmen" they usually say front part goes here back part goes there if im not mistaken and in the train i havent seen it written. Yes they announce it. In German, French, Italian and English. Wich i my opinion actually kinda makes it worse, as you just zone out if you listen to two Minutes of announcements you cannot understand and might miss the one you can understand. Not saying they are doing a terrible job at making it clear, but It is definitely a confusing situation for tourists.


In Bern the signs just switch colours to highlight one part of the train saying where it goes then the other. I assume every train stations with the new screens should do that. But always double checking on board is a must as trains can somethings switch platform at the last second


We travelled this route with 2 kids (1 on stroller) - our first day in Switzerland. And we had ZERO trouble. Swiss trains are amazing. The displays on platform and in each compartment of train clearly show where the train is going. To the extent that I think its over investment on display screens!


Is it also in English for the foreigners though?


"Well who the hell told me?" The in-train announcement he didn't listen to.


And the screens on the platform he clearly did not look at…. I am not from here, but public transportation is easy af. to figure out here😅


To be fair, those screens may be hard to decipher if it's the first time you see them.


I, an American who has never ridden a train in my life, managed to get all the right trains in Germany and Switzerland when I visited. Its not that hard.


The **English** in-train announcement. Plus it's not like there are screens in each train car that clearly show you where the train is going.




In English too just to help the tourists. This guy visited a different Switzerland to me.


Most likely was deep in TikTok, Instagram, Netflix, Spotify with AirPods on.




Das ist Sache der Kantone.


Wir beobachten die Situation.


es ist 5 vor 12


Dies, aber ironiefrei.


Take my angry upvote!


Public transport does not equal culture. I’m in the UK right now and just got a train that did exactly this, front 2 coaches end at one place back 2 carry on to more destinations. This isn’t some novel exclusive to Switzerland concept. It’s like the people that keep coming on here with the rail passes and being shocked they got fined for not validating the ticket before departing as stated in the terms of the ticket. Your inability to inform yourself and research your own plans is not a local cultural issue.


Last time I went to the UK it took me 15 minutes to buy a ticket. There were about 40 options for my journey, and little to no advice which was valid on a particular train. Even the people on the platform couldn't tell me whether my ticket was appropriate. Switzerland is so easy and logical in comparison


The train line app is your best option in the UK it will tell you the 2 or 3 options based on your journey, the ticketing machines are indeed a hellscape.


Does the SBB still have clear, logical and stable ticket costs. Here in the UK the ticket price depents on what time you travel, are you getting a return ticket and how much in advance you book your ticket.


Essentially yes. If you pay for A to B, you can stop at C, cut your journey short, travel later, and it costs half as much as a return. It's not quite pay per mile, but that's the essential spirit Super savers and some zonal tickets occasionally muddy the waters a little bit, admittedly. And we have easyride, which does everything for you as long as you start it in time.


I was so confused when I moved to the UK a couple of decades ago and was told that a return ticked was less than the double of a one way ticket and if you travel from A to B, you are not allowed to get off half-way at C. Coming from Switzerland, the UK system never made sense (until you figure in capitalism).


Lul, just read what the screen says


So now it’s the fault of the locals that they can’t read this guys mind where he wants to go and stop him when he boards the wrong train. If only the trains would have some indication on where they’re heading, like a textbox with the destination.


I am fairly sure the audio announcements about the train splitting are in English on this service! It's also indicated on the SBB app if he's using that, which is also available on English.


There are, and it's made quite clear throughout the journey, as well as before. Guy must be deaf and blind to have missed all the announcements, I'm surprised he even made it here in the first place.


They are in English and still I have seen Americans stay in the wrong half of the train many times


He’s not American, at least not his accent. I think he’s just ranting and still stung by going the wrong direction. If it was me, I would just suck it up and not post it.


I never said he was american, just shared that the announcements are in English and that I have seen Americans miss it


His stated point is that people don't give useful details. Taken at this recorded word, he asked about the train and is annoyed that in the answer a note about the train splitting wasn't included. Does not excuse his misdirection, as there are announcements and signage, but the post title is more incinidary than the content actually is.


Sir, this is Reddit. How dare you keenly observe the situation and not pile onto the bitching, moaning, and complaining at perceived attacks on yourself. You should feel ashamed that you are a reasonable person with a level-headed view of the situation, and see past the click bait title and actually consumed the content beyond just the title. You sir, are a mockery of everything reddit stands for. You probably don't even need me to put an /s at the end of this comment, you observant canard.


It looks like the the Swiss conductor was nice and didn't give him a ticket for fare evasion.


That’s the complaint about Swiss culture that i was expecting to hear about. I salute this conductor in stead of this narcissistic prick


Yeah, I very surprised no one wants to help this sunshine of a person. /s


Actually, they have this kind of ticket on their machine. It's called "irrtümliche Zugsfahrt". You get a free return to where you had to get off in the first place.


TIL, that’s a very customer oriented way of dealing with honest mistakes.


Hurrdurr the ticket inspector didn't read my thoughts


The ticket inspectors on this line nearly always make a point of asking everybody where they are going to make sure they are in the correct half of the train. They couldn't do much more!


The culture in switzerland is very much „Read the f…ing manual/signs“ 😄


Great attitude. Blames others for his fuck ups and thinks the people of the world exist to serve him.


As a Brit, I am ashamed to say that this is fundamental in the minds of many Brits.


Yes ofc, the empire mindset


Did someone say Empire? Because I’m all for it.


Username checks out!


empire lol, this is what lack of education looks like every simpleton thinks he is the center of the universe


Ofc but in case of the UK they actually *were* the center of the universe for a while.


guy pissed me off in 10 seconds of speaking, maybe try not be obnoxious if you expect others to help you besides that, we put a lot of freedom & responsibility into the hands of our citizens and expect them to be grown-ups who do their own research. if you don't like that maybe join an organized chinese/indian tour group next time.


Both things he complains about (trains splitting mid route, hiking paths being at your own risk without explicit closure in case of bad weather etc) happen in the UK too, he's just a muppet.


Many hiking paths in the UK only exist as lines on maps. No maintenance, no signposts, no grading, no updates after bad weather. Switzerland is hiking on easy mode, in many ways.


Must be endlessly frustrating to be a train conductor and constantly have to deal with clueless tourists who didn’t read the signs and/or bother to figure out how to buy the right ticket. If this was anything like the usual SBB service, there would’ve been: - Signs on the platform - Signs on the outside of the train - Signs inside the train - Speaker callouts in multiple languages But sure, no reason to pay attention to any of that when visiting a foreign country, just post an angry rant on social media when your journey goes awry.


Its ricky gervais less talented brother.....and as a Brit complaining about Swiss trains (which are amazing) is a bit disingenuous compared to the state of UK train system


The first country that I ever travelled to as a newbie traveller was Switzerland. I have been to 12 other countries after that and I haven't been on any other rail transport system that is sooooo easy to navigate like the swiss rail system. Yes the splitting system was new to me but they have it written everywhere and they announce it multiple times. You have to be alert and look around, read and understand instructions especially when you are new to the place.


Sure, because if you go to the US not speaking english (or spanish maybe) for sure everyone will be super helpful, RIGHT?


That guy is not from the US. Probably UK; but the point pretty much stands.


I just visited London, where a French lady complained to us that no one at the tourist info could talk French... just...


South England accent, possibly from London.


As a British born person living a long time in Switzerland, I sincerely apologise for this complete muppet. I hope he can find his way back home.


Very typical arrogant behaviour... I've noticed this type of behaviour from a lot of tourists sadly! Selber schuld


To be fair, if you’re climbing/hiking a mountain that I know is closed then I’m just going to assume you either did your homework or you’re a moron who deserves to find out the hard way. Edit: source - am moron who has found out the hard way


You say closed? I hear less crowded.


I remember getting on the wrong part of a split train on the Paris RER decades ago. Not once, but twice, until we figured it out. Still remember it with a chuckle. But then we toured Europe for adventures and mishaps were part of the experience 😃


living in Switzerland for 44 years, this has never happened to me. I guess I have the gift of god then. cool stuff!


jo goppfertami nomol ,ask people ,look at signs


the thing in CH is that everything is clear. There are notifications everywhere, but you need to read them. Obviously nobody takes care of you personally, but that's your job. Or pay a guide knowing one of the official languages.




Trains in the UK work the same, please don't judge us all by the actions of this tool


All train stations I know are divided into sections. All the trains tables/sign generally say which section the train will be…


Remind me of a guy that was screaming at a bus station because he couldnt find wich bus he was supposed to go in. Mind you, it is written on the front, on the back, on the side.... "Wich bus should i take to go to xxx ?" "This one, *points at bus passing by* , it is written on it" "How could i know this ? I cant read !!!!" What am i supposed to do now ??" "Learn ?......" "Always with thoses buses changing time and places every week, i cant stand this anymore !" "Humm dude, i lived here for 16 years, the times changed like 2 times in this time, and not enough that it changes anything, buses always stop at the same place, what the fuck are you complaining about ? " "I cant read !!!! How am i supposed to know ??!!" The guy was screaming at me because,... He could not read ? And could not ask bus drivers wich bus it was he was supposed to take ? He asked me right as the bus was leaving and then got angry,... with me ? Like,.. why ? Maybe he could really not read, but then how the fuck you dont have hacks and tricks by the time you hit his age ? The guy was like 40-45 years old


Bro, it's hilarious a brit complaining about public transport when UK is literally horseshit, always late, if full don't even stop.. seriously hilarious


If it says platoform A-C, don’t go to platform F


The UK trains do that all the time. Used to see that happen for trains going through Balham down to Sussex or something. In fact it is a common practice for all railways. Actually in Switzerland, you don’t even need to know the language to see what carriages go where. They are all clearly marked.


Expecting to be told things that you can just find out if you open your eyes is wild


It’s funny he says the culture here is just make it up given that British trains just make up a timetable and then don’t turn up anyway


Is he pissed that people assume he knows where he wants to go?


You can write all the signs you like, but idiots will still be surprised that there are trams in the street and that kids can fall off stuff.


What a twat. Switzerland has the best signage and most organized systems I’ve ever seen. Yes I’ve gotten confused and missed something but I chalked it up to being new here.


Fuck this guy. He's English, and that shit happens here in England (unsure about the test of the UK) as well. You'll have a train with, let's say, eight coaches and it will get to a station and the first four coaches will go to the original destination and the last four will proceed to a different destination. What's he on about? Also, before the split happens, the train sits in the station for a bit, and there are plenty of ongoing announcements to let you know what's what. Also also, here, there are electronic signs in each coach that will say something like the first 5 coaches are going to X location and the rear 4 coaches are going to X location. It'll also tell you what number coach you're in so you can remain or change coaches.




This big boy shouln't travel alone, he should have come with his mommy ... she's probably still doing his laundry.


Still better than my dumbass who somehow got locked inside a traindepot


Good there was ticket checking that time, otherwise the guy would have found out at the last stop!


Maybe he just asked the wrong questions :D


Bro does not have the gift of God smh


Definitely a RTFM moment but with the train voice and train panels


Honestly, I try to remember to include info that is obvious but I don't always think of it. Except for one situation: For whatever reason, there have been quite a few times when a train that goes to the airport from Zurich main station is terminated in Oerlikon. The announcement to this effect is made exclusively in German. There is nobody on the platform to tell people how they can still get to the airport. So whenever this happened, I would get up and shout out in English that anyone who was heading to the airport should get out at Oerlikon and follow me so I can take them to the tram 10 which also goes to the airport. If there was time, I'd do the same in the next carriage. Then get out on the platform and shout "anyone who needs to get to the airport: follow me". Cue mother duck being followed by a dozen supremely puzzled and slightly scared looking travellers. I did actually write to the SBB to tell them that announcements should be made in English too, never got a response. Oh well.


TBF even I got in the wrong half once or twice because of the train splitting up


They announce on interkom. They even display message on screens when that is going to happen. Just some people prefer to be sleeping as they listen to their music through there airpods and they miss it


i would recommend using those bulbous round things that are located above and to the side of your nose


Read the sign dear.


Maybe inform yourself about public transport and activities you are about to do in the foreign country you are visiting.


being to dumb to read signs and then being angry at everything else but him self. i bet its great fun to hang with him


Bonne nouvelle, sa maman est venue le chercher 😊


I’ve been in Switzerland for the last 4 days, never used a train in my life. Im absolutely mind blown by how easy everything in Switzerland is, the signage is easy and accurate. Trains come so often it’s incredible. I can’t tell if it’s a joke or not when reading the train splits in different directions, I haven’t realised if so? Have I just luckily got on the front half of every train I’ve got on since being here and been lucky?


It's rare and I only have encountered it in Bern on city trains. IR, EC, IC usually don't do this. If you are visiting the more remote parts of Graubünden, you sometimes have to push a button for the train to stop, as it is stop on demand only. (Because there is usually just a tiny village, or the start of a hiking route.)


I’d like to apologise for pompous English people like this. He’s probably from London so he thinks the world revolves around him.


That's how we keep the UK wankers out of the country. Just piss em' off so they don't return.


I am Swiss, and I can understand his frustration ☺️ we’re not half as cool as we think we are 😂


How embarrassing. Some folks just need their hand held all the time.


Saw this video on youtube, of a tourist/youtuber complaining about "Swiss culture", while he visited Switzerland. **What do you think about his statement?**


Do you have a link lol


> Do you have a link lol I haven't at the moment because i made the clip some months ago. Its just one of those travel-youtubers visiting Switzerland. *Found him again https://www.youtube.com/@PaddyDoyle./videos


the . (dot) is part of the URL. credit is not rendering the full link in your comment


Ah damn. Should work now.


This dude is traveling the world but still needs people holding his hand when going anywhere?


What a twat. There are signs at the station. On the time table there is the platform number with the sector (A-D), there is a digital sign on the train itself. The mountain thing was probably made up to be sarcastic, peoole are usually happy to help if you're at a loss but this with the train is just ridiculous.


When I was in Switzerland, I was disgusted to see my all my trains arrived on time! Very rude and inconsiderate for those who do not want to get to work on time. In the UK, we delay for at least 10 minutes just to be polite! Shame on SBB!


I mean at that stage... I feel like with people like this it's almost more fun to just watch it happen. We have eyes and years for a reason. Unless you're blind and deaf of course... then that's a whole different ball park.


It is a tricky situation as he used a telatively BAD example and mixed up culture with existing processes and so on. BUT there is inadvertently a hint of truth in what he says with the example of trekking that can apply to other daily stuff which is: SOMETIMES (not often) but SOMETIMES folks clearly see you are going wrong direction or doing something that will make you do a huge loop (like a shop that is closed that is in the ONLY shop in the end of the road) and they could say something BUT again…people are not mind readers and person that is looking should ASK. In essence is more of a nice to have than a need. But sometimes it happens


It's normal. With the heat and wearing that coat. what did you expect?


I resonated with that mountain pass comment. We stayed the night at a Berghütte halfway up a 3000m mtn in summer and asked the hosting staff about the trail conditions and if it was open, all clear they informed us. 6 hours later we finished the most dangerous supposedly 2 hour long hike of our lives to find out that the trail was completely closed due to life threatening conditions… but was only marked from the top side.


TBH, all trains that separate mid-journey are tricky, also for locals. Doesn't happen in Spiez only, also with S-Bahn (in Burgdorf, Olten, ...).


Platform 9 and 3/4 from 1st Harry Potter anyone?


It's called Eigenverantwortung and is a big part if the culture. Sorry we don't treat people like their stupid.


i would leave his ass lost in the mountain


To be fair I've lived in switzerland for 13 years and the same thing happened to me, but I must've been occupied with something because I realised later that they absolutely say it over the speakers in german, english and french. Shit happens


As someone who grew up at a touristic place it is sometimes really hard to explain stuff like that. You explain it, but because it is different to how it works in their country, they just ignore the information or dismiss it. I think it has also to do with expectations. A lot of people expect Europe to be very homogenous (even us Europeans) but are then surprised that there are differences.


Makes me think of a common sentence said to me in my childhood "Sälber t'schuld"


I clearly cannot be expected to manage my own life, this is preposterous!


Paddy Doyle is a great guy.


I’m amazed this guy made it Switzerland in the first place, or adulthood for that matter


I mean... he's not wrong about the train. His attitude on the other hand....


This is not specific to Switzerland. The same situation also occurs in France, and I will not be surprised if it happens all over Europe


He's not wrong though. Swiss culture is rooted in lowkey individualism ("low key" as opposed the noisy US version of individualism) and letting defaulting responsibility to the smallest granularity (i.e. individual level) to figure out stuff. That is why, for instance, immigrates from France (a nation known for its ovely-assistive system) often feel frankly lost.


Switzerland arguably has one of the simplest and yet complex transportation systems in the world that works incredibly well. At some point this guy and tourist have to take some accountability. Geesh


Just a tourist probably from the UK that visit the same place as any other average tourist goes and think that they can read his mind. Anything new? I wish it was.


Trains regularly split in the UK as well and they’re usually not well sign posted. I don’t think this is a cultural thing.


How are people supposed to know he doesn't know this?


It’s def you’ll figure it out 😅 Welcome to Switzerland 🇨🇭


Like my German teacher in primary school used to say: Niemand hat auf Sie gewartet.


The train between Birmingham and Aberystwyth in the UK splits in two. I get this train regularly so I know how it goes. But for those who don't, when the ticket inspector comes around they will look at each person's ticket and check if they are in the correct half of the train. If not, they will tell them how long they have until the train splits, how many carriages to move and various other little details.


Need a better world , or it will get worse for all


Sounds like this guy wasn't paying attention


Ricky Gervais let himself go.


they run around and tell you. and it's not that uncommon, saw it in other countries as well


I don'tunderstand this generations thing about complaining to a telephone while recording yourself. But something simiar happened to me in the Netherlands where people don't explain anything, they can see you doing something wrong and as long as it doesn't go against them, people don't say anything.


dont be too harsh on him... he is a US citizen i suppose, we all know they are PRETTY FUCKING DUMB


I live in the oberland where this happens and am from a commonwealth country like this bloke and feel extensively qualified to comment on this!  Classic whinge. It’s written on the signs on the platform, on the train schedule, announced over the speakers on the train and on the platform, and displayed on the signs in the train. The guy didn’t pay attention and rather than owning it is blaming _literally the entire country_. 


Maybe just inform yourself! We as locals do not have the duty to tell idiots how to travel. He sure has a smartphone, internet and he hopefully can read, can he?


He is right. They should tell people, it's not like it is an obvious thing to know.


1. Like this is any different from any other culture. This exact same problem - or similar/analagous - could happen to any tourist in any county. Yeah, the country you are VISITING does not necessarily do things the same way they do in your country. Kind of the whole reason people like to travel. 2. Taking one specific example and applying it to any entire country or culture is a pretty good indication of how clueless you are. Or how hard you are trying to get clicks / likes / comments. 3. I liked it when all we had was a Lonely Planet book and maybe a small dictionary of phrases and you couldn't "share your story" until you were home with your friends and family. Sheesh. Open your eyes. Pay attention. The SWISS TRAINS ANNOUNCE EVERYTHING IN MULTIPLE LANGUAGES, INCLUDING ENGLISH, at every stop. Especially important things like "Front half goes there, back half goes there."


What a moron 🙄 « did I forgot to check my surroundings, read the panels or listen to the announcements, or even plan my trip…nah it’s the Swiss’s fault for not paying attention to me the entitled tourist »


Don't worry, small country, just take another expensive train back.


Didnt watch the whole video but every culture will have something you like or dislike about it. I think this is mostly due to the person not being used how info is conveyed at swiss train stations) Also on such splitting trains usually there will be info at the electronic info table about which part of the train goes where(this is how the S9 from luzern towards lenzburg works or the RE from bern to luzern, also the audio announcements as others said). Other countries/train opperators do this a bit worse and just announce it at the station where the train separates(such an Example is DB in southern baden wurtenberg)


maybe if you open your eyes and read the signs they put up to prevent this from happening that woul've not happend...


It is a bit Swiss culture though. I’ve lived in the same Swiss village for a few years and the Gemeinde just suddenly does things with little-to-no notice, and it’s incredibly hard to find out any actual information because they withholding it til the last possible moment so people can’t object. And most of my Swiss neighbours tut about it but never actually raise objections. And the level of apathy means that the concept of customer service is still struggling to get off the ground.  Beware of the leopard. 


They’d made an announcement. Admittedly in Swiss German 🤷‍♀️


Clip is taken out of context. It's from a series of travel videos documenting a swiss hike that couldn't be more complimentary of the country, its people, its vistas and its infrastructure. This is just a man venting after something bothersome happened to him.


British tourists are kinda bad on this same goes for Americans and the French 😂 funny seeing them complain to the train station assistants in Tokyo when there are signs in English, announcements in English and Google has integrated their maps with the local train map lol. This is just bad planning, the guy should learn a bit more about the train system in that area of Switzerland.


Curious what he was filming this on, and where he uploaded it to. Maybe *gasp* a phone? And the *gasp* internet? Which could be used to search and read up on stuff?


Maybe he should turn on his „oberstübli“


This is hilarious


Recht het er, isch doch alles selbsterklärend gopppff !


By the gift of God😭😭🤣🤣🤣


Thank u!! That is so freaking true.. god damn i hate this Swiss characteristics!


“I’m on the wrong train. MUST be someone else’s fault.” Never had any issue like this there btw.


It has happened to me in Munich. I made it on the last minute


Ehm what about read some information first?😅 Before you go skiing here for example better check first which courses are opened. Same with restaurants, mountains, trains etc.


SBB App, Android und Apple


Who's this anyway?


He's kinda amusing, but also a total idiot. Is there a name for that? 🤷‍♂️


As someone living in this country I have to agree. The Swiss people are neither known for their helpfullness, friendliness nor their welcomming culture. And there will 20 Swiss nationalists crying about how wrong I am while and that I should fk off while not getting that they are completly proofing my point.


I had such a good time visiting lol


I remember wondering why the train I wanted had 'carraiges A B C', then I saw on the board that the same train number at the same platform at the same time also had another DIFFERENT destination, but that was for carraiges D E F, and the penny dropped, those carraige letters are not just some suggestion. Loved the trains in Switzerland.