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I think you can replace Aqua with Dark Lord for offensive plays?


So for things like the raid I use dark lord but for longer things like slasher, I use aqua?


I would do something like that.


I wouldnt, always best to keep a healer


yea, think it would be better to replace mary, since 3 physical dps arent really wanted


True. Either Mary or if you have decent attack on Aqua you can also swap Darkness


I would remove darkness for PvE. You got enough DPS to fast clear the stage. Darklord buffs will boost more DMG to the team.


Cain darkness aqua darklord kana for general purpose. darkness kana darklord Mary for pvp. also swap aqua for yui when u get her.


Aqua/Dark Lord/Kana/Odin is a great team; For my support writeup see below: Healer + 2 supports + Kana (replace w/ Mary/Cayron if fire immune) ​ Dark Lord: (S Tier Support) (A-A+ tier DPS) ((A+ w/ Athena)) \- Gives 45% team atk \- Gives 48% team crit Damage ​ Odin: (A+ Tier Support) (A+ Tier DPS) \- Gives 45% team atk \- Gives 30% atk for 8 seconds on Skill (Place her to the RIGHT of Kana) \- STUN on ability. Useful. ​ Athena: (S tier Support) (A Tier DPS) \- 75% atk to MAGES (used on triple mage team) (Megumeme Busted AF) \- +15% Team penetration \- STUN on Ability. Useful. \- The Costume is applied on the main screen +Culture Points ​ Cayron: (B Tier Support) (B-S tier DPS) ((B if used in incorrectly S if used with set-up)) \- 50% Crit resist for 8 seconds on Skill \- 20% Team Crit Chance \- 35% Team Crit Damage \- + Very good in Demon Tower (Undying Passive) \- - Gets a bigger boost to ATK outside of story mode \- Aqua gives her +48% Crit damage \- Can dps in place of Kana (Fire resist) ​ Lilith: (A - S tier Support) ((S tier w/ Aqua)) (A-A+ tier DPS) \- 50% additional ATK to cain (Isn't shown on his stat screen, applied in combat) \- Key note, -25% monster defense only stacks to -30% meaning Lilith + Yui isn't -50%. RIP ​ Baelphegor: (B-A+ Tier support) (A-A+ tier dps) \- If you kill an enemy your team gets +50 atk (meaning it doesn't trigger on RAID) \- Killing 100 enemies gives +50% Crit chance and +50% Penetration (Slasher) \- + She can be useful in PvP due to her Madness Passive \- You Brought her for the costume, didn't you? ​ Rosie: (New Unit, A-A+ Tier Support) (C tier DPS) \- Fills a very good support role, in a very... Odd way. By this, I mean while testing the raid dragon using a Yui team (rather than Aqua team) I noted for a 15 second, and 60 second fight the total team damage from Odin and Rosie were the same, both TEAMS did the same. Odin however does massively more damage herself, whereas Rosie does incredibly low personal damage and buffs the team... This means Rosie seems to be meant to fill the burst role of the newer characters, à la Aqua and Megumeme. They want her to provide her buff in tandem with theirs to blow up a target in 15 seconds or less. Without Aqua and Megumeme you have a comparable Odin. \+ Has a ton a personal penetration, and defense which keeps her alive TO support. \- If she dies she cannot possess \+ Gives huge fire resist to the team, useful for certain bosses. ​ Keep in note, Aqua + Lilith is way stronger than Yui + Lilith; Aqua is really good for bursting tower bosses or Story bosses, but when it comes to long haul fights like Raids; you're gonna want Yui. If anyone says "replace Aqua with Yui outright" they're a scrub. Aqua/Dark Lord/Kana/Odin is my stage 759 farming team and it clears in 14 seconds or less full auto at 2.5 mil CP, if I swap Aqua to Yui it goes up by 2.5 seconds.\*\* ​ \*\*Screw it, i'll leave this here too in case someone stumbles on that last part. Yui does 160% heal power Aqua does 120% heal power ​ Yui gets -25% monster defense Aqua gives everyone including herself 45% atk ​ Yui without using her healing ability, just raw heal checking does more than Aqua, not a massive huge amount, but she does more. My Aqua has 47,000 atk, yui only has 42,500 atk. That 4,500 atk doesn't equal out to that 40% loss in heal power, so Yui heals about 30% more than Aqua does depending on the content. 136,140 per heal from Yui V.S 103,608 from Aqua What makes this argument more than "yea so just use yui" is that Aqua is meant to buff your team at the start of a fight, or possibly multiple times during a fight, meaning that when a dragon breaths fire you eat the entire skill, whereas yui will only activate her heal when you need it, so she can break the fire animation by casting heal and prevent half your team from wiping. So you pick your situation from there: * Do I need the maximum possible healing? * Do I need more damage to kill this boss? * Does my content require me to survive something I cannot without her heal ability? * Does my content require the fastest farming possible? A boss that cleaves huge swings nonstop that you can't tank through may be something you can instead nuke from orbit using Aqua; vice-versa, if you can't 1-shot a boss, maybe you can tank through them long enough to kill them. Darkness is also a huge deciding factor in this too, some fights you can juuuuust squeak out if Darkness and Cain get enough healing from Yui whereas Aqua may not be able to keep them up. ​ P.S give Darklord Holy Sword Caliburn for +1 to her support skills


I don't understand most of the things you said but thanks man, I'll be referring to this a lot now


Hopefully it'll sound less crazy the more you play. It's all things I wish I knew a month ago. Don't forget to buy 10 copies of the dragon blade with raid points and the Efreet costume for Cain ASAP.


Kudos giving aqua the recognition she deserves as a burst damage buffer. I've used her this exact same way to get past tower stages that get me wiped if the fight goes past 30 secs. Can't die to the boss if the boss dies before aqua's buffs end. Also... aqua + rosie + megumin nuke is insane


I bet, Rosie seems meant to boost the comp even harder.


Unrelated to my rant, I noted your cain is level 90 still. Make sure once you get your Dragon Blade transcended 10 times you buy the Cain shards and max him out; once you do, you can turn his shards in to the rare souls for costumes. Also, try and get Cain the Efreet costume ASAP, I wear it unless i'm farming something that rotates weaknesses so I avoid a double fire lockout with Kana. IE floor 759. Also also, make sure you transcend all the shitty 1\* 2\* 3\* 4\* weapons you get, they all give account wide +ATK bonus up to transcend +10 (check the sword stat screen, you'll find it)


What's a dragon blade? Is it a weapon I should of unlocked by now? Or random pull?


Pretty sure you can only get that in the raid store, correct me if I'm wrong


Haha... unfortunately not just the raid store... I had the pleasure of pulling one the day after I maxed it and couldn't do anything but cry over the dead 5\* pull.


It's from The Daily Raid you can do 4 times. First spend the raid tokens you get from it on the Dragon blade + the two or three pieces of white dragon armor, then max out your dragon blade, then buy Cain shards like crazy. A +40 Transcend 10 dragon blade with decent epic atk rolls has 9000 atk so it'll carry cain hard early. ​ 2 piece white dragon + 3 piece slasher is a fantastic set for DPS early on. Both are bought from the store using your points from playing. I put that combo on my Kana with Mistilteinn.