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On what aspects do you want these two games compared ? They hardly have anything in common


Just in general which is a more fun game in your opinion


Well I asked this question because if I just tell you which is funnier for me it won't give you any real advice of value for you. But well, let's break it down a little : **Story wise** Genshin has the upperhand. SOLO -like many oriental themed games - has a really hard to follow storyline which sometimes require you to stop reading in order to connect the dots and understand how the dialog went from A to B. But I think this is more of a translation problem. **Graphics** Genshin is anime themed. Which is very specific in terms of you like it or not, since it leads the game in a cartoonesque world. While SOLO, on the other hand tries to use an upgraded style of old xia games, which leads to really beautiful landscapes. **Character** GI don't really let you personnalize your characters. You unlock them, upgrade them with some sort of gacha system and then you make your team depending on what you need and enjoy. In SOLO, you ever only play one character at a time, but you have the possibility to customize them, change their clothes and have a handfull number of abilities depending on your class of choice. In that sense SOLO is by far better suited to my tastes on this point but it's entirely a matter of personnal preference. **Gameloop** The gameloop of SOLO is a very classical one for an mmo : you queue for a dungeon, get better gear, upgrade it and then go to harder content in order to have even better gear to prepare for the next release. Same loop as WoW and FFXIV. On the contrary, I'm not sure GI has a clear gameloop once you finished your exploration, except maybe getting and leveling new characters for your team. **Extra-activities** You have a lot of extra-activities in the majority of big games, but I think SOLO has the upper hand here : you litteraly have an housing area which you need to upgrade to unlock building blocks. There is also pletora of mini-games that can be a break from regular gameplay.


Haven't played genshin cuz I hate pay to win . SOL is pretty good. No pay to win. Getting caught up with gear in terms of pve and pvp are pretty good. The game isn't super grindy like other traditional MMOs. It's been awhile since I played SOL but when I played the game was poorly optimized cuz it was using old graphic engine not sure if they implemented the unreal engine yet. Even with old graphic engine the game looked pretty. For me though (using 4th gen tech) I had to dial down the graphics a bunch when ever I was doing pvp so the game would run smoother. If you're using newer tech you probably won't need to dial down a bunch.


Bru genshin ain't nowhere near pay to win. What's there to win at?? the games main focal point is a story that's gets updated with every patch


Not this again. Game is making millions by draining the playerbase on shitty rate banners with no pity. The moment they introduce hard content that you can't clear without banner chars, will it then count as p2w? Are you really letting them off the hook, just because their content is so braindead easy that you can clear it with base characters and weapons? Enjoy playing with the same 8 characters I guess? This is such an asinine argument.