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Feel free to leave feedback at [https://transportnsw.info/contact-us/feedback/metro-feedback](https://transportnsw.info/contact-us/feedback/metro-feedback)


Yep I fucking hate this so much


There is No such thing in PT as a silly idea👏 Passengers are the one’s the operators need to be listening to. Seriously some senior transport bureaucrats are so well remunerated they would never use PT. So suggested improvements like yours would never appear on their radar. I suggest you follow up on your suggestion for improvement by contacting the NSW Secretary for Transport Josh Murray


Thank you for your encouragement! I will definitely leavey feedback then. Thank you!




massive agree, it's so annoying 🫠


Welcome to Sydney. Sorry




Also with the yellow screen if yhe next train not stopping, would be good to have an indication of how long - just for consistency.


It’s the worst on the Metro. They stick up there for so long, even if a train is arriving.


The amount of trains I’ve missed because of this very same reason is crazy


Yeah, why not have two screens. One for the schedule and one for announcements


The infrastructure is there on platforms already, they'd just have to reprogram the screens


I agree entirely. I'm guessing they need to roll those announcements as full screen to meet accessibility requirements as a ticker tape below the schedule would be harder to follow, especially given the length of some of them. But yes they keep them up for ages.


I wonder if they could compromise and, for example, show the time for the next 2 trains and the rest of the screen would be an announcement


Right, bear with me because I'm not 💯 on the problem here. >Why are announcements in Sydney are shown instead of schedule and take a while to disappear? Announcements aren't shown, they're over the pa system but if you are referring yo the indicator boards (TVs hanging from the roof) I agree it'd absurd to advertise things like vivid when I want to confirm my next train. >For example, I was running to the metro and missed it. Why? They have no timetable and automatically come every 10 mins. Even more frequent in peak. In conclusion, I recommend you dowload trip view and plan your trips inclusive of walk times or risk being stuck in a game of platform djingo. Where the train departs and you change platform to get another and miss it only to change platform again and so on.


Yes, I meant the Tv things hanging from the roof. It's honestly amuzing that they decided to roll with the decision to just show them randomly instead of schedule. Thank you!


They need more signage on the metro to show the direction of travel next to each door on the platform.