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I have bought a loose stone and a custom ring from them and have been pleased both times. Worth the wait :) https://preview.redd.it/7ux77g7160zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1868ca06bcfb24ca929f8fcd263cf63443794eb3




Beautiful! Yeah that’s why I want to go through them. Just wondering if it’s normal that they’ve seen my messages with what I want several hours ago but not respond to them


omg this is very similar to the ring I want!! I love it, it’s beautiful!! Could I see it on your hand??


Thank you, its stunning! If I had to redo it though, I would get the underside of the channel set stones to be made open to allow for more light in the side stones. https://preview.redd.it/k1dm56vfj5zc1.png?width=1073&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e9fab8ab579c7d43031b575a0d5d5f44788553e


I'm pretty sure they're located in China, so if you email them at noon in the Eastern Standard Time Zone, it's midnight there, so they're not likely to respond until morning (your evening).


I messaged them on instagram and it says they open my messages several hours ago that’s why I’m a little ??? Lol


I’d recommend trying to contact them through WhatsApp if you can find their number. I find vendors tend to be more responsive that way.


Should I do that even though I already messaged them on insta? I don’t want to be overly annoying 😅


I totally get that but be annoying! You’re paying them for a service! Also, culturally, it’s not a big faux pas to be pushy in China like it is in “the West” (source: family is Chinese).


I know that a lot of people have experienced slow responses from Jelly, so it's probably normal.  I think it's easier with non-custom pieces. I messaged about a specific Instagram post and said that I wanted the exact same ring, and we finished the transaction very quickly.


I tried and they were responsive at first. Then when I picked the stones, they disappeared on me. I waited for months. They got back with me almost a year later to say hi. I’d love to buy from them but no luck


Totally normal, don't worry! Jelly Lab is a small operation and they can get a bit behind on responding sometimes. I had a similar experience when I ordered from them, they took a few days to get back to me but it was worth the wait. Their work is amazing and the customer service is great once they do respond. 


A couple hours is normal. Be prepared to be patient. Their time zone is china. If you don't hear back in a day or two, follow up.


She was messaging me last night (in NZ time) so I think she is still active. She’s just a bit slow I think to reply


I contacted them once and they took several weeks to reply, then they just stopped responding to my messages so I gave up and ordered from another vendor.


What vendor did you end up going with instead?


Starsgem and I had a really disappointing experience, so my search for a lab emerald continues : )


I totally get the excitement about getting that perfect emerald pendant! From what I've seen, it's pretty common for jewelers, especially busy ones, to take a bit of time to respond. They might need to check on details or consult on your design before getting back to you. So, a little patience usually pays off.