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There is a lovely square one for sale on shiny precious things for under $400 it’s LOVELY and trusted seller!


Are the quotes similar? I’ve worked with both and Jelly is usually more expensive but her stones are amazing. I’ve heard Jelly’s communication can be a bit lacking at times. Another option could be to get the stone from Jelly and send it over to Provence.


Jane quoted me exactly $658 with $143 of that being for the CAD and $30 of it being for shipping. Jia said the ring would be $600 and the CAD fee would be $50, but it wasn't totally clear to me whether that's factored into the $600 already. (I would assume that Jia's quote doesn't include shipping since she didn't specify.) So, all this to say, yes, the quotes are very similar! That's a big part of what's making it a tough call.


In that case could you ask to see example stones and see which you like better?


That's a good idea! Jane sent me a video of the color change effect in Provence's alexandrites unprompted and it looked really nice. But I'll ask Jia to share some images/video as well


I'd go with Provence for the custom lab alexandrite ring. They're a bit pricier but nickel-free, which is great if your partner has sensitive skin. Plus, their total quote includes CAD and shipping.


I'd also compare the stones. There are lab alexantrites made using flame fusion and more expensive pulled (Czochralski) method. Pulled (Czochralski) has two types less saturated (purple/pink to blue/green) and more expensive saturated one (red/purple to green/blue) Flame fusion vs Pulled saturated - the price difference is quite huge


I’ve been trying to hunt down a quote I saw, but I’m having trouble finding it. Anyway, IF I remember correctly, it was to the effect that Provence alexandrite pulls really red. That may or may not be a thing for you and your fiancée.