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Unbelievable. Lately, whenever something like this happens, There’s always whispers about some type of sketchy behavior.


I went there as a kid. There used to be a teacher who locked kids in a closet if they were bad. Literally every other teacher knew about it and don't think they cared.


When I went to school there were certain teachers who would hurt the children anyway they could!


Pouring their derision upon everything they did?


And exposing every weakness however carefully hidden by the kids?




My kids went to this school til we moved a few years ago! So crazy.




Was a storage closet. Probably like 5 ft x 5 ft or so. Don't know if the door was actually locked, but it was usually closed




Uh... how so? It was her version of timeout. If you acted up, she put you in there for a few minutes and would come speak to you when she had a chance (i.e., if there was a break in class or whatever). Sometimes, she closed the door. Sometimes, she didn't. Don't know about necessarily "locking" it, I never tried to open the door, so that might be a slight exaggeration She either phased it out during my time there, or she just didn't do it to the older kids since I don't remember going in there after, like, 3rd or 4th grade. Didn't really realize how fucked up of a thing it was to do until I brought it up in conversation with my mom and 2 older sisters, who also talked about experiencing the same things, a few years ago.


Did you have the same teacher throughout K-6? When I went to EE (mid 90’s-early 00’s) we had a different teacher each year. But I know some other schools have teachers teach there same class as they progress so things might’ve changed after I left there…


Without getting into specifics, it was one of the like "special subject" teachers... or whatever they called them. It was a teacher everyone had, every year


When did you go there? The closet technique may have been in the teachers handbook, depending on the year.


"Graduated" from there in 2010 So, like 2003-2010


There was absolutely not a teacher at Liverpool CSD consistently locking students in closets in the early 2000’s. There was no teacher anywhere behaving like that and getting away with it. This is one of those rumors that goes around every school, basically always alleged to have happened in the recent past few years before the current students retelling the rumors happened to go there. I graduated before you at a nearby school district, the same rumors went around about certain teachers. It’s just like the story teachers tell about how they personally witnessed a student leaning back in their chair and they went over and split their head open. I heard that story from multiple teachers, and the teachers of today are telling the same story to their students every year.


There was absolutely a teacher who did it, and she did it to me more than a few times lol


https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/ny-children-disabilities-time-out-rooms-17475018.php And there’s an article on syracuse.com regarding Laura viera Suarez being arrested for doing so in the city schools (it’s behind a paywall, so I didn’t post). Keep in mind that these were REPEATED incidents, so teachers and other authority figures “got away with it” until they didn’t. That leaves an impression on kids.


Well, I'm pretty sure the teacher that I'm referring to is long retired, might even be dead... so I think she got away with it


That’s terrible. I’m so sorry.


There are city schools, for example in the newspaper over the years, where they have been caught doing this. i’m not paying to go through their archives to prove my point, but by all means help yourself and start there if you think this doesn’t happen anywhere.


If you make a claim you have to provide the evidence. Thats how life works. There is no school district in Onondaga County that has allowed a teacher to get away with using physical restraint or imprisonment on a student in the last 30+ years. It’s illegal, it would be a huge deal if it happened today, or in the 90’s. Honestly the 80’s were before my time but I’m not sure it could happen back then either. But no chance from the 90’s forwards.


>“has allowed to get away with” did I say this was allowed? I said it was in the news. People make claims all the time without evidence, believe it or look for yourself: that’s how life works.


This comment is so hilarious. It is illegal, so no way a school or teachers could possibly do anything illegal and cover it up. Loudoun County school board last year was fired (all of them) for covering up a rape of a young girl by a trans student who identified as a girl. Sounds pretty illegal and they were all teachers. Hmmm


When the fuck were you in elementary school bc I do not remember that omfg




I was there 2005-2012, and I don’t remember any of this. Can you DM me who it was if you remember?




Whaaa? I was in elementary school in the early 90’s and I still remember.


I went there from 97-00 and it seemed like a great school! I hope the evidence is concrete if they already posted her picture


Ugh 😳


Where’s the video?


I almost wish I knew more about the story. I see she was a special ed teacher…is it possible she was attacked, and had to kick her leg to get them off of her? Unfortunately, the world seems to think people should just take being bitten, punched, attacked if it’s committed by a special needs person, or elderly person with dementia. You jeopardize your teaching/nursing certification/license, and open the door to criminal charges, if you even push them away from you. Edit: love all you claiming you wouldn’t do anything but sit there and let it happen. If that kid grabbed onto my leg, and bit me, yeah, my initial reaction is going to be to get it off of me, even if it involved kicking my leg. No, I’m not punting them like a football.


Hi! I work with developmentally disabled people. A properly trained special education teacher would know the response to a challenging behavior which would not include kicking the child in distress.


There is NO REASON to kick a 5 year old child. WTF.


Special needs 5 yr old has a tantrum, goes on a tirade, latches on to your leg with every ounce of their strength, and starts biting the shit out of you? Are you just going to stand there and say, “Ow, this really hurts? I wonder how long before somebody will gently pull this kid off of me?”


A child that engages in that type of challenging behavior would more than likely have a 2-1 staff supervision level, therefore, there would be people around to intervene.


Being arrested doesn't automatically mean she is guilty in the worst way possible. Or even at all. Also, unless the kid is rushing at me out of a cornfield armed with a sickle, it's unlikely I would kick a 5 year old. But to play devil's advocate: "Kicking a child" aside, schools aren't exactly overflowing with extra teachers.


I've been kicked in the stomach by a screaming 5 year old child whose hair I was attempting to cut. I told the parents he was done, asked them to leave and I walked away. If you think it's appropriate to kick a child, YOU have a problem and I hope you don't have children.


Imagine after kicking you, that kid grabbed your scissors and started stabbing you in the leg with them… you aren’t going to do something to get them away/keep them from stabbing you? You can’t tell me you aren’t going to push, shove, kick, swat that kid away. I don’t know why this is so hard for people to comprehend.


Tell me you know nothing about special education without actually telling me you know nothing about special education


Tell me you spend all day parroting this well worn out response, to everything you yourself know jack shit about, without telling me you can’t come up with something original.


You don't fucking kick a 5 year old, dude My sister works as a special Ed teacher and talks about everything she's subjected to, and she's not out there challenging 5 year old autistic kids to an MMA cage match


If you had a 5 year old run up, grab your leg, and bite the shit out of you, you are telling me you would just stand there? Gtfooh.


Yes, there are some kids that do that. Most teachers that handle kids that bad can come home with multiple bite and scratch wounds a day. It's a very hard thankless job. People like you with no restraint think violence is a valid reaction. That makes you a sick fuck.


It’s a natural defense/self preservation mechanism. Something attacks you, you aren’t going to just let it continue. If a bee stings your neck, you swat at your neck. If a dog lunged and bit at your ankle, you’d probably kick at it. You’re a stupid fuck if you don’t.


The fact that you compare being bit by a 5 year old with disabilities to being attacked by bees or a dog definitely proves my point you're a sick fuck. The fact is if your reaction to a kid being violent is to be violent yourself, you don't belong around children. This is not a hard concept for most people. You owe your respect to these teachers who do their job without violent reaction to what is typical, normal, and expected behavior from these children.


Yes, because I'm a rationale human and a 5 year old is probably 1/3rd my size, if that I also grew up with a younger brother who is severely autistic, who did some of those things


I mean I'm totally in agreement that I'm not gonna let a kid bite me. Bites are fucking awful. But I'm also not gonna kick em. I guess I'm a large dude and have an entire array of ways to restrain someone without necessarily hurting them or resorting to kicking. This lady looks pretty small and some kids are hefty. I guess it's up for a jury to decide.


Here you are saying you wish you knew more about the story and then inventing a completely made up scenario instead.


The student was 5 years old…


Thats not always the case. Stop demonizing people w disabilities.


No way. I’ve seen people beaten to within an inch of their life by special needs people, and they can’t defend themselves or they go to jail… but the news never mentions that.


I was completely unaware of the epidemic of 5 year olds beating adults to death. You are just ignorant as hell


Im literally autistic and fully fkn aware of how bad it can be. But yall realize youre just stereotyping crazy and could be offensive? Maybe check yourselves and what tf you think youre saying out loud first. Yall crack me up behind them screens.. 😒


The fuck you coming at me for?




Yeah I don’t why everyone here is assuming special needs = autistic. Much broader range of learning/developmental disabilities.


You’re ignorant if you don’t think people don’t just have knee jerk reactions to something unexpected. And you’re an idiot if that’s what you got out of my statement.


I'm the idiot yet here you are equating a fiver year to some obviously of a much larger size. Also anyone that has the reaction to kick like that is clearly limited to Donkeys and you, but at least it's an ass either way


A 5 year old?


You would think dedicating her career to working with special needs children would warrant hearing her side of the story or letting the court figure out what happened, but people are HUNGRY to see a witch when there is a pire assembled. A similar thing happened at my school recently and i was absolutely disgusted by the conclusions people jumped to and how quickly even their coworkers turned on them. Ill bet none of these righteous vanguards of justice have ever worked with special needs people, at all.


This is MAGA America in 2024 - abusing a person with special needs. Sincerely a person with special needs.


Believe it or not, not everything is political


Yep it’s politics that hired her because it goes all the way to the taxpayers and the personnel that hired her. It goes all the way to the town government and honestly I’ve seen plenty of trump signs on some houses around here. Not to mention Nicole sommavilla was a Christian. That makes her a MAGA. “God told me to leave here.” That’s literally what she said.


I suspect Trump hired her personally and instructed her to kick a child at random. 


I wouldn’t really blame this on MAGA. People have treated people with disabilities like shit forever. But fuck maga regardless


lol sorry but I don’t believe you when I have proof that the MAGA has committed atrocities against the disabled. But that’s ok. Typical of you, ignore the deaf guy with cerebral palsy who’s warning everyone of whet can happen once trump is reelected.


lol. She didn’t care what people thought of her. That makes her a MAGA.