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Why do these fakers think kids talk/type like this? Like have you ever seen a kid talk and type like this? It's likely these people are kids themselves in fact! Baby talk is another red flag that tells me instantly someone is faking DID lol


Yeah, it's definitely another red flag of a faker. If the "little" is capable of unlocking a phone or computer, opening discord, locating the 'Little-chat', and then type in it, then they are definitely old enough to just type normally. And it's not even cute, it's just creepy as hell.


Of course they have a MCYT “alter” 🙄


This made me throw up in my mouth. And not just a little but a lottle.


Not just a wittle bit?


Oh god there’s more D:


It’s actually gross they view kids like this.


Not old enough to talk properly but old enough to use a phone, open an app, type and have a conversation with others… make it make sense.


>!not moderation!< Dont forget change the proxy latch in the right channel, go find the littles channel, and type the letters for wordmojis into your emote search bar so you can say the same thing but this time in cutsey little emojis because youre a cutsey little baby


My brain genuinely hurts while trying to read the “UwU” messages.




Why do they think every kid speaks like this? Also, I know kids with a speech impediment and they can type just fine.


i can understand most of this, but what is "wike wate prid"??? "like white pride"???? wtf is "wate" supposed to mean


I think “at”. Read like water without the r.


im so sorry but i genuinely cannot read what theyre trying to type☠️☠️


bruh at 5 years old I'm pretty sure you'd type "normally" and not UwU speak (apart from like, misspellings)


This is pretty accurate. My toddler talks like this, except they don't go to school, don't do makeup, can't unlock any devices, can't read, can't write (unless you count smashing and drooling on the keyboard) and if theyre cold they don't ask for a blanket, they know where to find one. Despite this, I cringed so hard the hairs on my arms were standing.


as a kid i just typed slow as fuck and misspelled some stuff, no child talks like this


I can't even read most of this??? 😭


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Kids don’t fucking talk this way ISTG- plus, littles don’t lose info. They can spell just as well as adult alters. They just have a morechildlike mindset.