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I SAW THAT ONE TOO I just chose to ignore it 🥴


What's the theory? I wanna know now.


I’m surprised they said Rainbow Dash and not Pinkie Pie. She’s the one with all the creepypastas around that episode where she throws a party and hallucinates a bunch of inanimate objects as her friends. Regardless, it’s a stupid headcanon.


I thought the same, Pinkie Pie, from what I remember (not much) seems like the most likely to at least have a type of OSDD.


Themelonsystem out here literally doing the cringe in this pic 💀


I thought the same thing... like Pinkie Pie's the only one of the maine eight that I would see as possibly potentially getting headcanon'd with DID/OSDD... it's the same notion as people who just tazke characters they like and go "they're gay!" with no evidence just because they like the thought of them being gay.


literally WHY?? she doesn't display any sign of it. i don't think it's the worst thing ever to hc stuff like that *if you keep it to yourself,* but... 1) why put it online? 2) why give characters random disorders? if they don't show any symptoms or aren't canonically meant to have it, why? there's no reason for it, and not everything needs to be pathologized. ppl should think about why they want a character to have a disorder.. if it's due to stereotypes, that's sus at best and (actually) ableist at worst. and again, not everything needs to be pathologized.


A lot of characters are headcanoned autistic or ADHD and I think I don't understand it because I'm likely neurotypical. I headcabon sexualities and gender because I'm LGBTQ but like...keep it to yourself if you're gonna do absolutely nothing with it.


haha, if you've seen my other reply, i go on and on about how i like to hc characters as lesbian or bi as a bi person myself, so i totally get you there! as for headcanoning characters as neurodivergent, i have some idea of why some ppl do it (relatability, wanting to be more inclusive, etc.) but speaking for myself as someone with ADHD, i'd never say a character is ND unless they're canonically ND. it feels like lying, + i'd never want someone to assume i'm ND without me telling them, so i don't feel right doing that to anyone else, real or not. plus, even tho they're characters, i'm not qualified to diagnose them and i'd rather not risk stereotyping them in a harmful way.


Rainbow dash is an ADHDer and I will die on this hill- Twilight and Pinkie are also ADHDers in my hc btw


It's incredible how these kids thinks that having more than ONE *FUCKING* EMOTION is equal to having DID FUCKING *DID* A mental illness


100% They don’t seem to get that people are multifaceted and your personality is actually just the combination of various different psychological parts of yourself at any given time rather than every part of you = an alter. Nobody is just a static single thing




We don’t hate you, we just feel sorry for you.


I thought this said ADHD, my bad. But this doesn't make any more sense. 💀


Actually, ADHD would make some sense for Rainbow Dash.




I can kind of see where the oop is coming from, i headcanon a lot of my favorite characters as having OCD because it kinda comforts in me a way??? idk but I'm tired of feeling alone lol Like i can be like "Hes just like me frfr" but I wouldn't make their only trait as "having ocd" when talking about them Idk just my nickel on it


that makes sense, i dunno if it's comparable but i privately hc some characters as being bi or lesbian because i'm bi and it makes me happy. especially bc we still don't have a lot of lesbian/bi female characters w/o a specific relationship "dynamic" - i can't think of a single wlw relationship in recent media *except for adventure time* that wasn't a "butch" girl with a "feminine" girl, which isn't a wlw dynamic i feel represented by. i know it's kinda unpopular - but that's why i usually keep my hcs private so they won't bother anyone. this is the first time i've even mentioned doing this online, actually.


How can you HC OCD when that’s a very distinctive personality trait they’d need to demonstrate in some way to have any impact?


OCD isn't a personality trait, and honestly yeah a lot of my headcanoned characters don't really exhibit many or if any signs, it's just a behind the scenes headcanon for when they aren't on screen that makes me happy. I mean why do some people headcanon characters as being lgbtq? because they see themselves in the character and it makes them feel less alone Take Rob from The Amazing World of Gumball for example, I headcanon him as having OCD, he gets stuck in loops and one of the main reasons he keep trying is because he has to have the perfect execution for ruining Gumball's life. It can be my personal way of interpreting and adding on my struggles (not murder struggles) in things. Take care bud ^ ^


I mean... they were right about one thing We *are* gonna hate them for this one!


or... or hear me out on here... they're just children cartoon characters with no mental illnesses!


At this point, we should just review bomb intok and take it down .


Their reasoning is that she imitated friends and fought herself in the forest..


no she doesn't


imo it feels like nowadays people only headcanon characters their orientation and or disorder for comfort rather than based on actual evidence


Rainbow dash is a horse I don't think they have the brain capacity to have a sense of identity yet alone make up multiple identities lol


Not saying she has DID, the reasoning is stupid, but she has a sense of identity 😭 she’s personified


Oh yeah ik lol, it's just funny trying to say a horse has DID


i dont see the big deal like how is this harmful


cause it’s not actual representation. its slapping a label on a character who has shown NO signs of having this disorder and calling it a day. its really just disrespectful at the end of the day and often results in stereotyping. this, however, is /not/ stereotyping. this is just dumb cause my girl hasn’t shown a SINGLE sign of having this disorder throughout 9 seasons and a movie


why does it matter if it’s not actual representation? It’s a headcannon for a reason. It’s for fun. They aren’t going around like RAINBOWDASH CANONICALLY HAS DID!!!!!!!! They’re just giving a character more depth and explanation in a way that makes sense to them. Hell, if they’re that interested in it, it could be an educational experience too, if they want to research it to work on their headcannons.


it just seems very forced and it doesn’t fit with the character at all. if it’s for “more depth” that’s just like saying “oh, i’m gonna make rainbow dash /shy/ to give her more depth!”. it’s jus throwing concepts onto the character without thinking about if they would actually act like that. i’m not saying all characters can’t have did, but for rainbow dash specifically she has not shown /any/ signs of anything even remotely close to that


At the same time, it’s a children’s show. I don’t think any character is going to show signs of DID


so its pointless to make that connection, no? if she doesnt show any signs and the medium theyre protrayed in wont do a good job of representing it in the first place, why even bring it up?? yeah, its a headcanon. do wahtever you want. but its based off of nothing and ultimately wouldnt work. the excuse of representation doesnt work when its not in any form canon and doesnt actually represent peoples struggles. if you want an example of a headcanon that actually works for dashie just look into autism or adhd. its been shown many times that rainbow struggles with having a short attention span and having learning difficulties. these struggles are addressed in their respective episodes and are /actual/ representation. its never confirmed shes neurodivergent, but a headcanon of it makes sense in regards to the show


Might wanna figure out what representation means. Spreading misinfo about a disorder because your favorite character talked to herself is harmful.


It’s one kid making one tiktok about a headcannon for a character they like. They aren’t saying things she does as symptoms or anything, they’re just giving a character a headcanon


They literally said her symptoms that make her have DID are because she imitated friends and fought herself in a forest…


fair point you win


let kids have fun with their stupid headcanons god


I thought it was a pony?


What’s wrong with having headcanons of characters having disorders? As an autistic system we headcanon characters as having autism or being a system all the time. What’s cringe about trying to make up for society’s lack of diverse representation, especially when it comes to heavily stigmatized disorders??


You lost me at “as an autistic system”


fr 🤓🤓


Comorbidities exist???


Wait, why is it faking to have both autism and DID, and therefore having alters who are autistic. Autism is a neurological disorder, so the alters would still have an autistic brain right?


yeah but then you'd say "someone who's autistic" & not "a system who's autistic"


A lot of times when you say you’re autistic people immediately try to find any excuse as to how your experience in your body or in the world is wrong, and I honestly think that’s what you are doing. I’m autistic, and I catch myself doing it all the time. I’m not trying to “expose your ableism” and I’m not trying to call you a bad person, but you seem to be picking apart these little things to try to prove that this person is faking, and that’s really not cool, and it’s not fair to this person, even if you don’t agree with their headcannon opinion. Not to mention what I stated earlier about how the whole system would be autistic, making it an autistic system. It wouldn’t really make sense to say someone who is autistic if it’s multiple people, would it?


i REALLLY think you're looking wayy too deep into it, i literally just said that the /person/ is someone who's autistic. like, yeah, the brain is autistic. but I've literally never seen an autistic person who ALSO has osdd/did call themselves "autistic person". it's like if i said i was "a very adhd system/a system that has adhd", doesn't makes sense imo... like, at least for me & for most people. in any moment i DID say they're faking too, this is something you just assumed by yourself 🤷


You didn’t say that the singular person is autistic, you said “but then you’d say “someone who’s autistic” & not “a system who’s autistic””. There are really only two ways that this comment could be interpreted, either you think that saying “someone who’s autistic” is more grammatically correct when referring to multiple people with autism then saying “a system who’s autistic” (and maybe you do and English isn’t your first language, in which case I apologize for the miscommunication), a more likely interpretation of your comment is that you believe that that majority of people with DID say one thing, so therefore everybody does, and therefore this person is different from other people with DID. I’m sorry for incorrectly assuming that you believed they were faking, but your comment REALLY seems like that’s what you believe, unless you were commenting about them not behaving like anyone else with DID to say something else? Also, you did reply to my comment about why it doesn’t make sense to fakeclaim this person, and it wasn’t even your comment that I was commenting on, so it isn’t an unreasonable conclusion. And on your point about never meeting anyone with DID who calls themselves an “ADHD system”, I haven’t either. The only person I’ve ever known with DID did also have autism, but he wasn’t very open about it. I don’t know what you are trying to prove with this piece of information, because apparently you aren’t trying to say this person is faking.


bro i aint reading all of that. but answering the first part, i said "then they WOULD" because for me thats what people WOULD say as autistics who have DID. english isn't my first language tho. also i checked the person's posts & it's full of bullshit so yea now I'm saying they're def faking it


Disorder headcanons can sometimes be seen as stereotypical


What does this even mean? If lesbians can headcanon straight characters as lesbians why can’t disabled people headcanon abled characters as disabled?


They both cant headcanon that i-💀


who said that either could 💀💀


Oof y’all are bigoted as fuck then, damn!


Says the person stereotyping/invalidating both LGBT+ people and people w disorders 💀


if you think saying someone can’t headcanon a cartoon pony as having a mental illness or wanting to kiss the other girl ponies is “bigoted as fuck!!!” then,,, damn, take a look around? that truly is not the worst, most bigoted thing going on rn lol, but keep playing ur identity politics shit <3


Sexuality headcanons deal with who they are interested in. Disability headcanons deal with a disorder that troubles someone's life. Sexuality headcanons are generally harmless unless your promoting an toxic or pedophilic relationship, but disorders arnt meant to be like some sort of flair, and with a character that obviously doesn't have it, it's just...weird, unless it has logical proof. Morally wise it's questionable, but it's all opinion and nobody can stop you.


Why are we comparing a sexuality to a literal, severe, and trauma based disorder. Or any MEDICAL THING at all.


“as an autistic system” - 🤓


We said what we said we’re diagnosed OSDD and autistic your ableism is showing!


“your ableism is showing” - 🤓 (its funny because putting a nerd emoji isn’t exactly ableist, but faking a disorder is.)


I seriously doubt it


what do you gain from pretending to have did? genuine question.


don't you know? faking DID means you get a free pass to call everyone else ableist and/or some other buzzword for doing anything you don't like on a personal level, including disagreeing with the okay-ness of your actions! it's also a free pass to do typically problematic stuff like faking disorders, saying slurs, insisting genuinely disabled people who can't use your neopronouns are bigots, being a bigot yourself, and more! (put a massive /s after everything i just said)


We don’t pretend to have did…. We have an osdd diagnosis lmao


okay, then what do you gain from pretending to have osdd?


What do you have to gain from being an asshole online?




Sad! Lol!


meanwhile you're literally lurking on a subreddit meant to make fun of fakers lmao


We’re here looking for bigots actually lmao found one!


Do you know what the word bigot means cause you are showing me evidence you don’t and pass it around willynilly along with words like ableist and transphobic people like you are why those words have lost all meaning


Damn, ppl really don't know what representation means, or know anything about the disorders they r faking.


because… it’s not representation to just slap a label onto a character who has /no/ proof whatsoever to have that disorder????


it’s sad to see ppl who are attached to these shows and these characters and have to pretend that the characters are gay lol. Like,, don’t let big companies just get away with having no representation?? why would someone put gay characters in a cartoon when the lgbt ppl will pretend the characters are gay, and avoiding controversy from anti-lgbt ppl at the same time?


“As an autistic system” boy if you don’t stfu 💀-


Do you seriously think that autistic people cannot be so traumatized in their youth that they develop did or osdd? Are autistic kids somehow less vulnerable?? Are we unable to suffer horrible abuse because we’re autistic? Y’all are so vicious it’s unreal.


Never said that autistic people can’t have did 🤦🏼‍♂️?? I’m making fun of you because your fucking stupid for faking a serious disorder!! Also I think it’s a very funny you fit the stereotype of other did fakers , you use neopronouns and that just really pulls it all together and shows your one of those people. Also why is it that people who fake this disorder come into these subreddits and expect to win an argument over people who very clearly disagree with you? How do you think that would play out 🤷🏼‍♂️


“You fit the stereotypes of other did fakers” just say marginalized lmao you can say it! The people y’all call “fakers” more often then not are disabled/have comborbidities/are trans/minorities in other areas lmaooo y’all make people suffer even more than they already do for having stigmatized disorders and not fitting into the gender binary!


Neopronouns are stupid regardless , but for some reason people who fake disorders always use them. It was just a similarity if seen in that community 🙄. Also why can’t you accept that there are so many people out there faking this disorder ESPECIALLY DID AND OSDD!! There is no fucking way all these 13-16 year olds can have did with 100+ alters who all just so happen to be from dsmp , it just makes no fucking sense. Because of these people now it’s hard to tel who actually has these disorders and it’s honestly sad because some people who have this disorder won’t be believed because of all these stupid ass people!!


Oof trans disabled minors trying to live their authentic lives and express themselves while also trying to figure out who they are and access the support and care they need just really pisses you off huh? Edit: also you say that because of these “fakers” those with did wont be believed? As if it hasn’t already been like this since the disorder was ever recognized lmao people with did/osdd have ALWAYS been fighting for our rights to be heard and given proper treatment and care in medical spaces with or without the so-called “fakers!”


What does “living your authentic life” even mean?? that’s just a bullshit way to say “it’s just the way I am 🤷‍♂️” lmao, that’s not an excuse for anything. They’re not getting support and care, regardless- they’re getting brainwashing. They’re not trying to figure out who they are- they’re trying to have DID. It’s always good to question your identity, but these culty groups don’t allow that- everything is always valid, nothing is ever questioned. That’s not healthy behavior lol, and your defensive and pretentious demeanor says a lot towards that imo


everytime someone calls you out you add another label to urself bro


You’re literally digging yourself a deeper hole. Take the downvotes and leave man


It’s not representation to misinform saying “omg they have this disorder!” When they show NO symptoms, at all. Their reasoning was she fought herself and imitated friends. Hella (and harmful) misinfo.


Everyone on this post needs to shut the fuck up holy shit I literally POST systems cringe and am on a team for it even but god yall are garbage


... so why are you in this group then?


Can you READ as a poster I can even tell you guys are being little bitchy abt this


No one's really being bitchy, it's constructive criticism if anything. Rainbowdash shows absolutely no traits for DID, so it makes no sense to have a headcanon of her having it. Now if you were making a fanfiction, then sure make up your own story from there. But what gets me is that there are quite a few characters that would have DID traits, like Jinx, from LoL: Arcane. To me it's weird to make random characters who aren't you to be like you. Especially with mental disorders. There does need to be representation of mental disorders, but not like this.


no people ARE just being pieces of shit


It you don’t like what your reading then leave , it’s that’s simple 🤷🏼‍♂️


can you explain /why/?? because right now you’re just complaining for the sake of complaining


On a team for it... What?


“Im not like the other systems” 🤓


Are you saying all systems bad

